Flesh vs Spirit Evolving

You come to Earth and inherit a human body and your journey begins with reconciling your existence as a young spiritual being acclimating to your new environment. At the earliest of age, you are tasked with finding out who you are. Your discoveries accumulate as your identity develops chaining experience upon experience as your sense of self evolves.

You have an inherent desire to be cared for, but it doesn’t take long for you to figure out that taking care of and defending yourself is up to you and you establish patterns to see that your needs are taken care of. This establishes an energy pattern of a particular vibrational frequency which will vary as you make your way through this life, which affects all areas of your life, mental, physical, and spiritual.

The more you struggle to find your own way, the more your ability to connect with your higher spiritual self is closed off as you gain mechanical systems to survive and do the best you can to mitigate the challenges you face in life on Earth. In most, if not all, cases, your higher self is squelched altogether, but it never dies.

At various stages in life, your spiritual self will find ways to garner your attention if an effort to awaken your higher self which has been subdued.

Your higher self will try to poke through in times of stress and struggle. It’s up to you how you respond to hearing this still small voice when it speaks up. Most people just push it away as nonsense, as you continue to make your way through life on your own accord by force of will, determination, accompanied with blood, sweat, and tears.

Flesh vs. Spirit Evolving

This is man’s struggle of flesh against the spirit. Only, as we evolve the struggle of the spirit to emerge becomes more pressing.

For centuries man’s will stomps out potential emerging spirit most of the time, but there’s something happening now, today, right now, our planet is moving through a stage of metamorphosis affecting all matter, life, mankind, including you, too.

A sacred resonance exists in all of life and matter within and throughout all molecules, this energy is no less than purely divine and resonates at the vibration of pure love or above. There exists a harmonic orchestra among all life, matter, and the absence of matter.

Like a sacred carrier wave, God is in all things, everything.

Either this is true, or it is not. What you do with this rejection or realization is up to you.

Your cells are evolving with this harmonic resonance and if you are prone to reject the very thought of it, no problem, for there are forces, highly powerful forces very hard at work to prevent this evolutionary process. So, who of us could blame you, for we were raised from birth to think thusly. Even so, people, just like you and me, are at various stages of awakening the expanding life of liberty and expansion which awaits our species.

Ever notice your desire for change? It’s growing. You find yourself wanting change, finding ways to grab hold of what change you can, only to find it lackluster. You cannot substitute the natural evolution of your being with change which you have been granted or provided yourself via your physical abilities. While it may appease your desire for change in the moment, your human mind/body system is still not satisfied.

Nestled deep within your heart is the central nervous system of your higher self and your connection to the source of all life, but so much emphasis has been placed on the central nervous system of your functioning brain, and little or no attention is placed on your spiritual nature which is where your true self resides, where you hail from, and evolving toward.

Once you begin to awaken you are able to see things as they really are and not like you’ve been trained to interpret life. Life becomes less about you, and more about “us” and our interconnectedness, which is counter-intuitive based on your terrestrial training might dictate.

At some point, as you continue to grow, evolve, and expand you realize that not only are we all “one,” but you have a clearer understanding about your connectedness to all that is, seen and unseen.

If this concept is contrary to how you’re feeling in this moment, no problem. Keep doing whatever it is that is working for you now.

If you are awakened by a moment of clarity from your innermost and highest self? You decide what to do, to push it back down or listen.

There is no judgment as we’re all doing the best we can with what we have.

You are still playing an active role as we continue this evolutionary process.

God bless you as you make your way.

Why Do You Get More of What You Don’t Want?

Why is it that when you really don’t want something, it seems like you get more of what you don’t want? You don’t want overdue bills, driving around crazy drivers in traffic, being late for school or work, to lose track of your words mid-sentence, forget where you put something like your cell phone or car keys, or God forbid, get into a romantic relationship with a person just like the last one, or worse. Yet here they are.

Why do you get more of what you don’t want?

Here’s the deal, there is far more to you than meets the eye. Sure, you may have your life under control, and you’re able to help others keep their lives orderly, but why is it that your life seems to be increasingly problematic, when you know better?

Because you’re not just a biological machine, an animated bag of meat with a brain. You are also an energetic powerhouse and spiritual being as well. As much as you might like to deny it, this is true, and both of these parts of you are looking out for your highest good, while society and your support system may not be looking out for your best interests.

The Energetic You

The energetic part of you is responsible for attracting to you the things you think about. Like a magnet, this energy draws in what you think and speak about and doesn’t care whether you like it or not. The more powerfully you think about a thing, the more often it shows up.

So, if you’re thinking of something with a lot of emotion attached to it, you will see more of that thing showing up in your life more often and with more intensity. If you really want more of what you don’t want, simply think about what you don’t want and it will come to you.

Want even more of what you don’t want? Then actually talk about what you don’t want. If you want even more, then increase the emotion you have about it, and begin talking about it with negative emotional energy, and try starting off your topic with, “I hate…” and end your sentences with an exclamation point. Now, watch it roll in even more!

Once you understand how this, you can find ways to adjust your thought process to affect your personal energy field. You can not only start managing your negative thoughts and emotions, but you can start to think and speak in more positive ways about the things you really want to see showing up in your life.

This will attract more of the things you want in your life. This is called manifestation in the Law of Attraction 101.

The Spiritual You

Then there is that spiritual being, which you also are. It works a little differently, and it a lot more sophisticated in how it works than your energetic being.

The greater part of you vibrates at the highest of energetic frequencies, knows only love, and is only concerned about what is best for you. It sees all, knows all, and can summon all the powers seen and unseen to see that you are served up only those things in life which will lead to your highest and best.

The thing, here, is that you and your higher self are not always in agreement as to what would best serve you. While you are easily overwhelmed by the details of life, not unlike being lost in the forest, the greater part of you has an aerial view and can see everything around you. Which direction you are headed, the terrain ahead of you, and the footsteps you’ve left behind.

Since you cannot see the forest for the trees, without a compass you may be walking in circles through your life or may actually be going in the wrong direction. Each step moving you further and further away from where you want to be.

Your higher self can come to the rescue, setting up circumstances, which may appear to be tragic and traumatic, calling in your angels and guides if necessary, to get you back on track, moving in the direction of what you really want in life.

This is why bad things happen to good people because it takes that kind of tragic circumstance to wake us up out of the trance of life and begin to see things as they really are. The most traumatic experiences in life often lead to our awakening. And for those of us who are the most resistant to the awakening, we may have to suffer more than others.

When bad things happen to you, it is serving your higher purpose. It may be hard to imagine when you’re in the thick of it, but it’s true, and you’ll be able to see it more clearly once you are on the other side of it.

Your Social Support System

It’s so easy to get distracted and derailed, even totally lost, when you are desiring a better life, and your friends and family are not as concerned about your well-being as you might think. Granted, they don’t want to see you suffer (too much) and they want you to have good things in your life… Only, not better than the life that they are experiencing.

Of course, this underlying energy is not spoken of outwardly, unfortunately, for the most part, the people you care about want to see you have a better life for sure, just not better than theirs. Why? Because they are seeing your intention to move your life from mediocrity to magnificence. An idea that may have crossed their minds earlier in life, only they gave it up for folly, as most people are likely to do.

If you were to succeed, what message would that send to them?

They might think they had utterly failed in their life, failed their family and friends, and above all, failed to their true selves, and ultimately God. This is a process of thinking that no one would like to entertain. So, better to talk you out of it or even help you fail a little bit, than you have to endure the trauma of having to deal with the decisions they made to settle for a “safe and sane” lackluster life. It’s just too much to have to face for the average person.

Often it is a good idea to find support from like-minded people who desire to see you rise to the heights of your highest and best and encouraging you to grow and change, as necessary, to traverse from where you are and transform into the better you which is waiting for you fully embrace all that you can be.

There are many reasons for tragedy to visit the lives of those who are lost, all of them for your highest and best. The more you understand and embrace this idea, loving all the life you are presented with and in a sense going with the flow, the far easy it will be to adjust and adapt to the changes, allowing you to more easily be in the right place at the right time, moving you more swiftly to that which is your highest and best.