What is your perception of prosperity today?

No matter where you are in your life’s journey, you have a general idea (if not a definitive set of criteria) about what prosperity means to you. What is your perception of prosperity today?

Your idea of prosperity is subject to change over time.

Interestingly enough, remember when you were younger you had a particular idea about what would make you feel prosperous? Maybe all you needed to make you feel prosperous was a new outfit, a cool bicycle, and a particular gaming system, then you’d feel like you had it all.

If you were lucky enough to get those things, chances are fairly soon, you would have another idea (or ideas) about what would qualify you for being prosperous. On and on it goes, ad infinitum.

When you think about prosperity and what it means to you at any given time it represents all the good things in life. You think about what makes you happy, what it would feel like to be thriving, having more than enough to enjoy the good things in life without struggle or strife.

For some, their perception of prosperity might center around financial wellbeing or being wealthy. Of course, everyone’s idea of “what is wealth?” varies among all people.

Many people measure prosperity based on the achievements of someone else which can be highly inspirational, if it leads you to think about someone else’s success as achievable, especially if he or she came from a background similar enough to yours that you might be able to relate.

You might think,

If he could do it, so could I.

And it’s true.

If anyone of us could do it,

any one of us could do it.

The idea of prosperity changes over time. It wasn’t long ago that the music of the day set the standard for prosperity awakening young Americans to the ideas that a-million-dollars is not enough to get it done. You need the biggest gold, lots of diamonds, designer clothes, most expensive cars, a huge house with a pool, oh… and scantily-clad people worshipping at your feet.

It’s nice to have people to look up to who inspire us to look at the possibility of being more prosperous than we are in our present circumstance.

There are basically four different varieties of prosperity, there are

• Love
• Health
• Spiritual
• Financial

There are those of us which prefer one form of prosperity over another, but I am seeing a growing trend of people desiring to find a harmonic balance of all four types of prosperity, love, health, spiritual, and financial (not necessarily in that order).

I think this is due to the way the earth and her inhabitants are evolving. We are seeing the end of an era where we (the top one percent of us) would do anything for financial profit. This is the final stage of the human barbarian.

As we continue to evolve and expand in consciousness, there is a tenderness, nurturing, and caring which grows as we are more empowered by our hearts than our brains. We grow in love, intuition, awareness, and our knowingness support the cooperation and coexistence of all things, for we are all connected.

Modern prosperity includes love, health, spiritual, and financial balance.
This is a huge step forward in our industrial, tech-driven society. No longer will we rape and pillage our planet and exploit its peoples to add money to the pockets of the one percent.

Let’s face it, the one percent already know that there is something coming which threatens their survivability. It is the rising up of another one percent. The earnings of this up and coming other percent are growing immensely, and these individuals are accumulating massive wealth without being entitled to it (by the standards of the original one percent).

The rise of this new one percent could have never been possible without the current status of human evolution. Things are changing before our very eyes. The changes are not instant.

The change will be amazingly slow and steady because we are pushing against the financial resources of a ruling class which owns and controls everything, and they are putting all their efforts to keep your from awakening and evolving, sparing no expense.

Ask yourself,

How effective are the efforts to keep you down, focused on servitude (slavery), keeping small, and serving them?

Do you see prosperity as only for the rich?

Or are you feeling like you have a growing feeling of being worthy to have prosperity in your life?

What is your perception of prosperity today?

Sort these four types of prosperity in the order of importance to you and assign them with a percentage of importance.

Financial, Spiritual, Health, Love

1. ___________ % ___

2. ___________ % ___

3. ___________ % ___

4. ___________ % ___

If you are leaning toward a balanced perception of prosperity today, you are part of this evolutionary process. And your prosperous potential is growing.

Are you ready to move forward in your balanced prosperous life?

I got you.

Maybe it’s time you joined a support group, like Prosperity Anonymous.

Contact me, and we will help you make your dreams come true.

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