Discover and Energize Your Innate Gifts

Everyone comes to this planet with a unique set of gifts or innate abilities to share with other inhabitants. The most successful people in the world know what their life’s message is and utilizing their special gifts make a huge contribution to society, humanity and/or the overall outlook of the earth.

Many adults when questioned about what their gifts, innate abilities, or life’s message is respond with something, like, “That’s not realistic,” or some other comment discounting the thought that they may have a higher purpose.

That programmed response could be the result of possibly the biggest conspiracy of our age.

Discovering and embracing your innate gifts

Many years of working with people to discover and embrace their gifts and life’s message has proven time and time again that early in a child’s youth, every child is in tune with their gifts and message.

Every once and a while you see a youth who is totally absorbed by their innate abilities, these are the young prodigies. They are revered, yet rare; yet every child is born a prodigy.

The conspiracy lies within our societal programming. In an effort to have a reasonable amount of control of the masses, those who maintain our, “safety and security,” have built into the structure of our society a strict set of checks and balances to ensure their ability to exercise this control.

So, we have public schools, and as our children grow we tell them that their dreams are folly as we try to replace those dreams with more, “realistic,” or acceptable aspirations, i.e., finish high school, go to college and get a good job with benefits. And that is exactly what the machine desires and needs; a majority of mindless parts that exist for the running (or benefit) of the machine.

Granted this analogy may appear to be an exaggeration, nonetheless, you know in your heart of hearts that you were meant for more than this. Something inside you knows there must be more to life than having a nice car, house with a picket fence, a huge cable/internet package, designer clothing and money (or credit) to spend on food and toys. That feeling that there’s something more is your innate gifts crying to be released.

fulfilling your lifes purpose leads to love peace joy happiness

For those I work with to get their gifts, talents and message(s) in balance with their physical reality are geared up for a significant life change. Discovery is just the first part of the task at hand.

The next step is finding ways to integrate your inner-self with your outer-self (the physical reality that everyone else now accepts as being, “you”).

Fortunate for society, not everyone seeks to fulfill their life’s purpose or dreams; only the select few who rise above the masses in an effort to achieve their highest and best and make the world a better place. Because if the masses were to capture this level of life congruency, we would be surrounded by the magic of success, abundance and our societal structure would disintegrate, as the free-thinking people began to change the world to fit their new realities.

You can enjoy extreme levels of peace, joy, happiness and fulfillment from being united with your life’s purpose; leading to a new, expanded, productive life filled with health, wellness, love, compassion and a brighter future. You, will begin to see all the issues in your life will begin to resolve themselves as you attune your life with your unique calling.

Become the master of your own destiny, transform your life, fulfill your life’s purpose and achieve your highest and best by harnessing your innate gifts.

What Turns You On?

There is a wave moving across this planet awakening people to embrace their unique purpose and message and for the people who are bold enough and empowered to passionately exercise their gifts, talents and express their message, they are not only happier for following through on their purpose but often find they are rewarded financially, if given the opportunity.

How would you like to do that you love and get paid handsomely for doing it? This is one of the best benefits of living your life on purpose.

what turns you on

You can look for clues to uncover your purpose in life. You can discover your unique message and starting singing your song, just by taking a look at your life. For instance,

What’s that thing you love to do? That thing when time just seems to disappear when you’re immersed in a particular activity?

What’s the thing that you do – that comes easily for you – and not so much for others (and they’re likely to mention it to you or ask, “How do you do that?”

When someone complimented you on something you said or did, saying, “That was amazing!” what was it?

What is the thing that people keep coming to you for? What kind of advice, tip or type of encouragement are folks attracted to you for?

If your friends confide in you, is there a general topic that they seek you out and find comfort in your support?

What kinds of books, magazines, television shows or movies are you attracted to?

What talents and special abilities did you possess as a child?

What would you like to be remembered for, long after you are gone?

What activities would you engage in, if the doctor told you that you only had one week to live, and finances were not a concern?

The answers to these questions should give you an idea of what the universe is calling you to accomplish with your life.

Start writing, journaling; create a collection of words, writing down your ideas a feelings about what turns you on. Your words do not need to be masterful. You just need to start documenting your feelings about these things. As you do, you find a clarity developing.

Also consider asking yourself what extreme challenges have you endured and overcome (or are in the process of overcoming)?

You may be the only person whom others who are facing the same challenges can relate to. How can you reach out to help others in this area?

Start writing… keep writing… Writing not working so well? No problem. Get a recorder and start recording your words. Recordings can be transcribed (there are even programs and apps that you can speak into and they will type out your words for you).

Then just be open to the idea of allowing people who are attracted to you regarding your message to pay you for embracing your calling.

You can become a coach or consultant and start talking to people about your message or mission and charge by the hour. You can start a support group and charge a fee at the door.

You can write, publish and sell a book, ebook, emagazine, newsletter, membership site or fraternal organization.

You don’t need to work out all the details… Just doing the work and being open will attract opportunities and the right people to help you make it so, as you move forward in faith.

Awakening There is More to This Life

Every moment of every day someone wakes up from the sleepwalking daily routine we call life, and in that moment of clarity recognizes that something’s not right.

Remember being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up,” when you were a youngster?

Ever notice how your answer changed as you grew older? Chances are, when you were younger, you were more optimistic and fanciful about your future… (Most likely) by the time you were ready to finish school, your dreams had been reduced to feeling as though the only hope in life for a glimmer of happiness was to:

Go to college to
Get a Good Job
End of story.

Did you know when you were born, your life had meaning? You came into being with a message and a special purpose. As you began to communicate and articulate your thoughts, you doubtless knew what your message would be and what your life’s purpose was.

In your younger years, you would do things that were congruent with your message and purpose and it would amaze those who witnessed you exercising your gifts, but as you aged the same people who encouraged you in your youth by saying, “That’s amazing,” were now chanting, “but you need to forget all that and think about getting a good job.”

Slowly, but surely, your mission (your message and purpose) was quashed (regarded as fanciful childlike dreams that would never come true) as you were groomed to be nothing more than a cog in the machine of life. You felt like denying your true calling was a good thing, in an effort to find a place to fit in society and survive with little impact, as the inner voices that were beckoning you to fulfill your mission faded away and were lulled to sleep.

Awakening there is more to this life than this purpose message mission meaning

The Awakening

Then, at some point in life, there is an awakening. That moment when you look in the mirror and say,

Who Am I?
How did I get here?

Surveying your surroundings of the life you’ve succumbed to, you say to yourself,

There must be more to my life than this.

This is the heart (which always holds the key to your highest and best) breaking through to communicate with your brain (which has been reprogrammed to protect you from your heart). Your heart will make the best of the life you allow, but true fulfillment and heart-felt satisfaction can only be realized when you are living in harmony with your mission, until then, there will always be a degree of dissatisfaction or longing for something more.

This awareness (even if in brief moments of clarity) will alert your consciousness that something’s got to change. Then you have to make a choice:

Recoil or Reposition

You can second-guess, let the haunting voices of the nay Sayers overcome you or talk yourself out of taking action, recoil and continue to block yourself from you mission, or you can begin to reposition yourself for something new, readying yourself to take action and find the answer to

What is my mission?
How do I start?

It is at this point in the awakening process that people are attracted to me (and others in similar fields) for assistance in finding purpose, increased quality of life (including health and wealth) and help achieving your highest and best.

The more open you are, the less assistance you need; you don’t need anyone’s help, if you can remember back to your childhood – or already have an intuitive knowing – recalling your message and purpose. Then, you can…

Take Action

You owe it to yourself to take action every day – no matter how small – to engage your purpose, to share your message. As you begin to embrace who you truly are (not the mediocrity society has come to expect from you) you will find, see and make new opportunities to exercise your gifts and talents to maximize your mission.

Resonate and Celebrate

This is the satisfaction that I receive in my line of work, to be there in the moment, to celebrate with a client who is resonating with their true sense of empowerment in aligning their lives with their calling. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Of course, this is MY calling, helping people achieve their highest and best, so little could be so thrilling. (See, it affects me the same way.)

You’re YOU is coming through

If you’re reading these words, you’re either awake or in the process of awakening…

How exciting!
So happy for you
Great things are coming your way…