Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM)

Today, your Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM) is excited because you’re becoming aware of its existence.

Your PMPM is your reason for being here. No one knows it better than you, even though you may have covered it up (through no fault of your own, because our society is resistant to the idea of you having PMPM, and embracing it, is against everything that society stands for), it lays there dormant waiting for the day that you awaken to the possibility of it being there.

Today is the day you are awakening, even if only for the briefest moment of clarity, in this moment, you have knowingness that there is something more in this life. You’re contemplating the living of a life with meaning, a better life, possibly your best life, and thinking that you might be able to offer a contribution, maybe leave a legacy, and make the world a better place.

P – Purpose

Your purpose is the reason you came to this planet for the benefit of others, your family, the community, or the world at large. It is the culmination and expression of your gifts, talents and abilities which contribute to a better world. Your purpose will most likely include (but not be limited to) your message, your passion and your mission.

M – Message

Your message is a specific expression of words or thought which will cause others to think about a particular thing in a different, or from a more expansive, point of view, that could result in a paradigm shift, potentially affecting consciousness locally or worldwide. Your message may appear to be similar to someone else’s message but YOUR message will be so much more unique because it will be a reflection of you, the live you have lived and your voice which will be specifically attenuated to a particular audience (of one or more). I also refer to your message as your song, and encourage you to sing it.

P – Passion

No one knows more about your passion than you. It’s that activity that submerses you in The Zone, an alternate reality in time and space where you are thoroughly enveloped by what you love. When you are actively engaged in something that you are passionate about, everything else seems to fade away, as if nothing else matters, and even time seems to disappear as you do that thing which you are so passionate about. Passion is the fuel that powers your innate gifts, skills and abilities to degrees of empowered, successful performance, which is easily identifiable by others when you are demonstrating it. You might not even notice it, because it seems so natural, and you feel so good when you are engaging your passion.

M – Mission

Your mission is your particular task, or series of tasks to be performed throughout, or as the result of living, your life, here on planet earth. All of this is part of your life’s blueprint, and it is a pre-programmed part of your innermost being that has been with you since (or long before) the day you were born.

Are Your Ready for Your
Purpose Message Passion Mission (PMPM)?

Sometimes you are able to make it through life with your sense of purpose, message, passion and mission intact, but in most cases, you will have all but forgotten any of this by the time you are seven years old.

In fact, when I am working with a client, who is in search of their PMPM, most of the time all it takes is recalling the early years of their life, before they were seven years old. If they are able to do this, and remember what excited them, how they felt when they were there, in the moment of exhilaration of being aware of their PMPM, because in those early years, prior to being fully programmed (or having your PMPM psychologically removed or beat out of you) you knew who you were and what you were here for.

You are never more aware of your PMPM than at birth, but of course trying to keep it all together, make sense of it, or have the ability to express it is impossible. You have to wait until your body and your mind catch up, and as soon as you’ve gasped your first breath of air, the programming (or deprogramming) begins.

Regardless of what it takes, or how you do it, once you are able to identify and tune-in to your PMPM, then it’s up to you, whether you will fully engage in it, or not. You can choose not to, it’s what society has programmed you for, and what it expects from you.

On the other hand, that greater part of you, (call it whatever you want) God, the universe, your higher self, nature, or whatever, has never forgotten your PMPM and is hoping that you go for it.

I refer to it as God, as this is a safe and comfortable concept to me, and God is watching you so intently at this moment. God sees your heart, your blueprint, all your known and yet-to-be-revealed gifts, skills, special abilities and the treasure hidden within you waiting to be released…

I’m waiting; the whole world is waiting, to see if you’ve got the courage to do this thing.

Are you ready?

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