Why Everything in My Life is Going Wrong

You know what I mean: That chaotic point in your life when you raise your hands, look up at the sky and ask yourself, “Why is everything in my life going wrong?” It’s frustrating and can be very painful to be at the place when I wonder why everything in my life is going wrong.

This crazy part of life, which doesn’t seem to make any sense to you at the time, is a lot less crazy than you might think.

If I want to know why everything in my life is going wrong, I know that it will probably be impossible to see from my perspective. When things are not making sense, when everything seems out of sorts, and it appears that nothing is going right, I know there’s something going on that I am not aware of.

It’s in these times when we need to get out of our heads, into our hearts, and do a love-scan of the area to see if we can get a sense of what is going on that is trying to get our attention.

It might be a good time to see a coach, consultant, or counselor (anyone from a friend, member of clergy, or professional; whatever suits you and/or your budget at the time) to help you see the bigger picture.

Perspective is everything. If I’m lost in the woods (or maybe I’ve made a comfortable spot for myself in the woods because I’m proactive, like that) I might not be able to see what is calling me just beyond the trees.

There may be tremendous opportunities well within my reach, but I can’t see it through the trees. So, I make due and find ways to be comfortable and happy where I am.

Not a bad thing, unless you have lured into complacency and forgotten about your journey to achieve your highest and best, or your decision to live a better life, your best life, and make the world a better place.

If so, there comes a time when the convenience of just maintaining the status quo no longer serves you, when the higher part of yourself, God, and all the angels know you are not rising to your calling. People may be suffering, and may even die, who are unable to hear your message.

Your message. That unique song that only you can sing, which can break through all the barriers and wounds of the past which might be suffocating the life of others who desperately need to hear it.

The more experience I have with life, its signs and signals, I can have a better idea of why everything in my life is going wrong. It probably means that I am not in alignment with my purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) in life.

Life can get like that. You can get so focused on and burdened with the everyday affairs of life, which can be very overwhelming, making you feel like all you’re doing all day long is just putting out fires and hope to god you have enough energy to put out tomorrow’s fires.

If the fury of life gets too hectic it can feel so overwhelming and unmanageable that you might consider an early checkout. Many people, when they reach this chaotic juncture of life, volunteer to pull the plug, contemplate suicide, opting out of any potential benefit they may have been able to bring to the world.

It breaks my heart when someone isn’t able to see the immense value they can bring to the world. For every seven or eight suicide attempts, one of them wakes up to his or her calling, and one successfully completes his or her journey.

There are many reasons why someone might want to end his or her journey prematurely. The basic rationale is when the pain of being alive is greater than the relief from not having to suffer one more day, suicide may appear to be an attractive option.

Sometimes, even I might contemplate taking my life if I didn’t know why everything in my life is going wrong. Now I know why everything in my life is going wrong. It’s my wake-up call.

If only we all could know when it seems like nothing is going right, it might be a clear indication that something is wrong. Maybe you are in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing, when something far better is calling you away from what seems safe, comfortable, or (god forbid) “normal.”

You have a higher calling, and if it seems like nothing is going right, there’s a good chance that something far more amazing is beckoning you to join it somewhere outside your comfort zone.

If so, the sooner you are able to recognize it and start making the changes necessary to embrace your calling, your suffering will continue, and you will see even more things going wrong.

It’s up to you.

It’s time for a change. Most likely a big, uncomfortable change. You can do this. And you don’t have to do it alone.

Get a better perspective. Find out what’s just beyond your knowingness, and start making plans to move on, up and out of where you are into your more empowered and passionate self, achieving your highest and best.

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