Lets Play with Our Multiple Personalities (not MPD)

People put all kinds of labels on other people and we try to put labels on ourselves, a sort of self-branding, as a way to make our way through the world with some sense of identity.

Although you are one person, your personality incorporates multiple personalities. Sometimes you’re the serious you, sometimes the shy you, sometimes the defensive you, sometimes the playful you, among other yous living in your body. Each individuality all making up the whole of you, and all the yous are growing and changing all the time.

Very few people, if any, get to know all of the yous which you express. Only those with whom you are the most intimate with and spend the most time around have any hope of getting to know all the personalities you have to offer.

Getting to know me

Like people who meet me, they are meeting the “me” that is being represented at the time of our interaction. Depending on when and where you meet me, you might become acquainted with that part of me which expresses myself as an author, public speaker, coach, consultant, teacher/trainer, scientist, creator, edifier, confidant, servant, shy guy, nerd, goofball, best friend, believer, romantic, lover, crybaby, defender of the underdog, supporter of the arts and others, live music or cuisine connoisseur, just to name a few.

Getting to know you

After you’ve lived with yourself, the you that is expressed in this reality as you reside in your body, you have a pretty good idea about who you are in there. We all express multiple personalities within one body.

Don’t worry, you’re not suffering from MPD (multiple personality disorder). We are all this combination of multiple personalities. It’s who we are, and it helps us to navigate our way through the world while we are traveling upon the path we travel.

If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time in a professional capacity, serving others and the greater community. Even though the greater part of me is actually partying.

Let’s play

This is the beauty of being able to do work you love. It doesn’t seem so much like work at all if you’re loving what you do, it’s more like playing and having fun.

Even though a majority of the work that I do is relatively serious, the most joyous part of it is being in the room with you when you experience an epiphany. I mean, when your whole worldview or identity shifts as you experience a huge expansion, finding new ways to live and express yourself… Wow!

The only thing I can think to express the feeling of being there in that moment is the feeling of being there when my children emerged into this world. To hold that newborn baby in my arms, all that world of possibilities which lay ahead is a sacred awesomeness that is overwhelming, like being able to have a glimpse of life from God’s point of view.

That’s how I feel when someone experiences a breakthrough or paradigm shift, I am overwhelmed by emotion, blessed, and happy to be alive.

Yet, we all continue to grow and change, even you and me.

I am the playmate

I’m feeling more like even though I am defined in a professional way, I don’t really see myself that way. I see myself as the playmate of consciousness.

As weird as that might sound, I see myself joyously basking in the presence of others who are making their way through life the best they can. I can be their trusted friend, helping them and encouraging them along the way, anxious to celebrate the next win with them.

That’s the payoff for me, to play with you along the way and party in your celebration of those most joyous moments.

I just love playing with folks who are growing and celebrating with them as they go through metamorphosis, affecting not only their lives but the world around them in ways that couldn’t have been imagined before.

Like them, you can live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

Wanna play?

Happiness vs Joy

Wait-a-minute, Happiness vs Joy? Aren’t they the same thing?

Vibrationally, happiness and joy are so similar you can hardly tell them apart, somewhere around the mid-500 range. We get them confused because they feel the same, though they are quite different.


Happiness is a feeling you feel passively, like if you think of holding an adorable new baby who is fascinated with your face, with its firm grip around your finger, or being in a room full of happy, celebratory children (who are not out of control), going to a (non-offensive) comedy show, or concert.

All these things (or whatever the equivalent is for you) make us feel happy by the brain’s administering the release of the happy hormones, oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. Who wouldn’t be happy after being injected with this happiness cocktail.

Happiness comes from external sources, whether they are imagined, witnessed live, or self-inflicted. That is to say, you can visualize something in your mind that you have witnessed live and still release the same happy hormones, you can watch a movie, post on social media, self-administer some substance, or otherwise trick your brain into releasing them.

However, you feel happy, it’s all good because knowing how to be happy and achieving the state of happiness is an awesome state of mind and it is so much better than not being happy at all. Happiness is a relatively easy state of mind to achieve if you want to feel better.

Good thing for us mere mortals, we can find ways to get ourselves into this happy state, particularly if we’re not feeling happy, or finding it difficult to find any happiness at all. We know there are things we can do to get a shot of the good stuff.


Then, there is joy, which releases the same hormonal cocktail, but it has a decidedly different feature of having an active component, which happiness doesn’t require.

Enjoying something is not a passive observance, it is an active participation, it includes the action of doing something to achieve the state of joy. For instance, for artist-types, getting lost in the creation process sustains the state of joy. For the sports enthusiasts, actually playing a round of golf, or taking a hike, or a little volleyball on the beach, whatever your thing is, doing it takes you to that place of joy.

For those with a motherly instinct (even if you’re a man), actually holding and interacting with a baby takes you to joy, while merely thinking about it makes you happy.

To enjoy something comes from within, the feeling in your gut which vibrates throughout your whole being when you are actively engaged in doing something you love to do. Joy is seated in your heart and lights a fire that spreads throughout your entire system.

The joy of enjoyment has a more self-sustaining mechanism due to having the activity associated with many psychological and physiological components. The more active and focused your various skills and attention is, the more sustained the state is, as well as more easily and effectively triggered via recall.

For instance, happiness will take a bit of imagination to re-establish the state and release the hormones, while recalling a joyous activity can trigger the release at the mere mention or thought of it.

Both happiness and joy are essential to achieving your highest and best while experiencing all the good things this life has to offer. Living a better life will have you experiencing both enjoying activities more as well as being happier most of the time.

Here’s to more happiness and joy for you,
