Stranger in a Strange Land Syndrome

The people I attract who become my clients are clearly not a part of the rest of the pack. They don’t fit-in with the majority of the folks who accept performing little more than their allotted function within our societal structure.

Individuals that I work with want something more… and they know (though they may not be able to put their finger on what it is) that something’s just not right with the widely accepted cover story.

Thought leaders dont fit in like a stranger in a strange land

They suffer from what I call the Stranger-in-a-strange-land-syndrome (SIASLS). Something inside them intrinsically recognizes that there is so much more to this life than we are led to believe. These people are attracted to me because I, too, suffer from SIASLS, and to say the very least, we all feel like we just don’t fit in with the status quo.

People who have SIASLS feel as though they are “Strangers” called to a higher purpose and function in this life. Fortunately, I possess a wide variety of skills and abilities that I offer my clients in their quest to achieve their highest and best, a small (but growing) percentage of these individuals fit somewhere among the SIASLS spectrum.

Strangers suffer from

Not fitting in: Though some Strangers can blend-in quite well, it takes a considerable amount of energy and effort to do so.

Rebellious: Knowing that there is something more, makes one resistant from being told what to do, what to believe or accept as, “normal.”

Burning and yearning: A message burning within them and a yearning to share this message with the world.

Service: Strangers have a desire to help others less fortunate, or struggling to get along amidst their life’s journey and may be more inclined to put themselves at risk for the greater good.

Problem-solvers: Since strangers often can see things from a broader perspective, they have the unique ability to make connections that are not obvious to others, allowing them to come to conclusions and solve problems with creative solutions.

A Better World: Belief in the possibility to experience a better world imbues them with the desire to do their part to help create a better world.

Fulfillment: They seek to do what they feel is “the right thing” to do for them. Doing so gives them a more satisfying sense of fulfillment by being true to their purpose, calling and message.

Freedom: They find it difficult to accept the socially accepted definition of freedom and believe that more freedom is available.

Happiness: Strangers are intrinsically aware that feeling good exponentially can lead to higher levels of joy and believe it is within our grasp.

Quality of life: They seek something more out of life than a good job and some retirement.

Who Are the Strangers in a Strange Land?

You find them excelling in professions that are congruent with the lives that they live, like Artists, Authors, Clergy, Entrepreneurs, Inventors, Motivators, Social workers, Speakers, Thought leaders, Visionaries… and a host of other occupations where they can feel free to exercise their unique skills and abilities.

Hidden Strangers

There are far more Strangers among us than we know. Their presence has been subdued by a life of social programming in an effort to help “make them normal” or encourage them to blend in with others.

The process starts at a very young age and continues through life and is sometimes accompanied by therapy and prescription drug intervention… anything to squelch the Stranger within.

I am so blessed in my work, when I am found by the hidden Stranger and able to help them to embrace their Stranger in a Strange Land and empower them to find peace and help encouraging them to sing their song.

You don’t need to hide

You are not alone