Stuff Happens (consequences)

Stuff happens. When you do stuff, stuff happens to you. Sometimes directly or indirectly, but pretty much it’s true, what goes around comes around. It’s all a process of watching, evaluating, finding a relation to things that have happened in the past, calculating and projecting variations of how this might look in the future, and basically trying to learn from your wins and/or mistakes.

You try different things, and when you discover a method that gets you what you want, it’s a keeper. It might not be politically correct, maybe a little inappropriate, but it works. In this way, you are the result of what works for you.

When people try to get you to do something that you don’t want to do, there is an initial natural resistance because, of course, you don’t want to do whatever it is. Something happens when you do stuff that is resistant, this “something” is called consequences (you might have heard of them).

This energy is the substance of the stuff which happens to us. Sometimes consequences are imposed upon us by those bigger, tougher, and meaner than us or in authority over us (parents, teachers, bosses, law enforcement, and the government).

In other times, natural consequences are just a “natural” energetic response to the decisions we make and the action we take. The hope is that we might learn from our experience with consequences, natural consequences, at least.

Imposed consequences appear to not be as effective method of training as we might like to think, as the spare-the-rod-and-spoil-the-child model of punishment doesn’t seem to be working very well in our modern society, or else our prisons would not be overflowing with those who insist in noncompliance regardless of any imposed consequences.

Punishment eases your mind if you’re witnessing someone being punished for doing something you don’t like. It makes you feel vindicated and is like a reward to your ego for taking the high road. It’s like, you’re not awarded any recognition for doing the right thing, but it feels good to see others punished for doing the wrong thing. This is punishment’s reward for you, seeing others suffer.

But does it work? No.

Whenever you tell someone, “Don’t,” (fill in the blank), it doesn’t work very well. If you tell a young child, “Don’t touch the burner. It’s hot and it will hurt you!” The child will obsess over the burner for the rest of his or her life, unless he or she tests it out to see if there truly is any natural consequence. If the natural consequence is severe enough, learning happens naturally. If burned from touching the burner, the child will probably never touch a burner again.

Punishment, or discipline, is not a natural consequence, they are unnatural consequences imposed by you or someone else, and the imposition of them does not foster learning. Instead, resentment is the more likely result, which causes the offender to see any imposer of unnatural consequences as a threat who must be defended against, or even punished for bullying the offender who sees him- or herself now as the victim.

Even if you or some arm of the system have obtained compliance via threat of unnatural consequence, the people who have complied will harbor resentment which may be suppressed. On the surface, this may look like a huge success for the imposer, but the truth is, there is little or no respect or love, only resentment and fear.

Repressed resentment will eventually explode into some manifestation of rebellion unless so much fear is imposed that the offender sees his or her self-submission to a life of slavery as an acceptable means of survival.

There are people who either naturally or unnaturally found their own sense of inner balance. They do not need to be told what is right or wrong or lorded over to force them to behave a certain way. They just have a knowingness within and an innate desire to do the right thing.

We would like to see more of them.

Unfortunately, our society has become so obsessed with crime and punishment that even these otherwise self-governing good people are caught up in the punishment-for-compliance system and find themselves being punished, not for doing something bad, but for being in the wrong place at the right time, or inadvertently crossing a law that was put in place to catch criminals, when no crime was committed.

We have so many laws on the books now, who could possibly keep track of them all?

Once you have broken the spirit of one of the good ones, they, too, become one of the other ones, as they give up and surrender to the system of the herd.

I think there should be only one law: Do whatever makes you happy, unless it interferes with someone else’s right to their happiness. That’s all.

Otherwise, let reaction, anxiety, fear, and panic run the show and see where that gets you.

Follow the Leader – Or Not

We’re all passengers on the same boat called, “Life.” We all do the best we can with the knowledge skills, tools, gifts and resources that we have. We all have both and invitation to have anything we want and an inner longing to have these things. The things we want vary from person to person, some monetary or physical things, others more esoteric, etheric, or visceral. Nonetheless, we all have a longing for the better things in life.

The good news is everything you desire has been provided for you. It is here, on this planet somewhere, or if not, it is on its way. So what do you want?

Right away, your inner voice sounds off, with warning signs of potential emotional pain, fear of loss or failure, ridicule of peers and a firm rationalization of, “It’s just not that way in real life,” or any other limitation in an effort to control and save your life; which is fine, if you don’t mind being another cog in the machine of society.


It’s not unlike the imposed, posted and enforced speed limits on highways and roadways.

It’s the law. But you know it’s not a natural law. How do you know? If the posted speed is 55 MPH and you exceed the posted speed limit, you keep one eye on the speedometer, another on the road and find you’re driving safely but clearly exceeding the speed limit. You did not crash, did not put other drivers at risk and you did not die.

You know this, because you’ve performed this exercise more than once. If you attempt this speeding exercise periodically, you run the risk of being noticed by


The police, sheriff’s department, state patrol and other extensions of law enforcement are all on the lookout for you; you as a whole (monitoring group compliance) and you – individually – the rebel who sets himself apart from the herd. They are not only looking for you, but they are empowered by a higher court to impede your progress, cite and impose limits upon you, judge, fine and convict you for your refusing to honor the posted limitations.


As it is in most aspects of society, there is a preponderance of encouragement for playing follow the leader. Leaders are established, who enlist the aid of sub-leaders, who help to control and manage the masses. This is not only regulated to driving speeds on roadways, but all aspects of life.

Leaders allow a certain degree of individuality to be established by clearly defined groups, who can be managed as a whole. While they are able to exercise a facsimile of free thought, there are established checks and balances imposed to create the limits of society in an effort to more easily manage the masses.

And this is the way it is – and has been – ever since any one of us can remember, being raised up in a system that constantly demands

Do This – Don’t Do That

Our parents start it. The responsibility for social programming gets picked up by the educational system, and the legal system runs the gauntlet from there, all the while being supported by peers, groups, organizations, religions and the government. We even police ourselves, warning our friends and family of the impending dangers of not going with the flow.


But you know better. You can feel it within your heart of hearts that this is not the real world. You’re beginning to see there is more to this life.

Again, you start to feel the desire…

What Do You Want?

The magnificence of all the possibilities beckons you to come and taste of it…

Wait! Isn’t that the call of evil?

Ah, that inner voice; the programming which was so carefully conceived and executed. Ask yourself, seek a deeper level of understanding, exercise your inalienable right to think freely. Ask,

Is this good for me?
Does it hurt me?
Does it hurt anyone else?
Can I accept the responsibility for having it?

The thought initiated by your desire has already been provided for you, is there for the taking. If only you could believe and remove whatever stands between you and that which you seek.

You are so much more than you know

Watch your knowingness grow

You are amazing