Intention Activities Friends

You are a physiological representation of your vibrational energy. The important contributions to maintaining your personal frequency of vibration are:


intention activities friends energy vibration communication

We are energetic composites of what is our own ideas about how we see ourselves or would like others to see us (intention), how we spend our time (the activities in which we engage) and the people with whom we associate with (who you hang with).

When we interface with other people, our energetic interaction will either influence the person with whom we are communicating positively or negatively. When you speak to someone do your words express life or death? When we communicate with others our words are charged with our own vibrational energy the result will either have a healing effect on the recipient or a harmful effect.

Realizing this puts an incredible amount of pressure on those of us who are on a constant and never-ending path of increased performance and personal growth. It means accepting responsibility for how our own energy, words, and method of communication affects those around us.


Everything begins with intention. I could only assume that your intention is to have a healthy, healing and positive impact on the lives of anyone with whom you are interacting.

Our intention affects the delivery of our message greatly. It influences our body language, voice inflection, choice of words and the general “feeling” that is felt by the recipient. Even if our words are carefully and cognizantly selected, if they are not consistent with our energetic field, the person you’re trying to communicate will not be able to receive your intended message, for they will sense the incongruency and they will be more confused than receptive.

Taking a breath and a moment to set your intention and connecting with your heart before engaging in a conversation (or performance) can help to set the stage for a more effective experience.


How you spend your time sets the frequency for your personal energetic vibration. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out, either. You know how to evaluate what frequency you are tuned into by how you feel about a particular activity.
Some of the activities that you engage in do not make you feel good, they send you reeling down the energetic vibration scale. How you feel is a clear indication of where you are on the scale.

How do you feel when you watch the news? How do you feel when you listen to a debate? How do you feel when you play a video game?

How do you feel when you hear (or participate in) gossip? Gossip, or talking behind someone’s back disrespectfully, is an interesting energetic phenomenon. When you engage in gossip you engage in a negative energetic vibration that seeks out the subject of your conversation and sends harmful energy to him or her. Is that really something you want to do? Even if the recipient doesn’t know you, they still feel your negative energy. (This is a scientific fact.)

On the other hand, how do you feel when you volunteer to feed the homeless? How do you feel when you hold a baby in your arms? Snuggle with your cat (or dog, etc…)? How do you feel when singing in the shower, taking a walk along the water, or watching a beautiful sunset?

In terms of your energetic vibration, you are what you do. That is to say, the activities that you participate in sets the tone (vibration) that permeates your life, fueling and determining the energy field surrounding you that affects everything else you do.


It is said that you will be the average of your best five friends, the five friends that you spend the most of your time with (which may not be your “best” friends, for you might have friends that you are closer to, but spend less time with).

So, who are the friends (or people) that you spend the most time with? What are they like? Are they the type of people that you aspire to be? What is their average energetic vibration?

Their energetic vibration will influence yours, and yours will tend to find a resonant vibration similar to their energetic average. So, if you aspire to maintain a higher vibration, it is advisable to spend more time with folks who maintain vibrations higher than yours. This will help raise your vibration.

The knowledge of all this and your ability to take responsibility for your vibration empowers you to keep on track in terms of achieving your highest and best.

Connecting with Friends

Ever notice how friends seem to come and go throughout your life, yet others… Appear and reappear at various intervals… and when you get together it’s as if no time has passed as you slip right into the loving and caring relationship where you last left off?

That’s the sign of a true friend

People don’t seem to create the same kind of lasting bonds as they used to.

What’s social media got to do with it?

Social media is dual sided

Sure, it can instantly connect us to family, friends, acquaintances, business associates and people from our past. In regards to connecting in this fashion, the medium is priceless. I even use it to be engaged in the lives of my family and kids, somewhat closing the gap of separation by geography.

The electronic medium is instant – and delayed – all at the same time. Someone can post something in real time, and the viewer can view and/or comment at a time that is convenient.

In these respects social media is a huge upgrade to our lives on planet earth.

On the other hand it leads to deterioration in the level of intimacy in social relationships.

Friendships are more superficial, as there is less one-on-one face-to-face intimate communication.

Plus, there is a technological separation – a barrier – which cannot be bridged by social media. It is easier for me to misrepresent, cover-up, be dishonest or lie via social media to my “friends.”

There is less opportunity to open-up, trust and remain unfiltered in true heart-to-heart communication. Which turns out to create a greater need for counseling, coaching and consulting; and even these areas are beginning to move from offices to streaming via electronic mediums.

Making Real Friends

Childhood friends can form meaningful deep friendship for life

My earliest friendships date back to my childhood; from frolicking and playing (Dog-pile!) with my young friends, out in the open, walking the streets, hiking trails, splashing in streams, playing in the woods… Having fun and exploring; bonding, without supervision, without fear (except the fear of getting in trouble for not honoring the rule of heading for home when the street lights turned on).

Other friendships were forged in between classes from grade school through college. While in-person training is still the accepted model in public schools, there is a growing trend amongst greater education (starting to infiltrate high school) to telecommute or attend via Internet. Not having downtime in between classes, does not allow potential for developing a deep level friendship.

Take a Look Around

The next time you go out to a night club, restaurant – or even a college cafeteria – and take a look around… Even in these public social environments, more and more people are on their phones and tablets, connecting with others, even each other. Yes, I witnessed (and you may, too):

Two men sitting at the bar communicating with each other via text and over social media.

I realize I’m sounding like an “old person” right about now, because the times they are a changing.

The changes have me concerned about the future.

From this perspective, I see the world moving to a place where meaningful relationships are much less meaningful and are superseded by a new model of social connection that – while very connected – is completely disconnected.

How will this affect the future?

Will our children’s children be less likely to have meaningful connections (true friends) with other individuals?
Will there be a growing trend for us to further imprison ourselves, crawling deeper into our homes and only connect electronically with the outside world?

I may only have a handful of true friends – the ones who I have forged impenetrable relationships with, standing the test of time – but they are by far among the most treasured the most meaningful components of a life that would otherwise be solitary, even though I am surrounded by thousands of people. I salute each and every one of you with an enthusiastic

I love you, man!

Now, I’m going to go check to see how liked I am by counting my Facebook friends… 🙂