Love Magnet Vibration

Love is a vibration that when activated acts like a magnet to attract good things to you. Most of us can only maintain the love vibration for short periods of time, due to the interruptions and distractions altering our vibration to lower levels.

love magnet vibration

Love and Above

The longer you can maintain the Love vibration opportunities will abound for increasing your vibrational state even higher. Higher states of vibration include Joy, Peace and Enlightenment.

Striving to maintain the love vibration will attract more love to you like a magnet. You will have more opportunities to love and bless others with your high love frequency. Plus, as a love magnet, you will have the benefit of being closer to even higher frequencies putting joy, peace and enlightenment more readily within reach.

If you imagined your vibration as a spectrum on a number line from 1 to 1,000, Love would populate the center point with a value of 500, to the right would be Joy, Peace and Enlightenment, to the left in descending order would be Logic, Forgiveness, Optimism, Trust, Courage, Pride, Anger, Want, Fear, Grief, Hopelessness, Guilt and Misery.

emotional vibration spectrum as a number line

The spectrum of emotional vibrations on this chart includes the following emotional markers for vibrational states from low level vibration to higher levels of vibratory states: Misery – Guilt – Hopelessness – Grief – Fear – Want – Anger – Pride – Courage – Trust – Optimism – Forgiveness – Logic – Love – Joy – Peace – Enlightenment

Each vibratory state will have a tendency to move to a neighboring state, either higher or lower, creating a standard range. The interruption or distraction disrupting your current state could either plummet or ramp up your vibrational state instantly, depending on the situation, circumstance and/or your emotional response to the disruption.

Most of us, when learning about the death of a loved one would instantly sink to the depths of low-level vibrations, while winning the lottery would rapidly send us higher up the vibrational chart.

Each of us maintains a standard range of emotional vibration, though this range may change periodically throughout your life, depending on the stage of your life in time and space and your relationship with the world.

The prudent life traveler on his/her journey seeks to manage his or her vibratory emotional state, with the intent on raising their standard range of vibration up the chart. My standard range varies between 200 and 500, but I am working on living a better life with a tighter range of 400 to 600 or more. It is a process and just like any other skill in this life, learning to manage one’s emotional state and vibration can be learned, though it is highly individual. So, what works for one traveler may not work the same way for someone else on a different journey.

Whether there exists a worldwide conspiracy to cause regular disruptions to your vibrational state is debatable. The fact remains for those who are focussing on raising their vibration, it appears as though any number of circumstances or influences can break a higher vibration, this could include interaction with other people or exposure to negative media reports among an endless supply of negativity surrounding the general populous.

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