Be True to Your Calling

Here’s the deal: You’ve come to this planet with a calling. You have a unique purpose, a mission in life featuring your own message that can only be delivered with your unique style and perspective.

Knowing this, you may have done enough work to even have defined your individual purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) and know who you are and what you’re supposed to be doing if you were achieving your highest and best.

Then there is life. Life is full of distractions which can keep you from achieving your highest and best.

This will apply to any calling you have that could make a difference in our world. Why? Because there are people, principalities, and powers that do not want to see the world change, and your potential contribution could cause conflict, or slow their roll, even if your PMPM only affected a single life for the better, that one moment could change everything in a heartbeat.

This is why you see yourself bombarded with nearly unlimited opportunities to do anything besides what could put you one step closer toward your sense of purpose and meaning which harkens to you for release.

Let’s face it, we live in an “if it feels good do it” kind of world, and you are attacked in the media and face-to-face by people you know as well as perfect strangers who will stop at nothing to provide you with thousands of exposures to potential opportunities that could distract and/or prevented you from advancing toward your calling.

In terms of being of service to others, there needs to be some hard work, dedication, and commitment to your calling, to serve the greater good. It may mean setting aside your own personal desires, those things that make you feel so good, to be able to serve in a greater capacity. Yes, it may take sacrifice, but it is this one point that separates those who talk about what they wish they could do, and those who are actively involved in making a difference. A little selflessness on the behalf of others, or the big picture, goes a long way. St. Paul writes, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,” in Philippians 2:3.

Your calling must have a higher priority that selfish acts which make you feel good, or even service to others in ways which might prevent you from pursuing your goals to achieve your highest and best. No one person can anything, so remain focused on your mission, and when other situations and circumstances come up, rather than letting these things distract you (as worthy as they might be) step aside and defer to someone else whose mission it might be. You might have to put aside selfish pursuits to be true to your calling.

Tapping into your heart is almost a necessity in achieving your highest and best. Unlike your brain and emotions, which only seek to protect you and your ego from potential fear-based emotions or perceived potential pain, your heart will always be congruent with your calling.

It’s no surprise if you can’t know how to tap into your heart, which is the most powerful energy source, connection to all life and beyond because it is no secret that we’re not taught to listen to it or even validate its power. For if you could, you might realize that our heart is the most powerful tool or weapon on the planet, possibly in the universe, and we all have one. Take some time and find ways to focus on and connect to it, and develop your sense of knowingness exponentially.

How to tap into it, and learn how to hear or feel what your heart is trying to tell you can be complex because it can be a very different process for different people. So, find your own way, experiment and see what works for you.

Stop protesting or being distracted by focusing on things outside of your control. While you may hear about or witness atrocities, find someone else who’s ministry it is to deal with that particular issue and defer to them; you may even be able to offer support, but don’t allow yourself to be taken off your path in doing so.

Watch your tongue as well as your thoughts, if you are saying or thinking negative things about something that is negative, you only add negative energy to it. By protesting, making a stand, or fighting against a certain thing, you actually promote it. Instead, focus on the solution, find someone who is doing the work and support them in the performance of their ministry, without falling victim to the negative whirlpool.

Whatever you do, whether in terms of supporting your own calling, or supporting others in theirs, avoid negative reporting. When you say something negative, especially in this day and age, when everything we do, say, and possibly think, is being recorded and can be used against you later. Having access to negative sound bites can be your undoing, so avoid going there if at all possible. To quote St, Paul again, “Do everything without complaining and arguing so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people,” (Philippians 2:14-16) so, take the high road.

You’re Not Doing It Right

There comes a time in your life when you get the sense that you’re not doing it right.

You’ve worked hard to get where you are in life and while your friends and family are all envious of the heights you’ve achieved, you’re not sure.

When you’re operating in your sense of purpose, fulfilling your life’s mission you know by how you feel.

When you are “in the zone” you feel incredible about the work that you do, very little effort is exerted (because it seems to come so easily), time seems to slip on by (or there is little or no sense of time passing when your are on task), obstacles are viewed as interesting or fun challenges and there is little or no stress.


How Can You Tell If You’re Not Doing It Right?

No one knows better than you, if things aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. You’ve done the work, you’ve exerted adequate effort, dedication and resources to get you to where you are, yet you know that it just doesn’t feel right.

You may feel as though you are

• fighting an uphill battle
• on the verge of burnout
• competing against others

You struggle with

• lack of energy and/or fatigue
• defending or justifying your work
• lack of satisfaction or sense of accomplishment

You may

• question your own authenticity
• place significance on material things
• desire to keep up with appearances
• have a tendency to want to keep up with the Joneses

You can see how much more satisfying it can be to be plugged in, embracing your gifts, talents and/or special abilities in congruency with your life’s mission and purpose.

While you might think it might be nice if everyone were operating in-the-zone, society and the powers that be dissuade us from an early age encouraging us to think of such ideas as foolishness, asserting that more practical approaches to work and career are more apropos. For if everyone were operating on purpose who would run “the machine?”

The system is convinced that the world must be full of worker bees; none of this fanciful “achieve your highest and best” falderal, so worker bees we are trained to be from the earliest of age. We are trained to go to school, be good and do well, so that we can get a good job. This is the standard by which we are all measured.

You, on the other hand, are part of the evolving being. You mind is expanding. You are realizing there is more to this life than being defined by your job, what you do or what you have.

You know there would be no greater satisfaction than that which comes from being on-purpose, on-track and singing your song.

Nothing is more important to you than embracing and practicing your subdued super powers, exercising and growing in confidence and coherence to deliver the message that is truly yours to share with the local community and the world at large.

You desire to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

You are on your way.

Awakening There is More to This Life

Every moment of every day someone wakes up from the sleepwalking daily routine we call life, and in that moment of clarity recognizes that something’s not right.

Remember being asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up,” when you were a youngster?

Ever notice how your answer changed as you grew older? Chances are, when you were younger, you were more optimistic and fanciful about your future… (Most likely) by the time you were ready to finish school, your dreams had been reduced to feeling as though the only hope in life for a glimmer of happiness was to:

Go to college to
Get a Good Job
End of story.

Did you know when you were born, your life had meaning? You came into being with a message and a special purpose. As you began to communicate and articulate your thoughts, you doubtless knew what your message would be and what your life’s purpose was.

In your younger years, you would do things that were congruent with your message and purpose and it would amaze those who witnessed you exercising your gifts, but as you aged the same people who encouraged you in your youth by saying, “That’s amazing,” were now chanting, “but you need to forget all that and think about getting a good job.”

Slowly, but surely, your mission (your message and purpose) was quashed (regarded as fanciful childlike dreams that would never come true) as you were groomed to be nothing more than a cog in the machine of life. You felt like denying your true calling was a good thing, in an effort to find a place to fit in society and survive with little impact, as the inner voices that were beckoning you to fulfill your mission faded away and were lulled to sleep.

Awakening there is more to this life than this purpose message mission meaning

The Awakening

Then, at some point in life, there is an awakening. That moment when you look in the mirror and say,

Who Am I?
How did I get here?

Surveying your surroundings of the life you’ve succumbed to, you say to yourself,

There must be more to my life than this.

This is the heart (which always holds the key to your highest and best) breaking through to communicate with your brain (which has been reprogrammed to protect you from your heart). Your heart will make the best of the life you allow, but true fulfillment and heart-felt satisfaction can only be realized when you are living in harmony with your mission, until then, there will always be a degree of dissatisfaction or longing for something more.

This awareness (even if in brief moments of clarity) will alert your consciousness that something’s got to change. Then you have to make a choice:

Recoil or Reposition

You can second-guess, let the haunting voices of the nay Sayers overcome you or talk yourself out of taking action, recoil and continue to block yourself from you mission, or you can begin to reposition yourself for something new, readying yourself to take action and find the answer to

What is my mission?
How do I start?

It is at this point in the awakening process that people are attracted to me (and others in similar fields) for assistance in finding purpose, increased quality of life (including health and wealth) and help achieving your highest and best.

The more open you are, the less assistance you need; you don’t need anyone’s help, if you can remember back to your childhood – or already have an intuitive knowing – recalling your message and purpose. Then, you can…

Take Action

You owe it to yourself to take action every day – no matter how small – to engage your purpose, to share your message. As you begin to embrace who you truly are (not the mediocrity society has come to expect from you) you will find, see and make new opportunities to exercise your gifts and talents to maximize your mission.

Resonate and Celebrate

This is the satisfaction that I receive in my line of work, to be there in the moment, to celebrate with a client who is resonating with their true sense of empowerment in aligning their lives with their calling. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Of course, this is MY calling, helping people achieve their highest and best, so little could be so thrilling. (See, it affects me the same way.)

You’re YOU is coming through

If you’re reading these words, you’re either awake or in the process of awakening…

How exciting!
So happy for you
Great things are coming your way…