Learn Something New

For those who like to learn new things, I am in an enviable position because I learn something new every day, and if you’re like me you also look forward to learning something new regularly if not on a daily basis.

If you truly anticipate learning something new, opportunities to learn new things occur regularly. Granted, depending on the base-setting of your vibrational frequency, they may not all be good things, but even at higher frequencies, bad things are considered good things, for, at the highest frequencies, there are no bad things.

Those who are on the track to learn something new are generally on a path of constant and never-ending improvement (CANI) in their personal and/or professional lives. You will find them taking classes, courses, attending workshops, reading books and blogs.

If you’re on the quest for attaining greater knowledge you are more than simply an academic, you are on a path of empowering self-improvement and personal development, and there’s a good chance that if you’re continually growing and evolving, you may also be heading toward enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

It is inevitable, as you get access to new, emerging data and technologies, that the world as you know it gets turned upside down, the contents spill out, and you begin to understand things aren’t always what they seem to be. This is the evolutionary awakening of humans is taking place as you read these words right now and you are a part of it.

This enlightenment and spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery which is unique to everyone amidst the transformative human evolution. Your mind, body, and spirit are expanding exponentially, and you are starting to think of yourself as growing away from the forest of social programming which could not be seen from the perspective of being lost in the midst of so many social trees.

Just as the sciences are finding out the things we once believed to be immutable facts and truths, were only stepping stones to a greater awareness which is unfolding before our very eyes as we develop microscopes so powerful so as to see the galaxies inside our cells and telescopes so powerful we are discovering there is more to the universe which we are a part of.

The science of science is leading us into realms which were inconceivable years ago, as we are discovering multiple universes and dimensions coexisting in tandem with the third-dimensional world which we’ve become so acclimated to.

Our sense of security we once felt as being the highest life form in the universe is being challenged by emerging quantum sciences, and for many, the very same science which denied the existence of God or a higher power is conceding the existence of a powerful intelligence which permeates all things seen and unseen.

This is crazy talk

This sounds crazy, if you try to relate this new science to the sciences you’ve been accustomed to, as well as the trying to rationalize this leading-edge information by comparing any of it to what you’ve known previously. And who could blame you? No one. For we all have been there.

We all (well, most of us) have been deeply programmed to reject such ideas as being ridiculous ideals which are only the fanciful imaginings limited and assigned to science fiction. Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum theories are making science fact out of science fiction. Things that were empirically implausible just a few years ago are the fodder of scientific breakthroughs across the board of reality.

Dare to learn something new while continuing to be open to personal development, quantum, and spiritual sciences. Be forewarned you may be surprised by what you find waiting beyond the opened door.

Allow this new information to flow over you, take in what you can, expand and get cozy with the idea that you are evolution.

This is the new you expanding and evolving into your emerging new world.

Limiting Unlimited Possibilities

By limiting your belief system, you prevent your mind from having access to all the limitless possibilities which exist all around us both seen and unseen.

Unless you only believe in unlimited possibilities amidst a vast universe, chances are you possess (as we all do) limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is a structure of thought which precludes any other possibilities. Yet you live in a world of unlimited possibilities. By sealing the confines of your mind safely within the box of a limited belief, little else is possible to, or accessible by, you outside the box.

On a basic level, let’s take a look at some basic limiting beliefs, like,

“I’m not good enough,”

This is a statement which substantiates your unworthiness to be a recipient of all the best things in life waiting to show themselves to you in a real, meaningful way. All these things are eager to be revealed to you, but your limiting belief excludes their possibilities from your experience, and so it is.

There are many variations of the not good enough limitation, including (but not limited to) being unlovable, bored, ugly, stupid, worthless, abnormal, undeserving, or a bad person, to name a few. And what you believe is definitively true for you. This not only becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, it becomes your reality. For you, no possibilities exist outside the box of your limiting belief.

Fortunately, there is a very simple mind hack you can use to allow the existence of infinite possibility. It may take a minute for you to open your mind to it, but with a little effort you can accomplish such a feat.

Leading edge scientists are notorious for box-like thinking. They make a discovery and build a box around their idea and say, “this is truth.” Only science doesn’t stop there, it keeps going, digging deeper and deeper, until the box which once represented truth is proven to be nothing more than a step in the right direction but only a limiting belief.

For highly motivated expanding scientists, they do not see the latest discovery as definitive, only a hint that there is much more to be found on the other side of it. These are the ground-breaking discoverers of new ideas, new possibilities, new realities, because they refuse to be limited by limiting statements of facts. Facts which should always be subjected to new perspectives, experimentation, and testing, drilling down to deeper levels of understanding.

With all this scientific exploration, scientists end up looking at the universe through new eyes as they end up looking straight into the vastness of all that is. It is not uncommon for a scientist to say something like, “We’ve become so knowledgeable about so much, that we’ve discovered we don’t know anything.” Or, more correctly, “We can’t know anything,” in its fullness. Anything that can be known is only a hint of what is possible.

So, it is with your limiting beliefs. Sure, there is safety in the box for ignorance is bliss. It’s easier to say all those things outside the box don’t exist, than to deal with the thought of their possibilities.

If you are unworthy of being loved, then true love will be unable to become a part of your reality. A part of you rationalizes this as safety for if you do not have love, you will not be vulnerable enough to be exposed or hurt. Thus, the need for the constraints of your limiting belief because the idea of infinite possibility in love, or any other subject matter, is just too chaotic and potentially dangerous.

That does not mean that other possibilities don’t exist outside your world.
You are given glimpses of other possibilities, which if entertained even briefly, would make you think there may be other possibilities besides those beliefs to which you’ve confined yourself to.

You may feel as though love is not a possibility for you, and so it is not. But every once and a while you witness a couple in a true love relationship. Even for the briefest moment, you consider the possibilities which exist outside the box of your limiting beliefs.

As much as we might believe that we (humanity as recorded by the history we believe to be true) are the only inhabitants of this planet, regularly archeologists uncover the remains of civilizations which existed long before our arrival.

Regardless of what you believe, there exist infinite possibilities beyond whatever you think. Or not.

Statistics Do Not Apply to Individuals

For those of us in service to others, statistics help us to serve a greater number of people in less time do to our understanding of statistics which represent generalities, symptoms, tendencies, and popular beliefs or opinions regarding just about anything but statistics do not apply to individuals.

Far be it from me, or anyone in service to assume that people would study up on the published reports to assure their symptoms or problems would be in accord with the statistical data. People are not robots or numbers because they are individuals, just as you and I are individuals.

Let’s say, for instance, that you are a psychologist, and someone asserts, “All psychologists are restricted by scientific method.” While this may be true for the majority of psychologists, which only need be defined by a group representing 51% of the entire group, it doesn’t mean if applies to you.

You might be one of the psychologists who does not approach people as part of the whole, but as individuals to whom the statistics may not be applicable, because every human being is unique.

No matter how honest, open, and intensely someone may try to express something to you in great detail, much of the internal data will never be expressed, because it’s impossible to know what’s really going on inside someone else’s head.

There is a complete life of information racked up inside the mind, body, and spirit of every person, some of it can be recalled easily, or by prompting, yet this only accounts for about five percent of a person’s life experience.

The other 95 percent of life experience is recorded by the unconscious mind, or physiologically by the musculoskeletal or nervous systems. Other information is either recorded or leaves wounds and scars amid the cells of the body and/or the DNA.

Not having access to all the information makes it impossible to reduce a human being to the limited conditions of scientific method, even though this is the basis of human psychology.

It is vastly helpful to have a good understanding of the general conditions or symptoms to make a general diagnosis. At the very least, this is a good place to start, but people are not statistics.

Generalization is a form of abuse

To assume that anyone, a patient, client, acquaintance, friend, or family member, can be generally defined by a categorical subset of symptoms, attributes, or belief systems, is abusive.

To assume anything about anyone without having walked a lifetime in that person’s shoes (and even then, it would only scratch the surface because you would be walking and observing from your perspective) is a disservice to that individual and it is a form of abuse.

It would be like saying, “All two-year-olds are brats.” While it may be generally accepted that generally, a two-year-old human will begin to assert his or her independence with a tendency to become defiant, to assume your two-year old child is a brat is not only assumptive, it is abusive. Every two-year old child is an individual.

How much more of an individual will you become over a lifetime of experience and the making of your own way along your own life’s journey?

No one is “normal.” There is no such thing as normal. You must be willing to let go of the fantasy that any two people could be considered to be alike. Even among identical twins, they are not exact replications of each other, even though they are identical. How could one assume that any other two people could also be alike?

Statistics do not apply to individuals

Statistics do not apply to you. Certainly, you can agree that a general set of data could apply to you, though not completely. There will always be some exceptions to the rule(s) as they are applied and compared to each individual.

You are not a statistic.

You are a magnificent one-of-a-kind work of art. You are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. You are just a little piece of God on a journey. A journey unlike any other journey. Find your own way to get the most out of this life the best way that you can.

My friends and I will be here to help you along the way, if you need us, and we understand you are not a statistic.

Unbelievable Truths

In my work with individuals breaking through social barriers, pushing through the limits of leading edge science and technology, experimenting with new thought, expanding awareness and consciousness, I am privy to ideas and concepts that are in direct contrast to mainstream thought and ideals.

This has put me smack dab in the middle of situations, circumstances and to actually witness unbelievable – if not impossible – results. I don’t know if you’ve ever been exposed to quantum mechanics and/or quantum theory, but I have the privilege of commiserating with these mind-bending researchers and scientists (and to tell you the truth, some of the concepts that they share are well beyond my comprehension). Some of the discoveries that are being made are challenging everything we’ve ever known or believed.

unbelievable truths science fiction technology that became real

It’s difficult to deal with having your world being rocked with higher revelation of concepts that we believe to be fantasy or science fiction. What occurs to me is that we are living in a time of science fiction becoming reality. It wasn’t long ago when we watched science fiction movies and TV shows with flip phones, hand held computers, 3D virtual reality devices, etc… all here, right now, in real time. These advancements were once thought to be impossible, now are here.

These leading edge new thought advancements infiltrate all technologies, industries, daily living concepts, spiritual thoughts and ideas. Data is being downloaded and bestowed upon certain individuals (everyone from Noah to Tesla and beyond) that could potentially change the world as we know it.

I am aware of technology in existence today (and has been for many years) eliminating the need for our accepted forms of energy consumption, systems and devices exist (working models) that provide electricity that are independent and not connected to the grid. Cars, trucks and other industrial vehicles powered by anything (you wouldn’t believe what) but petroleum-based fuel.

Even traditional medical thought is being rattled by these unbelievable advancements, quickly discarded as snake oil or con games, yet individuals who were once greatly diseased and dying are now healthy and flourishing without traditional medical intervention or designer drugs.

It seems like, more and more, almost every day, I realize that ideas, concepts, truths and facts that I was taught since a very early age, are not as authentic as the emerging data that is trickling down to those with more open minds… and I find my own mind opening. Can’t say that I am impressed with the false information I was force-fed, apparently in an effort to prevent me from thinking that things could be different that I’ve been led to believe.

It appears (though I am no expert on this) that although we (you and I) are for the most part unaware of these advancements, there are factions within (and concurrently without) our government with a working knowledge of all these thoughts and alternative technologies. Though they may be utilized in secrecy within covert operations, the masses are protected (prevented) from having access to these technologies.

Yet, there are some individuals who feel so passionate about telling the truth, that they will risk their reputations, subject themselves to rejection, ridicule and possibly premature death due to “natural causes” in an effort to reveal the truth.

It is a widely held belief that individuals in the last moments of their lives are delusional; this presupposes that any death bed confessions made in someone’s final moments are to be discounted as the ridiculous wild ramblings of the near-dead. Just laugh it off, they’re just saying that in an effort to have the last word, as if the “jokes on you.” Or is it truth they knew they would be silenced for speaking? Left to its self, it could be crazy ranting, but if it lined up with other emerging data… don’t things become curiouser and curiouser?

Certainly there exists certain conspiracy theories, but it does cause one to contemplate if everything we have been led to believe to be true is a conspiracy.

What do you think?