You Can’t Do It Wrong

Looking back, second-guessing your decisions, regretting putting yourself in the place you’re in, making decisions based on fear, being too fearful to take action because of what’s happened in the past, feeling like you’ve made mistakes, but you can’t do it wrong.

You couldn’t do it wrong if you tried to. Sure, there is that fanciful part of you that thinks things would have worked out differently only if (fill in the blank with something you think didn’t turn out the way you intended or liked).

This plays out big-time in relationships. You desire love, the kind of love and affection you’re willing to give someone else. You find a suitable mate. Then you start second-guessing, “Is this the right one?” And start the onslaught of questions, like, “What if someone better comes along?” What if this person is not as they appear?

And if you’ve been through a few relationships, you may have been deeply embroiled in a relationship when something better did come along, and you were ill-equipped to take advantage of the opportunity. You may have thought of this as a failure, regretted your initial decision, or with a bit of self-deprecation, accused yourself of settling for less out of fear that something better might not come to you. When it does, you beat yourself up for making a hasty or wrong decision.

You can’t do it wrong

You get the chance to buy a marvelous home because you feel like it’s the right place, the right time, you have the wherewithal to do the financing, fear that a better time or opportunity might not come, so you strike when the iron is hot, then regret making a 30-year commitment when your heart was not in it. The regret makes you feel as though you’re imprisoned in your own home.

What if you can’t do it wrong?

What if you take a job when you feel like you could have waited it out a little longer for a better job, with better opportunities, and benefits? You might feel like you panicked, made a decision to take the job you have now out of fear, which has prevented you from being in the right place or right time to take advantage of something far better?

You didn’t do it wrong.

“But,” you say, “I know I did it wrong, and I would do it differently if given the chance.” You’re so close. All you have to do is leave off the I-know-I-did-it-wrong part. What came after proves this was part of the learning process. And you learned. There is probably no better way you could have learned that lesson. You won!

Fear of the unknown may keep you from making a decision or taking action, and guess what? It’s okay because,

You can’t do it wrong.

No matter what you do, or don’t do, it is perfect for you and your life.

Do we make mistakes?

No, not really. Every experience you encounter on this path of life is for your highest and best if you can extract the lesson, learn from it, and keep growing and expanding.

The key is to slow down and settle into your life, learning to let your heart guide the way. You have a built-in sacred guidance system, and all you need to do is to relax and trust your heart. It doesn’t mean you will never experience hardship.

It is the difficult times in life that empower you to grow and thrive in ways you could have never imagined because all the best things in life are waiting for you just beyond your comfort zone.

The alternative is to not relax, to allow yourself to give in to anxiety and struggle between the making of two this-or-that decisions. This struggle is fueled by fear, not love.

There is no judgment if this is the place you are at in your life, but how amazing it is, if you’re at the place to move into a new love-inspired place in your decision-making consciousness?

No more will you have to worry about making decisions, or fretting over decisions you’ve made in the past, for now, you are understanding that all things are in divine order, and,

You can’t do it wrong.


I Have A Bad Feeling About This

You know that feeling that you get just before something bad happens? You might think, “I have a bad feeling about this,” in a precognitive manner seconds before something goes awry.

Well, say, “Hello,” to your little inner guidance system, or intuition. The heart is the seat of intuition. It’s just not the fodder of artists and philosophers of old anymore, as science is finding this is true, and it’s just not Jedis from Star Wars who can sense these things enabling them to announce, “I have a bad feeling about this,” seconds before something unexpected takes place.

We all have it to varying degrees. Our cognitive central nervous system which is seated in the brain, if you are aware of it, can provide you a good three-second advance notice via a feeling (like Spiderman’s spidey-sense) to brace for something, which can be highly advantageous, especially in a potentially dangerous situation.

Three seconds of advanced notice and heightened awareness can make the difference between potential-loss and prolonged suffering, or even life and death.

What if you could increase your intuition awareness from 3 seconds to 7 seconds?

It would have a massive impact on the difference it would make the next time you utter those words,

“I have a bad feeling about this”

Due to the advanced scientific research being conducted on the human heart, we are now finding the heart’s possessing a central nervous system separate from the brain, and more high functioning than the brain with far more accuracy.

While the brain emits an energetic field which can be measured a few inches from a person’s head, the energy which is broadcast from the heart projects a peripheral information-rich energetic field which transmits electronically for feet in every direction, consciously immensely further.

When an unexpected event is about to take place, the heart is the first physical organ to respond, immediately sending impulses to the brain for interpretation. The heart signals an urgent need for heightened awareness to the brain a full 7 seconds, and it takes about four seconds for the brain to process and react to the heart’s communication.

The brain is so busy thinking and it has been trained to disregard the heart’s nervous system, and until now, the most educated humans disregarded the heart’s significance on the human contribution to the human body as simply a blood pump.

The question of whether you are,

Thinking with your head or your heart?

Has far more significance today than it did at any time in the past.

Heart and quantum science are discovering the heart as the new frontier in scientific advancement, and it appears the heart’s energetic connection to the source of all energies of life is not just the subject of fantasy or fiction anymore.

Things like psychic connections and communications, telekinesis, and the like, which have been regarded as either science fiction or secret government researched potential weaponizations are not as ridiculous an idea as we were previously led to believe, as much of science fiction is increasingly becoming science fact.

The issue of whether there was a grand conspiracy to cover up this knowledge is moot, the fact of the matter is that we the people are becoming more aware, and as more and more of us awaken to this knowledge, honoring and connecting more with our heart’s intuitive intuition and the vast energetic source and storehouse of infinite wisdom and possibilities, the world (and mankind as we know it) looks increasingly different as it evolves every second.

There is so much going on here that far exceeds a four-second advantage.

Where will you be focusing more of your energies?

In your head or on your heart?

How is that working for you?


Haters Gonna Hate

Whenever you reach out to do good in the world, expect a backlash from ignorant people who just don’t get it. Not only do they not get it, but they have declared war against you and everything that you stand for, and they will stop at nothing (while hiding behind the Internet) to try to embarrass, defame and humiliate you via the World Wide Web.

haters gonna hate cyber bullying sadistic internet trolls

The first thing to remember is that these people are not innately evil in any way. For the most part, they are lonely and pathetic people with little to live for, who have likely been abused or otherwise victimized in their pasts. Lashing out to authentic, heart-centered people promoting a better life are easy prey, and belittling them, in some way makes them feel a little better (or a little less bad).

So, try not to take the cyberbullying personal, when you’ve shared something intimately from your heart, then get viciously attacked by an Internet troll (hater) who does his best to hurt your feelings and break your spirit.

How to Deal with Haters

So, what to do when you’re attacked via social media?

The best course of action is nothing. That’s right, just ignoring it is the best course of action when dealing with haters. Do not respond or try to defend yourself because that just adds fuel to the fire. Just accept it for what it is. A victimized person, who is hurting inside, who can think of nothing better to cope with their pain than to victimize someone else, and using a somewhat anonymous vehicle, like the Internet, is a perfect way for them to strike out, without much risk.

Then there are the people who care about you and know that your inattentions were pure and resonate with your point of view. Your supporters might rally against the cyberbullying, in an attempt to vindicate your good name.

It Could Be Worse

I know, I thought the same thing. A few years ago, when I was viciously attacked via social media online by a psychopath rallying sadistic Internet trolls to join in slinging hate and discord about me, some other social media users were influenced to join in on attacking me, because I had been targeted as an evil person.

Immediately, my friends began to defend me and respond to the insensitive posting of the haters. Even though my energy was greatly depleted (the attacks ensued due to the loss of my son in Afghanistan) I tried to quickly respond (privately if I could) to beg them not to respond, because just as I had expected the controversy began to turn into a full-on battle.

As people stopped defending me, the Internet trolls and cyberbullies went away looking for other prey to post inflammatory comments about, for there is no satisfaction for them in attacking someone who will not result in someone expressing their being hurt, upset or becoming argumentative. This left the psychopath to remain alone as the only person left standing who continued to try to defame me.

Apologies and support started to come my way, after a while, from people who had been misled by the psychopath and his temporary herd of minions, after they had discovered the truth of the matter and realizing that they had been duped.

Follow Your Heart

Speak your peace, share your heart and let nothing dissuade you from sharing your innermost desires for goodness, love, and hope for a better, brighter world.

Do not defend, or strike back, just let it go, let it be and it will fade away or find somewhere else to go. No need to judge, criticize or poke fun at the haters, because their situation is probably worse than you can imagine.

Just be aware that there are people out there who are hurting, and while it’s true that “Haters are gonna hate,” realize they, too, are doing the best they can with what they have.

Your true friends and followers will respect your integrity by seeing you continue to smile and wave through the positive responses and the bad.

Let it go, don’t let it get to you… Keep singing your song.