No Darkness vs Light

People who have grown up in and are a part of “the real world” are so well conditioned they have no idea what is available to them. For the most part, they are unaware of their own divinity and power. They have no idea that their ego has been conditioned to prevent them from seeing the unlimited potentialities of the universe.

It is no fault of theirs that they perceive the world this way. It is the default setting for the human condition in the current day and age. But times are a changing, as increasingly people are awakening to the reality of so much of everything they know, believe, and would give their lives to defend, are lies.

They are, as we all were, victims of immersive programming through social engineering, family rearing, and the constant drone of media exposure. Who can blame them? Not one of us because we’ve been there, too.

The last thing anyone wants to hear is that everything they know, believe, or lived their life for, is not as it appears. That is unless their heart is soft enough, and they’ve been brave enough to start looking at the inconsistencies to question reality-as-they-know-it for themselves.

You Have Lost Your Mind!

It is perfectly understandable that someone who is lost in the darkness, and therefore “normal,” might think that you, as you challenge everything they believe as being true is anything but the truth and believe you have lost your mind!

Your perspective is so contrary to everything they’ve been programmed to believe that you must be in need of psychiatric help or be locked up and medicated for your own good. They love you, they do, and they do not want to see you stray too far from the fold.

Even so, people from all walks of life, are awakening, even scientists cannot deny the expansiveness of life, the universe, and the awesome potential of the quantum sciences as we see the contrast in what we previously thought to be.

This awakening is not all wine and roses. When your whole world is blown apart, you can experience an earth-shattering awakening and as you begin to realize things are not as they appear, and you spent your whole life believing lies, you can be deeply shaken as you adjust to this new knowingness.

You don’t need psychotic drug therapy. What you need is to take some time to adjust to your new realities and to seek the unlimited resources of love within, which is your birthright.

Different people emerge from awakening in different ways. Some people actually respond to the awakening, not with love, but with an increased fear and negative fervor. They are shocked by the contrast between what they’ve been led to believe and how different the things they’ve held to so tightly was misrepresented as a method to manipulate and control their thoughts and actions. These are those who become obsessed with the dichotomy and are labeled as radicals, nonconformists, and conspiracy theorists.

These rebels fueled by anger take it upon themselves to try to educate the “believers” of their folly. While this effort does have it’s place, it is not the path of those who live life in the light most fully. For in the light, there is only light, love, compassion, healing, and the acceptance that things are as they are.

There is No Darkness vs Light

There is no war of light against the darkness. There is only the growth and expansion of love and light, until the darkness can no longer be effectively used against the world and its peoples. Focussing on the darkness can distract someone on the path to light and love from their fullest expansive potential.

In the light, there is no place for complaining about conspiracies, government or otherwise, oppression, manipulation of the masses, violence, war, or rumors of wars. These are the ideas represented by the darkness. There is no denying the prevalence of the darkness, but the antithesis is the proliferation of the light, not the damnation of all that is dark.

There exists a gray area of enlightenment and there are those who are called to the ministry of exposing the dark. For those who choose this mission, they are willing to forfeit all the benefits of being fully engulfed in the light for the greater good, the warriors who battle against the darkness. There is room in the coming age for all peoples of all callings and each of us plays a critical role.

For you, you are answering the call of unconditional love and pure light, if you dare, and others who are on a similar path will be drawn to you, and you to them, for all of us are necessary for the evolutionary expansion of our world and its inhabitants. Here there is no judgment, only each individual pursuing their own calling, collectively we are all part of the expansion of love and light.

One day, the darkness will no longer be sustainable, and light will prevail.

A world of light and love is what we all have hope for once enlightenment reaches critical mass.

Life of Light Among the Darkness

You’re awakening. You’re seeing things from a different perspective. You’re becoming more aware that things are not as they appear. You are growing and changing living a life of light among the darkness. As those closest to you are viewing recent changes in you, they try to be supportive, tolerating your expansion, hoping you’re just going through a phase.

Nonetheless, you persist. You continue to evolve and expand, and as you do, you are having less and less in common with those who previously were tethered to you. As they witness your transformation, they may try to “save you” from evolving too far away from your former you.

The person you were before was more like them, embroiled in the darkness. Now you are a child of the light, and your light is shining ever brighter. What fellowship can light have with darkness?

As you continue along your journey, you end up being further away from the vibratory state of those who are dependent upon the darkness for their sense of security in leading a “normal” life. They prefer to engage in the socially acceptable lifestyles which they have been programmed to align themselves with. You, on the other hand, are experiencing a growing desire to do other things, exploring other interests and activities which wouldn’t interest anyone who resides in darkness in the least.

Freaking Out

Those you were tethered to (and still may be deeply connected to) do not want to see you go, and they may express themselves in various ways. They may have played along, feigning interest or support, then, one day, they crack. They just can’t take it anymore, and they strike out at you. Their freaking out can be very unpleasant, potentially abusive, or be fueled in self-righteous anger as they are seeing you as the freak.

Even on your best day, such an entanglement can be difficult and can hurt your feelings as you now see your former friend as he or she really is. This can be heartbreaking and make you feel alienated or rejected by those whom you thought loved you for who you are, no matter what. Alienation does not serve you.

Some people may be resilient enough to support you as you grow as they choose to remain living their lives in a lower vibration. Even so, you feel yourself drifting away from them because they’ve become accustomed to, even love the darkness and cannot understand that which they are unable to see of the light.

The more enlightened you become the less you and your friends who remain in lower vibrations have in common.

Love Them

Those who live in the darkness may associate negative thoughts and feelings about the distance growing between you. You cannot blame them for the way they are. No one knows better than you because you, too, were once among the darkness.

Have compassion for them. Negative thoughts and feelings have no place in the light. Keep your heart pure. Remember their intention is good even though their execution may falter. They cannot understand what they cannot understand.

Love and bless them. They are doing the best they can with what they have, as are you. Love can build a bridge and your love may encourage them to see the possibilities which exist beyond the darkness.

Respect and honor every individual. Do not be afraid to meet them where they are at. You cannot change anyone, only they can change themselves when they are ready, just like you have.

There is no need to argue, debate, or have any conflict regarding differing ideas. Allow everyone and everything to be who or what they are, for all is perfection in the eyes of God.

Honor the sanctity in all things and remember that there exists only truth. All thoughts, fears, ideas, and dreams exist in the truth continuum and are subject to change at any moment in time.

Your responsibility is to you. Focus on you and your own path, stay true to you and do not alienate those who dare to not reject you. Greet them in love, with compassion, understanding, and do not judge. For no man is better than any other man, we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

You Are Always Right

Everything you believe to be true is true until that moment that you decide to believe something else to be true. You are truth, and truth is always changing and evolving, as you are exposed to new, or emerging information, which causes the truth continuum to shift and adapt to new paradigms. No matter where you are in the truth continuum, you are always in the continuum of truth, therefore you are always right.

Everything is truth which exists in the matrix of truth, so no matter what you think or believe, you are always right. You have nothing to defend. You never have to apologize for being in a different subsection of the truth continuum from anyone else. You are never believing in a non-truth, only in a truth location that is differentiated from another in the truth matrix possibly quite different than a previous truth coordinate where your attention may have been focused previously.

The truth continuum is always evolving and infinitely ever-expanding. It is not a stagnant, definitive, or limited set of data, as much as we would love it to be. There’s a comfort in having the fantasy that you can understand all there is about any given thing. This is impossible in the continuum of truth because every time you discover a new truth, a hundred thousand other truths are born in the expansion.

It can be somewhat confusing when you realize that other people, every other person, is at a different location inside the continuum of truth, and no two people can be at the same location in the truth continuum at the same time.

Truths represent specific coordinates inside the truth continuum. The truth continuum is not limited to 2D coordinates, such as longitude and latitude. Each truth includes a specific address with at least a 4D, WXYZ coordinate.

When you become aware of the truth continuum, it doesn’t make any sense to wrap your head around the concept of having any need to demand that anyone have a similar collection of truth addresses compiled to match yours.

Yet, there are the societal designers who exert a great deal of energy to keep us from understanding the vastness of the truth continuum and seek to use specific truths to keep us separated from each other.

You have been programmed from birth to believe in specific truths and defend them with a high degree of enthusiasm. You have been taught to challenge the beliefs or truths highly held by others and exert a great deal of emotional effort to persuade those who are not in agreement with you to change their truth to match yours.

The psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists seem to dominate the positions of the persuaders who are the most effective converters of others by lording over or bullying others to subject themselves to their particular ideas, beliefs, or limited collection of truths. The idea of letting you think for yourself will send a persuader into a rage, and he or she might even be willing to exert berating, shame, disrespect, intimidation, restraint, or force, even lethal force, to punish others for not adhering to their set of truths.

It’s as if the designers of our social matrix would do anything to keep us as oppositely polarized as possible. Why might they want to keep us divided in any, and as many, way(s) possible? Because we are easier to manage either individually or in groups. These groups are often separated by specific compilations of truths or beliefs.

Easy to manage (control). Not so easy to control: seven-and-a-half-billion enlightened, empowered individuals.

The barbarian tactics of the predatory persuaders are unsustainable amidst the expansive light of growing evolutionary consciousness.

Everything you believe in the continuum of truth is truth and you are always right. Just as you have the right to resonate with the truth you’ve discovered, so should any other person have the right to hold their own truths they have discovered elsewhere in the continuum.

Nothing is more-or-less true, except in your own compilation of truth as you recognize and sort your discoveries for yourself, and your allowance and honoring of anyone else to discover their truth for themselves without judgment is the essence of true love.

Nonetheless, more and more of us are awakening every second of every day, and fewer and fewer of us are falling for the magic tricks of the social designers.

People, just like you and me, are beginning to ask questions, find their own answers, and explore the continuum of truth.

Merry Christmas Rant with Love

It’s Christmas and I celebrate it. My friends and family celebrates, each one a little differently than the other. Yet, everyone gets the idea.

I find it interesting that people find the most interesting ways to divide themselves from other people when it would make more sense to allow us all just “to be” and bless those who don’t see things the way you do.

Granted, some people don’t believe in, celebrate, or condone the idea of Christmas… and who cares? I celebrate your right to believe anything you want.

Second, only to New Years, Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. And thankfully, this “religious” holiday has become so watered down that anyone can celebrate it. Even though it was originally a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus, now it represents the advancement of love and peace among all peoples. An idea of which Jesus could be proud of having been promoted by His birthday.

While the majority of us find it easy to wrap our heads around this idea of Jesus’ birthday being a joyous, love-filled celebration of life and the bright future which awaits us all as we unite in harmony for a better world, some hardcore Christians have a problem with non-cardholding-members joining in their holiday celebration.

Now, here’s where it gets a little dicey. Even among Christians (because there’s so many division amongst them), they can’t agree on a way to celebrate Christmas as a whole. Many Christian factions are divided on their celebration of the Christmas holiday, and some refuse to participate at all due to it’s commercialism, or basis in paganism.

Christmas, the whole idea of it represents an evolutionary approach to advancing harmony among all peoples, spreading love and peace. December 25th was originally a Roman holiday to celebrate the birth of the sun, later the Catholic Church (Pope Julius I) adopted this day to celebrate the birth of Jesus, “The Son of God.”

As Christianity expanded across the globe and spread to all nations, unique characteristics were gathered along the way and included into the celebration of Christmas. Christmas evolved to invite anyone and everyone to be honored and to celebrate the December 25th holiday in their own way.

Yes, dragging a tree into the house to mark winter’s halfway point was a pagan tradition, and this idea evolved into the decorated Christmas tree which sets some staunch Christians ablaze with anti-paganism fury. Nonetheless, there is nothing new under the sun, and we all adopt ideas from the past and repurpose them into modern ideologies.

Now, you can fight for the idea of pure thought, uninfluenced by any preconceived thought (which is an exciting thought in itself, I’ll admit) and stand strong, like a marker carved in stone, unmovable, unchanging, in honor of ancient ideals or philosophies, dedicated to preserve the past and defend it, even if it means disrespecting, debating with, or killing anyone who dares to not align themselves with your belief(s).

If that’s you, don’t go reaching for your sniper rifle or loading your vehicle with bombs and think about tracking me down just yet, please hear me out…

Let’s say you believe the way you do, and I believe the way I do and let’s assume there are some differences, no matter what thought systems we’re talking about, religious or otherwise.

And let’s think about how you might like to have people think like you do. Heck, I might even like people to think the way I do. Now, we could kill all the people who don’t believe the way we do, then we win. But I think that we can agree that we’ve seen this approach in the past (or even recently) and can rationalize that this is not really a sustainable model.

On the other hand, we can lovingly turn our efforts into including as many people as possible to play in our game in their own way to make the world a better place, where we all can live in harmony, promoting love and peace.

On one hand, we have “separation” which promotes fear and death and is not sustainable. On the other hand, inclusion, which promotes love which is the energy which gives life, new life, expanding life.

All that to say, “I love Jesus,” and am proud to call myself a Christian but I would never impose my belief upon another person. I love the idea that the world is made of different people all with different ideas and contributions to make and gift to the world. Far be it from me to even entertain the thought for a moment, that I might not be able to learn something from someone else, anyone else.

Jesus is my greatest hero, and I have other heroes besides, and none of us has the right to dictate to another person whom we regard as our heroes. Regardless, even if I was not a Christian, I think I would celebrate Christmas because of the idea of Christmas, as it is celebrated among society en masse, is a microcosm of evolving and expanding life on planet earth.

I get excited about the very thought of Christmas, how it makes people who embrace the holiday feel special, full of love, and desire to do good things for family, friends, other people, and the world at large. A fantasy? Maybe, but what a thing to aspire to; peace on earth and goodwill to all men. That is a dream, that I believe, can one day come true.

You can join me in celebration of that on December 25th, and/or every day, for that matter.

And if you’re among those who are finding the holidays a struggle, when it seems so very hard, and it appears that there is no love for you; there is.

There is great love for you, now, and even more on the way.

Unfortunately, this is the time of year when many people are feeling lost, lonely, at their very worst, and my thoughts and heart are with you. In fact, my friends and I are sending love to you, right now. You might even consider helping us in sending love to the world while getting a little more for yourself in the process, with no strings attached.

If you search inside yourself, you can find the love within you, we are sending you more. We know you can make it, and you have great things to do ahead.

A better life awaits you, your best life, and we need you to help make the world a better place.

There are amazing things in store for you in the coming year.

Merry Christmas to you.

I love you.

I believe in you.

Entertained Angels Believe It Or Not

Regardless of what you believe about angels, the fact remains, many have entertained angels unaware (Hebrews 13:2), believe it or not.

Entertained Angels Believe It Or Not
Many have entertained angels, believe it or not

There are many things in life which might seem illogical, unexplainable, or mysterious, like the existence of angels. There are religious texts referring to these angelic beings and if you’ve aligned yourself with or subscribe to the teachings of a particular text which discloses information regarding angels, then you have a particular view or idea about what an angel is.

Angels are not apparent to us in (our) real time due to their inhabitance of another plane of existence or dimension. Even so, just as we can make our presence known and influence the first and second dimensions for our plane of existence, the third dimension, angels can interact with us in our dimension from their higher dimension.

Also, just like consciousness which might inhabit the first and second dimensions might find it difficult to comprehend what we might try to communicate from the third dimension, even with the best intentions, likewise, it is hard for us to wrap our mortal heads around what angels might be trying to tell you.

Ofparticular interest is the fact that some angels have the ability to walk beside us, just as fellow human beings and interact with us, with us none the wiser. In this way, many have entertained angels unaware, believe it or not.

Unfortunately, intellectualism is prevalent in our society has for some time rejected the idea of the paranormal while focusing the attention of knowledge to what can be represented in the laboratory or evaluated via scientific method. This, of course, is a huge problem when approaching concepts, ideals, or facts which we are not able to have access to with any of our five senses nor can we control from the dimension to which our conscious awareness is limited to.

Though there is a conscious evolution taking place that is undeniable which is infecting all life as we know it, and the quest for knowledge and science is not exempt from the evolutionary process taking place.

The seat of this evolutionary process is in the human heart and the expansion of the consciousness, and those who are on the

Just as technology has five stages of adoption,
1. Innovators
2. Early Adopters
3. Early Majority
4. Late Majority
5. Laggards
the same is true for the evolutionary expansion of the consciousness.

The advancement of technology will not stop any day soon, and the eventual adoption of it will be inevitable. Some will resist it, nonetheless, it charges forward, with some people more open to the idea of embracing something new, and others not so much.

In terms of our awareness of angels, their existence, and our ability to interact with them, there also have been innovators, early adopters, an early majority (where we are now, with more people believing in angels than not), the late majority, and the laggards, who will reject the idea of angels, even when it is clearly apparent to the rest of the world.

Even so, evolution continues, and after a while, there will come a point when even laggards will no longer be represented.

In the meantime, angels continue to make themselves known to those of us who are sensitive enough to experience the awareness of their presence and maybe even be privy to understand some of their attempts to communicate with us.

Are angels correctly represented in religious texts? The answer is both yes, and no. The writers and linguists of the time were limited in their ability to understand and document their knowledge. In our present day, we possess a far expansive knowledge base to evaluate data considered as it is revealed to us. In this respect, those who have reported and/or documented regarding angels in the past, may not have been able to have as clear an understanding as we might be able to grasp in the present-day.

But if it were not for those innovators, we might not have any awareness of the existence of angels at all.

So where are you in the five stages of angelic adoption?

Are you an innovator, early adapter, or early majority?

Or are you still skeptical, resigning yourself to be a part of the later majority or among the laggards?

There is no right or wrong here, evolution simply is what it is, whether it is physical or metaphysical.

It is happening now, and you are free to decide where you will be amidst this expansive evolution.

The Sound of Expansive Evolution

Where does all the weirdness come from? Images and scenarios that play out when you sleep, that feeling of Déjà vu, when you find yourself nowhere you’ve ever been before, yet have the knowingness that you’ve been here before, meet someone who seems so familiar, done or said something before, when you know better. Or have you?

There is a great field of energy that we all walk around in. It surrounds us and permeates every tiniest piece of everything that is, and even assists in the assembling and holding together of molecules and provides order so we can have the privilege of enjoying all matter has to offer, including the bodies we’re so blessed to inhabit.

The very thought of us, floating in space on a planet in a solar system, in a universe that contains millions of galaxies ever-expanding (if you thought you were feeling insignificant before, I apologize), but there’s good news.

If you allow your mind to consider the idea, you could access and meld with the intelligence that makes sense of all chaos and powers everything, everywhere, at all times. Yes, the same One that hung all the stars and planets in space, made our little blue ball and put us here to enjoy all the amazing things which surround us.

Obviously, attempting to define this intelligence and power in any intelligible manner, would be like trying to teach a worm how to build a Mercedes from raw materials. The only hope you have of getting any idea about what’s happening is to spend time experiencing this energy and allow our minds to expand enough to hopefully get some idea about what’s going on from the perspective of our human experience.

Now, this is not a new idea, and people are doing it every day. People from all walks of life wield this limitless energy every day. Some on purpose, some witness it’s power by accident, yet there it is.

Trouble is, when someone gets a glimpse of the power, and discovers a duplicatable method to predict a plausible result (that may well be unexpected at first blush) from accessing and deploying this energy, they’d like to patent it, if they could. Instead, they start a movement of some kind based on this very narrow scope of their discovery.

I am not discounting their discovery, God bless them for figuring out how to expand beyond the constraints of thought which keeps any of us other structured thinkers from doing so. Yet, this harkens to the idea that there is hope for those of us who see them embroiled in the ecstasy of their discovery, and have hope for ourselves.

Each and every discovery of this accessing and/or harnessing of this intelligent energy is but a spec, a very small sampling, like discovering a grain of sand among all the grains of sand all over our planet (and other planets, too).

The only hope of accessing this energy is to use a powerful tool we are all imbued with from the moment we are introduced to this planet, and that is your imagination. Your imagination is far more effective and powerful than any manmade weapon, and more effective, sensitive, and intricate than any scientific instrument ever conceived on this planet.

Expansion explorers are only scratching the surface of what the potential and power of the imagination is, but as much as we’d all like to release the information freely, we all realize there is a great opposition to the dissemination of discoveries of this type en masse.

We, all of us, you and I, have been programmed from birth to reject any of these magnificent high-level thought processes, to laugh at people who would dare think outside our comfortable little thought boxes. Some even go to school to learn how to diagnose, treat, or otherwise remove these energetic rebels from society altogether, for our own protection. To protect us from evolving past the limitations (and control) of our socialized humanity.

Okay, so there’s a growing underground movement that is slowly expanding and integrating with The Source of all that is, was, or ever will be. And while we may be few, our numbers are increasing, and one day, when this energetic evolution reaches critical mass, a very different world will emerge.

In the meantime, we will remain to be somewhat quiet about our expansion, while we continue to do so.

Shh… That’s the Sound of Expansive Evolution

7 Points of Evolving Expansion

One of the components of evolutionary expansion is the ability to allow base beliefs to expand beyond the primitive definitions which you have been groomed to hold onto with every fiber of your being. Even so, with all that familial and social programming, something inside you is gently tapping on your shoulder, quietly whispering the question, “Is there something more?” Indeed, there is. Here are 7 points of evolving expansion that you may notice as contrasting as you continue to open, grow and change into the higher version of yourself.

1. Be a Good Person

We’re all told to be a good person, to not try to buck the system or be a rebel. There is a basic tenant which harkens to us to not be a bad person, to treat our fellow beings as we might like to have them treat us and to feel sorry for others who are struggling (maybe even lend them a hand in one way or another). Avoid criminal activity, obey the laws of the land, understand and reinforce the ideals of what is right and what is wrong, and influence others to comply.

Expanded Version

Evolving to the grander version of yourself includes allowing the good person that you’ve been raised to be to expand into an even better person, only this next level of goodness is not defined by others. The good person you’re becoming can only be defined by you, as the result of your expanding self, establishing a greater, more sensitive heart connection with the energies of life. This expanded good person is likely to see things quite differently than their other well-programmed and compliant neighbors. Still, the inclination to be a good person remains, though it takes on a new vitality and flavor than what others might definitively expect.

2. Gather and Believe

In the United States and other countries, this is usually an expectation to have an inclination to some kind of belief system. While some are more popular than others, there is a wide range of belief systems available for anyone to adhere to, everything from Catholicism to Atheism and then some.

Expanded Version

The expanded being begins to break free from the confines of any box which adheres to a specific and limited belief system. As you evolve you see that things are not as they appear to be and certainly not as you were led to believe. This opens the heart and the mind to new possibilities. While you may have a desire to continue with your present belief system, if you were to clearly voice your new revelations, or question the inappropriateness or inadequacies with their prescribed belief system, this could cause problems for you. You are developing your own belief system, which cannot be fit into someone else’s restrictive box of thought.

3. You and Your Self

You’ve been raised to believe that you must fight to preserve your sense of self. You know what you feel, want, believe and you are compelled to fight, or risk all to defend it. This is an egocentric point of view which keeps all of us separated from becoming one. Even in the sacred bond of marriage, or among blood relatives, this “fight for your right” mentality is pervasive, keeps and tears us apart. We form organizations, factions, religions, governments, laws and military forces to defend our separateness.

Expanded Version

As you evolve into the higher version of your self, your “self” decreases as you become more tolerant and tune into the vibration of love and independently connect more to the source of everything. As you bid your ego, Adieu, you can understand what Jesus meant when he said, “He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 16:25) It doesn’t refer to your literal loss of life, but to your moving forward for the greater good, leaving your ego behind; not an easy thing to do. Your ego has been in the driver’s seat far too long to be willing to leave without a fight. Nonetheless, letting go of this part of your self is and welcomed and important part of your evolution.

4. When Bad Things Happen

The old you was programmed to get up and fight or sulk in sadness when things don’t go the way you want, always having to choose between accepting victimization or becoming the warrior willing to fight (compromise morals or commit crimes) for what you want, when things don’t go the way you expected. Ultimately, the powers that be are too powerful to do battle with, so most of us, sulk, fall into depression, or try to ease the pain by leaning on a wide variety of addictions which avail themselves to help us mitigate the damages and pain associated with having to accept our lowly lot in life.

Expanded Version

Your expanded-self looks at challenges, difficulties, inadequacies and incongruent ideas from an entirely new perspective. From this viewpoint above and outside yourself, without your ego in tow, you are more able to see things as they really are, not as you’ve been programmed to see them. You are understanding more that when Jesus said, “And we know that in all things God works for the good…” (Romans 8:28) that they truly do. “All things,” even the worst of things you could possibly imagine, all pave the way for something so far better, but we are more likely than not unable to see what good lays beyond the struggle we may be engaged in at the time. With this understanding, you are less prone to worry, and unable to be victimized, because you know there is something better not far off, eliminating what we previously considered, “bad things.” Now you’re realizing that these are only necessary changes of direction or attention.

5. Mistakes and Coincidences

You have been trained to believe that mistakes are bad, and you’ve learned to beat yourself up for your missteps and accept ridicule from others when you’ve stumbled. And coincidences, are just that; some unassociated or random thing that has transpired for no apparent reason, which could be a fortunate unexpected good thing (or a bad thing). In any case, these things, your unfortunate missteps and any coincidental manifestations are just that; random and disconnected. Sometimes stuff just happens; that is all.

Expanded Version

As you continue to evolve you begin to understand that there are no such things as mistakes or coincidence because you are becoming more aware of the divine connectedness in all things. You know that all mistakes carry with them a sacred treasure of a hidden message or learning that you may not have been able to receive having not gone through this process leading to your growth and attainment of more wisdom. This gives you a unique perspective and knowledge that is priceless to anyone who might be struggling with a similar set of circumstances. Then there are the coincidences, of course, you realize that these are divine gifts and blessings (or corrections) that all serve as blessed rewards or ways to put you back on the path to your highest and best.

6. Negative News

We are programmed to keep one ear and one eye (if not both of them) leaning on the newsfeed spoon-fed to us by the media, books, films, “reality shows” news coverage, and “live feeds” via the Internet. This exposure to mass media is the main source of disseminating your programming, in addition to and following your public or private schooling, to assure that you become a good citizen, amiable to the control of the powers-that-be which are charged with your control. Their favorite tool for delivering messages and thought patterns that run deep is to strongly associate them and deliver them in a state of fear or danger. Then we become unpaid foot soldiers, spreading the message and monitoring our neighbors by doing the responsible thing with the innocuous, “Did you hear in the news…?”

Expanded Version

As you grow and learn more about how things are not as they are, or how they were presented to you, you develop a sort of Spidey-sense when you’re being exposed to the propaganda and lie(s) promoted by the powers that be, in an effort to distract you from your growth and expansion. The most effective tool used to manipulate you and the masses is fear, and they will use it, exploit and spin anything and everything they can to keep you in a fear-based vibration, because you and everyone else is so much easier to control when you’re in a state of fear and are more likely to believe that you need someone else to keep you safe from the things that you are unable to witness first-hand. The more evolved you become, the less interested you are in propaganda and lies.

7. Love Is…

When you think of love, you’ve been programmed to have certain ideologies associated with love; and this is perfect for the masses. It goes something, like this, the different kinds of love include love for your family and friends, love for fauna and flora, love for your pet, love of one’s country, love for persons, places, and things, and romantic love between two people “in love.” Love initiates within you, your heart, for someone or something outside of yourself.

Expanded Verson

Love is the carrier wave of all energy, it is in everything, throughout all that is or ever was, holds all things together and provides appropriate separation, exists in the absence of anything amidst any void, has no beginning and no end. Even in negative energy, love is there. As you expand you learn to tap into this limitless energy from outside yourself, allow it to envelop all that you are, letting it consume you and flow out to others. You now know that love is not limited to individuals, and your love for individuals changes, as you move away from selfish love to the unconditional forms of love and its expression. Additionally, as you learn how to harness its power, you can learn how to use it to share, heal and be the light to an otherwise dark and thirsty world that longs for the release of this powerful energetic influence.

These are just some of the areas you will notice major shifts of consciousness when you expand and continue to evolve into the highest and best version of yourself.

How Can I Allow Evolution?

Someone asked me, “Evolution? What do you mean? How do I allow evolution to happen for me?”

The answer is a little tricky because it’s different for everyone, but there are similarities that are shared among many who are allowing the evolution to take place in the life you are living in real time.

1. Evolution Is Calling

The first thing is to wrap our head around the idea that you – every part of you, from your mind to your body, right down to the DNA – is yearning to evolve, right now. There is an advanced being longing to experience all the best things this life has to offer, and beyond. And you don’t have to do much, except for to allow the evolution to take place, by preventing you from getting in the way of the impending expansion.

2. Avoid and/or Limit Impeding Distractions

There is an underlying conspiracy in our society that does not want you to evolve. There is a great deal of non-stop activity and programming that is designed to keep you distracted and resistant to the idea that this evolution is longing to release and allowing the new you to emerge. No need to try to explain or rationalize why this is happening, you can do this on your own. All you need to know, really, is that distractions abound to prevent your evolution and expansion. If you are aware of this, you can side-step the distractions and allow your evolution to take place.

What are the distractions to be on the lookout for?

Your life experience is hindered by many things designed to keep the frequency level of your life low enough that evolution and expansion is hardly possible what with the barrage of drudgery involved with everyday life, with our countless routines, and pressure from looming bills, our efforts to try to get ahead, our jobs, maintaining our abodes, dealing with the many levels of relationships that we manage on a daily basis, raising the kids, taking care of our pets, trying to fit in time for others, and on top of all this a constant overflowing of information via media and the Internet designed to keep you hovering at a low vibration. It’s no wonder so few of us are able to break-free enough to allow any expansion to take place. But if it is your time, you will be able to let this pressure subside as you make room to embrace your evolutionary process.

3. Be Prepared to See Things Differently

Expect to start seeing things differently. As your evolution starts to take place, you begin seeing things in a different light. You may start to realize that everything you’ve been told, everything that you feel is true and have sincerely believed in, may not be as you previously thought. When this juxtaposition begins to take place, over-analyzing the contrast between what you previously thought was one way and understanding that what you previously believed was true, you could find yourself bailing out of the evolutionary process. Why? For some, the idea of seeing things as differently is too much to imagine, and if so, that’s okay. It might not be your time to evolve at this time.

4. Find Your Own Way

What do I do next? This is entirely up to you. Your evolution will take place using any number of methods, just be open to what seem right and true in the moment that you are willing to let go of the distractions (of course, you may not be able to unplug completely, but just to give less importance to the pressure and more importance to your evolution is enough).

So, what will it look like? Whatever resonates with your willingness to be open and available to what is reaching out to you. Just have an open mind and allow your inner self to find the path that is perfect for you at this time. Some will lean toward prayer, religion or spirituality, while others may find submerging themselves in nature or meditative states or disciplines. You might be drawn to losing yourself in the arts or artistic expression, or find yourself in deep analytical study or contemplation. Whatever it is that you are drawn to, you will know that it is right at this time because it feels good. This is where your evolution begins to take place. Just be open for the method to change and shift over time as you evolve.

5. Allow Expansion

Allow expansion. As your evolution begins, you may find a comfortable place within a particular method of expanded presence. It is acceptable to enjoy this new vibrational state of awareness for a period of time, for the remainder of your life, if you so choose. This is your evolutionary journey, just know that for every plateau of awareness to which you arrive and enjoy, there is another one waiting to be discovered. If you allow it, the next level will begin to appear on the horizon. The choice to investigate or explore the even greater expansion is entirely up to you. Just know there is so much more out there waiting for you, and excited about your arrival.

6. Individual Tolerance

Don’t worry about anyone else’s journey. Just as your evolutionary journey is your own, anyone else’s is their own journey. It’s natural to get excited about your evolution, as it takes place, and want to share your expansion with others. Be aware that your path is not for everyone, in fact it is only for one: You. Allow anyone and everyone to find their own way. You might find some following the same path, or crossing your path along the way, allow the interaction to take place, and know that people will come and go as the new you continues to emerge along the way. Do not judge anyone, love everyone and wish them the best this life has in store for them.

Congratulations, for embracing the change.

Up Your Enlightened Expansion

You’re on the path… You’re beginning to see that things are not as they appear… You are on a path of enlightenment… and you’re looking around for clues…

This is where you’re potentially get thrown off-track.

Once you see that things are not the way you’ve been taught and programmed to think and believe, it is impossible to go backward. Oh, sure, you could (and it feels more safe to) return to the same old life routine that you’ve lived your whole life prior to this realization, but there will always be the notion that it’s all just rote motion.

If you’re brave enough, you continue to consider inviting other thought patterns and in your search for further enlightenment.

You could potentially be waylaid by looming information, a persuasive guru, or someone else’s journey.

And what you could miss is the most important piece: You. Your journey is not about anyone else’s journey. To fully experience your own enlightenment, you must find your own way. No two persons’ enlightenment will be the same. So, if you find yourself following someone else’s journey, you’re not doing it right.

Certainly, when you’re venturing into uncharted territory, allowing the flow of new information could be invaluable in your search for truth or expansion, but by all means, make your own way.

There are so many aspects of your expansion that could distract you from your expansion if you get stuck in a particular system or methodology. Any of these things (in themselves) is not it at all, only a particular rung on the ladder. Don’t get stuck there.

Sure, when you’ve gotten there (Law of Attraction, Quantum Mechanics, etc…), wherever you might be or have been, it is only a step. There is another step beyond, waiting for your arrival, and no one can tell you what that is. It awaits you uniquely.

You can spend as much time as necessary on a particular step, but know there is another one waiting. You are breaking free from the herd, while it is exciting to hand with like-minded folks, don’t allow yourself to become a member of another (smaller) herd.

I see my path as being a spiritual journey because that is a common vibration as far back as I can remember, though thought and form has continued to expand daily, some days more than others. As forwardly mobile as I am, I, too, can get in a rut but once I’ve acclimated, I am looking for my next step.

Some people get hung up on the term “spiritual.” Well, get over it. What it means, is that you start considering concepts that are so beyond anything you’ve been programmed to think, that it boggles the mind of modern man and when you realize that there is so much more going on, even when you think nothing else could be happening… You are only scratching the surface. It’s so far out there, we only refer to it using the term “spiritual” because there really is no other word for it.

Plus, what do you care?

You should be focused on your individual journey, and allow others to find their own way (we call that tolerance), realizing they’re going to end up somewhere else. And that’s true enlightened expansion.

I am tempted, sometimes, to use the phrase, “Believe me,” because I know a certain thing to be true. But, really? Any truth I speak is only true for me, in the moment the words escape my lips. If you (or anyone else) finds anything of value in the words I’ve uttered, great. If not, excellent.

How often does my truth change? I’ve recited a heartfelt monologue of truth, only to stop (sometimes before completing the sentence), squint my eyes, tilt my head, and interrupt myself with, “Wait a minute… That might not be true…”

It matters not. Don’t believe me, or anyone else. You have to figure this out and allow it to unfold uniquely for you… and if you dare, be bold enough not to believe yourself. That is to say, be open to the idea that what you believe – right now – may not be true. At least be willing to consider there is more… and more will appear…