The Top 40 Reasons Love Does Not Exist

Many people don’t believe in love and believe that love doesn’t exist.

Prior to attending our Awakening to True Love Workshop, here are the top 40 reasons love does not exist:

1. If you fall in love with someone it is only based on your perception of that person at the time. It is unrealistic to think they could be like that in real life. When you find out, the love you had fades away.

2. Love is lust’s wanting to own and control someone else for regular source of sex supply.

3. Being in love is the same chemical reaction in humans as eating a volume of chocolate.

4. Love is a repackaging of a system that justifies manipulation and control to get what you want from someone else.

5. Love victimizes the person in a relationship that is weaker.

6. Love is an excuse used to encourage someone to play the martyr in the name of love.

7. People are selfish, so they use love to get what they need.

8. People who are in long-term relationships only survive because one of them gives up and gives in to make it last.

9. Love brings nothing but pain and disappointment.

10. Love can bring happiness but only for a while, then it fades and disappears altogether.

11. If you deeply love someone else, they will disrespect you and always be looking for someone else to make them feel good, no matter how hard you try.

12. If people could commit and keep their word, love could be possible, because they cannot, it is not.

13. My parents said they loved each other, got married, had us, were never happy and are divorced. There is no such thing as love.

14. Scientists have proven there is no such thing as love. It is a chemical reaction in the brain associated with the hormone called Oxytocin.

15. Since there is no concrete definition of love, what it is, what it means, two different people could not plausibly share the so called, “love.”

16. The feeling of love may last for a moment, but not for long, then it’s time to move on to the next one.

17. Long-lasting love isn’t anything more than a fairy tale told by fantasizing mothers to their daughters.

18. One’s ability to love changes with their moods, so there is no such thing as true love. You love when you feel good, not so much when you’re not feeling good.

19. Love requires trust. Since you cannot ever really trust anyone else, you can’t have love.

20. Look at the rate of divorce, it tells you love is not real.

21. People who are married for a long time fake it to make it.

22. I won’t ever love somebody, because I am honest. No one can love an honest person. If you want love, you must be a liar.

23. Back in the day they came up with the idea of love an marriage as a way to survive on the farm. Now, we know better.

24. If anyone could have loved me, I would believe. Since no one could do it, I don’t believe in it.

25. I believe I can love someone but cannot believe anyone can love me, like I can love them, so there is no love it if it is one-sided.

26. If you fall in love with someone, get ready to have your heart broken, lose everything and never believe in love again.

27. Being in love with someone is foolish and dangerous. Only an idiot would fall in love, and I’ve been an idiot more than once. Not doing it again.

28. Love is an outdated dream, that cannot be realized in modern times.

29. Men do not have a capacity or capability to love, so cross-sexual love is not possible.

30. The idea of love is inside your head and cannot be realized in real life. Love is an illusion.

31. You can love everyone, or no one, but you will never find “the one” you can love forever. That is ridiculous.

32. Love is not love, it is an addiction. You can’t help looking for love because you’re addicted to it, and you will never find enough of it to satisfy once an for all.

33. People fall in love with things that fade with the time and end up being in love with what doesn’t exist (or may have existed earlier).

34. If you’re saving your love for the perfect person, forget it no one is perfect.

35. Why does everyone even talk about love? It’s just a word you say, when you want to get laid.

36. Love implies commitment. No one can commit to anything in our disposable society today.

37. In humans, love is polyamorous. To expect monogamy from a species designed to enjoy multiple partners is just wrong.

38. True love is really only lust that morphs into friendship and may be survivable in the long run, if you’re willing to lower your expectations.

39. Love is a government imposed scam to create more taxpayers and consumers.

40. There is no such thing as love. If true love were possible, you wouldn’t be asking me that question, would you?

Why do you think love doesn’t exist?

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

48 thoughts on “The Top 40 Reasons Love Does Not Exist”

  1. 29 is the usual anti male drivel always spewed out from the mouths of women…it goes both ways…women cannot love either as love does not exist in reality it is a big commercial lie to perpetuate vast profits. for someone if you like and be with them for ever like some other species do…but like most apes…we live to mate…survival of the fittest..not line the pockets of commercial con artists who use the word cynically. Read Sperm Wars by Robin Baker.
    Only one can and should be loved..GOD THE POWER.

    1. I would kindly disagree. How can you ever love anything outside of you, if you don’t try and love yourself first? Love is really just about wanting the best for something. To see that something for what it really is, not for all of the illusions we wrap up around it. If we can’t strive to do something so simple for ourselves, I am not sure we would ever know how to truly extend outside of our own being. We all have a huge blindspot when it comes to ourselves, just like we do in our physical eye. Our mind is always trying to fill it in just like it does physically. But those who love us can have a different perspective. They can see around that spot we can’t see around ourselves.

      Just my two cents..

      1. IS THIS A GROUP OF IDIOTS! THIS IS ALL I THINK AND WHAT HAPPENED TO ME (replace i and me to the page writers name) HALF OF THIS SHIT IS FALSE

      2. I do love myself, but that doesn’t mean I’m a lovable person. A wise women once told me, love is just lust in disguise

    1. You live to achieve your own life goals. I’m only starting to realize that now. I was stupid to let myself fall in love with someone.

      1. Ya I realized it now…need to love myself there is no such thing as love we come alone go alone…do something that makes us best so when we die we die in peace.

      2. Yes, i agree, there is no true love etc just peoples come together for accomplish some selfish purpose, if purpose accomplish their love we see more than90 per love marriages finally ended in divorce.10 per continue because they make compromise,

      1. Once you know that love is not real and death is not to feared you can truly live. Celebrate, be, and do to fullness of your being.

  2. Thank you for this article. I think you’re a genius. It makes sense to me. If love does exist, it’s probably quite rare. I agree with numbers 8 and 21 because I’ve become aware of marriages like that. It’s not because anyone admitted it, but because I’ve noticed it by chance and was surprised. It’s better to be practical and realistic regarding relationships to avoid disappointments and not assume it’s real, special or guaranteed. I feel better after reading this article because it’s opened my eyes.

  3. It’s an illusion on planet earth. In heaven in exists except for the thousands of angels who gave it up and got kicked out for ruining love. Then they came to earth and ruined us. When the earth is restored it will exist again because those who believe in love will live in it and have it in their hearts. But it doesn’t exist anymore in this God-forsaken hole. Satan ruined it with his sick devices like television which destroyed unity and corrupted people’s minds.

  4. Look, if love was real why woould you abandon them? Love is appearantly a feeling where you want to be with them forever. Someone can say they’re in love but then they cut the person they “love” off. It’s a very empty word with no meaning other than strong sexual attraction. Or emotional. Its simply just yet another empty ohrase people use to make others happy. Its manipulative and it doesn’t matter how many times one says it, in the end theyre just going to move on to the next person to be with. People claim I’m a pessimist about it, bit honestly thisnis just realistic facts no one likes to think about because they cannot deny it. I’m sorry, but try and prove me wrong.

      But, You are misunderstanding.
      They are not wrong.
      Actually Love doesn’t exist in this world.
      The love which you truly received is from heaven not Here! That’s why it’s say only pure Heart see God!

    2. I agree that God is love. And it exists in the world, but not in its purest form. What does exist comes from God. Only he can exercise true love because he is LOVE.

  5. I came to this page because I am feeling the pain so brutally and the illusion. But yes.. I guess that this frustration is supposed to lead us to the fact that there is One who does love.. Yhwh.. our God.. oh my goodness.. there would be no other reason to live but this.. and yes.. goals.. learning to love is the ultimate goal.. but it does seem so true that the more honest we get.. people absolutely hate to love honest people.. real people.. emotional people.. caring people.. this world has become cold and cruel.. “Because of the increase of lawlessness.. the love of most will grow cold.. but those who endure to the end will be saved!” Before you want to die.. find yourself a 24/7 house of prayer.. international house of prayer.. any house of prayer for that matter.. you might find a few awesome people trying to love honestly.. very good choice for a gathering place.. still messed up people.. just trying people.. a few are still trying.. I know that it is hard to believe.. just very badly wired brains these days.. only the bravest souls to seek their God to unwind it :).

  6. TOTALLY AGREE Especially the addiction aspect. With “love” you loose your identity, burn holes in your wallet, you are in a constant obsessive thinking space. And you push your old friends away. Just like drug addiction It makes a lot to sense. And every old married couple act more like they hate each other but feel that it’s too late to divisive haha. It’s sad really. I pity people who believe in “love”

  7. We, adult human beings, MOSTLY need sex. The moment something is wrong in the sex department, GOODBYE Honey!!! And the person doesn’t matter anymore!!! Very sad but VERY TRUE!!!

  8. I agree. I hate how Disney/ fairytale have controlled women to think true love exist when in reality it doesn’t exist. Love is only powerful because we give power to it by constantly saying it and thinking it. Yes you can love your children but the whole “the one” no… it’s just an illusion people tell themselves to be comfortable.

  9. Love or the occurences some people associate with it at least exist in theory/fantasy. The practical part seems to fail completely.

    However after reading the comments, as a rational thinker i come to the assumption, that honest and rational people have the highest chance to have a good friend- or relationsship, as long as they stay honest and rational. Don’t confuse this with “love”.

    I also don’t care much about my life, as it will end anyways, but maybe some people commenting here should contact each other or make a WhatsApp group, because people, who consider life rationally, start and proceed on a complete other basis regarding friend- and relationsship. I think, that most of you just need a similar minded character to find more pleasure in social interactions, because most sheep out there are following the common illusions including the so called love to fail over and over again. If you left this illusional “desert”, your mind is “back” to reality, hence you just need an exchange of “information”, that is capable of being “real”, especially the understanding that we are responsible for our “hapiness” ourselves.

    Just ironic, how similar thinking people drop the same thoughts here without even thinking about to proceed exchanging more thoughts. Unthinkable a “few” years ago and now just equivalently ignored like the person from number 11 in the article, that is uninteresting, because of the permanent availability…

  10. Love exist… actually true love exists but it comes with it’s own seeds like trust, patience, honesty well even though rust is their after sexs men their is that one woman you feel like, and now that’s love you like and love her at heart

  11. Wow I actually enjoyed reading about this page and comments people are making.. am in a dilemma here it does not make sense indeed if someone claim to love a person and think cant exist without that person. The next thing they leave that one person who meant the whole world to them.
    But then the thought of being alone at the end because of not believing in love is also scary.

  12. The cigar theorem:
    “a woman is just a woman but a good cigar is a smoke”
    thus I love a good cigar
    thus love exists.

  13. Lust is a biological thing
    Love is an emotional thing,
    Humans are emotional beings; we love to “love” others ( not necessarily romantic)
    When it comes to love that based on romantic relationship or what we generally call love relationship, we consider it something different.. when it’s not, you cannot love someone if u think u and ur partner are sex objects to each other, if u have enough respect & faith in someone and ur person does the same to u, love is possible there.Unfortunately most relationship & marriage have no proper bondings what builds upon respect… It’s difficult to respect someone with whom u r having sex for most people, for others the need & ego come firsr in every aspect of their life, for few it’s impossible to control the sexual urge with multiple person, on the other hand few couple have zero similarly still try to be together or act they’re happy …thus love is gone from this planet long time makes me sad

  14. I believe love does exist and doesn’t at the same time. It seems like all of you have been hurt, especially the person who wrote this. Throughout life you can’t help to think about finding “the one”, but that does not make you a fool because everyone has this dream but that dream does not make you delusional.
    What you all need is self love and that my friend is real, trust in the process for time heals all and that exists.

  15. Facts. It’s nothing more than a feeling of possession. We operate better when we don’t have feelings for one another. Our “love” is rarely mutual. Ppl also forget that a person that can make you feel absolutely INCREDIBLE has the power to make you feel absolutely MISERABLE! So screw all of the love stuff because it’s nothing but emotional codependency and with CONDITIONS. Usually it’s only within the conditions that you restrict love to them and a few others, whereas when you’re single, you’re not concerned with love and nobody has emotional control over you.

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