What Do You Do When Facing Difficulty?

Granted, most of the time, we do our best to go with the flow but invariably while on our journey (any journey; whether of love, life, or other pursuits) we find ourselves in a bit of a quandary. Drama, some unforeseen circumstance, tragedy or challenge has reared its ugly head; and there we are in the eye of the storm.

What are you going to do?

Based on time and circumstance, you options vary but in most cases – when reviewing my options – I will consider taking a more difficult approach to managing a dilemma, only IF… I can anticipate a better outcome or achieve growth through the more challenging solution for dealing with a problem.

When facing a desperate situation rise to the challenge change growthSometimes, I will take a more ambitious path to resolution, if I foresee more potential positive results and/or significant improvement in the quality of life for others.

Fortunately, I have had the opportunity (as have many of my contemporaries) to face difficult challenges – head on – and successfully survived the ordeal with enough integrity to grow personally and professionally; and having survived the ordeal has resulted in continued blessing and support for others and the community at large.

When facing a desperate situation, rise to the challenge and embrace the change that leads to growth.

Many of my clients and friends have found themselves face-to-face with the most challenging of circumstance. It is no accident, when they encounter potentially disastrous peril that they have a small team of core individuals whom they can consult prior to engaging in battle.

Based on your base personality type, you will either have a natural inclination to lean toward an aggressive approach or a passive approach to problem-solving. The wise world walker consults with his mastermind team to evaluate possible outcomes before engaging in battle to determine what would be the best tactics to use to achieve the greatest results.

Just like real-life combat, one cannot prognosticate the exact outcome(s) of a particular strategy, but you can – especially with the third-party perspectives of trusted individuals – formulate an effective game plan supporting your goals and values.

My personality leans toward the passive (while some of my contemporaries are always locked and loaded running into any situation with guns blazing), but when confronting a desperate situation, I will man-up and self-sacrificially suit-up in full regalia to protect my family, loved-ones and in some cases, the world at large.

To some, they are truly surprised when they witness the focusing of my attention and resources on a particular battlefront, though they (witnesses, or my opponent) did not realize that I possess, “a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career*,” that can be extremely effective on the battlefield. On the other hand, others may only have known me for my skills in battle.

My personal armory – and my friends’ armories – is not known by all; yours also should be kept private, acquiring and utilizing each weapon judiciously as it is needed either for challenges that you face, or on the behalf of others that may need your assistance in the future.

And each desperate situation that you face, gives you more confidence in the face of fear, the more you engage in courageous confrontations with strength and honor.

* = Liam Neeson in Taken

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