Your Mind’s Whiteboard

Did you know you have within you the power to create anything your heart desires? Whether in business, or your personal life, you can create a life, a community, a whole world, and entire universe, all with the power of your mind.

Let’s just look at your mind as a huge whiteboard. You’re armed with a fresh set of colored whiteboard markers, and you can write anything you want on the whiteboard in your mind. What thoughts would you write on the whiteboard of your mind? Positive thoughts? Negative thoughts?

This simple whiteboard tool allows you to be able to initiate the creation process. In the boardroom of your mind, you can create new goals, visions and make plans, sketching out plays to achieve your highest and best. And it all starts, right here, in the boardroom of your mind.

Every time you enter your board room, you have complete control of your whiteboard. No one else and you’re armed with an unlimited fresh set of colored whiteboard markers chart out any path through any challenge you may be facing. If you start using this process, no matter what you may be feeling outside, in here, in your boardroom, you are the inspired, powerful master coach, planning your next coup.

You can change your whiteboard at any time. You came to this planet with everything you would possibly need to create the life you desire, and if you persist to forge forward on the path of what you desire, those things that don’t make sense to you now, will emerge from the fog and become crystal clear at just the right time. And the people and tools that you need to push through to the next level will be there, if you honor your journey, are sincere and diligent.

If you walk into your boardroom and see negative thoughts, feelings or opinions on your whiteboard, you can use your dry eraser to wipe them away and replace them with positive thoughts, feelings and better ideas for a bright future.

If you see someone else’s words scripted out on your white board, you can mark it up, correct it and rewrite it, like a master mathematician or scientist solving a mystery of life, and restate it in it’s power and beauty, retaining the pearls of wisdom and projecting a fabulous future.

There may have been an important key hidden within someone’s statement that struck you wrong, or hurt your feelings. You can solve for it, like an equation on your mind’s whiteboard, turning a potentially defeating statement into a power-packed prediction of an amazing unfolding.

Remember, what anyone says to you is not about you. It’s about them. They may have meant to dissuade you in some way, to slow you down, or throw you off-track altogether. But you can look for the hidden treasure secretly hidden within their words, decoding for the missing ingredient that you need to perfect your formula. This is the unseen mission of the antagonist, to hide the clues you need to solve your problems that appear to have no solution.

This is why, when someone spews venomous opinions or gestures at you, you are unmoved. You have no need to react or defend yourself, but you do take note of their message. You determine what is fact and leave it as that, remove any false information and opinion, but looking for any hidden meaning that may be helpful for you on your journey. Sometimes, the jewel inside an otherwise flaming insult, can be just what you need to break-through to a new plateau in your pursuits.

You can use your super duper whiteboard eraser to start over anytime you want with a totally clean slate, the ultimate Control-Alt-Delete reboot. Just wipe it clean, and start over.

And you have all this power within you, accessible by that silly little thing that others have told you was only used by fools, your imagination. What they don’t want you to know is that your imagination is the most powerful tool you have. It holds power that is only now beginning to be realized, and it’s unsettling to the scientific world as they are beginning to realize there may be nothing of greater potential than the human imagination un-tethered.