Why do People Believe in Angels?

If you’re on the fence about whether angels exist or not, who could blame you? While you’re in the minority, most people in America do believe in angels. Why do people believe in angels?

Because angels are real, and they actually exist. Like many things in life, there is so much going on around us, which we cannot interact with using our natural senses, yet some things which are invisible to us, can reasonably be proven to exist even though we cannot see them.

You might think that angels are simply for religious folks who believe in them. Not so. Twenty percent of people who believe in angels do not believe in God, or have any religious belief at all, including atheists.

It is believed that much which has been attributed to be luck, kismet, good fortune, artistic flair, acts of unconditional kindness, technological breakthrough, or stroke of genius, are actually due to the benevolence of angels who are looking out for our best interests.

Angels inspire and protect us, and they don’t care who you are. They interact with mankind in every station of life, even people you think would be undeserving, because angels don’t see us as good or bad, or deserving. They only see someone show needs them.

If everyone has a guardian angel, then you have one, too. You do not have to believe in a guardian angel to have one. And some people have more angels following them who are interested and proactive in helping them along the way.

The most sensitive of us are able to see, hear, or otherwise communicate with angels.

It is generally believed that caution must be exercised when communicating of otherwise dealing, or interacting, with angels. Because not all angels are good. Though fewer in numbers, there are angels which have natural dominion over our reality which are not benevolent. These are the fallen angels who enjoy messing with our lives, negatively influencing us, sometimes just for fun, and other times with malicious intent.

For those of us who are spiritually minded, or heart-led, the higher dimensional angels are attracted to us, and protect us from fallen angels.

If you call on your guardian angel, it will respond, as they are always aware of what is going on in your life, willing and able to intercede or help you when you feel like all hope is lost.

Life is a team effort. In the totality of life, all that is seen and unseen, angels are there for you, and while your body still has life in it, the source of all life permeates you and all that surrounds you.

This is not a mystery for those who believe.

Believers are rewarded by the knowing that angels are there, and some have seen them or shared encounters with angels, or have seen signs of angels,  so they represent a proof-positive experience with angels. Sometimes, belief comes after an angelic visitation, and that is why people believe in angels who possess no religious belief or background.

Angels inspire us to grow in goodness and unconditional love because that is their nature, and the present evolution of us, which is happening now, leads us in this same direction of benevolence, in contrast to lesser-evolved beings which have the default setting of being more influenced by the fallen angels.

Regardless of your belief, your guardian angel is there for you, 24/7. Ready to redirect your path to a more lovely life of experiencing more unexpected pleasant surprises, or meaningful coincidences.

Angels You and Me

Angels are gaining popularity among most of Americans, and it’s causing division among the folks who claim to have the rights to properly represent them. There are a few groups that believe in angels, probably three main groups classified as religious, spiritual (referred to as “New Age” by the religious), and non-believers.

The religious folks (the ones who believe in angels) believe they possess first right of refusal in the angel arena. They claim their particular groups have well-documented angels and they teach and train angelic professionals in their classes taught in religious colleges and universities. Clergy may elect to specialize in all things angelic amidst their regular course of religious study and training, qualifying them to claim expertise in the subject.

Then there are the spiritual (New Age) people who for the most part believe in angels. Since there is a lack of structure among these spiritual folks who may or may not have had any formal religious background, they are just a wild bunch of open-hearted-and-minded people who share a common interest of enjoying all the great things the universe has to offer. They share a reverence for a nondescript higher energy which could be referred to as God, Energy, the Universe, Nature, our Higher Self, or any other imaginable focal point or label that feels comfortable to any particular non-or-less religious spiritual person. This group is particularly troubling for the structured religious groups, due to their lack of respect for their beliefs (and the feeling is mutual).

If that wasn’t enough, non-believers, the people who have no religious affiliation whatsoever, many of them believe in angels. Why? Because against everything that is holy for the religious organizations, regardless of their selfless service and dedication to a branded almighty deity, angels still choose to interact and visit the worthy unbelievers at just the right place and time.

This is particularly frustrating for the religious practitioners who may have not ever experienced an angelic visitation; to imagine that their God would allow one of his private messengers to visit a non-believer, or some unorganized, unstructured “New Age” fringe unreligious but spiritual wannabe, is just too much to handle. It’s much easier for them to claim that the experience of the non-devout-believer had nothing to do with angels at all.

To reconcile their religious disdain for such an idea, they are likely to claim the visitation to be a lie, a demon (fallen angel) posing as an angel, purely a delusion, or a purposefully spun fictitious story (claimed to be true, or “based on a true story”) in an attempt to gain attention, acceptance, or publicity.

To confuse things even further, angels are easily confused with other things.

For instance, there is a natural energy or vibration that is like an unseen flowing stream where the most unbelievable and unexplained good things happen when you are in it. Sometimes, this is referred to as angelic intervention.

There are also entities that vibrate at frequencies which would be difficult for us to see or comprehend from our 3D existence. This includes beings who coexist with us among other dimensions, such as ghosts of the once-living, demonic beings (fallen angels) who were never born or enjoyed living a complete life on our planet, and other-worldly beings or aliens.

Then there are the angels, who, like the third of them who have fallen (and have free reign of our 3rd dimension), have never been born, or enjoyed a full life on Earth, who (by the way) are not religious; just as God is not religious. God and the angels have nothing to do with religion. Religion is our (human beings’) way of trying to understand them.

And we do the best we can with what we have.

I have had the privilege of experiencing religion, studied it, worked in the ad-ministering of it, counseled, trained and preached for it while keeping an open mind and partnering with angels throughout my ministry. I wouldn’t consider myself to be an expert on the subject, but there are those who have referred to me in this manner, only based on my personal experience.

Even considering all that I have disclosed about my experience outside the 3D world, there is much that I hold close to my heart which I have not revealed. Why? Because people, in general, are not receptive to it, but more importantly, this area of expertise is not my life’s mission. In order to stay congruent and true to my calling in life, I must refrain from being distracted, or thrown off track, by something that could consume my efforts, preventing me from pursuing my work.

I can support someone else, whose calling and expertise it is (from the background) but to risk not being true to my calling is too great a cost.

I am not that guy.

I am the love-guy that helps people achieve their highest and best, live better lives, and make the world a better place.

Gotta stay on-track.

Angels are real, they are all around you.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s a simple test (remember you don’t have to be religious to try this):

Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and using nothing else but your imagination, think about reaching out to your angel (yes, we all have a guardian angel assigned to us, who may have more of them around). They love it when you try to reach out to them. Using only your mind, ask what the name of your angel is?

The first name that pops into your head is your angel’s name.

This simple angelic handshake is the first step in being open to the idea of angels and how close and attentive they are to us. Most of the time we take them for granted or ignore them altogether, and that’s okay, too. They are still there, whether we acknowledge them, or not.

Angels don’t need anything or acknowledgment from us, but they get a little excited when we do.

Loving you, blessing you, and may you enjoy all the good things this life has to offer, including angels.

Are Angels Real?

If you’ve ever wondered, “Are angels real?” you can feel safe in the knowledge that angels are so real. In fact, possibly more real than you and I are, though you are welcomed to deny their presence and they do not take it personally. They are still around you, love and protect you, regardless of what you believe.

Angels are a peculiar lot; they are not human, are dimensionally separated from us but even so, are always present and aware and able to interact with us if necessary. They have seen and heard everything as their existence predates humans and they do not have a limited lifespan like we do, they do not have language barriers and can be an incredible resource with or without our permission but far more amazing if we acknowledge their presence and choose to interact with them.

Contrary to popular belief, angels are not religious.

Angels don’t care if you are of a particular religious persuasion, they don’t care if you’re “saved” or even believe in them – or anything – at all. No matter how we try to explain or rationalize them, angels exist.

You might ask, “Why do angels exist?”

Throughout the course of my life, I have heard many answers to the “why” query in regards to angels, and I have heard the wide variety of answers from both experts and laypersons with responses spanning the spectrum of knowledge from spiritual to scientific. My conclusion is that why is irrelevant and just as elusive as trying to determine “how” they even exist at all (though there is no shortage of hypothesis about angels) as I find myself more inclined to believe in things unseen.


Signs of Angels

How do you know angels are around? Depending on the type of person you are and the life that you are living on this planet, if appropriate, angels will seek to get your attention in the hope that you may understand that, regardless of your situation, you are never alone, even if you are in total isolation.

Though we normally cannot see them (some can or have) they are ever present and will occasionally give us clues or signs indicating their presence. If you are able to get a clue or a sign from your angel it will likely be at the most opportune time, when you’re feeling less than your best and can use a lift. Especially if there is not much around to lift your spirit, angels will sneak through the dimensional divide to let you know you are not alone.

Some common signs that angels will use to make you aware of their presence include the appearance of physical objects on your path, such as feathers or pennies. Other visual cues would include seeing rainbows (especially in the absence of rain) and sparkles or flashes of light without an apparent light source.

Other methods of efforts to communicate their presence may be audible, like hearing someone say your name when no one is around or hearing an angel’s message by highlighting a particular line from a song. Messages may also appear in an otherwise innocuous line of text read in a newspaper, online or even on a billboard or other signage.

Angels represent love and light, and when you can feel being embellished in the tender field of an angel in close proximity you experience an inexplicable sense of feeling love and safety. It’s like the best hug from God or the universe as an angel wraps his wings around you. There is a knowingness that you are not alone, you are loved, divinely protected, everything is connected and will work out for the best.