Alienation by Intimidation

One of the dangers of being a part of the evolving human race is that you isolate yourself from others while actively involved in your personal expansion. You want to avoid alienation by intimidation. Back in the day, we used phrases, like, “Don’t become so spiritually-minded that you’re no earthly good.”

Or encouraging particular believers to put forth one’s best efforts to be “in the world but not of the world.” Which basically means, you play along with those who don’t get it. The old (barbarian) approach to winning others over to your particular thought process at any cost is falling by the wayside. Plus, no one was ever saved via debate. It’s a perfect waste of otherwise positive energy, which turns negative far too much of the time.

As you’re evolving, you are growing and changing. You’re seeing things that people who are not part of the evolutionary process are unable to conceive of or see.

You are cautioned not to let your flag fly in such a way as to be insensitive, appear to be arrogant, unintentionally appear to be narcissistic, or insinuate that you are better than anyone else.

Let’s face it, you are a more powerful being in the world than ever before, yet you want to remain humble, else you face potential alienation by intimidation.

Honoring others and being tolerant of their right(s) and ability to do the best they can with what they have at any point in time, much the way that you might desire them to respect you for where you are in your life’s journey.

What you can do, is to be aware of key areas of your personality which might intimidate others, characteristics which may be pushing people away. This may not be your intention.

For instance, the “Woe is me,” attitude which is shared by the unevolved is fading from your consciousness. When you are faced with a problem, you have the skills to asses the problem and apply solutions that you may not have been inclined to do before out of fear. Also, any potential fear of failure is dissipating as you are building your confidence and competence.

People in your circle of influence cannot help but notice this change in you, and it’s intimidating to them because they have not come to this place. So, when you’re in a position to demonstrate your new skillset(s) take others into consideration.

Don’t assert that you are better than anyone else or put others down for not being able to stop whining and just get things done. Rather, consider giving them an opportunity to lend a hand in the situation. If you’ve come up with a great idea to solve a problem, why not say to your neighboring worrier, “Let’s work on this together,” instead of just doing it all yourself without saying a word?

“But then I won’t get all the credit,” says that old egoic voice from the past. As you become more a part of the new human evolution it becomes so much less about you and so much more about things getting done, edifying others, and empowering them to shine.

Other characteristics which will be showing up that may lead to alienation by intimidation include being more honest and open without being intimidated by the concerns of others. This can appear to be disrespectful and rude.

Just take a few seconds and consider how your words might be affecting your audience. You can speak your truth without being frank or rude, just temper your words with kindness. Then people will be more likely to listen to what you have to say, rather than just cut you off for being insensitive.

You are experiencing a new passion for about everything in life, the things you enjoy are more fun, your relationships are more meaningful, your perspective on life is more positive, you feel better about yourself and your place in the world. Your senses are heightened as everything to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch is more intense than before.

When you are engaged in activities which you are passionate about this may frighten onlookers. Again, try to tone it down a bit. You can let people watch you do your thing without having to share too much about what you are doing. Let those who are taking interest in your activities watch (or peek) and let those who are curious ask questions. Try to answer without going into too much detail, because that can be intimidating. Just answer their questions briefly and move on, unless they ask more questions. (smiley face)

Speaking of curiosity, now that you’re expanding, you are more curious than ever. You will find yourself talking to people and questioning them about everything because you want access to the raw data to make comparisons about who you are and what that means to the world around you.

Most people build walls around themselves and are afraid of exposing who they really are to anyone else because they’ve been hurt in the past. Of course, you can relate to that, but it’s easy to forget once you’ve moved beyond having to live in fear any longer. Now, you can be more open and honest about yourself, essentially with nothing to hide, and sometimes you just expect everyone to be on the same page as you are.

You are a visionary and it’s easy to see in your mind’s eye what you want, and you have the ability to create a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. Things are coming to you more effortlessly. You are content, happier, and moving into abundance, enabling you to live a better life.

This freaks out your neighbors as they see you becoming more prosperous. The “have nots” tend to become haters of the “haves.” Do continue to prosper, just try to retain some humility about, so as not to threaten others who have not come to realize that they, too, could be enjoying life as much as you in their own evolutionary process.

Your mind is completely wide open because you are no longer in fear of having your beliefs challenged. The thought or idea that “everything is true” or exists within the truth continuum is a scary proposition for those who live in lives of fear. Continue to be open to all the endless possibilities but keep in mind and honor the limited perspective of others as you do so.

Remember that no one is wrong, and support everyone’s right to their own point of view regardless of how limited or expansive it might be.

Your relationships have evolved along with you and this can cause people to freak out, especially those who are (or were) close to you. You’ve probably moved some people outside your inner circle for a variety of reasons.

You are no longer content to waste the hours away, laughing, joking, talking behind others’ backs, or waiting for a group mindset in meeting after meeting to come to single-mindedness (which could take forever or never happen at all) before moving ahead. You gravitate more toward people who are more decisive and proactive, the movers and shakers.

Relationships which have little value, waste time and tend to keep you from achieving your highest and best have little interest for you anymore, and you are finding yourself annoyed by people who talk, talk, talk, but never do anything, and less tolerant of those who have little or no integrity or are deceitful.

You no longer fear opening yourself up intimately with others. You no longer live in a world of fear because your life is increasingly becoming dominated by true love, unconditional love, and this includes allowing everyone to be who they are, without judgment or fear. Letting people be who they are, loving and blessing them as they find their own way.

You can continue to evolve without having a negative impact on the surrounding community, reducing potential alienation by intimidation by honoring those around you as you do so while being mindful of where they are on their life’s journey.

For, after all, we’re doing the best we can with what we have. Right?