Questions About Dimensions

Every once in a while a student asks me questions about a subject that I have some knowledge of, that I may have included in part of a course of study that I was teaching, that I know something about, probably more than the average person, but is not an area within my personal expertise. One such area is other “dimensions.” It is no wonder I get questions about dimensions because it can be quite confusing.

It is as though you more you learn about them, the more confusing it is. Why? Because here we are, trapped in the third dimension, and as such, we are unable to see the higher dimensions above 3D, a technological disadvantage at the moment, although the quantum sciences are collecting data and extrapolating to gain information for hypotheses that appear to be increasing in relevance and accuracy. I only have access to the fringes of these emerging sciences.

What I can do is to relate the basic concept of dimensions that I based my knowledge upon since the early eighties that proposed that there were only seven dimensions. As always, our knowledge is ever-expanding, now I am feeling better about the general idea that there are 7 dimensions within each of the 7 dimensions above 3D, and you can only fully experience the dimension that you are currently a vibrational frequency match to, and to some degree, those beneath your current vibrational frequency.

Of course, I am always open to new information as it becomes available.

This dimensional framework still supports my work dating back to the eighties, though now includes a vast expansion.

Also, note that depending on the definitions, there may also be different kinds of dimensions, which are unfortunately referred to as “dimensions” but they may be referring to completely different concepts.

So, a good rule of thumb when in a class, in your studies, research, or exploratory conversation, it is a good idea to gain clarity on the type of dimension that you are focused upon to establish common ground or risk even more confusion.

To be clear, in my past work, I referred to dimensions of existence co-existing with our 3D experience in real-time. In my postulation, each in each dimension above us, there are entities just as real as we are, though we are unable to see them (clearly) they are able to see and interact to some degree with us. For example,

The Upper Seven Dimensions

7D = Heaven

6D = Angels

5D = Demons

4D = Spirits

3D = You Are Here

Which seems overly simplistic today.


In my work, raising your consciousness from 3D to 4D would leave you open to the influence of, or enable you to communicate with, spirits. Where spirits refer to beings that once existed as human beings in 3D, but have passed on. It is believed that humans, after they have completed their lives here in 3D, could ascend to 7D, though it appears that they get stuck or choose to stay in 4D.


6D and 5D are populated by angelic beings who have never had the experience of living a life in 3D, though these entities are highly interested in 3D and long to interact with it. The angels that inhabit 6D are high-frequency angels and they seek to see that we enjoy all this life has to offer.

I believe there is at least one of these high-frequency angels assigned to each one of us who is alive in the 3D. Contemporary religion refers to these as Guardian Angels, and this idea resonates with me.


The angels who exist in 5D are referred to as the fallen angels, demons, or low-frequency angels. All of which are adequate titles for them, though “demon” seems harsh for the whole lot but would adequately align with malevolent beings of this vibrational frequency. These low-frequency angels do not seek to promote your highest and best. They are jealous beings that long to live a life in 3D, and since they cannot, they can be found interacting with us when we are a vibrational match in negative ways. To them, we exist for their amusement, they possess all kinds of personalities, just as humans do, and they are not all malevolent.

5D Acension

The first objection that comes up in my classes is in reference to 5D because in some current philosophical circles, 5D refers to a state of being that encompasses a utopian (for lack of a better word) life which could be enjoyed by those of us who would otherwise be limited to existence in 3D only.

The general consensus among these 5D-ers is that we all should aspire to ascend to the 5D vibrational frequency to enjoy life there. Sounds good to me.

I have been privy to and engaged in practices in the lab, based on this premise, and from what I have seen so far, I do agree with this concept, and I see no having to align myself with one point of view or to limit 5D to a single definition, though having 7 completely different vibrational frequencies within 5D might allow your mind to allow for vast differences. This works for me. I often look for ways to allow for more possibilities rather than limit myself to particular beliefs.

More Dimensions

Other scientists believe there are many dimensions, and they number them differently above 3D according to their interpretation of each vibrational frequency which encompasses life, similar to, and as we know it to be.

Using my interpretation, there would be 31 dimensions, with 28 of them above the 3D, though this is only a working model that I use until I get access to even more clarity.

Multiple Timelines

Then if that weren’t enough, there are 7 distinct timelines of existence that coexist in parallel to ours and it is said that it is possible to switch your conscious from one timeline to the other. I have been exposed to this science under lab conditions as well.

Multiple Lifelines

Now brace yourself for even more expansion; every person who lives in 3D has multiple lifelines (similar to timelines) that branch off into various life experiences which can be numerous, leading to nearly limitless possibilities of simultaneous coexistence.

My students may hear some of the experiences that have visited me in my life concerning these things, as well as those in the lab.

The key: Keep an open mind.

Do not block new information just because it sounds unreal. Check it out. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions. You may get access to keys that will unlock the secrets to all these mysteries and more.


Manifest a Yacht

Ever wonder where the frequency of your life vibrates at? You should. Because if you know what frequency you’re at, you are better equipped if you desire to change your life, to have more abundance, live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place. So, where’s your vibration?

If you want to experience the manifestation of an abundant life, know this: You are attracting all the things into your life which you are a vibrational match to, right now.

In our Beyond Science Lab we’re working on a device which reads your standard energy frequency vibration, every thought you think, situation, circumstance, or media hit you are exposed to will raise or lower your human vibration frequency. But there’s no need to use complicated electronic devices to determine the frequency of your vibration.

So, look around, and you’ll see exactly what you’re a vibrational match to. The life that you are living is always a perfect match to your current vibrational frequency setpoint. Always.

But you want more!

Who wouldn’t? And you’re mere wanting of a better life, lover, car, home, financial status, and whatever else is in your idea of the having of an abundant lifestyle are all important pieces of the puzzle which can bring all these things to come to pass.

How Can You Raise Your Vibration?

So, how can you raise your vibration to match the frequency of what you want? The answer is important because this is the quickest way to manifest the desires of your heart with the least amount of effort. And the answer is simple, but it may not be easy. The answer is,

Change Your life

Make your life a vibrational match to what you want. Now there are a couple of ways to go about this. The first will sound a little more reasonable.

Become a Financial Match

This is not always the best way but it is the way which is more commonly embraced by society. If you can raise your financial frequency, the pure number of dollars or financial resources over which you have control, you can affect a substantial change of life, and manifest more abundance.

Using this approach, you will need to evaluate where you are financially now to establish a starting point and then to find out at what level of income you need to be at to have all the things you want. Let’s just take a look at one thing, for example:

Your Very Own Luxury Yacht

You can get an entry-level yacht for around $100,000.00. You don’t have to pay it all at once if you have good credit and a 40% debt to income ratio (that means you have 60% of your monthly income to spend on whatever you want besides living expenses). You will need a $10,000 down payment, $1,500 for personal necessities including life jackets and $600 for insurance, Oh, and you will have to pay for a yacht pilot when you want to take it out as well.

To become a financial match, you need to make at least $50,000 a year and live moderately enough that you can have enough left over to enjoy your yacht at least once-a-month.

You can call vendors of any item your heart desires and ask them what the average cost to buy, own, and maintain it. You can inquire about the financing options, what it would take for the down payment and monthly obligations, even asking what the average income of someone is, who normally owns such an item.

With this data in hand, you can reverse engineer how much you would need to make it happen. Then find ways to raise your income level to match the item(s) you want.

Or you can manifest your yacht in another manner using primarily your vibrational frequency to match the boat you want.

Become a Vibrational Match

You could, using your imagination and power of thought, achieve a state of mind equivalent to that of having your yacht, then when your thoughts along with the feeling of having your yacht match, the yacht will fond its way to you.

This process does not involve making a financial plan but making an energetic plan. You will be focusing your attention every day on the object of your affection. You will cut out articles about it, read news articles and blog posts about people who have a yacht, like the one you want.

You will make vision boards, and spend time imagining every detail about what it would be like to have that yacht and even join a yacht club in accordance with your desire to have one (except for the most exclusive yacht clubs, you don’t have to own a yacht to join the club).

Joining a yacht club has you enjoying the company of people who already have yachts, love talking about them, and these could potentially become your new friends, effectively raising your vibration to match that of the vessel you desire, and may open up the avenues to allow your yacht to appear when you are a perfect match for it.

There is no doubt, there are countless examples of this working efficiently even for those who are not in a financial situation which would normally be required to achieve such an abundant lifestyle.

Transformational Energy Drain

You’re growing, expanding, evolving, and you can feel every cell of your body alive for the first time, feeling as though you may be invincible and live forever. The last thing on your mind is a potential transformational energy drain. You’re on top of the world, then all of a sudden, without notice, BLAM! Every ounce of energy you had is gone. You feel as though the vital energy you felt just yesterday has been totally drained and you are overwhelmingly fatigued.

The energy necessary to transform from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 is enormous and different phases of metamorphosis require more or less energy to complete the transformation of each phase, and your body’s energy storage capacity can be taxed heavily to get the job done. During these times, you can feel as though the bottom dropped out of your energy reserves.

Once you have embarked on your journey of evolutionary transformation, you need to settle into a new way of being, and if you’re a go-getter, like me, it can be hard to let go of some of your push-push-push-through to make things happen and pick up the gauntlet of let go and go with the flow.

Using your energy reserves for making things happen in the flesh, using only your brute strength will quickly deplete your energy reserves. So, when your evolutionary process needs to use your natural energy reserves to conduct a transformative process, it can leave little or no energy left for your daily routine maintenance.

If you’re in the process of awakening, you need to find better ways to manage your day to day life with less energy exerted, leaving your precious reserved for the sacred evolutionary transformation which you are allowing to take place.

You must move from living a life of force to living a life of love. You can do this by raising your vibration, which harkens back to the work of David R Hawkins’ Power vs. Force. I routinely refer to his work because it gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the various human energetic frequencies were and made it easier for me to manage raising my own vibration.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful,
you’re not doing it right.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful, you’re not doing it right. You can feel it inside you. You know something’s wrong. Find a better way to get ‘er done, or let it be.

Find new ways to live your life, to charge up your personal energy reserves, to maintain your energy, gain a better knowledge of how and when to use energy.

Don’t waste your precious energy on things which are not likely to change, no matter how much energy you put into it, and relax into the okayness of letting things remain as they are, for if it weren’t for some higher purpose, it would have changed already. Settle into the knowingness that all things are in divine order.

Finding time for quieting yourself, in nature, or in another sacred place, for reflection and meditation can be helpful but this is not a cure-all for your energetic management requirements.

Spending time in nature, with your feet on the ground, can go a long way in raising your energy and your vibrational frequency. Different people respond differently to different natural interactions. Live water has a tremendous effect on my energy. What gets you going?

Doing the deep work of clearing the energetic blockages, or stores of toxic negative energy which may be deeply hidden inside of you can go a long way to greatly increase your capacity for building massively positive energy and filling those areas with love and peace.

All this to say, there is nothing wrong with you, occasional energetic fatigue is normal in the process of transformation.

Although, if you are pushing yourself and the energies all around you in the flesh, burning the candle at both ends, and not getting adequate sleep, you may be suffering from a physiological type of fatigue which could be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. If you’re doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, then you can rest assured that you are evolving.

Vibrational Sabotage

You’re on a path which includes increasing your vibrational frequency, you might be surprised at the vibrational sabotage you are participating in which prevents you from raising your vibration. If the higher vibration is that of love, not being in the love-vibration is keeping you where you are.

If you ever want to know what level of vibration you are at, just look around you. The world as it appears to you, all around you, what you notice, and how you feel is the perfect representation at what level you are vibrating at.

vibrational sabotage

Making decisions in your life based on fear, rather than love, you are cementing yourself at the lower vibrational levels of fear instead of the power of love, where you want to be.

Thought patterns which vibrate in fear go something, like this, “I need something that I don’t have, and I can’t find it anywhere within my reach.” Now you can readjust that powerfully fearful statement of lack by replacing “something” with anything which eludes you, like any physical or material thing, monetary status, social standing, emotional state, state of health or wellness, specifically.

When you think thoughts from an emotional state of lack or fear, you are locking yourself into that lower vibration. A short list of other states of mind which are in the vibration of fear includes anger, suspicion, distrust, anxiety, worry, envy, and comparing yourself and your situations and circumstances with others.

Anything which is not fueled by your pure unconditional love for yourself and others and has an underlying emotional state of not having enough, being unworthy, or feeling as though what you want or what you need is just beyond your reach, you anchor yourself in fear resigning yourself to the struggle for survival.

You are surrounded by, and bombarded with, a constant flow of negativity. Even if you are in a love-or-powerful-vibration, it doesn’t take much negativity to break your state and send you straight into a lower vibration.

For instance, assume you’re watching a positively impactful television program which has your vibration soaring, then during the commercial break, you are exposed to shocking video of starving children or abused animals. This kind of thing happens all day long, at home, during your commute, at work, around the water cooler, from the time you get up ‘til you finally get to sleep. And then, even during sleep, your dreams are invaded by negativity.

Subjecting yourself to negative programming on TV or other streaming media is sure to keep you in those lower vibration, especially if it is violent in nature is vibrational sabotage. When you start paying attention to the vibration of your television programming, you might be shocked by how negative the programming can be in comedies and romantic films and shows, all which will sabotage your vibrational frequency.

Toxic or closed-minded people and their negative topics of conversation, talking behind other people’s backs, discussing what’s wrong with the world, judging others, promoting separation, even talking about how miserable someone’s life is, all can be sabotaging your vibration.

Personal compromise can cause your vibration to sink, rather than staying true to your core values. You know you’re better than this, yet here you are engaging in an activity which does not resonate with you. You can’t help but feel as though you are either being forced to do this or have to fake as though you might agree with this thought or act which you know is beneath you. Find ways to let go of feeling like you need to be sneaky, lie, cheat, steal, withhold information, or cover your ass.

Mind-numbing activities, such as losing yourself in the maze of the Internet, meaningless video games, social media, or streaming media, which just waste away your potentially precious moments of life, all sabotage your vibration.

Other mind-numbing activities which include drinking alcohol, partaking of mind-numbing prescription medications, or getting stoned, all prevent you from being in powerful vibrational states of love and above.

These mind-numbing activities may or may not lead to addiction, which certainly is a concern if you’re interested in not sabotaging your vibration. Other addictive behaviors which may be forms of vibrational sabotage include addiction to drugs, sex, gambling, food, shopping, cell phone interaction, social media, complaining, television viewing or streaming media.

These are just some of the ways you subject yourself to vibrational sabotage which is toxic, thwarting your attempts to attain and maintain higher vibratory states.

You can avoid vibrational sabotage by letting your love filled heart guide you, trusting that all things which you subject yourself to are divine in nature and for your good, even if it doesn’t look like it at the time.

A life lived in the higher vibrational state(s) of love and above, is a life of peace, harmony, ease, and abundance. Raise your vibration and enjoy all the best things this life has in store for you.

Are You Exclusive or Inclusive?

When you’re going through life doing the best you can there’s a good chance you have a general lifestyle which is exclusive or inclusive. Are you exclusive or inclusive? Both are very good and revered styles of living your life. Exclusive people tend to repel or exclude participants while traveling along their life’s journey, while inclusive people have a tendency to attract or include people to play in their lives. What do you think?

Are you exclusive or inclusive?

There are highly successful people in both camps, those who prefer to maintain a high level of creativeness and productivity in isolation, and those who are more brilliant when they are surrounded by others. There is no right or wrong way to do it as it depends greatly on your basic personality and personal preference.

If you are either exclusive or inclusive due to some negative experience from the past, then you could be operating in exclusivity or inclusivity in a negative vibration. In this scenario, you could be doing yourself a disservice if your intention is to live a highly expansive life.

Isolating yourself, or huddling people around you as a means of self-protection based on low level (fear) vibrations, only helps to support and maintain those negative frequencies around you, preventing you from having access to the higher love vibrations/frequencies.

Establishing an exclusive or inclusive lifestyle in opposition of your natural expansive energy field might be important to do in response to a negative experience or influence for a season because doing the opposite will help you have a sense of safety and security while you readjust. Following a time of healing or reprieve, you and your life are better served by getting yourself back in the expansive flow.

If you get stuck into your oppositional energy field (though you will feel comfortable) your expansion and growth will be hindered. If you are one of the exclusive people and you’ve huddled many people around you in order to protect yourself, you are limiting your ability to live your life “in the zone” and likewise, if you’re normally in a high vibration when surrounded by others, then retreat to hibernate in isolation, you are not supporting your best interests long-term.

Exclusive People

Exclusive people tend to prefer to work alone and do their best work in private but if you’re an inclusive person acting exclusively, you are not operating at your highest and best and your exclusion of others will be more or a pushing away.

There is a distinct difference between exclusively maintaining a high vibratory frequency in private, and pushing others out of your life to isolate yourself when you know you are more of the inclusive persuasion.

Inclusive People

Inclusive people always operate at their highest and best frequencies of love and above when they are surrounded by others and they are often inviting others to come along to play in their game(s). This is when they do their best work.

But if you’re an exclusive person (you know you are better served and can reach your highest potentials with a higher degree of privacy) acting as if you are inclusive and surrounding yourself with others based in fear (fear or loss, exposure, risk, failure, etc.) you know you could do better.

Whether you are exclusive or inclusive, the key factor is your highest vibration and motivation for being either exclusive or inclusive.

It might be a good idea to review your tendency to be more exclusive or inclusive and ask yourself,


Because in the “why” is held the key which can open your life to more love, happiness, growth, and abundance in your more evolutionary expansive life.

Maybe it’s time to say, “Yes,” to your highest and best.

What Does Over 200 Look Like?

What about people who maintain a vibrational frequency of over 200, what does there life look like?

Before I answer what your life will look like if you raise your vibration, keep in mind that this is not a competition. This is not a method to use against someone else, to judge or categorize certain kinds of people, this is only for you.

The care and maintenance of your vibration and the frequencies you aspire to on your own individual path of personal growth is your business and yours alone. It’s no one else’s business but yours. Likewise, anyone else’s state of vibration or frequency is their own.

Also note that no one (or very few or us) arrive at a particular frequency and stay there. In most cases, you have a base frequency that we refer to as your set point. This is where you vibrate at most of the time, say 50 percent of the time, while visiting other frequencies, like 20% higher and 30% lower, but returning to your base or set point after experiencing other states for a time.

The goal is to continually expand your awareness, raising your set point as you grow.
So, in respect to your life, and your life only, when you are experiencing higher vibrations over a frequency of 200, you will find yourself…

You are becoming more aware of yourself (who you are, who you have been) and are getting more attuned to listening to you (your heart, your body and your mind). You find a state of awareness, where you can virtually see yourself from outside yourself, as you look in and listen to and witness all your various functions and processes. This is the vantage point where the greatest self-work is done.

Being more aware of your body, you have a greater concern with its care and maintenance and taking responsibility for it yourself (instead of deferring to medical treatment, unless it is necessary). Honoring the body you were given and taking good care of it makes you feel so much more healthy, vital and better. You are more attentive to what you eat, and seek a more nutritious diet.

Being more in touch, listening and aware of your heart connection, makes you far more intuitive than possible at lower vibrations.

You are more aware of and feel a connection to a higher power outside of yourself that is in all things (and you are finding a comfortable way to refer to and honor it, as you might call it God, love, nature, the universe, source, or your higher self, whatever you are comfortable with).

You are more attentive about how you act (what you say and do) and are concerned at how others interpret how you present yourself. You want your life, your message, and your persona to be congruent with what you think and how you feel about life.

You are more concerned about other people, empathetic about what is going on in their lives. You find yourself using your mind to imagine what it must be like to have experienced what other people are going through to answer the question, “Why are they approaching life in this way?” as you try to see (and possibly feel) what it must be like for them from their perspective.

You are more patient and understanding with other people, circumstances and situations in life.

You are open and aware of all the different types of people and points of view and you realize this is all a part of the awesome matrix that makes this life so amazing.
Forgiveness comes easily for yourself and others.

You find yourself coming up with new ideas, creative solutions for advanced problem-solving, and inspiration for making a positive contribution.

Your emotional states are less likely to go to such extremes as you are more comfortable with your life, and adjusted to both the certainties and uncertainties of life. You are finding more ways to essentially go with the flow, than to fight against the current.

You are happier, and more comfortable with sustaining states of joy, as you are more prone to smile, laugh, or see the humor in things that you might find irritating at lower vibrations.

You find yourself more in a natural state of happiness and joy in life, as it is, rather than in commercial endeavors, exploitations or celebrations.

You are more likely to delay pleasurable activities or purchases for a more appropriate time and place.

Discipline and integrity are more important to you as you are raising your vibration.

You are less concerned with yourself, your importance, or rightness as you are becoming more tolerant about life and your interaction with it.

You are less defensive and more tolerant and supportive of the unique perspectives and views of others. You don’t have to be right. In fact you feel a sense of benevolence in letting someone else assert their need to be right, as it is more important to them, where they are in their life’s journey, and you don’t judge them for it.

You are more gracious, finding gratitude in all the things this life provides for you and your loved ones.

You are living life less as a competition and more as a celebration. You are much less likely to be disappointed, and less attached to the importance of material things, self-satisfying indulgences, or even people to whom you may have tethered yourself to at lower vibrations.

You take the time for good self care, as well as looking after others.

Things in life seem to progress more smoothly and more and more you are finding yourself in the right place at the right time, with the appropriate skills or just the right words to speak.

You are more concerned with living in the now, than worrying about the past or fearful of an uncertain future.

Order in all that surrounds you finds a comfortable balance that is tidy, clutter-free but not obsessive.

Your life takes on a sense of purpose and meaning, as you are more aware of your calling, unique message, special purpose or ministry.

You are more confident in yourself and becoming more proficient at recognizing and exercising your special skills and abilities.

Your attention to media takes on a new focus, as you are no longer attracted to the sensation and/or fascination of negative material.

Others are attracted to you, reveal the deep recesses of themselves, and find comfort in your presence and confidence in your advice.

Good things, opportunities, and blessings come easily and are more frequent.

Life is good.

See also: What Do You Mean Under 200?

What Do You Mean Under 200?

I talk a lot about vibration and frequency, which is an excellent way for many of us on a track of self-improvement to gauge how we’re progressing in life. In my work, I tend to attract individuals who are concerned about where they are in life and seek to do something about it.

Most of the world vibrates at a frequency of 130 to 200, so a great deal of my work is helping these people raise their vibrations to over 200, achieve their highest and best, and live a better life.

Here are some common signs and characteristics of individuals with vibrational frequencies under 200. Keep in mind that if you’re predominately below 200, you will have most of these, but not necessarily all of them…

If your vibration is under 200, you’re probably not happy with where you are in life. You may look around and logically reason that you have every reason to be content, but something inside you is saying, “There’s got to be more to life than this.”

You are okay with life because you have found a state of comfortable numbness, which prevents you from caring too much about wanting a better life for yourself or others. You’re probably unable to establish a true meaningful, deep sharing and caring relationship and are probably emotionally guarded.

You may be prone to sudden drastic emotional responses such as being sensitive to disrespect which makes you either defensive or reclusive. You may find it easy to be in a state of disgust, revulsion, anger, or helplessness when confronted with the thought of something over which you have no control (and really doesn’t have anything to do with you, directly).

You have a feeling of maintaining much less than optimal health, have less energy and may suffer from fatigue.

You may be prone to difficulties with health-related issues and are unable to maintain a state of healthy wellness, including mind and body for long, and you probably find yourself eating a diet consisting of many processed foods.

You might feel like the world revolves around you, not in a narcissistic manner, but you’re more likely to measure the rightness or wrongness of life based on your emotional state and life experience.

You feel like you’re constantly giving, and others should do more for you.

You may be more concerned about what people think about you and feel as though they are judging many of the things that you do.

You are prone to the victim mindset which suggests that everyone (or someone) is out to get you.

You may be somewhat moody and feel helpless, desperate, isolated, alone, and/or subject to anxiety depression at times.

You tend to push down negative emotions and keep them bottled up inside.

You find comfort in a regular routine, including old habits and therefore may have problems with addictions.

Forgiveness does not come easily to you, for yourself or others.

Guilt is a prominent thought process, where you tend to feel guilty or even seek out scenarios that can make you feel guilty.

Your life may be a representation of your inability to make good choices or decisions.

You may not have a clear sense of purpose or know what you want to achieve or get out of this life.

You lack satisfaction or fulfillment, may complain and are unable to sustain a pleasing demeanor for long.

Your relationships with others don’t usually stand the test of time.

You are cynical or skeptical, prone to engage in a battle of wits.

You tend to be your own worst enemy and sabotage yourself.

You see an abundance of negativity all around you, not just in the media, but in life in general.

It’s difficult to find the good things in life or to be in a state of gratitude for long.

You feel like there should be something more, more meaningful, and better about the life you’re living.

See also: What Does Over 200 Look Like?

Blessings Easier Found at Higher Vibrations

When you’re expanding your perspective, and finding ways to find the blessing in all that life has to offer, think about surrounding yourself with people who are like-minded, or who are at least mostly positively aware and relatively happy; the happier the better. This is an excellent way to keep your frequency at a higher vibration. It’s easier to maintain a higher vibration if you’re in harmony with other people maintaining a higher vibe.

Just like being in the presence of people maintaining a higher vibration, the same is true for surrounding yourself with people maintaining a lower vibration. Their base frequency will affect your vibration and you will notice you sinking to their level. So, be mindful of what kind of company you keep.

Be thinking about and finding ways to keep yourself in your higher vibration. Make opportunities to do things that feel good and help you to maintain the frequency you want to maintain. Some people find meditation, positive affirmations and creative visualization excellent resources for maintaining their higher frequencies. The more time you spend in this vibration, the easier it is to maintain it; and making this your new normal vibe, establishes it as your new set point.

Having a good idea about what’s really important to you, can keep you from getting sidetracked and emotionally involved with issues and circumstances which are literally none of your business.

I sometimes get distracted by something that truly is not my ministry. I can get all worked up, emotionally invested and take on responsibility for things that are not a part of my personal mission. By keeping in tune with my mission and message it helps to keep me from getting distracted, and deferring to the folks whose mission it is, is always taking the high road, and this helps to keep me on track.

Remember that doing good works for others, supporting them in their works, and helping those less fortunate, not only makes them feel better but makes you feel good too. Doing a good deed can not only make you feel better, but it can boost your immune system for up to eight hours. Doing good deeds or unprovoked acts of kindness offer healthy rewards to both the giver and the receiver.

You can also raise your vibration as well as someone else’s vibration by complimenting them. Just take the time to notice someone doing something good, and step out in faith, edifying them by letting them know you noticed and offer them a little praise. Praise goes a long way in raising your vibration, as well as keeping you looking for the bright side.

As you continue to look for the blessing in all things, you are developing a valuable skill sought after by many an executive and CEO: Problem-solving. As you’re more able to pull back and solve irritation and problems for yourself, you will also be developing the same skills that may be used in other situations and circumstances. Although, you need to remain humble, only offer your insight if it is requested. Practice humility in all things and you will be more respected. You don’t want to be perceived as an arrogant know-it-all.

And not all people who fall victim to suffering choose to do so, it might be that you can teach them (again, only if they are open to the idea, and you proceed with humility) how to pull back from the strain and see the blessing, or allow for a higher purpose to come through otherwise difficult scenarios.

You are the champion for a new way of looking at the old world. Keep practicing; it gets easier as you go.

God bless you in all that you do.

Raise Your Vibration to Love and Above

When you’re trying to establish and maintain a vibration frequency of love and above (Dr. DR Hawkins’ 500+) can be a task, especially if you’ve spent a great deal of your life, or a stretch of time in lower vibrations.

I talk about vibration and frequency a lot, so if you haven’t yet read Power vs. Force by David Hawkins, here’s a brief overview of the frequency vibrations in the form of a chart, to give you an idea about what to expect:

Click on the following image for Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness.

Wherever your base vibration is set at, you’re going to be attracting more of that in your life, that’s why I feel it’s important to keep my personal level up and around the 500+ range, and sometimes, the love vibration is difficult to maintain when you’re not feeling it.

If you’ve spent a great deal of your life vibrating in the lower states, it so easy to fall back down to those frequencies because, even though they are basically contrary to what might be your (my) highest and best, because your emotional mindset has grown accustomed to that state. In a way, your being has a sense of familiarity, even safety, in those vibrations.

Below 200, is where our shadow self vibrates in force and thrives, we rack up most of our habits (the less than desirable ones, anyway), as you increase or raise your vibration into power, the easier it is to leave those old tendencies behind.

If you’re focusing your attention on love, this is a wide spectrum covering all the vibrations, mostly because there are so many types of love, but if you’re looking for that true love (the 500+ love) be aware of what you’re looking for, because this is unconditional love, not the you-do-something-for-me and I’ll-do-something-for-you type of love, you’re used to looking for, but the “I love you no matter what” kind of love

This is the unselfish love, and if you’re unaccustomed to vibrating there it can take some focused attention and you may have to diligently work to raise your love vibration, getting you from where you are to where you’d like to be.

Unconditional love doesn’t come from someone else, it comes from you. So, be forewarned that the work that needs to be done doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else but you. Real, true, authentic, unconditional love starts with you. If you can raise your vibration and maintain it at 500, all the love you could possibly want will come to you, because that is what you are.

Try this quick an easy Raise Your Love Vibration Meditation and feel the difference in minutes.

Briefly, you have to start with getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Your base vibration is where you feel at home, so raising your vibration can be interesting (maybe even scary from where you’re at) and feel uncomfortable, and that’s okay, even a good sign that you’re doing the right kind of work, but don’t worry; it gets easier, as you go along.

You’ll be taking some risks and accepting challenges, most likely trying things you’ve never done before, thinking in ways that you haven’t tried before, and feeling like you’re just going through the motions at first, but once you get in the groove (vibration) you will start to feel much better about your exploration in these new arenas.

Say goodbye to stress. I know, this may sound impossible from where you are, right now, but fear not. Stress is like an anchor and it will always drag you back into force. So, be thinking about ways to avoid stress in your life. Force is like swimming against the current and power is like complete buoyancy.

Your feelings are an accurate gauge of what’s happening around you, where your vibration is tuning in to, find ways to tune into your heart and let it be your guide. Find activities in the higher vibrations that you enjoy or have a sense of satisfaction when you’re involved in them.

Find ways to connect with your intuition. If you feel at a lack of any intuition whatsoever, find ways to nurture it and connect with it more and more.

The more aware you are about your life and what’s happening around you, the earlier you can divert stress, strain, difficult circumstances and find the exit, which leads to opportunities to achieve a higher vibration.

Embrace the power of your imagination. Your imagination thrives in power (not so much in force), and make appointments and goals that use the power of your imagination in creative situations and circumstances.

Expand your consciousness by reading books, or otherwise exposing yourself to new ideas that you may have rejected in the past, when you were vibrating at a lower level.

Find ways to volunteer, support, or share with others about what you’re learning. Remember there’s no need for you to “follow” anyone, only to glean what you can (that which applies to you and your journey) and keep moving on. Nothing is more personal or unique as you and your journey.

Connect to others, share your experiences (with those who can hear you) and listen to the experiences of others, as you become a part of the growing network of individuals who are awakening, expanding and evolving. You are taking part in the evolution of mankind on this planet and we’re all in this together.

Moving up the emotional frequency ladder may be uncomfortable at first, and it will take some commitment, dedication and some elbow grease, but you can do this. Because when you were born, this was your destiny.

It may have been beat out of you by life, family, society, circumstance or even in the pursuit of what you thought was love, but it is there, waiting for you. Love is begging you to come home and enjoy all the “Love and Above” that you had ever hoped for… and so much more.


Break Away for Your New Life

“Shhh… Be quiet. I know what you’re thinking. There is something about life and what we’ve been led to believe that just does not appear to be true.”

Continue to think. Think for yourself. This is an early sign of awakening from society’s trance, as you consider that it might be time to break away for your new life.

You’ve been programmed to be a societal robot, everything you “know” or have been programmed to believe has been in an effort to keep our true consciousness from breaking through, yet if only for a moment, you have a deeper knowingness that something may be terribly amiss.

You have been told you have free will; free will to do what? Free will to act a certain way, to be raised by parents who cause you to have certain thought patterns, to be programmed by school teachers, to get a job, to exist and participate as a productive member of society?

You ponder, “What if I truly had free will? What are the possibilities?” And you wonder why you’ve been programmed to believe there are so many limitations? And you say to yourself,

“I want more than this.”

Fighting off the pre-programmed inner voices, you push through the psychological barrier and affirm,

“I am ready to make a stand and change my life, to have more love, money and happiness.”

Sure, you have the free will to do just that, or do you?

At the risk of being diagnosed with a personality disorder, you are beginning to see life as we know it from another perspective than that which is promoted as accepting things as they are. You’re becoming aware that you are surrounded by people and things that are programmed to beat you into submission if you dare challenge the status quo.

As you awareness increases, you can feel a vibrational shift. Your vibration, the frequency at which your whole self (mind, body and spirit) is attuned, is changing and you’re finding yourself tuning into a new way of thought, like changing from a radio station from the AM band, to one in FM, you are accessing different, new information and experiencing individual thought.

In this moment of clarity, you declare your rejection of poverty or acceptance on limitations which have been imposed on you by others, you are going to move forward and create your new life. You are cognizant of others who are brainwashed and reason you can avoid them or play along, just long enough to gain momentum toward a better life.

And if you’re like many of us, you find yourself in front of the television, computer, tablet or cell phone which almost immediately reduces your frequency to the drone of everyday life once again and before you know it hours have passed. Those fleeting thoughts are discounted and disregarded as a brief daydream/fantasy which left unbridled may have led to a psychotic breakout of individuality psychosis or, at the very least, delusions of grandeur as you allow yourself to resume your “real life” comfortably numb.

Where is the free will in that?

Not to worry. There will come another occasion to awaken, to become more aware. What will you do then?

If you are blessed with the clarity of thought you have everything that you need inside of you (and if not, it will be provided to you) if you choose to take action and change. Change your thoughts, the way you see others ad the world. You can change your routines, your interaction with all areas of life, how you respond and deal with circumstances and challenges, truly exercising the free will which you were endowed with.

And if you fall back into your old frequency of daily life, that’s okay, too. Because another opportunity will arise and your interest will be piqued once again, enabling you to choose to take the necessary action or steps toward your free will and new life. If it were not for these brief moments of clarity, you might not have the opportunity.

This opportunity offers you a chance to take responsibility for your own life, to exercise your free will, break away and create your world, separate from the pack.

All you need is to embrace your individuality, raise your vibration, take action and move on your intuition and intentions, resisting the pressure to fall back into the mob’s mentality and frequency.