Romantic Manipulation

Romance is such a cluster… who in the world could figure it out? Is it a mating ritual? Is it manipulation and grooming? Is it an expression of love, or the steps to claim ownership or gain control of another person? And what’s love got to do with it?

If we take a look at nature (a live system without sociological control mechanisms put in place to control these life forms) there does appear to be signs of mating rituals which are highly instinctual. That offers a substantial basis for romance as a mating ritual.

Observing nature, the instinctive ritual is highly manipulative and targeted at one specific goal; to get laid.

Procreation is also an added benefit of getting laid in nature, it keeps the cycle moving along…

Then there are us, the “highly evolved” inhabitants of this planet striving to hook up and find greater meaning in all that life has to offer, some of us more than others.

For us, romance seems to be connected to our instinctual quest for survival under the best possible circumstances, so we’re attracted to particular characteristics and signs which would indicate successful survival.

When entertaining the idea of mate selection, we evaluate a wide variety of indicators, such as genetic cues, like good looks, and healthy appearance, as well as specific personality traits, intelligence and body image, as these, will be passed on to potential offspring.

Then there is the safety and security we seek, so we look for monetary stability, which may include familial money, a good job, retirement, and benefits. Indicators of success and stability are fancy cars, jewelry, designer clothing, and accessories. Other indicators might include certain fragrances, hairstyles, nails, and makeup.

We use these things as clues to reveal someone’s worthiness of our romantic attention.

The trick here is that knowing that the indicators of success will likely reduce the resistance of the sifting and sorting of prospective mates, there are individuals who will sacrifice all to attain the key indicators to manipulate others so that they can get laid, which is all quite normal in nature.

Manipulation is a method imposed on an individual so as to create the desired response. Official definitions of manipulation include the skillful, clever, unfair, and dishonest tactics used to influence or control someone.

The problem is that when someone has been duped into falling in love in another’s quest to get laid, therein lies the rub.

Love is unquestionably the strongest emotion of all, even if it is misinterpreted and ill-defined, it still is highly connected to the heart which science is now revealing is a physical component more powerful than the brain.

Love is the most powerful drug among us, and our bodies have it racing inside us looking for opportunities to release itself. We want it, we crave it, and spend our lives in search of it. Only to find that it can never be obtained outside our selves.

Some of us are opting out of romantic manipulation and into higher concepts of love and its associated vibrations.

If you are tired of the endless search for love that will never satisfy your craving for it, you might like to consider looking at love in an entirely new way, empowering you to manifest all the unlimited unconditional love you could possibly imagine.

You might consider attending an Awakening to True Love Workshop at a location near you.

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