You’re Awakening Not Going Crazy

People generally do not begin the process of awakening which is the precursor to the ebbing evolutionary tide of humanity. While it is a wave, it hits us all at different times and frequencies. When we are initially impacted with an awakening it can instantaneous, abrupt, and shocking to recognize for the first time that things are not as they appear. You could easily begin to lose your mind, and that is exactly what you need.

You may panic. This is the first line of defense of your ego which has been running the show since you were born. Now your heart consciousness explodes and even if only for a moment you get a glimpse of real life and all its possibilities, it can be overwhelming.

If you’re not ready or caught off guard, you could wake up in a hospital or jail, as your ego fights with every mental, physiological, biological, and emotional tool it has access to in an effort to preserve itself and its host: You. For it knows, if the heart consciousness is to emerge in all its glory, the ego must die.

Chaos can ensue in the bloom of your awakening. The contrast between light and dark is ever apparent and up to this moment, the very fabric of your being was convinced that dark is all there ever was. It was comfortable. You exerted great effort to find ways to make it feel like home. Prior to awakening, your world was everything.

Until that moment you are blinded by the burst of brightest light imaginable in a shocking blast. Frightening, to say the least, for anyone. Not to worry,

You’re awakening
Not going crazy

At this point, you basically have two choices; to embrace the awakening and try to find ways to deal with your expansion and evolution, or to reject it. Shut it down. Cover it up. Pretend it didn’t happen and find ways to snuggle back into the life society and your ego built for you. A little denial and self-medication might get you from here to there.

No enlightened being would judge you for making either choice.

Those who have witnessed your struggle in this moment may judge you, especially if they are unenlightened. Those who live in the darkness would certainly criticize you and try every means possible to bring you back into the fold. They might disrespect you, call you names, punish you, diagnose you with mental disorders, and drug you back into your life in the shadows, using force, if necessary.


Maybe you’re not ready to evolve. Maybe you are. Maybe it’s just too much to ask anyone at this time, or any time, for that matter. Maybe you just want to be “normal.” If now is not the time for you, another time will come. Maybe you’ll be better prepared in your next moment of momentary clarity. Maybe not. This is your journey, you are writing your story.

This evolutionary process of awakening and heart-centered conscious expansion is happening every day. “Normal” is shifting as more and more people awaken. When human evolution reaches critical mass, that shift will permeate every living being.

At that point, the world we live in will be a very different place.

Today, you can choose to be a part of the evolution, or not. There is no judgment here. We celebrate you and your story however it unfolds.

Hope your first glimpse of the truth as not too shocking for you. At least you can rest assured that you’re awakening, not going crazy.

Love and peace to you and yours.

You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

Every day we’re surrounded by people, all different kinds of people, and no matter how you try, you feel like you don’t fit in. The good news is: This is really a good sign.

If you think about what the majority of the greater community represents the mindless majority blindly following society’s sleight of hand manipulations to keep us all manageable as a herd of cattle. While it sounds simple, the methods utilized by the social engineers to control us all en masse is extremely complex.

So, if you feel like you don’t fit in, this is a very good sign that you are awakening and your heart is evolving. Something inside you knows that there are huge problems with whatever societal view has been imposed upon you since birth.

If you dared to be different and decide to let your freak flag fly, who’d blame you (if not applaud you)?

As much as life tries to corral you and manage you along with the rest of the herd, there’s something inside you which is screaming, “I am not cattle!” You felt it at school, in your neighborhood, at work, in churches and organizations.

Maybe at one point, you did feel more comfortable in your environment, but things change. Your friends change. There was a time when you trusted your best friend and you believed this most trusted friend would be your best friend forever. But he or she changed, and so did you, leading to your drifting apart. At some point you realize you’re so different from each other you have little left except common courtesy at best, sometimes not even that.

Everything changes, even you.

This growing and changing as you adapt to life which is always in a state of flux, makes you feel awkward. Especially if you are noticing inconsistencies in the state of affairs all around you and God forbid, are questioning what may or may not be actually trustworthy and true.

The secret is not to cut yourself off from others or society and become a total recluse. Isolation is unhealthy and can cause psychological and physiological deterioration. You might just toy with the idea of giving up, squelching the beckoning of your heart which is evolving in its connection to your brain, and nestling yourself back into the herd, where you can embrace your former sense of safety and security, as false as it might have been. Taking the easy way out, refusing to be a part of the next evolutionary step of mankind. Or you can find someone who resonates with you.

Just start to gently speak your questions to people you come in contact with. Most of the people you talk to will instantly reject your thoughts and concerns. Do not press the subject any more with that person. Bless them and move on. Keep gently speaking your piece (or peace) to someone else, and move on, until it finds a spark of interest.

Then share your thoughts until that person becomes resistant, then bless them and move on. Using this process of elimination method will keep you true to you and will identify people inside or outside your circle of influence who may share the same thoughts, concerns, or conscious frequency. Feel free to restructure your circle of influence accordingly. These are your people.

Note that your people will change, for each and every one of them are on their own individual journey of growth, expansion, and evolution. At times, you will find those who are keenly matched to you in vibration and frequency.

While you are in the process of expansion be aware of how you represent yourself with the remainder of society. Be careful not to fall into the egotistical trap of thinking that you are in any way better than anyone else. And for God’s sake, do not engage in hate speech, ever. Hate speech is the precursor to hate action and hate crime. Fear masquerades as hate and cannot exist in love.

Choose love. Be respectful. Honoring each person’s right to his or her individual journey, just as you would expect them to respect your right to evolve at this time.

Find security in the idea that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have at every moment, just the same as you. Bless and love them as they find their own way to their individual destiny. You needn’t separate yourself totally from the rest of society while you are finding your people.

Once you have found people to associate with whom you can be open and honest, by remaining among the herd, you can be a subtle light influencing those around you.

Your evolved heart/brain-connected energy is felt by people and the world around you at least three-and-a-half-feet in every direction around you. As you continue to evolve, this energy reaches farther and farther in every direction all around you. No need to speak, just your being there affects the lives of others and the word in a positive way.

You may speak as you let your light shine but do so with grace, dignity, and love, keeping in mind that people can only handle what they can handle, so give them a little something to think about without having to threaten the world they live in. If they start to question, they may seek you out.

You might be one of their people when they’re feeling like they don’t fit in. Let them be able to find you.

Resistance Amidst Change

When you get going on your mission of transformation and growing expect some resistance to start showing up as you as you start forging your fresh trail to your new life. Be prepared to expect resistance amidst change which will present challenges and vow to face them head-on when they appear before you.

There’s going to be a bit of struggle which takes place inside you, between the you which has always been basically in charge of running your life until now, and the new you which is trying to come forth and express itself as the new improved version of yourself as it is growing and expanding.

If that wasn’t enough, it’s like the whole universe wants to participate in the transitional metamorphosis offering you opportunities and challenges to test you; to see if this is a good decision for you at this time in your life.

Your old like will be beckoning you not to change and to return to the comfort and security of your old life. When you’re thinking about moving on, opportunities will arise for you to fall back into the same ol’ same ol’.

The friends who haven’t contacted you for years will start calling on you to celebrate your old lifestyle. The higher-ups at your crummy job will offer you opportunities for advancement and attractive compensation packages. You will second-guess and wonder if it’s such a good idea to stick around or to take such a huge step in moving on from your old life.

Fear of the unknown can be an overwhelming deterrent to moving on with your life, as there is a certain degree of comfort in remaining where you are. It may not be great, but it is what you know. You may have spent a great deal of time and effort building your life-nest around you. While life is not the best it could be, you’ve successfully carved out a very special place for you, one that others may even envy. How could you leave all this behind? What if you’re unable to do better on the other side?

You can reduce some of the friction by keeping your thoughts about your decision to move on from your old life to yourself. While in many of life’s decisions the counsel of many brings safety, remember that safety represents your old life. Counselors will emerge from the old wood of your life who will caution you against change, especially any radical change. The people who represent your old life will do almost anything to prevent you from leaving. They will use guilt, blame, indebtedness, obligation, what is “right” and what is “wrong,” anything they can come up with, to persuade you to stay behind.

It is still a good idea to garner support and counsel amidst your transition, just be careful about those whom you trust with the intimate details of your metamorphosis. Be certain they have your best interest at heart.

If you are aware that these tendencies are common occurrences when tackling change, you can strengthen your resolve and stay the course when awakening to your new perspective and taking the steps necessary to carve out a new life, free from the struggle for survival. For on the other side of this bit of chaos, there is a much better life waiting for you.

Be willing to step out into new directions. If you’re more comfortable doing one thing, try to accept more invitations to do something less comfortable. Doing things differently will bring you new opportunities, and the best, most exciting things are waiting for you just on the other side of your comfort zone.

When you ask, it is given.

Everything you want is created and waiting for you. In most cases, it will not simply fall out of the sky and drop into your lap on command (though this has been known to happen). It’s up to you to place yourself in the time and place where what you want is waiting for you.

Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening

The process of enlightenment and spiritual awakening is as individual as we all are so to experience it is unique to each person though many characteristics appear to be common among those who are in the process of awakening.

First and foremost, the person is awakening to the idea or knowingness that there is more going on here than meets the eye, here on planet Earth, as God’s spark begins to burn more brightly in you.

Awakening to the fact that there is far more to this life that you first were led to believe is the first clue that you’ve begun your spiritual awakening. You are unable to see past all the barrage of life’s distractions unless you have given a glimpse of something far more real than the life we’ve come to accept as it has been presented to us.

You also are experiencing an excitement or reverence for your surroundings, especially of nature, flora, and fauna, as being special or sacred, as you honor your ability to be in its presence and to share the world with it in all its glory.

Your senses are heightened as you awaken you become more sensitive, a growing awareness of others, and the knowingness of there being so much more of the life experience which is waiting to be revealed to you in vibrant detail.

You are more interested in staying present or being in the now, as opposed to being oppressed by things that have happened in the past. You may be learning techniques to deal with the past, heal past wounds, or you may be one of the ones who simply awaken all at once and the past just falls away, like an old jacket, as you walk into your new, awakened life.

You notice there is a difference between you, the you that you were born to be which is a highly connected part of your higher self and God is vastly different than your ego which has been programmed by society to override your more spiritually inclined sensibilities. It may take a while to sort out the dichotomy of you, who you really are made of pure love and your egoic personality which is dominant prior to awakening and based on fear, not love.

Awakening is not restricted to those who believe and those who do not, as those who are awakening can span all systems of belief and/or non-belief, from atheism to spirituality and churches, believers and non-believers alike and awakening and expanding as part of the evolutionary process of all human beings, though some may resist the evolutionary process, their future generations will not be able to.

You are becoming more authentically real and transparent. You realize there is nothing to prove and nothing to be gained from feeling as though you are better or more deserving than anyone else. Although experiencing life from your own perspective you realize that you are one with all your fellow human beings.

The spiritually awakened feel a growing sense of connectedness or oneness with all peoples, things, and life itself. In fact, you may start feeling as if you’ve never felt so alive as you start to live life to its fullest, savoring each breath and the expansive nature of your growing love with every beat of your heart.

Beyond what one might think of as seeing the silver lining in a less than desirous situation, the spiritually awakening and expanding see the sacred divinity in all things, both blessed and vile, which makes little sense to our less evolved, heavily programmed, and unenlightened contemporaries. We do not judge them. We bless them and allow them to find their own way, or not. Their journey is just as sacred as ours.

You are changing and you’re noticing the change. You’re noticing a decided and distinct difference between the awakening “you” who you are becoming and the “you” who you were prior to your spiritual awakening as if you’ve been reborn, and in a sense, you have been, like a butterfly emerging from his or her chrysalis.

You are embracing a more peaceful state of being, where love expands, you have a growing compassion and understanding of others as you become more tolerant and accept things simply as they are, without taking them personally. You bless all others and are less likely to hold onto the idea that one religious perspective is more right than another.

Instead, you understand that everyone is only doing the best they can with what they have, just as you are in regard to any understanding or view of life.

You have a higher respect for your relationship with your body, seek to find ways to honor it, and celebrate all the experiences which can be enjoyed by maintaining your body as a further extension of your higher self, accompanied by a respectful growing moral ethics and/or personal code which is not dictated from without but embraced and emerges from within (or above).

Your relationships are more real, as you find less satisfaction with idle chit-chat and seek to connect more deeply and have more meaningful relationships.

Among other signs, these might give you insight as to what to expect as you begin to awaken.

Fading Fear

As you continue to grow, expand, and to evolve into the new you, you will find yourself less likely to engage in negative thinking patterns. Fading fear and doubt will lead you into a more positive attitude toward life and love.

Your conscious confidence is growing day by day, and you are seeing more and more that things are not as they appear. This awareness is making you wise to the methods used by social engineering to keep you distracted by fear and doubt and you are becoming increasingly stronger in your resolve to be true to yourself.

You are spending time looking within yourself to find all those things which make you react negatively to other people, situations, and news stories. You have a growing understanding and you are seeing how much about the way you feel about things (or felt about things) was because of those who are lost in the ways of the world.

There’s no judgment against them, your parents, your friends, teachers, mentors, celebrities, people you trust(ed) because you know now that they were just doing the best they could with what they had.

You’d love to tell them, they need not believe in the pervasive fear and doubt which encompasses the world we live in, but it doesn’t take you long to discover that they are unable to hear you. They are so immersed in the fear and doubt that anything else does not resonate with them. And that’s okay.

Maybe someday it will resonate with them, and if not, that’s okay, too. Everyone must find their own way to his or her authentic self. We all are on different journeys and we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

You are now free to think more fully for yourself, less likely to be emotionally controlled by the invisible forces of negative thought and social programming as the fading fear and doubt continue to dissipate.

There will be times when fear and doubt will be triggered again, but you will notice the decrease in both frequency and severity because you are doing the deep work, and the more time you spend in resonating at higher vibrations, the less you will attract lower vibrational states of mind. And when they do show up, you are less likely to entertain them, as you allow them to flow by, with you being less affected, or possibly not affected at all.

This is tolerance. When you start to embrace the idea of full allowance. Letting everything to be what it is, without having to take it personally.

You are enveloped in a sense of calm and peace of mind which cannot be shaken, as you are able just to let it be and keep moving onward and upward, unaffected by the trappings of this world.

You are more apt to find yourself being in the now than responding to those emotional triggers of the past as you continue to evolve into the highest version of yourself, which is the future for all human beings. And as you become more and more aware of your evolution, you can, along with others who are also evolving, finally…

Say, “Goodbye,” to fear and doubt.

Conscious Confidence

As you start to awaken (after the first shock of understanding that things are rarely as they appear to be or how you believed them to be) a sense of calm washes over you and you begin to build a conscious confidence which is not dependent on external validation.

Prior to your awakening you had the need to feel deserving enough to be accepted by peers, hoped you could be worthy enough to have value and had a strong desire to prove to yourself and others that you were worth tolerating through personal achievement of some kind.

You long to feel loved, and so you long to hear the words, “I love you,” from anyone because you can’t seem to find the vast ocean of love which resides within you as it has been hidden from the view of your conscious mind by the very principalities, powers, and people you desired to receive love from.

You attach certain expectations and outcomes to your associations with others, your thoughts, and actions, and are disappointed when things do not work out the way you had intended them to. No wonder it’s so hard to feel self-confident or find any peace of mind amidst such a journey.

If things appear to not be going well, and your attention is drawn to what’s not going right in your life, or the world and your feelings reflect this state of unwellness. You feel bad as your energy begins to drain, your attitude declines, and so does your immune system.

As you awaken, you discover your divinity. You begin to understand you’re coming to this planet was accompanied with a greater calling than just being good, doing what you’re told, paying bills, trying to survive the best you can on what little you have for retirement, and find freedom in the idea of death.

You become aware of the layers of social engineering which is the biggest, and most covered up, conspiracy of all, which has kept the human race beat down, limited, and unable to grasp the idea that you were entitled to a better life, your best life, leading to a bright future, with all the self-confidence, love and joy you could imagine surrounding you, and you can find it wherever you look.

Of course, it’s hard to see at first because you’ve been socially programmed for a sense of unworthiness. Your parents judged you as being either good or bad based on their pre-programmed assessment. You were unjustly accused and judged by the people you loved, trusted, and thought had your best interests at heart.

Then, you went to school, where you learned that the value of a person was based on their ability to fall in line, to think and respond as expected. You learned that people were judged based on their performance. Good students (or people) were “A students.” C students were average (complacent), and students who got Ds and Fs were degenerates and failures.

And on it goes, as we are programmed to fear never being good enough, as this thought system is strengthened and promoted throughout your life.

Once you are able to let go of your attachment to all these layers of programming, a sense of calm well-being begins to rise from within as you realize you are a child of God, with all the rights and privileges that come with being royalty.

As you do the work of uncovering the false beliefs, fear, and negative feelings associated with the patterns of abusive scenarios which were associated with your social programming, feelings of wellness, happiness, and love begin to bubble up that were always there, replacing feelings of any sense of undeservedness, inadequacy, unjustness, or lack.

You step into a state of being which is self-aware and confident that a brighter future is waiting for you, and indeed it is.

Once the veil is lifted, you can see that you were imprisoned by the idea that your life was “normal,” that your lot in life was to struggle, stress, strain, and sacrifice until you simply cease to be.

From outside the prison walls, you can see that the prison was an illusion, and what you thought were silly, nonsensical ideas, were actually the urging of the holy spirit to let your higher-self emerge and live the life which has always been your birthright.

From here, the most amazing and exciting life lays before you.

When is it Time to Start a New Life?

When is it time to start a new life? When you can look back on your life, can see that it’s pretty much been the same ol’ same ol’ and you know you desire and were destined for so much more.

You have lived a life up to this point which has been your training ground for the new life which lays ahead of you. While it may look and feel as though your life up ‘til now has been lackluster or wasted, that is now so.

You have been divinely equipped for the new life which beckons you to embrace your destiny. This new life will represent the culmination of your life lived this far empowered by your purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM), which is unique only to you.

Now, is the time for you to step forward and into your new life, answering the sacred calling of that higher part of you which yearns to be released and revealed.

If you look at your life as a linear timeline, you will see your past leading to this exact point in time, and this time, today, right now, marks an X. This is the pivot point of your life.

This demarcation signifies the exacting difference from the life you’ve lived up to now, and the empowered life of beauty, power, significance, and service for which you were destined from birth.

This is your awakening to your new life.

Those things which you used to cling to from your past, people, systems, thoughts, and beliefs, which you submitted to that made you have a sense of feeling safe and secure, do not resonate with you anymore.

From here on out, your responses which had become predictable will no longer be so as you take on new possibilities, being open to new dynamics, and clearly thinking and doing things differently than you had before.

You are no longer bound by family tradition or lured by the conceding that “that’s the way it’s done,” because you’re no longer limited to the confines of the rigid box of life. You are not simply limited to your family, your pedigree, your education, your programming. You are emerging from your cocoon of life.

You are ready to leave behind your old life, uninhibited by sociological structures and the training of others who would be pleased to see you struggle in the life of your past, and live your new, victorious life with love and passion.

From this point forward, you are more aware of those things which held you back, were not in your best interests, and kept you from achieving your highest and best.

This radical change will come at a price. It means leaving behind those things which may have represented safety and security in the past, and there will be opposition amongst the supporters who remain tethered to the life of your past. They are likely to not want to see you advance on your new journey.

There will be people who do not want you to start this new life. They will try to dissuade you from making a break from the past (them) and living a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. Why? Because they fear that you might succeed.

Secretly, they hope that these thoughts of you living a new, empowered life, is a ridiculous dream that could never be achieved. They want you to fail miserably and come crawling back, so they can embrace you and say, “I told you so.” Because this will make them feel better about living their life of mediocrity.

For them, it is better not to try than to risk failure.

But if you succeed, and thrive, then they will have to rethink their own lives.

You then become the inspiration for others who secretly long for a better life but are afraid. If you can do it, there is hope for them, hope for the world.

Your whole life has led to this moment.

Are you ready to leave the past behind and start living your new life?

I believe you are ready now.

Life of Light Among the Darkness

You’re awakening. You’re seeing things from a different perspective. You’re becoming more aware that things are not as they appear. You are growing and changing living a life of light among the darkness. As those closest to you are viewing recent changes in you, they try to be supportive, tolerating your expansion, hoping you’re just going through a phase.

Nonetheless, you persist. You continue to evolve and expand, and as you do, you are having less and less in common with those who previously were tethered to you. As they witness your transformation, they may try to “save you” from evolving too far away from your former you.

The person you were before was more like them, embroiled in the darkness. Now you are a child of the light, and your light is shining ever brighter. What fellowship can light have with darkness?

As you continue along your journey, you end up being further away from the vibratory state of those who are dependent upon the darkness for their sense of security in leading a “normal” life. They prefer to engage in the socially acceptable lifestyles which they have been programmed to align themselves with. You, on the other hand, are experiencing a growing desire to do other things, exploring other interests and activities which wouldn’t interest anyone who resides in darkness in the least.

Freaking Out

Those you were tethered to (and still may be deeply connected to) do not want to see you go, and they may express themselves in various ways. They may have played along, feigning interest or support, then, one day, they crack. They just can’t take it anymore, and they strike out at you. Their freaking out can be very unpleasant, potentially abusive, or be fueled in self-righteous anger as they are seeing you as the freak.

Even on your best day, such an entanglement can be difficult and can hurt your feelings as you now see your former friend as he or she really is. This can be heartbreaking and make you feel alienated or rejected by those whom you thought loved you for who you are, no matter what. Alienation does not serve you.

Some people may be resilient enough to support you as you grow as they choose to remain living their lives in a lower vibration. Even so, you feel yourself drifting away from them because they’ve become accustomed to, even love the darkness and cannot understand that which they are unable to see of the light.

The more enlightened you become the less you and your friends who remain in lower vibrations have in common.

Love Them

Those who live in the darkness may associate negative thoughts and feelings about the distance growing between you. You cannot blame them for the way they are. No one knows better than you because you, too, were once among the darkness.

Have compassion for them. Negative thoughts and feelings have no place in the light. Keep your heart pure. Remember their intention is good even though their execution may falter. They cannot understand what they cannot understand.

Love and bless them. They are doing the best they can with what they have, as are you. Love can build a bridge and your love may encourage them to see the possibilities which exist beyond the darkness.

Respect and honor every individual. Do not be afraid to meet them where they are at. You cannot change anyone, only they can change themselves when they are ready, just like you have.

There is no need to argue, debate, or have any conflict regarding differing ideas. Allow everyone and everything to be who or what they are, for all is perfection in the eyes of God.

Honor the sanctity in all things and remember that there exists only truth. All thoughts, fears, ideas, and dreams exist in the truth continuum and are subject to change at any moment in time.

Your responsibility is to you. Focus on you and your own path, stay true to you and do not alienate those who dare to not reject you. Greet them in love, with compassion, understanding, and do not judge. For no man is better than any other man, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

Why Life Doesn’t Make Sense

You’ve been living your life, doing the best you can with what you have, still, you wonder why life doesn’t make any sense.

That’s because you’re not looking at the whole picture. When you look at your life from the perspective of your “self” through your eyes, based solely on your life experience within the confines of the life that has been set out for you by your family, beliefs, society, and the world as we know it, it is nearly impossible to make any sense of it all.

That is, unless, you resign yourself to just being a cog in the wheel, a part of the machine which only needs to operate at a bare minimum to affect the greater whole for the benefit of someone somewhere else, and that is all.

You are defined as the “you” that was born into a particular family, in a body with its limitations which you know all too well, the situations, circumstances, and experiences which you’ve endured up ‘til now, all representing the result of you as expressed in your flesh, and that is all.

If you are thinking there’s something just not right about all of this, you are right.

You do not have enough information, from this perspective, to realize who you really are, so how could you make sense of any of this?

Embedded in your DNA are the keys to unlocking your higher self and your purpose.

You are right to wonder if there is something more, because there is so much more for this life for you.

Clues can be found among your natural talents, passions, and gifts. These are indelible markings which long to express themselves but may be muted by the constraints of this life.

As your conscious ponders why life doesn’t make sense, the higher part of you is calling your forth to release that sacred and divine part of you fully engaged with your purpose, message, passion, and mission. Yes, you did come to this planet with a destiny and it is longing to be expressed.

From the perspective of your higher self, all the challenges and struggles of this life take on new meaning. All this was perfect in every way. Nothing bad, or wrong, all divinely set forth to perfectly equip you for your emerging self.

Now, you are beginning to realize that there is a purpose for your being. You are here to heal others or the world by connecting in a way that only someone could having lived the life you have lived.

You have come with a particular message to deliver to others of the world, in a voice and method of delivery which is unique unto you.
Or, you have come to be an active part of the evolution of the human race. Your active role is critical to bringing humanity to its tipping point of enlightenment, the next evolutionary leap forward for our world.

Seek to align yourself with everything that you are. Make the adjustments in your life to be doing the things you love, connect to your unlimited powerhouse of unconditional love which resides within you for yourself, others, and the world at large and all these things will be added unto you.

You can become all you could be and so much more.

You have an exciting journey just ahead.

Oxytocin Awakening Love

Well known for its increasing the bond between those who are in love, Oxytocin is also an active component in the process of spiritual advancement. You will find Oxytocin awakening love, opening the heart to new possibilities, making you more curious about expanding thought, having a sense of purpose, and a desire to make the world a better place.

We continue to uncover the part that Oxytocin plays in the part of love and relationships. Quaintly referred to as the “cuddling hormone,” Oxytocin fosters a feeling of connectedness between two people. Active when a personal bond is felt between a mother and her child, as well as men and their children, as well as increasing the connection between the romantic couple in love.

When you’re actively falling in love, you will find a natural increase of Oxytocin makes everything associated with love much better. Combined with extra doses of Dopamine, you feel even better, with increased intimacy, sexual satisfaction, and more in love. You have a tendency to overlook “the small stuff” and see the big picture and all the possibilities the two of you may be able to share in the future.

Couples who share an Oxytocin-fueled sexual bond have an increased potential for not only being connected to each other, but also in achieving higher shared levels of spirituality, and impactful effect on others, the local community, and the world at large.

This is not dissimilar in the role that Oxytocin plays in your spiritual advancement. It makes you feel as if you are part of a bigger whole, fostering a feeling of connection with others, even the whole of humanity.

Scientific studies report groups with increased Oxytocin levels feel more, “love, sincerity, hope, inspiration and interest,” when compared to their peers.

Fostering an optimistic outlook with unlimited possibilities for the advancement of the world, including the proliferation of love, peace, and harmony between all peoples, as well as an increased interest in self-improvement and spiritual expansion.

Left to itself in the process of falling in love, levels of Oxytocin are likely to level off then fall, causing a reduction in the early phases of the love process, leaving the participants to question each other, but combined with spiritual awakening further increases bonding and a longstanding growth in love, connectedness, and optimism.

The connection between romantic love and burgeoning spiritual exploration could very well keep a couple in this state of romantic exhilaration while combining forces to make the world a better place, exponentially.

Far beyond the hormone’s role in social bonding, childbirth, and sexual reproduction, Oxytocin is also referred to as the Bliss hormone playing a part in expanding consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Oxytocin also increases the efficacy of the use of imagination’s role in engaging in processes such as the Law of Attraction, manifestation, creating abundance, increased potential for an inclination to prayer and/or meditation.

To make Oxytocin even more interesting, you will find this hormone increases the positive impact of the immune system, self-healing, and cellular regeneration.

More and more, the more we learn about the connection between science, the built-in hormonal and expansive evolution of human potential and its connectedness to something far superior than imaginable by our less-evolved ancestors, is ushering a new world of possibilities for all of us.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.