Scientific Discoveries and Distraction

Is it too much to think that what we know about history and science is still basically nothing in comparison to what will be known in the next hundred years?

Are scientific discoveries a distraction Take the high road Be OpenIf you think about it; we have learned so much in the last couple of hundred years that it nearly boggles the mind altogether.

In just the last couple of decades; so many things that scientists and researchers believed to be true have been rocked by new scientific discoveries.

An avid researcher, I myself have opted out of the search for answers to everything. There are so many latest developments that I cannot keep up with it all – and I can afford to be knocked off my path to my higher purpose – so, I defer to others whose passion it is to uncover and dig down deep for the facts revealing new discoveries.

New revelations can be an unwarranted distraction luring me to drop what I’m doing and jump in to the race for facts and data as the scientist within desires to dissect and understand the mysteries of life. When I catch myself standing on the springboard, I try to regroup, reassess and get back on track; thinking to myself, “Whew! That could have consumed the rest of my life.”

While new scientific advancements are being made every day, I’ve decided just to remain open to all the possibilities and hypotheses as they emerge, for if I’ve learned anything, I’ve found that anything – possibly everythingis possible.

Things that were so far removed from human consciousness as being possible are not only possible but are facts of our everyday life now. Things that were mere fantasy and science fiction only 150 years ago are factual reality in this moment.

This can’t help but challenge anyone’s belief system. Is what I believe true? Yes. Can truth change over time? Yes.

Is anything really possible?

Yes. Given the proper time and circumstance.

A brief example might be: Can a man fly?

The initial answer is no. Unequivocally and absolutely “No” 200 years ago, right? Wait-a-minute; what if you placed a man in a catapult and launched him like a cannonball? Wouldn’t he be flying? What about the man who leaps off a ledge into a bottomless pit? Would he not be flying? No, you say, he would be falling. Isn’t that a matter of perspective?

What if you put him in a hang-glider or on an airplane? What, if in the next 50 years, a personal flight suit is developed that when worn does make a man’s independent flight possible?

There is Isaac Newton’s renowned, “What goes up, must come down,” reference to gravity. Fact. Unless of course we begin to challenge, manipulate and use gravity’s forces to alter the outcome.

Yet, there are those who hold so tightly to the notion that a man cannot fly, that they are willing to fight for their unrivaled authoritarian view. Do they have the right to believe whatever they want? Absolutely; in that regard, you’re absolutely right, men cannot fly.

Just as you have the right to believe they cannot; I have the right to entertain the idea that they could. Fair enough?

Rather than waste my time being the skeptic – fighting and arguing over something that I may regret later – I will be the believer in all things, allowing others to sort out the details while I remain focused on my mission to help others achieve their highest and best.

Are scientific discoveries a distraction?

Take the high road: Be open.

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