Money Issues and Financial Attraction

Money happens to be one thing in our world that determines who you are and what you can have in this life. If you can get a grasp of how the world really works, you could take back your financial power and solve your money issues, and financial attraction would be your natural state of being.

Everything is energy. Money is energy, and God Source Energy is at your disposal to achieve the financial abundance that is yours. If you’ve thought of it, your heart’s desires are being attracted to you right now. All you have to do is do the work that removes what stands between you and what you want.

Money Can Be a Drag

It seems like everything in life is dictated by how much money (or debt) you have or don’t have. Right? It determines where you live, who you hang out with, what you do with your spare time, how you care for those you love, and it goes on and on. The frustration you feel about money keeps you anchored to where you are and what experiences you have access to in this life.

How you think and feel about money can drag you down and keep you out of the flow of abundance, which is your birthright.

The first and most important step to put you on the track to financial stability and an increasingly abundant lifestyle is to make peace with your money issues and then move forward in grace.

Note that money is just an energetic tool of many, nearly unlimited, energetic possibilities to give you everything you want.

You will find that you can attract more when you take your focus off the green monster of the dollar until you make your peace with it and enjoy it for what it is, not what you’ve suffered through up ‘til now.

It is All About How You Feel and Think

It is your mentality that counts. How you feel and think about the world around you determines your reality in it. Not everyone walking around on this planet operates from the same reality you do.

People with failing businesses “know” it’s hard to get to the top and people at the top “know” it’s easy for anyone to get to the top if they’re willing to work hard on the right things to get there.

Many of the obstacles holding you back were placed there by you and what you believe to be true. A lot of times, you may be the one who is creating the very “rut” you complain about being in.

You can transmute your financial dynamic and begin to master your money frequency.

Become the Master, and Money Becomes Your Servant

When you change your point of view, the whole world changes. Money is neither good nor bad; it is simply an energetic entity available to serve you. You have come here endowed with everything you need to have everything that brings you a sense of joy. You are here to have fun and celebrate all this life has to offer while you are blessed to be here in your body. You should never be a slave to money, instead, you should become the master of money without fear as you learn how to use it as a tool which exists to be in service to you.

This shift in your point of view is the most powerful move you can make.

Experience is More Important Than Money

Most everyone who is trying to manifest more financial abundance is not achieving the results they want because they could be doing it better. They are focusing on the money that they don’t have. If the law of attraction works, it will bring you more of that: what you’re focusing on, the money you don’t have. It is a trap that’s been set by the powers that be. They want to keep you overwhelmed with your lack of everything; money is just one of them, which keeps you financially subdued (which makes them more money).

If you focus instead on what you want, how you want to feel about any particular thing and the experiences you want to have, you are now avoiding the money trap, and you can increase your financial attraction aptitude.

By enjoying more of the experiences you desire to have, your vibration rises. You grow and expand into this higher state of being, which is a match to even more abundance, and you will see the whole world changing around you.

Higher Vibration Makes You a Powerful Financial Attractor

In this state of being, it is not about the money. Money may or may not necessarily be the energetic venue that brings you what you want, but it just appears if you are in the vibration of having what you want. If you are open to allowing your heart’s desires to come to you in any manner possible (or even impossible). Many who have experienced this describe these events as “hard to believe” or “a miracle.”

Higher vibration means you are operating in a stream of life where you are wielding more energetic power. Changing your vibration can be a daunting task for most people. Just trying to be open to the idea of such a thing is more than the average person can fathom.

And if that’s not enough, you are bombarded by a constant barrage of negative news, bills coming in faster than you can pay them, barely getting by, being reminded of how little you have, and all the while seeing the occasional glimpse of the one-percent, those that have all the money, living lavishly, which continues to widen the gap between the haves and the lowly have-nots, who we are more closely associated with. It’s a wonder anyone can break the spell of mediocrity or slavery to the man.

Life is about balance. Doing the work includes ferreting out and removing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual blockages that are unable to be seen by your conscious self. Just starting to be aware of their existence causes them to start bubbling up to your awareness.