Natural Alternatives for Defeating Incurable Diseases

In the realm of medical science, certain diseases have been deemed incurable for decades, leaving millions around the world grappling with the daunting challenges posed by conditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, lupus, Lyme disease, and even the common cold. However, an alternative perspective emerges, challenging the notion of incurability and shedding light on groundbreaking approaches that have yielded promising results. What are the reasons behind the perception of incurability, and how can alternative methodologies developed by courageous individuals help to eliminate these seemingly insurmountable health challenges?

The Incurability Myth

Traditionally, society is conditioned to believe that diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s are inherently incurable. This perspective is reinforced by the substantial funds raised annually by various medical societies and foundations dedicated to these diseases, all claiming to be in pursuit of a cure. However, challenging this prevailing narrative, we delve into the groundbreaking work of innovative doctors who have developed protocols to tackle these supposedly incurable diseases.

 Deepak Chopra, M.D., Combined insights from Ayurveda with Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics and discovered a “network of intelligence” in the human genome with incredible potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, and aging. His conclusions became the basis for Quantum Healing.

The Paradigm Shift

By acknowledging that diseases are not inherently incurable, a shift in perspective allows us to explore the groundbreaking work of both degreed and non-degreed medical professionals who have successfully developed protocols to address major health challenges. These protocols focus on eliminating the root causes of the diseases, thereby paving the way for the body’s natural healing processes to take on the responsibility of defending, rebuilding, and rehabilitating itself. Our ability to self-heal is an incredible gift from God.

According to Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Spontaneous Healing, subtitled, How to Discover and Embrace Your Body’s Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself, the body is so incredible that it can heal itself. He calls it “spontaneous healing” and insists it is not a miracle at all but a fact of biology. Weil says we are born with this natural healing system.

Overcoming Fibromyalgia: A Case in Point

Consider fibromyalgia, a condition often labeled as incurable. The proposed solution involves identifying and eliminating the invading factors causing the disease. By addressing these root causes, individuals can potentially witness the disappearance of their fibromyalgia symptoms. Once the invaders are neutralized, the focus can then shift to aiding the body in repairing any damage sustained during the illness. A hundred people no longer have fibromyalgia today, and a hundred more will be set free tomorrow. This can also be said for any disease. There is no need to suffer, even though the American Medical Association might maintain otherwise. 

Personalized Solutions

The path to overcoming incurable diseases is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each individual’s body responds uniquely to various interventions. Therefore, a key aspect of this alternative perspective involves conducting individualized research to uncover solutions that have worked for others. By sharing experiences and insights, a community of individuals dealing with similar health challenges can collectively share information as they explore myriad possibilities and embark on individual journies toward reclaiming their lives.

It Comes Down to You

Are you willing and able to take responsibility for your own health and well-being? I think back to when I relied on the advice of my medical doctor alone. While I still respect her impeccably, I now have another doctor (of natural nutrition) with whom I also consult, and I do a lot of research and information gathering on my own. I have faced incurable diseases head-on and found my own way around these challenges. Today, I feel as though I could face any disease head-on and defeat it victoriously. Based on my experience and understanding, I no longer believe in disease. 

When I think back about how my life could have been, living with a lifelong learning disability and dying from cancer, I wouldn’t be able to write these words today. I feel like I am in charge of my life, but I keep relatively silent about my chosen path.

Many people I am related to and care about would never consider any of the alternative therapeutic solutions that I have tried. They would have rebuked or belittled me for doing so if they knew. Therefore, I keep my ideas and methods to myself and pray for them.

What breaks my heart the most is to watch the people I love waste away and lose their lives by clinging so fervently to the ideas promoted by the powers that be. When I ask them if they might like to try an alternative therapeutic approach, they reject the idea vehemently, barking an objection at me because such an idea would be preposterous. So, they check into the hospital, get the surgery, and take the poison, complaining about the pain, discomfort, and misery of it all the way until they are released from the medical drama and trauma by letting go of this life altogether.

Think About It

Challenging the conventional belief in the incurability of certain diseases opens up new avenues for exploration and discovery. By understanding that diseases are not inherently incurable, individuals can empower themselves to seek out alternative approaches developed by pioneering doctors. The shift in perspective encourages a focus on personalized solutions, allowing individuals to take charge of their health and harness a life free from the shackles of incurable diseases. Ultimately, the goal is to rekindle the joy of life, moving away from mere endurance and towards the fulfillment of a healthy, vibrant existence.


Crumb Trails Leading to the Elimination of Disease in the US

Suppose you have researched any particular disease because you are a doctor trying to help a patient or a patient looking for alternatives or a solution for the problems you are having post-medical treatment. In that case, you may be surprised by what you can find. Of course, it makes a difference where you look.

Staying with traditional research methods, like medical libraries, most physical research libraries, and Google, the dominant search engine today, you will find what you might expect to find: data that supports your doctor’s primary recommendations.

But, if you dig deeper, using alternative search resources, you may uncover what the traditional medical industry is opposed to you finding. You will find many medical alternatives, including witchcraft spells, potions, lotions, talismans, rocks, crystals, meditations, prayers, detoxification programs, herbal supplements, essential oils, snake oils, etc.

An Internet search, even on Google, which is the most highly-screened for medical alternatives, returns 500 million results for “medical alternatives for treating cancer,” the second highest killer of people in the United States, while heart disease remains at the top of the causes of death in the USA.

The standard medical recommendation for cancer treatment is chemotherapy and radiation. If you’re looking for other alternatives, you must do this on your own. If you’re a doctor and your spouse is dying of cancer, there is only an 8-percent chance that you might look for alternative methods for treating the one person holding the most regarded position in your life in the hope of a better outcome.

Undeniably, cancer and heart disease are the top causes of death in the United States, the country with the “best, most scientifically advanced medical system in the world” and the most expensive health care of any other country. With all these advancements, you would think we could put a dent in those numbers.

In contemporary times, since about 1975 or so, there has been a growing surge among people seeking medical alternatives, including reaching back into historical and ancestral solutions for ailments, until the surge began to decline after 2015. Before 2015, populations of holistically dedicated individuals and professionals as natural alternative specialists grew to meet the demands of people looking for other options.

In 2015, quietly and unnoticed by everyone but those actively engaged in promoting natural alternatives to medical recommendations, they began to see their ranks reduced in size by death “due to natural causes.” Those who were disseminating these natural alternatives to medicine were mainly dying due to heart disease. Nobody saw this coming. Nonetheless, these otherwise healthy and health-promoting alternative practitioners were dying at an alarming rate for any market segment. If it had been any other group of individuals, like auto workers, they would have hit the news headlines.

But in 2015, there was barely a blip on the radar because there were a number of doctors, holistically inclined medical doctors, who were dying, and that was recognized but not supported by media reports much, except for a few vocal spouses and family members who protested and thought authorities should investigate the statistics. Medical authorities and the media quickly disregarded them as acting out irrationally and in denial, common symptoms of grief.

Quietly, and not so noticeably, those actively promoting holistic wellness began to retire and change careers because they did not want to catch what their peers were “catching,” whatever that was.

Holistic professionals became accustomed to the constant droning barrage of defamation handed out by medical professionals, the FDA, and the media. Yet, they forged forward to defend the right of the people to have medical alternatives, like they do in other countries, constantly having to bob and weave to avoid regulations that would make the providing of targeted natural remedies a crime, punishable to the full extent of the law, not dissimilar to with trials of the 1600s, only in the present day the FDA was in charge of legally dealing with the holistic practitioners.

Before 2015, many revelations were being discovered and disclosed about natural substances that could be used to eliminate any number of diseases, if not all. Discoverers of effective alternatives enthusiastically promoted their findings, eliminated diseases in millions of volunteers, and were hunted down by the authorities and silenced in one way or another, leaving behind a trail of breadcrumbs that would lead the determined researcher to the now lost or hidden information.

Jim Humble is one of those pioneers who discovered the disease elimination capabilities of chlorine dioxide, which he nicknamed MMS, short for Miracle Mineral Solution, based on the claims of volunteers whose lives were transformed when they used chlorine dioxide to return to their everyday lives. These same people had been given a death sentence by their doctors, who proclaimed they would die due to incurable diseases and suffer deplorable symptoms until they were finally released by breathing their last breath.

Even with the best efforts of the power that be to prevent it, millions of people are still discovering chlorine dioxide’s disease-elimination capabilities. This substance makes a special appearance in Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program. Using colloidal silver combined with chlorine dioxide, DMSO, detoxification, parasite cleansing, deworming, and gut rebuilding appears to have an incredible impact on disease elimination.

Sadly, Wayne Rowland is no longer with us, but his crumb trails remain. Now, it is up to us to seek out alternatives on our own but not to influence anyone else, at least for now, until a new regime allows the American public to act on their own behalf for their own health promotion.