How to Find Your Purpose

You’re awakening to the idea that there must be more to this life, and there is. The life you’ve been living up ‘til now may be a constant denial of the idea that your life has meaning and purpose. You came to this planet with a unique set of skills, special abilities and a song to sing (message to share) with others. It might be time to find out how to find your purpose.

It’s no wonder your life lacks a sense of meaning, if you’re not embracing the real you. And you’re not alone. We’re all pretty much in the same boat. We’ve all been programmed to be sheep, easily herded in a society desperately trying to control us all by creating factions of conformity. It is much easier to manage groups of like-minded people than it is to try to influence 7 billion people. So, our individuality is stifled as we are programmed by our parents to accept the mediocrity of conformity, just as their parents and the parents before them did, as far back as anyone can remember and/or document.

More and more every day a growing number of us are awakening from our everyday trance of life to the idea that we might have a purpose and we do, we all do. So, it’s no surprise if one day you ask, What is my life’s purpose?

How do I find my life’s purpose?

While I spend a great deal of time working with clients to find and embrace their calling or purpose, what most people fail to realize it that their life leaves clues as to their purpose sprinkled everywhere. You can find your life’s calling by following your passion’s trail of crumbs leading the way to your purpose.

Your purpose glistens beneath the surface of your daily activities and can be found shining through as you perform your functions at work and likely even more passionately in your recreational activities.

There are some good methods you could employ to get a sense of your life’s purpose. Start by taking note of those activities where you shine, have exemplary performance that is noticed by coworkers or onlookers. What turns you on? What are the activities that bring you joy, provide a sense of satisfaction, contentment, relaxation or peace?

Make a list of the things you do, that when you do them, make you feel good.

If you’re still feeling uncertain about your life’s purpose, here are some more ideas… jot down your results.

What activities cause time to disappear when you’re engaging in them?

What activities give you a sense of accomplishment (or would if you did them)?

What people or ideas or things inspire or move you (may even tempt a tear)?

What kind of topics do people ask you for advice about?

What comes naturally to you? (Special abilities, skills and/or gifts)

What is the most important thing in life to you?

What challenges in life have you encountered and successfully overcome?

What are your most tightly regarded beliefs?

If you could teach a class about anything, what might interest you?

If you could deliver one brief message to the world, what would it be?

Is there anything in life you feel you could not live without?

Imagine you on your death bed; is there anything you might have regretted not doing?


With your list of results in hand (which you could sort in order of importance, rated on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being the least amount of satisfaction and 10 the most), ask yourself this question:

Considering my skills, talents, abilities, passions and things that bring me joy, how could I best serve my self, family, friends, community or the world at large in a way that would make me feel as though I have made an impact, served or done my part for the greater good?

The answer to this question is your mission.

Once you start engaging in fulfilling your life’s mission, nothing makes you feel better or gives you a better feeling of accomplishment. This is how you know that you know you are purposefully on track to living a better life, your best life and make the world a better place.

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