The Government’s Role in Enabling Pharmaceutical Profiteering

In today’s modern world, where scientific progress and medical advancements shape our understanding of health and wellness, an alarming trend has emerged. The convergence of powerful pharmaceutical companies, scholars, scientists, universities, and researchers has led to the development of disease names based solely on collections of symptoms.

Let’s shed some light on the questionable practices associated with this process and how it results in non-profit organizations raising funds for research, which can be seen as a profiteering scam that exploits innocent Americans and their hard-earned cash.

1. The Government’s Collaborative Role:

A. Government Funding:

The government plays a significant role in enabling pharmaceutical profiteering by providing substantial funding for research initiatives aimed at discovering cures for newly invented or discovered diseases. This financial support often comes without proper scrutiny, creating an environment ripe for exploitation.

B. Regulatory Leniency:

The government’s regulatory leniency towards pharmaceutical companies allows them to profit from the creation of disease names based solely on symptom collections. By enabling this practice, the government indirectly contributes to the profiteering scam, as it fails to establish stringent guidelines for disease identification and naming.

2. The Disease Naming Process:

A. Symptom Clustering:

Pharmaceutical companies, in collaboration with scholars, scientists, universities, and researchers, engage in the process of clustering symptoms to create new disease names. This approach disregards the underlying causes and complexities of various health conditions, focusing solely on symptomatology. By doing so, they create an illusion of novel diseases, which benefits their profit-driven motives.

B. Medicalization of Everyday Conditions:

Through the process of symptom clustering, everyday conditions that were previously considered within the range of normal human experiences are now transformed into medical diseases. This medicalization perpetuates the notion that individuals require treatment for natural variations in human health, ultimately driving up the demand for pharmaceutical products and subsequent profits.

3. Non-Profit Organizations and the Charade:

A: Fundraising Strategies:

Non-profit organizations, established under the guise of seeking a cure for these newly invented or discovered diseases, utilize emotionally charged fundraising campaigns. They exploit the fears and vulnerabilities of innocent Americans, urging them to contribute their hard-earned cash in the pursuit of elusive cures.

B: Minimal Accountability:

These non-profit organizations often face minimal scrutiny, allowing them to channel funds toward research initiatives that may lack proper scientific rigor. The lack of accountability raises concerns about the true intentions of these organizations and whether their activities genuinely serve the public interest or are driven primarily by financial gain.


The collusion between the government, pharmaceutical companies, scholars, scientists, universities, and researchers have created a system that enables the profiteering scam of raising funds for newly invented or discovered diseases.

By developing disease names based on collections of symptoms and fostering the growth of non-profit organizations, innocent Americans are swindled out of their hard-earned cash.

It is crucial for us (our society) to question the integrity of this system, demand transparency, and advocate for responsible medical practices that prioritize genuine public health over profit-seeking motives.

Pharmaceuticals vs Natural Herbal Remedies

The third-largest cause of death in the USA is medicine and medical practitioners, in the shadow of heart disease and cancer, and if the truth were known, the medical and pharmaceutical sciences and the practitioners thereof would be revealed as the number one cause of death.


Not all pharmaceuticals are good for you. In fact, many are killing unwitting Americans while medical doctors and staff collude with and assist the industry to extract as much capital as possible from your estate (or subsidized medical resources) before your pulse finally stops.

Many legally prescribed medications have a dark side and are far more dangerous than the pharmaceutical companies would like you to know. Some of these could include benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Valium, Xanax). Then there are the anticoagulants (Heparin, Warfarin, Xarelto).

Other potentially dangerous prescription medications include antidepressants (Cymbalta, Prozac, Wellbutrin, Zoloft), and patented anti-hypertensives (Cardura, Hytrin, Minipress). Clozapine is an antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia, not to forget Semi-Synthetic Opioids (OxyContin, Percocet, Vicodin) which are generally used to treat moderate to severe pain.

Thanks to lawsuits against the pharmaceutical companies, we now know that they are so committed to profiting greatly off an insignificant public that they will falsify and create medical studies and pay doctors to put their name(s) on the studies to get them published, in many cases with the full knowledge that their new drug(s) have potentially deadly side effects.

A many as 10 percent of all published reports regarding new drugs are written by the drug manufacturers who pay doctor(s) to use their names on the reports when the doctors named had little or nothing to do with the study.

More than 60% of all academic studies are financed by the drug manufacturers, who have been known to alter the data prior to submitting the results.

The most prominent example of the insatiable greed of Big Pharma is Merck’s Vioxx debacle, where they were likely responsible for the deaths of 500,000 Americans over the age of 65, but gladly paid 4.85 billion dollars for killing 3,468 seniors, after enjoying a 5-year run of selling the aspirin replacement that caused heart attacks and strokes.

Having to pay a negotiable percentage of the revenue from the lethal painkiller seems like a small price to pay, an acceptable cost of doing business in the pharmaceutical industry where you take the good with the bad and still come out on top.

Other “legal” drugs that suffered a fate similar to Vioxx include Risperdal, Seroquel, Zyprexa, and Hormone Replacement Therapy, among others, which makes you wonder about the other medications that we see promoted on TV and in the media with the laundry list of side effects that may include death in some people (a possible side effect of manufacturing patented prescription medications).

If that’s not enough, there are other prescription medications, like the statin family available under the names of atorvastatin (Lipitor), fluvastatin (Lescol XL), lovastatin (Altoprev), pitavastatin (Livalo), pravastatin (Pravachol), rosuvastatin (Crestor, Ezallor) and simvastatin (Zocor, FloLipid), which tout efficacy in the lowering of cholesterol and preventing heart attacks, but the side effects can cause crippling muscle pain, type 2 diabetes, memory loss, confusion, or rhabdomyolysis leading to liver damage, kidney failure, and death. Stop taking the statins, and the side effects fade away.

Before the advent of all this medical profiteering, we tended to our needs using natural substances from Mother Earth. These primitive methods of healing were all placed here with us, to help alleviate pain and heal us, her inhabitants, from every ailment.

They are so effective that Big Pharma models their patented medications after them, like aspirin. Aspirin was fashioned after a pain-relieving compound found in the bark of a willow tree.

Granted, natural remedies have also seen their share of darkness as “snake oil salesmen” used to promise the miraculous healing capabilities of herbal substances for money.

Nonetheless, there are some herbal remedies that have eared their right to compete with the most high-tech patented pharmaceuticals. One such herb is the most prescribed medication in Germany, Ginkgo Biloba for its supremacy in improving memory and other cognitive functions, in the USA, Ginkgo is not as well respected among the medical community. In Germany, medical students are obligated to study herbal alternatives, if even only rudimentarily (not so in the United States).

A few other herbal remedies have been proven to be as effective or even better than their patented prescription imitators, and they have survived and been proven in clinical trials to be the real deal. Besides Ginkgo, the top “proven” herbal supplements are:

  1. Black Cohosh – Helps with the effects of menopause
  2. Chestnut – (horse chestnut) Improves poor blood circulation in legs (varicose veins)
  3. Devil’s Claw – Anti-inflammatory and helps with joint pain
  4. Garlic – Reduces cholesterol and lowers blood pressure
  5. Hawthorne – Helps some heart conditions
  6. Saw Palmetto – Helps with men’s enlarged prostate, better urination
  7. St. John’s Wort – For mild or moderate depression

And there are many other noteworthy natural herbal remedies worth their weight in complementary alternative medicine (CAM) with fewer side-effects than pharmaceuticals, but without the clout of clinical trials to back them up.

The ongoing battle between Big Pharma and Mother Nature continues. And no one here is failing to admire the medical community for all the good they do in the world, but this dark side of pharmaceutical companies is causing the faith of patients to waver.

The smart thing to do is to practice due diligence in all medical interventions and take responsibility for your own care. You decide what is best for you.

Do not be the next casualty of being an uninformed patient.

Consider having two doctors, a medical doctor, and a holistic professional, consulting with both before committing to any prescribed medication, do some research on your own, then make your own educated decision.

Your life may depend on it.

David M Masters

Healing Hands Restrained by Pharmaceutical Bonds

Hey there, folks! We’re diving into some murky waters today, exploring a topic that’s been bothering me for a while. We all put our faith in doctors, thinking they’re the ultimate healers, but what if I told you there’s more to the story? You see, there’s this underbelly of influence lurking behind the scenes, and it’s time we shed some light on it. Strap in as we uncover the not-so-rosy relationship between my fellow doctors and those big pharmaceutical giants, and how it’s shaping the way medicine is practiced.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m all about natural methods, about working with the body’s innate wisdom to heal. But it seems like many of the practitioners who are out there every day on the front lines of medicine missed that memo. They entered the world of medicine with dreams of helping folks get better, but somewhere along the line, they found themselves caught in a pharmaceutical web. The training they received, well, let’s just say it was more about pills and procedures than about tapping into the body’s own power to heal.

Ever wondered why doctors seem to have a prescription pad glued to their hand? It’s not just their penmanship; there’s an invisible puppeteer at play. You see, these pharmaceutical companies aren’t just making pills – they’re crafting an intricate web of influence. They wine and dine doctors, fund research studies that just happen to showcase their latest wonder-drugs, and throw lavish conferences with promises of exotic vacations.

It’s sad, really. We’re made to believe that doctors work for us, that they’re our partners in health. But often, it’s not the patient they’re serving – it’s the pharmaceutical overlords. Those snazzy cars, fancy houses, and yachts? Not just a result of hard work – they’re rewards for playing the pharma game. Doctors end up trading their white coats for marketing stunts, pushing pills they might not even believe in, all for the allure of a bigger paycheck.

Here’s the kicker: they might not even realize what’s happening. They weren’t trained to think about herbal remedies, nutrition, or the body’s innate capacity to heal. They were trained to diagnose, prescribe, and move on to the next patient. The missing link? A lack of education in natural healing methods that could complement, or in some cases replace, those pharmaceutical solutions.

It’s high time we break these chains and reclaim the essence of healing. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not anti-medicine, and I recognize that pharmaceuticals have their place. But it’s time we brought back the balance, the art of natural healing that our ancestors relied upon for centuries. Doctors need to broaden their horizons, to be open to alternative methods that honor the body’s wisdom and minimize the reliance on synthetic fixes.

Folks, it’s time we peel back the layers and question the norms. Our doctors, they’re not villains, but they’re ensnared in a system that prioritizes profits over true healing. As we venture forward, let’s encourage medical education that encompasses the best of both worlds – the advances of modern medicine, alongside the age-old wisdom of natural healing. It’s time for doctors to reclaim their healing hands, and for patients to expect nothing less than comprehensive, balanced, and individualized care.

Heal Yourself

There is a growing sense that all things medical may not actually be as presented by the current medical community. Increasingly people are starting to take full responsibility for their own healthcare. Even though it has been thoroughly beaten into every fabric of our being that to do so would not only be folly, but potentially suicidal to attempt to heal yourself.

There is that part of me that looks at the magnificence of the human body, and I feel coherence with the idea that this gift that I’ve been given of this body comes prepackaged with all the science and technology necessary to maintain itself for some 120 years or so.

Certainly, there will be times, when push comes to shove and something exposes a chink in the armor and something gets through that is incongruent with your body’s otherwise healthy state of being and intervention is necessary.

So what do you do, if you’ve taken responsibility for your own healthcare?

You try to heal yourself in any way that might be available. Fortunately, I know a PhD of Natural Medicine with whom I consult. Don’t tell him I told you this, but I always fact-check his advice on Google before jumping into any regimen he might suggest. And you know what?

Nine times out of ten, I could have just gone straight to Google. You might be surprised at how much genuine alternative resources are available with the typing on a few letters into a search engine. Keep in mind, that for as much valid information is available via the web, there is just as much misinformation, and sometimes, it’s impossible to determine which you’re looking at.

On either side of the fence you will find representations and exaggerations of otherwise commonly believed ideas supported by wild claims and/or death warnings for anyone who might even consider such a type of alternative approach to healing.

I might be much more cautious if I didn’t personally know of people who were given death sentences by Medical Doctors, threatened with certain death from unspeakable maladies if not offering to sacrifice their bodies on the altar of pharmaceuticals in exchange for a few more moments on planet earth, who did heal themselves.

Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything youve got You cannot chastise punish or poison yourself to health
Your body will heal itself if you love it with everything you’ve got. You cannot chastise, punish, or poison yourself to health.

Knowing hand fulls of folks who have successfully looked professionally prophesied death in the eye and decided to heal themselves, did just that. I mean, I couldn’t possibly disclose the details of these true life stories without risking being thrown in prison or at the very least being labelled a liar and a kook, here and everywhere else. The fact remains, these people are not only not dead, they are quite fruitful and are thriving healthfully.

And if you know someone, like that, it can’t help but make you wonder…

You might find me studying alternative therapies from time to time along my journey. To date, I have not been diagnosed with one of those frightening diseases that makes you feel like if you don’t submit to the full barrage of authorized treatment, the result will be certain death, so I can say for certain what my response would be. But since I know so may people who have done so, successfully, I would think I would give it a go.

I partake in some natural maintenance regimens, and tweak my own personal cocktails according to the natural response of my body, as well as a bit of research and checking with my inner circuitry to keep myself from falling prey to some nasty malady.

I also feel that I, along with all the others who are taking responsibility of healing themselves, are making a contribution to humanity in some small way, as though my self healthcare might be contagious.

I realize there are wildly opposing point of view on this pharma vs. farm-a idea of natural healing, but I can see both sides, and I am not – by any means – suggesting that someone not go to the doctor. I have both a primary care medical doctor and my natural health doctor that I keep open lines of communication with, so I feel I’ve got both feet on the ground, but I must admit, I am more inclined to seek a natural alternative rather than a pharmaceutical intervention, but if I need it, it’s there.

What about you?

Heal yourself lately?

Conspiracy Theories The Truth

In my work with powerful individuals associated with leading edge technology and thought, I often find myself face-to-face with someone (or someone who knows someone) who knows the truth about varying conspiracy theories.

There is definitely a part of me that engages when someone approaches me with new information that is contrary to public opinion concerning what is highly regarded as truth. I think that history provides us with a valid foundation to logically predict that what we believe about some things in the future may not be what we believe to be true today.

Some of the most interesting stories I’ve heard from “experts” in the field of research in these otherwise unbelievable conspiracy theories include conspiracies, like:

Conspiracy Theories The Truth area 51 aliens

Roswell and Aliens

The crashed UFO reportedly recovered in Roswell, New Mexico complete with alien crash victims, and the ensuing cover up orchestrated by the United States and the connection to Area 51. More and more, the general consensus is the statement, “We are not alone,” is true.


We all have seen it, planes flying through the air leaving trails of “something” resembling contrails, but is believed to be a sort of chemical spraying. The spray is associated with any number of purposes including DNA manipulation, spreading of disease, weather control and affecting the sensitive eco-system. Also known as aerial geo-engineering.

Medicine, Disease and Big Pharma

About 150 years ago patent medicine changed the landscape of medical treatment. Government regulators teamed up with corporations to allow them to synthesis natural cures and market them through medical universities to doctors who would presescribe the patented pharmaceutical medications to their patients in their practice. This wreaks of conspiracy may be the reason why we are seeing the proliferation of both designer drugs and designer disease.

Fluoride in the Water

We all know there’s widespread water fluoridation(and who knows what other additives are put in our water and what it’s purpose might be). We’re told npot to swallow toothpaste because of the fluoride in it, but there it is: in our main water supplies. TH fluoride in you water is actually hydrofluorosilicic acid. What purpose do you think that serves?

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

My original thought was that GMOs were a good thing. Turns out: Not so much. As a matter of fact, could be really bad for us. Other countries refuse to have the stuff inside their borders, yet they continue to force-feed it to us and our kids… Then there’s Monsanto trying to protect their interests, but at what cost?


It turns out that there’ this huge facility (the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) located in Gakona, Alaska that’s run by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Many conspiracy theories surround HAARP. Could be used for controlling weather, “natural” disasters or controlling the minds of human beings.

Government Conspiracies and Cover-ups

Thanks to whistleblowers, like Edward Snowden, we’re finding our government may be more suspect than we had previously believed. Big Brother is alive and well, is watching every move you make and listening to every word you speak. They hire large numbers of personnel and control the media to manipulate the minds of their citizenry.


The events of September 11th, 2001 have left so many unanswered questions, that it leads one to believe this particular incident has many hidden secrets that seem curious today. Even a normal (non conspirator) resident of the United States would scratch their head and the confusing information. Though it may not be fully disclosed, it is certain that the cover story is not very close to the truth, not unlike cover stories of Pearl Harbor and the JFK Assassination, which we know now to be contrary to the original reports.

Who Controls the World?

Are there a chosen few actually pulling all the strings? Are we being groomed for the New World Order? Is the U.S. Federal Reserve System and nearly all of the world’s banking systems run by a few (if not two) predominant families part of another plot to further shackle us and what part (if any) do secret societies, like the Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Bones have to do with it?

And that’s just a few of the many ideas I am privy to “inside information” on, which doesn’t even scratch the surface of more detailed information that I’ve been sworn to secrecy on.

So, you might ask, “How do you respond to that kind of data?”

Firstly, I am very interested in hearing the truth. I am hungry for it and desire to know it…

But I cannot let it distract me from my mission. I must resist the temptation to delve into the research, much like scientific discoveries, to protect and maintain the integrity of my special purpose.

So, I defer to others, of whom it is their mission, to ferret out the details and keep me informed.

What do you think?

Any other compelling conspiracy theories we should know about?