It’s Easier to Find What You’re Looking For

You might like to grow, expand, and evolve into your highest and best version of yourself. If so, you might expend a lot of thought, time, effort and financial resources in attaining such a desire. This may lead you to embark on a journey which leads you across the land in your pursuit, but there is a part of you to knows there are no great lengths that you must go through, no need to crawl on broken glass, walk across hot coals, or climb the highest mountain to find what you are looking for.

It’s easier to find what you’re looking for than you might think.

Everything you are searching for is inside of you. Even though you may feel like it is not, or if it is within, it must be deeply hidden and inaccessible. This is the lie. The biggest conspiracy of all time.

You can see this powerful light of light within if you look for it and will allow yourself to see it within. Finding it requires a journey, not without, but within yourself. This evolutionary journey leads to the exposure of you, all that you are, could have possibly imagined, and somehow knew was there all the while.

It requires some inner work, which will turn out to be your most important, deep, and best inner work which is necessary to unite yourself, the self that you’ve known until your awakening, with the you which is the culmination of all this life has offered you thus far, your most highly evolved self, and the unlimited treasure which awaits you as you become who you were meant to be in all your fullness in this life.

What, you might ask, is this deep inner work?

There is a tool which you were born with called your “imagination.” Your imagination is not the silliness of youth as you’ve been led to believe. The truth is THIS is the most powerful tool you have within you to access all the power and love of the universe to overcome and embrace any challenge you may have in this life, as well as opening all doors to your heart’s desires to you.

To overcome the programmed separation of your selves, you will need to go within, quieting the chatter of your programmed mind, using the power of your imagination. Doing so will allow you to view, even if vaguely at first, your highest and best self and the infinite power and possibilities which are available to you.

We call this process meditation, the quieting of your mind, looking to find solace in the space between your thoughts, enveloping your self in the nothingness. In this non-restrictive state of consciousness, you are able to access the pure power and sacred divinity of all that is, and begin to see yourself in the center of it all.

From this vantage point, all things make sense. Outside of it, well, all you can see are the inconsistencies and chaos of it all. Inside is quiet, calm, exquisite synchronicity, perfect timing, peace and harmonic balance in all things.

If you like, you may go into your place in space with me.