It’s Easier to Find What You’re Looking For

You might like to grow, expand, and evolve into your highest and best version of yourself. If so, you might expend a lot of thought, time, effort and financial resources in attaining such a desire. This may lead you to embark on a journey which leads you across the land in your pursuit, but there is a part of you to knows there are no great lengths that you must go through, no need to crawl on broken glass, walk across hot coals, or climb the highest mountain to find what you are looking for.

It’s easier to find what you’re looking for than you might think.

Everything you are searching for is inside of you. Even though you may feel like it is not, or if it is within, it must be deeply hidden and inaccessible. This is the lie. The biggest conspiracy of all time.

You can see this powerful light of light within if you look for it and will allow yourself to see it within. Finding it requires a journey, not without, but within yourself. This evolutionary journey leads to the exposure of you, all that you are, could have possibly imagined, and somehow knew was there all the while.

It requires some inner work, which will turn out to be your most important, deep, and best inner work which is necessary to unite yourself, the self that you’ve known until your awakening, with the you which is the culmination of all this life has offered you thus far, your most highly evolved self, and the unlimited treasure which awaits you as you become who you were meant to be in all your fullness in this life.

What, you might ask, is this deep inner work?

There is a tool which you were born with called your “imagination.” Your imagination is not the silliness of youth as you’ve been led to believe. The truth is THIS is the most powerful tool you have within you to access all the power and love of the universe to overcome and embrace any challenge you may have in this life, as well as opening all doors to your heart’s desires to you.

To overcome the programmed separation of your selves, you will need to go within, quieting the chatter of your programmed mind, using the power of your imagination. Doing so will allow you to view, even if vaguely at first, your highest and best self and the infinite power and possibilities which are available to you.

We call this process meditation, the quieting of your mind, looking to find solace in the space between your thoughts, enveloping your self in the nothingness. In this non-restrictive state of consciousness, you are able to access the pure power and sacred divinity of all that is, and begin to see yourself in the center of it all.

From this vantage point, all things make sense. Outside of it, well, all you can see are the inconsistencies and chaos of it all. Inside is quiet, calm, exquisite synchronicity, perfect timing, peace and harmonic balance in all things.

If you like, you may go into your place in space with me.

This is Happening Now

This is happening now, and you are here. Every day is a new day, and we are evolving and expanding, individually and collectively, what an incredible time to be alive.

So, you’re just minding your own business, staying true to what you know, then someone with a similar resonance crosses your path on their way to pursue the fullness of their journey, and in that moment, the two become one.

Granted, this moment will not last for long, for our individual journeys are so, well, highly individualized, but how blessed are we to share a similar vibration with someone else along the way.

Here we are, in one of the most exciting times on our little blue planet, and if you are aware, you can see, witness, and possibly play an influential part in the current evolution of humanity.

What a fascinating time to be alive two see two worlds occupying the same space at the same time, each struggling for survival in their own ways.

I don’t know if there are any of us who have completely evolved, or that any of us ever could be from this point forward. Its as if the process, once you get fully open and in allowance of it, maybe there is no evolutionary destination, per se.

I have been so blessed to witness so many things amidst this evolutionary process, things I might have thought previously were a little crazy, or even not possible at all.

Being open to this process has left my consciousness open enough to see (and have some understanding of) things which were beyond my ability to experience, as I was limited to the 3D experience.

Now, I am feeling like there is so much more, and here I am in the thick of it, watching it all happen all around me. To anyone else, this might be overwhelming or appear as utter chaos, if you could see it all at once…

And here I sit, watching it all unfold, and see the sacred harmony of this moment in time. There is nothing more incredible to behold. Rarely, does a day go by, where I am not in awe of the utter magnificence of it all.

Then, there are the people, the very special people in my life, who I love and care for deeply, who have no idea about what is happening, or the potential they have in this place and time in our world. For the process is happening, but it requires the allowance of the host (you and me) for it to activate and let it take us to the next level.

There are so many of us frightened of what becoming a higher being might look like, then there are others who will stop at nothing (that means they’re likely to do or say anything) to stop this from happening at all.

Nonetheless, this is our destiny, to evolve and expand. What lies ahead? Who knows?

But if you’re like me… you are loving this so much, and I am blessed to have shared this moment from a shared perspective with you.

Keep the faith, stay the course, and let all that is happening to unfold in whatever way it must to accomplish this most amazing feat.

And all of this, and none of this, would have been possible without you and the part that you are playing, right now.

God bless you as you journey forth, and thank you for sharing this moment with me.

We are not alone, we are one.

And we are here.

Interdimensional Being

You are an interdimensional being. You were created that way. We live in a universe among seven universes all running simultaneously. You primarily occupy one of these universes, the one most attuned to your physical vibrational frequency. For the most part, this is the world as you know it.

Each universe is full of surprises because each comes with its own set of accompanying dimensions, and variances in timeline, physical, and spiritual manifestations. There is no lack of presenting or entertaining circumstances or unlimited possibilities in any one of them.

Of all the lifeforms in the universe you are a very special creation, similar to all other living creatures and beings, but with capacities which are in the evolutionary process of blossoming and emerging from within you and your contemporaries in Human v 3.0.

With this burgeoning evolution comes the awareness of there being more to this life than you’ve been taught or allowed to believe. The evolutionary process is in its early stages and at this time your participation in it is voluntary. All you have to do is to be open and allow the evolution to take place. The time will come when human evolution reaches critical mass, and everything will change universally.

As advanced as we think we’ve become in the last hundred years, we will look back at this time we live in today as primitive and barbarian in comparison to where we are headed.

Part of this evolutionary process includes the embracing of yourself as an interdimensional being. If you are already an active participant in your evolutionary awakening process, you may have already noticed an increased ability to see things happening all around you which would seem to not be of this world.

Here, in 3D, everything seems quite simple and matter of fact, in comparison to the other dimensions which surround us, each of which is also just as real as the third dimension where we reside.

The part of you which is emerging as your interdimensional being has greater access to the other dimensions around us. While in your primitive pre-evolutionary state, you will see glimpses of other dimensions, which is a clear indicator of your interdimensional abilities, even in their infancy.

As you continue to evolve, your consciousness expands, enabling you to have greater access to the other dimensions, and universes which are happening all around us. When fully evolved and expanded, you will be able to move through these dimensions and universes, fully interacting with them at will.

Until then, your awareness of the life, which is happening all around you, yet mostly unseen by others, will continue to grow, and you may experience shifts occasionally taking place, where you move either consciously or unconsciously between dimensions and universes.

If that’s not enough to shake your otherwise sound sensibilities, think about knowing that there are other people who already fully possess these interdimensional capabilities, and freely interact with us here, unbeknownst to us (unless you are sensitive enough to easily identify them).

Furthermore, you are also a fully evolved interdimensional being right now in another timeline running concurrently with the one which you are experiencing at this place and moment in time amidst the human evolution.

There are interdimensional beings all around us, and you, yes you who were uniquely designed and built with these very same capabilities within you, are an interdimensional being, too.

You are human evolution in action, right now. You have no idea what the future holds for you, or maybe you do…

Transformational Energy Drain

You’re growing, expanding, evolving, and you can feel every cell of your body alive for the first time, feeling as though you may be invincible and live forever. The last thing on your mind is a potential transformational energy drain. You’re on top of the world, then all of a sudden, without notice, BLAM! Every ounce of energy you had is gone. You feel as though the vital energy you felt just yesterday has been totally drained and you are overwhelmingly fatigued.

The energy necessary to transform from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 is enormous and different phases of metamorphosis require more or less energy to complete the transformation of each phase, and your body’s energy storage capacity can be taxed heavily to get the job done. During these times, you can feel as though the bottom dropped out of your energy reserves.

Once you have embarked on your journey of evolutionary transformation, you need to settle into a new way of being, and if you’re a go-getter, like me, it can be hard to let go of some of your push-push-push-through to make things happen and pick up the gauntlet of let go and go with the flow.

Using your energy reserves for making things happen in the flesh, using only your brute strength will quickly deplete your energy reserves. So, when your evolutionary process needs to use your natural energy reserves to conduct a transformative process, it can leave little or no energy left for your daily routine maintenance.

If you’re in the process of awakening, you need to find better ways to manage your day to day life with less energy exerted, leaving your precious reserved for the sacred evolutionary transformation which you are allowing to take place.

You must move from living a life of force to living a life of love. You can do this by raising your vibration, which harkens back to the work of David R Hawkins’ Power vs. Force. I routinely refer to his work because it gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the various human energetic frequencies were and made it easier for me to manage raising my own vibration.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful,
you’re not doing it right.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful, you’re not doing it right. You can feel it inside you. You know something’s wrong. Find a better way to get ‘er done, or let it be.

Find new ways to live your life, to charge up your personal energy reserves, to maintain your energy, gain a better knowledge of how and when to use energy.

Don’t waste your precious energy on things which are not likely to change, no matter how much energy you put into it, and relax into the okayness of letting things remain as they are, for if it weren’t for some higher purpose, it would have changed already. Settle into the knowingness that all things are in divine order.

Finding time for quieting yourself, in nature, or in another sacred place, for reflection and meditation can be helpful but this is not a cure-all for your energetic management requirements.

Spending time in nature, with your feet on the ground, can go a long way in raising your energy and your vibrational frequency. Different people respond differently to different natural interactions. Live water has a tremendous effect on my energy. What gets you going?

Doing the deep work of clearing the energetic blockages, or stores of toxic negative energy which may be deeply hidden inside of you can go a long way to greatly increase your capacity for building massively positive energy and filling those areas with love and peace.

All this to say, there is nothing wrong with you, occasional energetic fatigue is normal in the process of transformation.

Although, if you are pushing yourself and the energies all around you in the flesh, burning the candle at both ends, and not getting adequate sleep, you may be suffering from a physiological type of fatigue which could be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. If you’re doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, then you can rest assured that you are evolving.

Human 3.0 Evolution

Humanity is evolving. Among scientists is generally accepted that we are currently Human 2.0 versions of ourselves and we have somehow evolved from Human 1.0 but now we are race is pushing through barriers in a struggle to evolve into Human 3.0. You are a part of this evolution.


Even so, there are powers and factions who will stop at nothing to prevent the evolution of the human race to version 3.0. There are certain components which need to be activated for the further evolution of humanity.

There is a system put in place to control the world population en masse and it has been effective for thousands of years. If you were to evolve into Human 3,0 these methods would become powerless to control you or your evolutionary brethren.

Those who have profited wildly from a world of less-evolved beings would lose their grip on their cash cow, and the systems that support them and their agendas would crumble and fall, for the higher evolved humans will see them for what they really are.

There are varying opinions about where we are as evolutionary beings and many believe we are actually far beyond Human 2.0 as we have had many more incarnations amidst our history on this planet, and I think as we continue to uncover mysteries far beneath sedimentary levels of current recorded knowledge, it makes you wonder how many version of us where there before.

Certainly, we were here before we thought we were.

You, your body, your mind, and your soul is struggling to grow, expand, and further evolve into Human 3.0. This is a process that has been burning inside the human body for the last hundred years. The powers and people who run this world have been aware of this and they are doing whatever they can to prevent it from happening.

In order for the evolutionary process to take place, the human condition must be primed and open to the evolution to take place. Keep humans from reaching this stage is the primary focus of those controlling and profiting from Human 2.0 and they have done an excellent job of keeping most of us in various states which prevent us from evolving.

Toxic humans are not in a state to evolve for their bodies do not have the raw materials for the evolution to take place. Instead of having the tendency to evolve, the body’s focus is merely on survival.

Humans controlled primarily by fear are in a state which prevents evolution for they are locked tight in the struggle for survival, without the wherewithal to have the faith and openness necessary for evolution to take place.

This struggle for survival is biological and psychological warfare which has been launched against us to prevent our evolutions, and it has worked superbly, until now.

Now, the strength of the struggle to evolve has surpassed the struggle for survival, and it is happening today on a growing scale. The powers that be are in a panic and are struggling to find new methods to keep us distracted and dumbed-down enough to keep us from evolving.

They have no choice but to increase human toxicity and fear to even higher levels to keep evolving humans from continuing throughout the evolutionary process.

They are tracking and monitoring us, so they know who to focus their attention on. They are aware of who we are and where we are in the evolutionary process, and they have initiated new psychological traps to ensnare us and render us hopeless and helpless to evolve.

If their efforts to do so have been effective, these words will appear to be silly, nonsensical musings of someone in need of “mental health services.” On the other hand, if you are in the process of evolution, you can hear an underlying carrier wave of truth, because you are beginning to see that things are not as they appear, and your Human 3.0 is awakening.

Even with all their efforts to increase toxicity and fear, your new human will find a way to emerge.

Learn Something New

For those who like to learn new things, I am in an enviable position because I learn something new every day, and if you’re like me you also look forward to learning something new regularly if not on a daily basis.

If you truly anticipate learning something new, opportunities to learn new things occur regularly. Granted, depending on the base-setting of your vibrational frequency, they may not all be good things, but even at higher frequencies, bad things are considered good things, for, at the highest frequencies, there are no bad things.

Those who are on the track to learn something new are generally on a path of constant and never-ending improvement (CANI) in their personal and/or professional lives. You will find them taking classes, courses, attending workshops, reading books and blogs.

If you’re on the quest for attaining greater knowledge you are more than simply an academic, you are on a path of empowering self-improvement and personal development, and there’s a good chance that if you’re continually growing and evolving, you may also be heading toward enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

It is inevitable, as you get access to new, emerging data and technologies, that the world as you know it gets turned upside down, the contents spill out, and you begin to understand things aren’t always what they seem to be. This is the evolutionary awakening of humans is taking place as you read these words right now and you are a part of it.

This enlightenment and spiritual awakening is a process of self-discovery which is unique to everyone amidst the transformative human evolution. Your mind, body, and spirit are expanding exponentially, and you are starting to think of yourself as growing away from the forest of social programming which could not be seen from the perspective of being lost in the midst of so many social trees.

Just as the sciences are finding out the things we once believed to be immutable facts and truths, were only stepping stones to a greater awareness which is unfolding before our very eyes as we develop microscopes so powerful so as to see the galaxies inside our cells and telescopes so powerful we are discovering there is more to the universe which we are a part of.

The science of science is leading us into realms which were inconceivable years ago, as we are discovering multiple universes and dimensions coexisting in tandem with the third-dimensional world which we’ve become so acclimated to.

Our sense of security we once felt as being the highest life form in the universe is being challenged by emerging quantum sciences, and for many, the very same science which denied the existence of God or a higher power is conceding the existence of a powerful intelligence which permeates all things seen and unseen.

This is crazy talk

This sounds crazy, if you try to relate this new science to the sciences you’ve been accustomed to, as well as the trying to rationalize this leading-edge information by comparing any of it to what you’ve known previously. And who could blame you? No one. For we all have been there.

We all (well, most of us) have been deeply programmed to reject such ideas as being ridiculous ideals which are only the fanciful imaginings limited and assigned to science fiction. Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and quantum theories are making science fact out of science fiction. Things that were empirically implausible just a few years ago are the fodder of scientific breakthroughs across the board of reality.

Dare to learn something new while continuing to be open to personal development, quantum, and spiritual sciences. Be forewarned you may be surprised by what you find waiting beyond the opened door.

Allow this new information to flow over you, take in what you can, expand and get cozy with the idea that you are evolution.

This is the new you expanding and evolving into your emerging new world.

Aliens are Here!

You’ve read the sci-fi, heard the conspiracies, and heard people proclaim the aliens are here! The question remains, are the aliens here are or on their way? Thanks to uncovered evidence beneath sedimentary layers of our Earth, it appears that someone besides us, indicating aliens may have been here before we arrived.

With all we know about who we are and are learning about what else might be “out there,” its hard to believe that we are the only intelligent life in the universe, and it might cause you to rationalize that our race may be quite primitive in comparison to intelligent life that may predate our species.

I admit, the existence of aliens is not my area of expertise, though I have made the acquaintance of others who specialize in this area of study, and the evidence on which they base their conclusions is quite compelling.

When you hear the word, “Alien,” your first thought could include anything from a fellow human from outside the country where you reside to alien greys, the thin figures with large heads and big black eyes.

The possibility of existence has grown in popular awareness over the last couple of hundred years due to increased signs and various methods of visiting the third rock from our sun.

Some alien experts believe that some extraterrestrial aliens look just like we do, cannot be easily identified, and walk among us. Even SpaceX CEO Elon Musk publicly claims the aliens are here (while attending at the World Government Summit in Dubai).

Then there are those who believe that there are human/alien hybrids who are living among us. Reports are coming in from researchers and those who believe they are alien hybrids.

Allegedly starting as early as a hundred years ago, pregnant women were abducted in their sleep and subjected to a procedure to overlay alien DNA over the naturally occurring human DNA.

Why would extraterrestrial races want to do such a thing?

The common consensus appears to be they’re being concerned about the long-term survivability of the human race. It’s as if these more advanced races have a benevolent desire to see humanity advance and evolve beyond our naturally-inclined barbarian ways of life on planet Earth, which is unsustainable.

There is also the likelihood that we are related to and possibly deeply-connected to these beings from other worlds, for just as God created us, they are also creations of God. The same life-force which gives us consciousness is also a part of their consciousness.

Certainly, the current evolutionary status of human metamorphosis is measurably present, even with the concerted efforts of society’s ability to clearly deny anything which is not to be believed.

Does the government know aliens are here?

Hundreds of billions of American tax dollars spent on fringe science attributed to alien technology and the covering up of data “forbidden” for release to those who finance the research and development (taxpayers) of said otherworldly knowledge, would indicate there is much more going on here than meets the average eye.

The American government’s military leaves no paranormal stone unturned in an effort to weaponize any technology, extraterrestrial or otherwise, which might give us an unfair advantage over our enemies. Plus, what if these off-world beings are far less benevolent than they appear to be? How could we defend ourselves from an advanced alien invasion?

If you are paying taxes to the United States of America or their designees, you are paying for the research, development, and the preventing of your knowledge about these alien affairs. And if you believe that there is no truth in the “aliens are here” story, then you are regarded as a good American citizen. You may not be ready to meet aliens from outer space.

If you are compelled to think there may be a degree of veracity to the alien idea, please proceed with caution. The government will spare no expense in the silencing of this growing knowledge base among those in “the know” and you wouldn’t want to expose yourself as possessing independent thought or asking questions which are unsanctioned.

You wouldn’t want to be accused of suffering from Individuality Psychosis, now, would you?

I fully support the asking of unsanctioned questions and believe the discovery of unauthorized data as our God-given right, not to be impeded by any regulation.

Whether the aliens are here or not, may or may not matter at all, or it might be very important, indeed.

What do you think?

Flesh vs Spirit Evolving

You come to Earth and inherit a human body and your journey begins with reconciling your existence as a young spiritual being acclimating to your new environment. At the earliest of age, you are tasked with finding out who you are. Your discoveries accumulate as your identity develops chaining experience upon experience as your sense of self evolves.

You have an inherent desire to be cared for, but it doesn’t take long for you to figure out that taking care of and defending yourself is up to you and you establish patterns to see that your needs are taken care of. This establishes an energy pattern of a particular vibrational frequency which will vary as you make your way through this life, which affects all areas of your life, mental, physical, and spiritual.

The more you struggle to find your own way, the more your ability to connect with your higher spiritual self is closed off as you gain mechanical systems to survive and do the best you can to mitigate the challenges you face in life on Earth. In most, if not all, cases, your higher self is squelched altogether, but it never dies.

At various stages in life, your spiritual self will find ways to garner your attention if an effort to awaken your higher self which has been subdued.

Your higher self will try to poke through in times of stress and struggle. It’s up to you how you respond to hearing this still small voice when it speaks up. Most people just push it away as nonsense, as you continue to make your way through life on your own accord by force of will, determination, accompanied with blood, sweat, and tears.

Flesh vs. Spirit Evolving

This is man’s struggle of flesh against the spirit. Only, as we evolve the struggle of the spirit to emerge becomes more pressing.

For centuries man’s will stomps out potential emerging spirit most of the time, but there’s something happening now, today, right now, our planet is moving through a stage of metamorphosis affecting all matter, life, mankind, including you, too.

A sacred resonance exists in all of life and matter within and throughout all molecules, this energy is no less than purely divine and resonates at the vibration of pure love or above. There exists a harmonic orchestra among all life, matter, and the absence of matter.

Like a sacred carrier wave, God is in all things, everything.

Either this is true, or it is not. What you do with this rejection or realization is up to you.

Your cells are evolving with this harmonic resonance and if you are prone to reject the very thought of it, no problem, for there are forces, highly powerful forces very hard at work to prevent this evolutionary process. So, who of us could blame you, for we were raised from birth to think thusly. Even so, people, just like you and me, are at various stages of awakening the expanding life of liberty and expansion which awaits our species.

Ever notice your desire for change? It’s growing. You find yourself wanting change, finding ways to grab hold of what change you can, only to find it lackluster. You cannot substitute the natural evolution of your being with change which you have been granted or provided yourself via your physical abilities. While it may appease your desire for change in the moment, your human mind/body system is still not satisfied.

Nestled deep within your heart is the central nervous system of your higher self and your connection to the source of all life, but so much emphasis has been placed on the central nervous system of your functioning brain, and little or no attention is placed on your spiritual nature which is where your true self resides, where you hail from, and evolving toward.

Once you begin to awaken you are able to see things as they really are and not like you’ve been trained to interpret life. Life becomes less about you, and more about “us” and our interconnectedness, which is counter-intuitive based on your terrestrial training might dictate.

At some point, as you continue to grow, evolve, and expand you realize that not only are we all “one,” but you have a clearer understanding about your connectedness to all that is, seen and unseen.

If this concept is contrary to how you’re feeling in this moment, no problem. Keep doing whatever it is that is working for you now.

If you are awakened by a moment of clarity from your innermost and highest self? You decide what to do, to push it back down or listen.

There is no judgment as we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

You are still playing an active role as we continue this evolutionary process.

God bless you as you make your way.

You Are Evolution

As the world and its inhabitants continue to evolve and expand in consciousness (as science is now recognizing that all matter is energetically connected, alive and conscious) perceptions of human are starting to make a grand shift from believing what we’ve been told and obediently following the rules to having independent thought and being open to the expansiveness of infinite possibility.

You Are Evolution

As you awaken you become aware of the great lengths society and its social programmers will go through in a powerful and determined effort to control you, how you think, what you believe, what you do, and what you are afraid of. Fear is their most powerful weapon, and it’s worked superbly, until now.

Fear is losing its power to control us, for there is a far more powerful energy which dissolves any fear in any of its many forms to meaningless nothingness. The most powerful energy is love, and it is love that is disarming those who seek to control your mind (where your thoughts are easily manipulated by fear).

Contemporary society, as well as its barbarian ancestors, have thrived in a state of fear, but the evolution of an emerging awakened human being is only now beginning to see that things may not be as they appear. Once the veil has been lifted, you start to see things as they really are. You are evolution.

Due to medical advances in the world, a growing number of individuals are dying… and coming back from death. Their reported near-death experiences (NDE) are vastly contrasting the reports of our lesser-evolved ancestors. They are discovering, and science is confirming, there is far more taking place within, without, and throughout all existence.

The awakening of humanity is exposing the concept of infinite possibility which exists all around us and we are able to increase our interaction with it.

Fear among the living is fading as the energy of love continues to expand, rendering fearful energies impotent. The fearful social constructs used to manage and control us are losing their grip. The power of the organized methods created to imprison the minds of humanity are failing to force efficacy in the brainwashing of you and me, and love is breaking through the barriers of fear among our peers all over the planet.

And for those among the awakening are expanding, the understanding of infinite possibility offers growing empowerment to create new opportunities for an expansive stress-free lifestyle without the constraints of fear. Life and the living of it become your superpower.

There is an energetic consciousness all around us where anything is possible. All the limitations which have been imposed on you are little more than sleight of hand tricks to make you believe that you are not divinely empowered to have access to the unrestrained power of God and the universe, enabling you to imagine first, then do, be, or have anything your heart desires.

Unconditional love, the ability to deeply connect with others, a unique purpose, a powerful reason for being, joy, prosperity, and abundance are among the concepts which are being bestowed upon those who are awakening.

While the process of awakening is simply the raising of your vibrational frequency from fear-based to love-inspired, it is difficult to overcome a lifetime of social programming. It requires what appears on the surface to be illogical. Logic relies on evaluating data which is known while expanding in consciousness relies on being open to what is not known.

Even so, as science progresses, they are discovering new data amidst the unknown. God bless those who dare to explore these new uncharted expanses which are challenging the constraints of primitive data.

Drop Out Plug In

Increasingly there are those, just like you, who are dropping out of the primitive life system and plugging-in to the vastness of all that is, being open to all the infinite possibility, growing, expanding, and continuing to evolve.

And the powers that be are taking notice. They are ramping up their efforts to dominate us exercising their management of the educational system, media, electronic communication, data overload, crisis creation and management, mental health and legal systems, and any other methods they can utilize to garner greater control of our youth, in an effort to build up reserves for the future. They are convinced their control will quash and outlive the current evolution, but it will not.

You are dropping out of the systems organized to control you. You can no longer relate to these systems any longer because you can see the fear-based “truth” they claim is eternally powerful to have authority over you is neutralized by the power of unconditional love.

Have you noticed, as you exit these systems, that the members will exert various fear-based methods to force you to return to their conformist standards to return to the fold?

They have been deeply programmed to do the bidding of the powers that be to see your departure as something dangerous, even life-threatening, and they might do anything to see you return to the organization, exerting fear-based tactics such as intimidation, threats of consequences, excommunication, or even eternal damnation.

Plugging-in to the infinite power of unconditional love gives you the fortitude to be strong enough to walk away from the barbarian drama without judgment because you know they are only victims of a larger system, as you once were.

You can love and bless them as they make their own way in life, as you continue to find your own way.

You are no longer blinded nor controlled by “the system.”

You are among the awakening. You are courageous and powerful. Your evolutionary process will yield to you everything you need to grow, expand, and be more than you could have ever imagined.

Bless you, for having the courage to drop out and plug-in.

It’s Not Real!

It’s not real!
Or is it?

When you’re deeply buried in the third dimension, it’s so hard to believe that there is anything else “out there.” As much as you try to tell yourself, “this is all there is,” still you get glimpses of things which don’t make sense in the 3D reality or are unexplainable. Or are they?

You go about your regular 3D day, and you see shadows in your peripheral vision which garner your attention. When you’re feeling down, you find pennies or feathers just ahead on the path you are walking. You have nightmares and dreams, which seem to be warnings or excite you about possibilities. You may have received messages from beyond or even been visited by those from the “other side.”

And these glimpses persist in various shapes and forms, they go on and on, insisting you take notice of there being the existence of more going on all around you 24/7, yet you continue to disregard them as nonsensical.

Of course, all of this is just your imagination, and you tell yourself, “It’s not real!”

As Scientists continue to delve into the mysteries of life in this universe, one thing becomes perfectly clear. With as brilliantly intelligent as we (the human race) has become with all of its efforts to scientifically discover and document all the secrets of life, to determine what is true and what is not truth, the truth is: We cannot truly know anything to be exclusively true.

When you come down to it, you almost have to either believe that nothing is true, or that everything is. The advantage of seeing from the perspective of everything being true is that it opens the gates to infinite possibility. To any normal person, the idea of infinite possibilities is frightening, to say the least. It challenges every thought you’ve ever had, anything you’ve ever been told or believed.

While it may be easier to keep yourself safe and secure in the third dimension, the neighboring dimensions (4th and 5th dimensions) are increasingly becoming more accessible to those of us who are in the third dimension because our planet and the galaxy we reside in is expanding and amidst an evolutionary process.

All the things that could easily be explained away as science fiction or “woo woo” are becoming part of our reality and the people who are open to the idea of being limitless are harnessing the powers which are accessible from other dimensions, and the vast energy of all life.

Humanity is evolving from smart-animated-meat to something higher, a spiritual/human hybrid. Even though this evolution has been in process for thousands of years, it has been hidden from view and even hindered at any cost of those who profit from keeping humans in their underdeveloped states.

With all their efforts, the powers that be can no longer keep this evolutionary process from happening for those who are embracing this evolutionary process, they are awakening to the unlimited possibilities.

You, who are evolving, whether you like it or not, are in the process of becoming a multi-dimensional being. Who knows what excitement lays ahead in the uncharted territories of multidimensionality in a world of infinite possibilities?

Things that were not even thinkable are being thought, becoming more plausible, and proven to be within the truth continuum, making even the impossible possible.

This is the world we are moving into, and it cannot be stopped, though there are those who will use every trick in the book to keep you from this evolution. Life as we knew it is fading into our primitive, barbarian historic past.

You can feel it.

Get ready for your limitless expansion, it is happening now.