Why do People Believe in Angels?

If you’re on the fence about whether angels exist or not, who could blame you? While you’re in the minority, most people in America do believe in angels. Why do people believe in angels?

Because angels are real, and they actually exist. Like many things in life, there is so much going on around us, which we cannot interact with using our natural senses, yet some things which are invisible to us, can reasonably be proven to exist even though we cannot see them.

You might think that angels are simply for religious folks who believe in them. Not so. Twenty percent of people who believe in angels do not believe in God, or have any religious belief at all, including atheists.

It is believed that much which has been attributed to be luck, kismet, good fortune, artistic flair, acts of unconditional kindness, technological breakthrough, or stroke of genius, are actually due to the benevolence of angels who are looking out for our best interests.

Angels inspire and protect us, and they don’t care who you are. They interact with mankind in every station of life, even people you think would be undeserving, because angels don’t see us as good or bad, or deserving. They only see someone show needs them.

If everyone has a guardian angel, then you have one, too. You do not have to believe in a guardian angel to have one. And some people have more angels following them who are interested and proactive in helping them along the way.

The most sensitive of us are able to see, hear, or otherwise communicate with angels.

It is generally believed that caution must be exercised when communicating of otherwise dealing, or interacting, with angels. Because not all angels are good. Though fewer in numbers, there are angels which have natural dominion over our reality which are not benevolent. These are the fallen angels who enjoy messing with our lives, negatively influencing us, sometimes just for fun, and other times with malicious intent.

For those of us who are spiritually minded, or heart-led, the higher dimensional angels are attracted to us, and protect us from fallen angels.

If you call on your guardian angel, it will respond, as they are always aware of what is going on in your life, willing and able to intercede or help you when you feel like all hope is lost.

Life is a team effort. In the totality of life, all that is seen and unseen, angels are there for you, and while your body still has life in it, the source of all life permeates you and all that surrounds you.

This is not a mystery for those who believe.

Believers are rewarded by the knowing that angels are there, and some have seen them or shared encounters with angels, or have seen signs of angels,  so they represent a proof-positive experience with angels. Sometimes, belief comes after an angelic visitation, and that is why people believe in angels who possess no religious belief or background.

Angels inspire us to grow in goodness and unconditional love because that is their nature, and the present evolution of us, which is happening now, leads us in this same direction of benevolence, in contrast to lesser-evolved beings which have the default setting of being more influenced by the fallen angels.

Regardless of your belief, your guardian angel is there for you, 24/7. Ready to redirect your path to a more lovely life of experiencing more unexpected pleasant surprises, or meaningful coincidences.

2 thoughts on “Why do People Believe in Angels?”

  1. No proof at all that angels exist. No proof that Mary was a virgin. No proof at all that Jesus rose from the dead. And obviously no proof at all that God exists. If you can point me in the direction where proof exists that that any of these things are true, please do so.

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