What Are You Going to Do?

Alright, no doubt. You’ve been disrespected, even abused. That was a terrible injustice, but what are you going to do about it? The answer makes all the difference.

You can feed into the cycle of abuse, it’s the natural response.

Your boss says something which cuts you to the quick, and you resist lashing back, but when you get home, you say something biting to your spouse, who doesn’t want to rock the boat, and one of the kids gets inadvertently put down. The child goes to school and barks at another child, who disrespects a teacher, who disrespects a coworker, who gets upset at a cashier at the supermarket. The cashier strikes out at the person who is rounding up the shopping carts, who comes home and kicks the cat. The mom who sees this outburst expresses her frustration and the pet abuse, gets the dad upset, the family has an outburst but the father tries to settle the dispute, and he’s your boss, who it short with you, yet again, and the cycle readies for another round.

While, admittedly, over-simplified, this is the pattern of abuse, which can only be interrupted by nonother than (you guessed it), you.

The buck stops here, with you. You are the only one who can stop this abuse from running, like wildfire, throughout the world.

I like the way don Miguel Ruiz refers to this as “emotional poison.” When someone is the recipient of emotional poison, they know of no other way to ease the pain than to put it on someone else. So, he or she strikes out at you, now you’ve been infected. What are you going to do?

The next time someone disrespects you, infects you with their emotional poison, you could instead make the conscious decision to break the cycle. You can affirm, “This stops, here and now, with me.”

What you do next changes everything.

You can disable, the emotional poison by applying empathy, forgiveness, and love. You seek to understand that your boss was infected and have empathy for his or her condition, forgiving the transgression because you know what’s happening. After all, your boss is only doing the best he or she can do with what they have.

Your boss doesn’t know what’s going on, but you do.

But you’re still infected. You can’t just push it down, cover it up, and ignore it, because that will cause the wound to fester and build up more poison inside you, ‘til… well, you know what happens. Either it finds a way to come out in an explosive event, or it will cause your immune system to deteriorate, making you more susceptible to illness, accelerated aging, and possibly premature death.

That’s why you need to apply the most powerful healing energy of love to the wound. And when you do, something amazing happens. The wound heals enabling you to powerfully chose the love response. So, now…

What are you going to do?

When someone judges you, you can have the wherewithal to understand what’s going on behind the scenes and not take it personally.

When you are rejected, you can find acceptance that things are what they are, nothing more than that. Search your self and see if there is any value or hidden (meaningful) message in the rejection, otherwise, let it flow right past you, as if it were no thing. And it was, because it really had nothing to do with you, and far more to do with your rejector trying to release their own poison in that moment.

If someone tries to shame you for something that is just the way it is, there is no reason to defend yourself and you can have compassion for that person who tried to disempower you.

You have the ability to break the cycle of abuse.

You can be the person you needed to reach out to when you were hurting, instead of falling into the trap of becoming someone who perpetuates the spreading of emotional pain.

You are better than this.

You are the interceptor breaking the flow of abuse.

And when you respond empowered by love, people notice. While emotional poison is highly contagious, so is love.

Love is the sacred virus which uncreates and transmutes fear and all its trappings.

Choose love and with powerful intention help infect the world with it for freedom from emotional disease.

Love is most powerful.

Apply generously, rinse and repeat.

Am I Gonna Be Stuck This Way?

I don’t know if you can remember the time (I know I can) when you were so stoned that paralysis set in, your mind was going whacko, you were in a state of panic and dared to ask, “Am I gonna be stuck this way?” I mean the very thought that you might have exercised your worst decision-making skills to suffer the effects which may never be reversible.

To add to the fear, we have all heard stories, seen it in the news, or in the media. Someone did just that; made a one-time decision which changed their life in a tragic way or may have even lost their own life when clearly suicide was not their intention. This is beyond frightening when you find yourself thinking that you might have spoken your last words, be potentially having your last thoughts, or breathing your last breath.

No one would blame you or even question your crying out with your mind (because you may not be able to speak), “Dear God, if you ever let me get out of this thing alive, I promise never to do this again.” And you might throw in some other promises to sweeten the deal so that the Creator of the universe would stop whatever it was that was going on just to tend miraculously to you.

Though some of us came out of such an incident physically scarred for life for the whole world to see what the consequences of one bad decision might be, if we survived, we were virtually the same. We looked, talked, acted, and walked just the same. People who saw us months following the event could never have thought that we’d been through such an experience.

Time goes on… and we forget the incident because we have no constant reminder every time, we look in the mirror. And those promises we made? Well, we’ve forgotten them, too.

Then there are those, people like you, who would do anything to avoid finding themselves in that situation ever again. In some way, you have changed, become a better person. The axiom rings true, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

While you may not find yourself, in a sense, “one toke over the line,” you do have these metaphorical moments when you make decisions that do not turn out as you had planned. How you respond in the moment of recognition (which could be severely delayed) that you made a mistake, and how you respond to your decision and the results from it, it up to you.

You may have no control over the results of your decision and any action or inaction that took place in the process, but what you do about it is totally another decision to be made. Again, your action or inaction will have a huge impact on the results.

Every decision you make is like a wheel in the middle of a track. If you spin it to the right, it takes off to the right depending how much force you exert on the wheel. The same to the left. To the right is in the direction of positivity and to the left negative. The more energy exerted greatly influences how far the effects of your decision will travel in that direction. This energy includes all energy exerted, both seen and unseen.

Energy comes in many forms and may include unspoken desires of your heart, or hidden fears and trauma from the past, and any other form of energy, including thoughts both conscious and unconscious.

If you can take a moment to consciously consider first what direction your decision will cause your decision wheel will travel, in that moment of pause and reflection you can ask yourself,

How can I apply love to this decision?

Love is the most powerful force in the universe, and you can call love into action at any moment. If your decisions are made in love, your decision wheel will move powerfully in the direction of positivity. While the consequences may include what appears to be negative, later you will discover that even the seemingly negative effects of your decision made in love will be for your highest and best interests.

Nevertheless, if you make a negative decision, chances are, you will get another chance, and you don’t have to worry enough to ask, “Am I gonna be stuck this way?” for tomorrow is another day and with the day comes new opportunities to make new decisions. You aren not going to be stuck this way.

Love is the key to making powerful, life-changing decisions, with miraculous results. Anything else leads to negative vibrations which move the results in the opposite direction than that which you think.

Think to yourself,

I love you. I love me. Let’s see how positive the results of this can be.

Apply love and see what happens.

Activating Love to Change the World

Love in and of itself is not enough to change the world. It needs your activating love to change the world.

You’ve done the work to find and release the love within you. Love is changing you and your world. As you embrace the ultimate source of the love energy within you it affects your world; your life, your family, loved ones, the people in the inner core of your social network.

To change the world with love, the love within you needs to be released to the world. This means activating your love outside of your inner sanctum and releasing it in such a way as to affect others in your community and the world at large.

This activated will change the world.

Certainly, when you are learning to tap into the ultimate source of love and love, you need sacred, intimate, and private space which is highly guarded to do the deep inner work which is key to embracing love and attenuating the frequency of your life to that of love.

Once you are comfortable with maintaining the love vibration in your life, you will see the effects of the frequency of love as all life within your circle of influence begins to shift and change. It’s easy to sort of settle-in to this love vibration because it feels so good to just relax into it like snuggling into a warm blanket of love.

While it may have been necessary to block out all negative influences to get into the flow of love and to make the changes necessary for you to start to live the life of love, it is not enough to just bask in the light of love without maintaining a connection with the world around you.

The real power to change the world with your new-found love energy is to activate it in such a way as to affect the world around you.

Once you are comfortable with maintaining the frequency of the love vibration, you see world events, catastrophes, and injustices through the eyes of love. What once would have immediately plummeted you to a state of fear, such as sadness, despair, judgment, or hate, now you can look upon compassionately through the eyes of love.

Fueled by love’s compassion and empathy, you are now ready to apply love to the situation or circumstance by taking love-inspired action.

Being careful not to take stance of fear, such as opposing any negative news, situation, or circumstance, you find a place where you can take inspired action to support a solution or make a positive change for the better.

Don’t talk bad about the things that make you feel bad. Instead, do something about it. When I hear someone complaining about something around the water cooler, I ask them, “What are you doing about it?” If they are making a monthly contribution to an organization who is dealing with the topic at hand, it lends credence to their voice, and I will listen to them. If they are not doing something about it, they are only adding negative energy to the negative situation or circumstance, and I will not participate in that.

When you exert energy in opposition of a particular thing, the energy you put out is multiplied many times over, adding energy to the thing you are opposing. Not really the desired effect. On the other hand, if you support the cure with love, now you are helping to change the world without adding fuel to the negatively-charged item which has presented itself to you.

Everyone has different divine assignments which pique your interest and you know which ones yours are because you are passionate about them. You are sensitive to certain news stories, topics, tragedies, and injustices. These are your divine assignments.

What will you do about them?

Now, you have to figure out how you can apply love to these negative situations and circumstances without adding negative energy to the thing you oppose.

Whatever you do, don’t gout and trash-talk or spread negative postings about that which you oppose on social media. That’s exactly what they want you to do precisely because it only makes the thing you don’t like far more powerful. Yes, it increases the separation between the two camps of thought, but it does not create the opportunity for love to change the idea at hand, plus it makes what you don’t want stronger.

Not rejecting what you don’t want doesn’t add negative energy to it, making it weaker, and allowing love to find a way to break through and effectuate change, possibly even eliminating it forever. This is how love can conquer those things which you are inspired to change.

As an example, let’s take a look at a basic concept like “abortion.” If you are passionate about not supporting abortion, don’t burn down an abortion clinic, as that massive energy would make abortion far more powerful throughout the world. Instead, support Pro-life campaigns, start a group offering alternatives, build a community or blog from a positive perspective with love.

Now that you’re evolving into the higher version of yourself, it is not time to lock yourself away from the world swaddled in the love vibration, for that would be ignorant and potentially narcissistic. It is time to take love-inspired action to help make the world a better place.

Are You in Love?

Are you in love? Not the giddy schoolgirl kind of love, but the love vibration. You know the love frequency when you’re in it because you feel good, great, amazingly warm, comfortable and impervious to anything that is not love.

How do you know if you’re not in love?

When you’re not in the love vibration, you know it because you don’t feel good.

Since most of the world is not in the frequency of love, it will try to draw you down to its vibration, in a sense, calling you home to the everyday drama and chaos of, “normal.” The world will use every method available to lower your frequency.

What can you do?

When you are not feeling good, when your love vibration has been altered by some force, whether it be from within (like your own thoughts) or from external sources (like someone coaxing you or media you’ve been exposed to), ask yourself,

“How can I apply love to this?”

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. When applied to anything, the miraculous begins to be released and love uncreates everything that seems to be contrary and only love remains.

You, as the love practitioner, are learning how to apply love to every situation and circumstance that might cause your love frequency to falter, for the more you are able to maintain the higher vibration of love’s frequency, the more you are making love your default setting, like the set-point on your thermostat.

As you practice the love application process, you start to understand that everything that is not love isn’t real. What “normal” people think is real is nothing, but an illusion built and constructed in the prison of their own minds. Of course, you can relate to their point of view because you were also programmed to believe in such things.

Let’s say you are in a situation which is challenging your love vibration, like standing in line at the check out counter at the supermarket. You strategically picked the shortest line. You’re third in line to check out, and the person who is currently being waited on pulls out an invalid gift card.

Now there are six people lined up behind you and you can hear their murmuring.

The murmuring of others is the normal vibration of the world, and you feel the urge to feel upset. You can feel the indicator on your emotional setting begin to dip and you ask yourself,

“How can I apply love to this?”

You notice the woman in the front of the line has three kids with her. The cashier calls for the manager, and you notice the kids are pretty much aware of the fact that the woman they are with (it might not be their maternal parent) is holding up the line. You say something, like,

“Oh, my gosh! You guys are so adorable. How’d you get to be so cute?” They smile, and the woman breaks contact with the cashier long enough to look at you. You smile. She smiles back. You say something, like,

“How did you end up with such a handsome group of young people?”

The two of you exchange pleasantries, you might even comment on how you like her bracelet or some other detail that others overlook, but you mention how charming it is. Then the manager shows up and breaks the news to the woman about her card being no good.

She shuffles through her purse to find an alternative form of payment, and you empathize with her about how you hate it when that happens. She’s embarrassed but you’ve expressed compassion, which helps her feel less uncomfortable in this awkward situation.

The person between you and the woman has left to go find another line to wait in, as have several of the people behind you.

Before you know it, you are next in line, and you have made someone’s day a little better. Not just the woman, but the cashier and the manager appreciate your application of love to this awkward circumstance.

You could have easily joined in the murmuring of your contemporaries standing in line, but you didn’t. You found a way to apply love to the situation, your love frequency was supported, you did not falter, and in that moment, you made the world a better place.

Admittedly, this is a minor incident to practice applying love, but the same applies to circumstances of enormous conflict, or anything that might disrupt your love vibration.

Before reacting in your flesh and lowering your vibration, finding the wherewithal to interrupt any potentially negative pattern with, “How can I apply love to this?” can make all the difference in the world.

This is not to deny the gravity of any situation which might have to be dealt with regarding boundaries, injustice, or any other real conflict. The key for you as the love practitioner is to break the negative state and apply love to the circumstance as soon as possible.

Everything that is not love dissolves or fades away.

Then, you can deal with the issues that remain empowered by love.

In some cases, you will find that even the significant issues which were valid, even potentially violent, no longer remain, and maybe you don’t even need to deal with anything as there is peace and harmony as you are enjoying life being in the now.