You Are a Life Coach Free Certification Online

If you’ve tasted the variety of flavors that may be experienced throughout your life journey and you’ve looked the devil in the eye and lived to tell the story, there’s a good chance that you are a life coach in the making.

You already know, just by my mentioning it, you felt a synergistic response because you already know. There’s a part of you that knows this is the purpose of your journey, to help others who are facing some of the same kinds of challenges that you have faced and survived.

You would not have had to endure those challenges if it wasn’t part of your sacred destiny. You have experienced training that no person could have ever learned in any school, college, or university in the world. You are an expert in your field already.


Of course, you could train as an Olympian Life Coach, or there are many courses available all over the world, but this is not necessary. If you’re interested, you can find a free online training and certification at the bottom of this page.

The demand for life coaches has never been greater than it is today.

As a Life Coach, you have a unique skill set that includes a desire to overcome challenges and live a better life. You also have an incredible draw toward the idea of helping others do likewise.

Some of the things you will be helping others to do would include identifying and changing habits that might be preventing someone from having the life they want. You believe that people should find ways to get along with each other, you’re pretty good at bringing people together, and encouraging them to work through their differences.

Life can be hard, and you will be able to help people hang on, and help to gain perspective about the things that might be getting them down, helping them reduce their stress levels, and assisting them in finding peace and harmony in their lives.

Living a difficult life can cause someone to give up on the search for love and happiness. You can give them hope and help them realize that if they could just take control and approach life differently, the whole world around them changes. Then love and joy become options when they may not have been previously.

You can help them define their goals and acting as their accountability partner, you can help them achieve their goals and greatly enhance their quality of life.

There is little work that you can do that is so rewarding as being a life coach. I have been blessed to do this type of work most of my life, and I can tell you, there’s nothing better than boing in the room with someone when they make a breakthrough or have a life-changing epiphany. This is good work.

Nowadays, I am more focused on training coaches rather than the one-on-one sessions (though I still do those as well). I feel like it is a way that I can greatly multiply my efforts by teaching others to help many others achieve their highest and best. This is the latest expansion of my personal calling and mission in life.