Quantum Spiritual Growth and Transformation

Exploring the interconnectedness of consciousness, energy, and the universe becomes a catalyst for spiritual growth and personal transformation. As we deepen our understanding of these interconnections, we gain insights into our own nature and purpose. We become aware of the profound impact our thoughts, emotions, and actions have on ourselves and the world. This awareness opens pathways for spiritual expansion, self-realization, and the unlocking of our superhuman potential.

Within each of us lies a profound potential for spiritual growth and transformation. It is an innate longing to understand the deeper aspects of our existence, to connect with something greater than ourselves. This journey invites us to explore the realms beyond the physical, to delve into the depths of our consciousness and awaken the dormant power within.

Spiritual growth is a process of expanding our awareness and connection to the divine essence that permeates all existence. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-transcendence, where we uncover the layers of conditioning, limitations, and illusions that veil our true nature. As we peel away these layers, we begin to align with our authentic selves and cultivate a deeper sense of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Transformation on a spiritual level requires a willingness to explore the profound impact our thoughts, emotions, and actions have on ourselves and the world around us. It is an invitation to become conscious co-creators of our reality, recognizing that our inner landscape shapes the outer manifestations of our lives. Through this awareness, we gain the power to transcend limitations and create positive change.

To embark on the path of spiritual growth and transformation, we must first cultivate a sense of inner stillness and presence. Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation enable us to quiet the mind, dissolve the noise of external distractions, and attune to the whispers of our soul. In these moments of inner silence, we connect with a deeper wisdom that transcends the limitations of the egoic mind.

As we deepen our spiritual practice, we begin to recognize the interconnectedness of all beings and the divine intelligence that orchestrates the symphony of life. We develop compassion and empathy, seeing beyond the surface-level differences and embracing the unity of our shared humanity. This shift in perception opens our hearts and fosters a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.

Spiritual growth and transformation are not confined to any particular religious or spiritual tradition. It is a universal journey that transcends boundaries and invites us to explore diverse paths. Each person’s journey is unique, shaped by their individual experiences, beliefs, and desires. It is a personal exploration that unfolds in its own time and pace.

To cultivate spiritual growth and transformation, it is essential to nurture a sense of curiosity and openness. Explore different spiritual teachings, philosophies, and practices to find what resonates with your heart and aligns with your soul’s longing. Engage in self-reflection, journaling, and seeking guidance from wise mentors or spiritual communities.

The journey of spiritual growth and transformation is not always smooth or linear. It encompasses moments of profound joy and connection, as well as challenges and moments of inner turmoil. However, through these experiences, we learn, grow, and expand our consciousness.

As we embark on this sacred journey, we are called to embody the qualities of love, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness. These virtues become the guiding lights that illuminate our path and inspire us to serve the highest good of ourselves and humanity.

So, I invite you to embrace the profound potential for spiritual growth and transformation within you. Open your heart and mind to the mysteries of the universe. Seek the truth that resonates with your soul and walk the path of self-discovery and self-transcendence. In doing so, you will embark on a transformative journey that awakens the essence of your being and brings profound meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Self-Exploration and Growth

Quantum principles encourage self-exploration and growth. By delving into our own consciousness, and uncovering subconscious beliefs and patterns, we initiate personal transformation. This exploration allows us to release outdated patterns, embrace empowering narratives, and step into our true potential.

Within the realm of entanglement and its profound implications for personal transformation, lies the gateway to self-discovery and growth. It is through delving into the depths of our own consciousness, unearthing our subconscious beliefs and patterns, that we ignite the process of personal transformation and unlock the vast potential within.

Self-exploration is the courageous act of turning inward, peeling back the layers of our being to uncover the hidden facets of our consciousness. It is a journey of self-discovery, where we embark on a quest to understand ourselves at a deeper level and unravel the mysteries that shape our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

By engaging in self-exploration, we gain insights into our subconscious beliefs and patterns that may have been ingrained within us since childhood or formed through life experiences. We shine a light on the shadows of our psyche, embracing them with compassion and curiosity, knowing that in their acknowledgment lies the path to personal growth and transformation.

One powerful tool for self-exploration is meditation. Through the practice of meditation, we create a space for stillness and silence within ourselves, allowing the torrent of thoughts to settle and revealing the underlying currents of our consciousness. In this sacred space of inner observation, we become aware of the beliefs and patterns that govern our lives, witnessing them without judgment and opening the door for transformation.

Mindfulness is another key aspect of self-exploration. By cultivating present-moment awareness, we bring conscious attention to our thoughts, emotions, and sensations as they arise. We observe them without attachment, cultivating a deep sense of self-awareness and understanding. Through mindfulness, we uncover the subtleties of our inner landscape, gaining clarity and insight into the dynamics that drive our thoughts, choices, and actions.

Journaling is a powerful tool that supports self-exploration and growth. By putting pen to paper, we externalize our inner dialogue, thoughts, and emotions, allowing them to take form outside of ourselves. Through the act of writing, we gain perspective, identify recurring patterns, and release what no longer serves us. Journaling serves as a mirror to our inner world, reflecting back to us the intricacies of our thoughts and feelings.

Self-reflection is a vital component of self-exploration. It is the intentional practice of turning our attention inward, asking probing questions, and seeking answers from the depths of our being. Through self-reflection, we engage in a dialogue with ourselves, examining our values, desires, fears, and aspirations. We invite introspection and open ourselves to the wisdom that arises from within.

As we embark on the path of self-exploration and growth, we must approach it with an open mind and a compassionate heart. It is a journey that requires honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront our own truths. We may encounter aspects of ourselves that are uncomfortable or challenging, but it is within these spaces of discomfort that transformation begins to take root.

By delving into our own consciousness, uncovering our subconscious beliefs and patterns, we initiate a powerful process of personal transformation. We gain clarity, dismantle limiting beliefs, and open ourselves to new possibilities. We discover the immense potential within us to shape our reality, create meaningful connections, and live a life aligned with our true essence.

So, I invite you to embark on the transformative journey of self-exploration and growth. Embrace the power of entanglement as a guiding principle, knowing that as you unravel the depths of your own consciousness, you unlock the door to personal transformation. Embrace the unknown, embrace the process, and watch as you emerge into the fullest expression of your authentic self. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and growth?

You Can’t Do God Wrong

I meet people who are struggling with “God” all the time. Some of these people are so broken and in pain and suffering from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and have decided to reject God because of the suffering they’ve endured in His name.

Stop defining God by religious activity. Not that there is anything wrong with religious activity, in and of itself, unless it is performed in the absence of Love.

God is Love and without Love there is nothing. Do not choose to opt out of Love because you suffered at the hands of men serving religion.

If you love, God is there. If you live and breathe, God is there. If you hate, God is there. If you’ve ceased to live, God is there, for there is God’s Love is everywhere, all the time. God will never leave you, or any thing. God is there, 24/7, limitless, eternal, and if you believe this, if you can have an understanding of God’s limitlessness, God is more. God is more than you could ever conceive of.

I’ve known the most scholarly students of God, who know more than I could ever comprehend of God and He is so much more. You cannot define God, but you can seek God and there is no dishonor in attempting to knowing God in the best way you can.

Do we miss the mark? Certainly, for any of us are only doing the best we can with what we have, but if you have all the knowledge of God, all the power of persuasion and miracles, all the words and best intentions, and have not love, you could do better.

It’s easy to sit back in your religious easy chair and judge others for doing God wrong, but you, any of us, cannot do it wrong.

If you’ve been wronged, hurt, victimized by those who are trying to learn everything they can about God, serving God the best way they can with the information they have at the time, God is there, and when it seems like there is no love there, God is there, in you.

When it seems like all is lost, and feels like there is no God, God is there. God will never leave or forsake you. People, on the other hand, are fallible and can do things which are void of love, but God’s love is still there.

The problem with people who stop learning, growing, and expanding, is that they think they’ve arrived at their Godly knowledge destination, and maybe they have, but God is greater.

Whatever you (and I’m including myself, here) think God is, God is infinitely more.

People can let you down, talk behind your back, betray you, stab you in the back, and victimize you, but God will only love you.

Please, do not blame God for the actions of others, who may have acted in His name. Some of the worst events in history were atrocities performed in the name of God, but just because someone claimed God’s anointing, doesn’t supersede God’s love. Just because a person claims to be acting on the behalf of God, doesn’t make it so.

So, the ownness is on you. You are loved, you are love, and without God, anything that is would cease to be.

You may have been told that there is only one way to be one with God. This is true, but people get bogged down by the definition of the “one way,” when in reality, there is no way to do God wrong, but we could have done or could do God better.

You can seek God, continue to learn and grow in any way you see fit, and if someone challenges you in your pursuit of God, bless them, for they are only doing the best we can. Could we do it better? Yes, any of us could, no matter where we are in our spiritual journey.

Know this,

You Can’t Do God Wrong

All any of us can do is the best we can with what we have, and you are allowed and encouraged to maintain your relationship with God in whatever way suits you best at any time. You could try to not create the separation of exclusivity and allow others to find their own way, blessing them all the way.

And above all,


Love. That’s who God is

And so much more.

Take Your Shoes Off

I am still that little child that found security in having his feet bound by a warm pair of socks and tight-fitting shoes. That little kid had the occasion to see the feet of older individuals who preferred the barefoot life, and to him, this visual impact of seeing those feet was tragic. So unlike the beautiful feet, he had seen in advertising and on the television. He vowed his feet would never look like that.

The appearance of a well-disciplined and cared for, perfect foot, he decided at this early age, would be the feet he would sport for life. This is a commitment to his feet he would maintain throughout his adult life.

Later, in his late teens, he adopted a preference for the ministerial sciences from a Christian perspective and heard stories about Jesus and His feet. In loose-fitting sandals, he walked over 21 thousand miles. His feet must’ve… ee-yeww… what a sight they must’ve been.

Then, there’s the documentation of the washing of Jesus’ feet. This story has a different effect depending on the recipient of the data (if you know what I mean) but for me it was icky. Then there’s the whole foot-washing fest with the disciples… Really?

By some act of God, I made it to the ministry with my feet safely and securely bound tightly in my socks and shoes, even safe in the house always with my feet hidden in slippers or at the very least fully socked.

I continued my journey, evolved and expanded, all without having my bare feet ever touching terra firma. I have been through many different spiritual trainings and disciplines since then, and it has been quite a journey, all with my feet covered (except for baptism, one foot-washing escapade, and a firewalk, which I pulled off successfully, and no one knew how truly traumatic these episodes were for me). There is no courage without fear.

I have been living in what might be considered the wilderness, surrounded by acres of magnificent forest in the Pacific Northwest, and three weeks ago, my bare feet wandered outside, and now I am having glimpses of something that was missing from my past.

Yes, this was the first time my feet ever actually touched the earth that I can remember. And since then, I can barely keep my shoes on.

Now, mind you, I still care about my feet and I have no intentions of going off the rails, like some kind of wild Mick Dodge, but I get it now.

I share this story with you, because there is hope for you.

It is highly unlikely that you have issues with your feet and shoes, like me, but there is something that you have resisted along your journey, that for whatever reason, due to social programming, or some other personal blockage, has been keeping you from moving forward in something that continues to call your name.

You do what you can to avoid it, but keep moving forward, thinking this is unnecessary, even ridiculous. Nonetheless, it harkens to you.

I took my shoes and socks off, on my own terms, knowing it would not kill me. I tried it, and it was lovely.

I am smart and take precautions in my bare feet, for I must have the tenderest of all feet, yet here I am taking bare baby steps to “earthing,” connecting to the energy of our planet intimately, in a way I had previously been unable to experience.

I have heard and known about this for many years, and I have literally danced all around it, until this time in my life when I feel like the time has come for me to engage in Mother Earth’s mambo.

So, what is your barefoot moment?

Is now time for you to

Take your shoes off

And try something new?

Religious Recovery

You’ve suffered at the hands of clergy who you’ve entrusted with the keeping of your very soul. You’ve pledged your allegiance to a religious order, given of yourself in service, sacrificed for the benefit of the organization, then found out it was not what you thought it was. Now, you’re in religious recovery.

Religious recovery is not to be confused with AA, which assumes that you’ve failed if you ever take a snort of alcohol again. No need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

There is hope for you.

You have had a relationship with God, and you can keep your relationship with your higher power without having to submit to your previous religion. God is not the God of any particular religious organization. Individual religious organizations are stepping stones to a greater relationship with the source of all life.

Had you not had this experience, you might not have been aware of the existence of a higher power. Now that you have been introduced to God and started to develop a relationship, you can keep growing and expanding as you keep pursuing a greater relationship with the creator of all life on your own.

You’ve taken the first step. You’ve exited the influence of an organization whose intent it was to control you, which has held you back from moving forward and beyond the capabilities of the faction you had associated with in the past.

The will attempt to deploy all the fear-based intimidations they can to make you feel like you are unworthy, unwanted, and may even threaten your survivability, tell you you’re going to hell, or decrease your own will to live, and you may occasionally feel like you can’t go on another day.

Your initial reaction might be to rebel, and judge the organization for treating you badly, deciding,

If that’s the way God is, I want nothing to do with it.

But remember, your problem is not with God. It is with the organization run by the people who are doing the best they can to serve God in the only way they know how. They have been programmed by the generations that went before and they live within the confines of a religion based on fear. Fear of doing it wrong, fear of punishment, fear of eternal damnation.

God is not a God of fear. God is a God of love. And you know it.
Now that you’ve taken a step toward your own religious recovery, you have the wherewithal to start your own relationship with your higher power without having to succumb to the heavy-handed mechanisms of religion.

You are empowered to follow your own path to enlightenment in any way that you see fit, sort of like a modern-day shaman. The traditional path of a shaman is more structured, not unlike an organized religion, but the modern-day shaman is widely expanding and evolving along with the rest of the human race.

The times are changing, and the whole planet is evolving from a fear-based system (which is not sustainable) to a love-based system which is heart-centered and seeks peace and harmony for all.

God is loving you, so excited about your finding your own way, and waiting for your awakening.

See you at the Recovery from Religious Trauma Event in Olympia, September 21st

Healing Without Medicine and Discovering Alternative Therapy

As we go through life, sometimes we feel things in our bodies that our minds can’t quite explain. These feelings, like when things seem to happen at the right time or when we get better without medicine, make us think about how our minds, bodies, and energy are connected.

Healing isn’t always about taking pills or going to the doctor. Sometimes, we can feel better by tapping into the energy around us. This energy is like a giant invisible field that’s part of us and everything around us. Today, we’re going to explore this idea together.

Let’s examine the different ways people have tried to use energy to help the body heal. It’s like going on an adventure to learn new things about staying healthy and feeling good. Are you ready to learn with me?

A New Idea for Feeling Better: Energy Healing

Energy healing is a unique way of thinking about getting better that goes beyond what doctors usually do. It is based on the idea that we’re not just bodies but also made of energy. Our thoughts, feelings, and even what we want can affect how healthy we are. By working with this energy, we might be able to help our bodies heal in a way that considers everything—our bodies, our feelings, our thoughts, and even our spirit.

We’re not saying energy healing is better than going to the doctor. Instead, it’s like adding something new to our thinking about staying healthy. Instead of only treating symptoms, we try to find out why we’re sick in the first place and fix that, too. As we learn more, we can see how energy healing might fit into our plans for staying healthy.

What is Energy Healing?

When we first hear about energy healing, it might sound strange or complex. But if we break it down, it’s simple. The main idea is that we’re made of energy, just like everything around us. Every part of us has its own unique energetic frequency, and when that frequency gets out of tune, we might not feel so good.

Energy healing tries to fix these imbalances. It’s like getting everything back in order so our bodies can do what they’re supposed to do—heal themselves. There are lots of different ways people do energy healing, but they all believe in the idea of balancing energy to help us feel better.

The Science Behind Energy Healing

Even though energy healing might sound like magic, there’s science behind it. Scientists have found that everything in the world – including us – is made of energy. Even though we can’t see it, we’re all vibrating with energy all the time.

When this energy gets out of balance, we might feel sick or upset. Energy healing works by finding and fixing these imbalances so our bodies can get back to feeling good. It’s not a replacement for going to the doctor, but it might also help us feel better when we get medical help.

Our Minds and Healing

What we think and feel can also affect how we heal. Focusing on positive things like love and happiness can help our bodies heal faster. But if we’re always thinking about bad stuff, like being scared or stressed, it can make us feel worse.

Being aware of and feeling into our thoughts and feelings can help our bodies heal better. It’s like giving ourselves a pep talk to feel better inside and out. We can find new ways to stay healthy and happy when we understand this and work with it.

7 Ways to Help Your Body Feel Better

When we talk about energy healing, we talk about many different ways to help our bodies and minds feel better. Each method has its ideas and practices, but all aim to bring balance and healing by working with the energy inside us. Let’s take a look at seven exciting energy-healing techniques:

Reiki: Using Universal Energy to Heal

Reiki comes from Japan and is about using “universal life energy” to heal. Reiki encompasses the idea that there’s energy flowing through everything alive, and when this energy gets blocked, we can feel sick or unbalanced. Reiki practitioners learn to let this energy flow through their hands to help others feel better. It’s a gentle practice that can help us relax, reduce stress, and feel more balanced emotionally and mentally.

Shamanic Energy Healing: Ancient Wisdom for Wellness

Shamanic energy healing is an old practice found in many indigenous cultures worldwide. It believes that when we feel sick or sad, it’s because we’ve lost a part of ourselves or our energy isn’t flowing right. Shamans are like spiritual guides, using rituals, drums, and sometimes plants to connect with the spirit world and bring back what’s missing. This way of healing isn’t just about fixing the problem but understanding why it’s there in the first place.

Soul Retrieval Through Hypnotherapy: Finding What’s Missing

Sometimes, traumatic events can make us feel like we’ve lost a part of ourselves. Soul retrieval through hypnotherapy is a way to find and put those lost pieces back together. It works by putting us in a relaxed state so we can explore our thoughts and memories deeply. Finding and restoring these lost parts can make us feel even more whole, powerful, and at peace.

Sound Baths: Relaxing with Sound

Sound baths use the power of different sounds to help us relax and heal. They are based on the idea that our bodies are like musical instruments, and sometimes, the notes get out of tune. Instruments like gongs and singing bowls produce particular sounds to help us feel more balanced and calm. When we listen to these sounds, it’s like giving our bodies a nice, soothing bath.

Shamanic Reiki: Combining Two Traditions

Shamanic Reiki is a mix of two powerful healing practices: Reiki and Shamanism. Reiki is all about energy, while Shamanism focuses on connecting with the spirit world. In Shamanic Reiki, practitioners use both techniques to help people heal. They channel energy while also using shamanic tools like journeying and spirit guides. This combination can help us feel more balanced, heal old wounds, and find peace.

Cacao Ceremony with Chumpi Stones: Opening Our Hearts

In some cultures, people use cacao ceremonies to connect with themselves and others. Cacao is a remarkable plant known for its ability to open our hearts and make us feel more loving and connected. During these ceremonies, people drink cacao and often use unique stones called Chumpi Stones to balance their energy. It’s a beautiful way to explore our inner feelings and find love and acceptance within ourselves.

Past Life Regression: Exploring Our Past

Past-life regression is a technique that helps us explore memories from what some believe are our past lives. It asserts that our past lives can affect how we feel and behave now. During a session, a therapist guides us into deep relaxation, where we can uncover these memories. Understanding and healing these past experiences allows us to feel more free, happy, and at peace in our current lives.

Each of these techniques offers a different way to help us feel better. By learning about them, we can decide which resonates with us and try them on our journey to feeling our best.

Bridging the Gap: Traditional Medicine and Alternative Healing

We don’t have to choose between traditional medicine and alternative therapies in the healing world – we can use both. Conventional medicine, with its proven methods and drugs, does a lot to help us with different health problems. But we’re also starting to see how alternative healing practices, like ancient remedies combined with new knowledge, can add to our overall wellness. These alternative methods look at the whole person – body, mind, and spirit – to help us feel better.

Combining these two worlds can give us the best of both. Adding energy healing techniques to what we already know can create a well-rounded approach to health care. This way, we’re not just treating symptoms but also looking at what might be causing the problems in the first place. It’s like opening the door to a new way of thinking about medicine – one that cares for the whole person and helps us feel more in control of our health.

Making Big Changes: Energy Healing and You

In the world of energy healing, we talk about making significant changes in how we feel by tapping into the power of our thoughts and feelings. It’s like taking a giant leap towards feeling better. We can think of it like in science, where tiny particles can jump from one place to another without going through the space in between – it’s called a quantum leap. Our healing journey can be like that, too – not always following a straight path but significantly improving how we feel.

When we focus our thoughts and feelings on healing, we make big jumps towards feeling better. Just like particles in science only become something when we look at them, our healing journey becomes real when we focus on it. We can make significant changes in our health and well-being by believing in our ability to heal and concentrate on it. It shows that we’re not just stuck with our problems – we can take control of our health and happiness.

Picking Your Energy Healing Helper

Choosing an energy healing practitioner is a big decision and should feel right. It’s like finding a good friend who understands and supports you. Before making a choice, learning about different methods and practitioners is essential. Check their qualifications and experience, but also trust your gut feeling. How do you feel when you talk to them? Do you feel comfortable and safe?

Remember, healing is a journey, and you should feel like an active part of it. Find someone who encourages your questions, respects your choices, and understands your unique needs. Trusting your feelings and instincts is essential to finding the right person to help you heal.

Living a Healing Lifestyle

Energy healing isn’t just about doing certain practices – it’s about how we live our lives daily. It’s about being aware of our thoughts, feelings, and bodies and how they all work together to keep us healthy. By adding mindfulness to our daily routine, eating nutritious foods, staying active, and spending time with supportive people, we can create a lifestyle that supports our healing journey.

This way of living helps to balance our energy, making it easier for us to feel grounded and centered. It’s not about reaching a destination but about following a path toward better understanding ourselves, finding balance, and feeling good inside and out.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Energy Healing

As we finish exploring energy healing, let’s remember that it’s a personal journey of growth and change. Each step we take towards healing shows how powerful we are in caring for ourselves. Having a skilled practitioner by our side can make all the difference, guiding us, supporting us, and empowering us along the way.

Individuals interested may consider attending the Journey of the Soul Retreat.

Alienation by Intimidation

One of the dangers of being a part of the evolving human race is that you isolate yourself from others while actively involved in your personal expansion. You want to avoid alienation by intimidation. Back in the day, we used phrases, like, “Don’t become so spiritually-minded that you’re no earthly good.”

Or encouraging particular believers to put forth one’s best efforts to be “in the world but not of the world.” Which basically means, you play along with those who don’t get it. The old (barbarian) approach to winning others over to your particular thought process at any cost is falling by the wayside. Plus, no one was ever saved via debate. It’s a perfect waste of otherwise positive energy, which turns negative far too much of the time.

As you’re evolving, you are growing and changing. You’re seeing things that people who are not part of the evolutionary process are unable to conceive of or see.

You are cautioned not to let your flag fly in such a way as to be insensitive, appear to be arrogant, unintentionally appear to be narcissistic, or insinuate that you are better than anyone else.

Let’s face it, you are a more powerful being in the world than ever before, yet you want to remain humble, else you face potential alienation by intimidation.

Honoring others and being tolerant of their right(s) and ability to do the best they can with what they have at any point in time, much the way that you might desire them to respect you for where you are in your life’s journey.

What you can do, is to be aware of key areas of your personality which might intimidate others, characteristics which may be pushing people away. This may not be your intention.

For instance, the “Woe is me,” attitude which is shared by the unevolved is fading from your consciousness. When you are faced with a problem, you have the skills to asses the problem and apply solutions that you may not have been inclined to do before out of fear. Also, any potential fear of failure is dissipating as you are building your confidence and competence.

People in your circle of influence cannot help but notice this change in you, and it’s intimidating to them because they have not come to this place. So, when you’re in a position to demonstrate your new skillset(s) take others into consideration.

Don’t assert that you are better than anyone else or put others down for not being able to stop whining and just get things done. Rather, consider giving them an opportunity to lend a hand in the situation. If you’ve come up with a great idea to solve a problem, why not say to your neighboring worrier, “Let’s work on this together,” instead of just doing it all yourself without saying a word?

“But then I won’t get all the credit,” says that old egoic voice from the past. As you become more a part of the new human evolution it becomes so much less about you and so much more about things getting done, edifying others, and empowering them to shine.

Other characteristics which will be showing up that may lead to alienation by intimidation include being more honest and open without being intimidated by the concerns of others. This can appear to be disrespectful and rude.

Just take a few seconds and consider how your words might be affecting your audience. You can speak your truth without being frank or rude, just temper your words with kindness. Then people will be more likely to listen to what you have to say, rather than just cut you off for being insensitive.

You are experiencing a new passion for about everything in life, the things you enjoy are more fun, your relationships are more meaningful, your perspective on life is more positive, you feel better about yourself and your place in the world. Your senses are heightened as everything to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch is more intense than before.

When you are engaged in activities which you are passionate about this may frighten onlookers. Again, try to tone it down a bit. You can let people watch you do your thing without having to share too much about what you are doing. Let those who are taking interest in your activities watch (or peek) and let those who are curious ask questions. Try to answer without going into too much detail, because that can be intimidating. Just answer their questions briefly and move on, unless they ask more questions. (smiley face)

Speaking of curiosity, now that you’re expanding, you are more curious than ever. You will find yourself talking to people and questioning them about everything because you want access to the raw data to make comparisons about who you are and what that means to the world around you.

Most people build walls around themselves and are afraid of exposing who they really are to anyone else because they’ve been hurt in the past. Of course, you can relate to that, but it’s easy to forget once you’ve moved beyond having to live in fear any longer. Now, you can be more open and honest about yourself, essentially with nothing to hide, and sometimes you just expect everyone to be on the same page as you are.

You are a visionary and it’s easy to see in your mind’s eye what you want, and you have the ability to create a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. Things are coming to you more effortlessly. You are content, happier, and moving into abundance, enabling you to live a better life.

This freaks out your neighbors as they see you becoming more prosperous. The “have nots” tend to become haters of the “haves.” Do continue to prosper, just try to retain some humility about, so as not to threaten others who have not come to realize that they, too, could be enjoying life as much as you in their own evolutionary process.

Your mind is completely wide open because you are no longer in fear of having your beliefs challenged. The thought or idea that “everything is true” or exists within the truth continuum is a scary proposition for those who live in lives of fear. Continue to be open to all the endless possibilities but keep in mind and honor the limited perspective of others as you do so.

Remember that no one is wrong, and support everyone’s right to their own point of view regardless of how limited or expansive it might be.

Your relationships have evolved along with you and this can cause people to freak out, especially those who are (or were) close to you. You’ve probably moved some people outside your inner circle for a variety of reasons.

You are no longer content to waste the hours away, laughing, joking, talking behind others’ backs, or waiting for a group mindset in meeting after meeting to come to single-mindedness (which could take forever or never happen at all) before moving ahead. You gravitate more toward people who are more decisive and proactive, the movers and shakers.

Relationships which have little value, waste time and tend to keep you from achieving your highest and best have little interest for you anymore, and you are finding yourself annoyed by people who talk, talk, talk, but never do anything, and less tolerant of those who have little or no integrity or are deceitful.

You no longer fear opening yourself up intimately with others. You no longer live in a world of fear because your life is increasingly becoming dominated by true love, unconditional love, and this includes allowing everyone to be who they are, without judgment or fear. Letting people be who they are, loving and blessing them as they find their own way.

You can continue to evolve without having a negative impact on the surrounding community, reducing potential alienation by intimidation by honoring those around you as you do so while being mindful of where they are on their life’s journey.

For, after all, we’re doing the best we can with what we have. Right?

Why Do You Get More of What You Don’t Want?

Why is it that when you really don’t want something, it seems like you get more of what you don’t want? You don’t want overdue bills, driving around crazy drivers in traffic, being late for school or work, to lose track of your words mid-sentence, forget where you put something like your cell phone or car keys, or God forbid, get into a romantic relationship with a person just like the last one, or worse. Yet here they are.

Why do you get more of what you don’t want?

Here’s the deal, there is far more to you than meets the eye. Sure, you may have your life under control, and you’re able to help others keep their lives orderly, but why is it that your life seems to be increasingly problematic, when you know better?

Because you’re not just a biological machine, an animated bag of meat with a brain. You are also an energetic powerhouse and spiritual being as well. As much as you might like to deny it, this is true, and both of these parts of you are looking out for your highest good, while society and your support system may not be looking out for your best interests.

The Energetic You

The energetic part of you is responsible for attracting to you the things you think about. Like a magnet, this energy draws in what you think and speak about and doesn’t care whether you like it or not. The more powerfully you think about a thing, the more often it shows up.

So, if you’re thinking of something with a lot of emotion attached to it, you will see more of that thing showing up in your life more often and with more intensity. If you really want more of what you don’t want, simply think about what you don’t want and it will come to you.

Want even more of what you don’t want? Then actually talk about what you don’t want. If you want even more, then increase the emotion you have about it, and begin talking about it with negative emotional energy, and try starting off your topic with, “I hate…” and end your sentences with an exclamation point. Now, watch it roll in even more!

Once you understand how this, you can find ways to adjust your thought process to affect your personal energy field. You can not only start managing your negative thoughts and emotions, but you can start to think and speak in more positive ways about the things you really want to see showing up in your life.

This will attract more of the things you want in your life. This is called manifestation in the Law of Attraction 101.

The Spiritual You

Then there is that spiritual being, which you also are. It works a little differently, and it a lot more sophisticated in how it works than your energetic being.

The greater part of you vibrates at the highest of energetic frequencies, knows only love, and is only concerned about what is best for you. It sees all, knows all, and can summon all the powers seen and unseen to see that you are served up only those things in life which will lead to your highest and best.

The thing, here, is that you and your higher self are not always in agreement as to what would best serve you. While you are easily overwhelmed by the details of life, not unlike being lost in the forest, the greater part of you has an aerial view and can see everything around you. Which direction you are headed, the terrain ahead of you, and the footsteps you’ve left behind.

Since you cannot see the forest for the trees, without a compass you may be walking in circles through your life or may actually be going in the wrong direction. Each step moving you further and further away from where you want to be.

Your higher self can come to the rescue, setting up circumstances, which may appear to be tragic and traumatic, calling in your angels and guides if necessary, to get you back on track, moving in the direction of what you really want in life.

This is why bad things happen to good people because it takes that kind of tragic circumstance to wake us up out of the trance of life and begin to see things as they really are. The most traumatic experiences in life often lead to our awakening. And for those of us who are the most resistant to the awakening, we may have to suffer more than others.

When bad things happen to you, it is serving your higher purpose. It may be hard to imagine when you’re in the thick of it, but it’s true, and you’ll be able to see it more clearly once you are on the other side of it.

Your Social Support System

It’s so easy to get distracted and derailed, even totally lost, when you are desiring a better life, and your friends and family are not as concerned about your well-being as you might think. Granted, they don’t want to see you suffer (too much) and they want you to have good things in your life… Only, not better than the life that they are experiencing.

Of course, this underlying energy is not spoken of outwardly, unfortunately, for the most part, the people you care about want to see you have a better life for sure, just not better than theirs. Why? Because they are seeing your intention to move your life from mediocrity to magnificence. An idea that may have crossed their minds earlier in life, only they gave it up for folly, as most people are likely to do.

If you were to succeed, what message would that send to them?

They might think they had utterly failed in their life, failed their family and friends, and above all, failed to their true selves, and ultimately God. This is a process of thinking that no one would like to entertain. So, better to talk you out of it or even help you fail a little bit, than you have to endure the trauma of having to deal with the decisions they made to settle for a “safe and sane” lackluster life. It’s just too much to have to face for the average person.

Often it is a good idea to find support from like-minded people who desire to see you rise to the heights of your highest and best and encouraging you to grow and change, as necessary, to traverse from where you are and transform into the better you which is waiting for you fully embrace all that you can be.

There are many reasons for tragedy to visit the lives of those who are lost, all of them for your highest and best. The more you understand and embrace this idea, loving all the life you are presented with and in a sense going with the flow, the far easy it will be to adjust and adapt to the changes, allowing you to more easily be in the right place at the right time, moving you more swiftly to that which is your highest and best.

Should I Smoke Pot?

You might ask, “Should I smoke pot?” Or wonder what the effects of prolonged use of marijuana might be on one’s life journey?

With the growing popularity and legalization of the use of marijuana, increasingly I am asked, “Should I be smoking pot?” by clients on their path to a better life, their best lives, and making the world a better place.

Now that there is a “growing trend” of marijuana uses, especially since more states are decriminalizing the use of marijuana, are allowing the medical use of marijuana, and it is becoming legal in many states, there are many questions arising about the effects of marijuana in general, and in my work increasingly, clients are inquiring about its use more often.

It’s not an easy question to answer because of it’s not a black-and-white issue. There is nothing inherently bad about the use of marijuana, and it offers many health benefits if used medicinally. Then, there is that part of, if used in excess, it could be counter-productive.

Many people with worse addictions are using marijuana to kick their addictions. My question is, are they just trading one addiction for another? If one addiction causes less harm than the other there is definitely value in trading a bad one for a better one, right?

The effect of this growing green substance also affects each person differently depending on their body’s chemistry and psychological profile. As therapeutic as the green stuff might be, it may be keeping you from achieving your highest and best.

What do I say when a client asks what the effects of marijuana would have on the quality of their spiritual journey from prolonged use over time?

It’s really up to you, where you are in your path in your life’s journey. There are times when the use of marijuana and other drugs could be highly beneficial or warranted for mitigating the damages from the surprises of life that catch you off-guard,

Weed is an excellent numbing agent and if you’re in a lot of pain, physically or psychologically, it can certainly help to keep you in a calm state or help you to sleep at night. When choosing a substance to help get you over the hump, why not pick something that is less likely to harm or kill you.

It also depends on where you are in your life’s journey amidst the 7 Phases of Personal Growth, or the 7 Phases of Spiritual Growth, as well as those situational moments of change.

No one but you can really discern when it is a good time for you to use pot, if at all.

Other things to consider are whether you actually need the effects of THC to get the benefits you want from Dr. Mary Jane. CBD oil is growing in popularity and is legal in most states now because it can be manufactured with little or no THC while retaining the healing properties of marijuana.

No one is going to judge you for your use of weed in any of its varieties if it is legal where you partake, but some people may raise an eyebrow if it affects you negatively, and it would be wise for you to get regular input from people who really care about you. Because, if you’re taking marijuana with any degree of frequency, you might not be able to see its effects on you and your life.

Objective views are very valuable, and I think this is why I am seeing the question, “Should I continue to smoke pot?” asked more frequently.

No problem. This is what coaches, counselors, and consultants are there for, right?

Just be aware that the answer is not as easy as it might seem. There are many things to consider.

Also, remember that just because a thing is legal and has beneficial properties doesn’t necessarily mean that is good for you in all circumstances and situations.

I smoked pot and got high in my teens regularly, until the day I woke up and looked around at all the adults that were smoking pot regularly and asked myself if that was the life I wanted to live? Fortunately, I had a wide breadth of pot smokers’ lives I could examine.

There were mostly low-income earners and a few high-rollers to give me an idea of the range and what I might expect if I were to continue smoking weed.

Always the love-inspired person, I decided to stop smoking pot and started to take a more proactive roll in managing my own life. I made a lot of changes, and these changes led me to harmonize with the love of-and-for God and the ministry, and I didn’t stop there.

I’ve never regretted my decision and continue to live one of the most amazing lives I could have ever imagined. Every day is a new and exciting day, leading to yet another.

Sure, there are times when I hit a rough spot, and I might even use marijuana (with or without THC) products if deemed necessary or beneficial.

I am definitely in favor of the continued legalization of marijuana, and I hope that one day it could be truly free and unregulated, as should all substances.

Know this: Love is the most powerful drug of all. Far more powerful than marijuana or any other known substance. Just as you would with any substance, use and exercise your love with care.

What are your thoughts? Have you ever wondered,

“Should I smoke pot?”

Tell me what you think below…

7 Phases of Spiritual Growth

Moving beyond the 7 Phases of Personal Growth the human being begins to transition into its evolutionary being, above and beyond its primitive peers and ancestors. The evolution of contemporary humans takes place in both the head and the heart, expanding the limits of human potential. This evolutionary process continues through 7 phases of spiritual growth.

Phase 1: Awakening

This is the first phase of spiritual growth when the individual begins to ponder there being something more to this life. He or she notices inconsistencies in life, the stories we’ve been told, how we’ve been raised, what we’ve been led to believe.

After the first shock to the system of your self-realization, of getting a glimpse of your being far more than you were told you were or could be and realizing that things are not as they seem, phase ones start to let go of psychological trauma, stress, guilt, and unworthiness.

Leaving behind the negative programming of society, the spiritual phase 1 becomes somewhat of a rogue, a lone wolf, and a reluctant leader. He or she finds a new sense of self and being and begins to go with the flow instead of forcing his or her way through life.

Personally inspired, this person, while choosing a path clearly different from his or her peers, becomes more natural, and is less concerned with goal-setting, as he or she becomes more actively focused on the greater good.

Typically, martyrs are found at spiritual growth phase 1.

Phase 2: Leader

Embracing his or her ability to lead, the spiritual phase two inspires others to embrace the evolutionary process as he or is considered to be a visionary, spiritual leader, guru, or shaman, as they increasingly submit to the process of evolution and spiritual growth.

Those in phase two of the spiritual growth process are shining societal symbols encouraging others to consider new ways of looking at life and its unlimited possibilities, have a desire to help change their community and even the world at large.

Phase 3: Master

As the phase 2 leader evolves into phase 3 he or she allows the higher power to do the heavy lifting of evolution. Empowered by the force of life multiplies their effectiveness in influencing others and the world to join in the evolution of society, mankind, and our planet.

The master becomes aware of his or her unique gifts and talents, finding his or her calling and unique message creating a niche for exercising him-or-herself fully alive, blessed, and moving about with the feeling or possessing this power.

This power is challenging for the master who has the utmost respect and fear of the power he or she wields in phase 3. In an effort to balance power with humility, it may also be difficult for him or her to accept the outpouring of blessing and abundance which is attracted by mastery.

In the spiritual phases of growth 1, 2, and 3, there is a symbiotic relationship, a cooperative interdependence among people. Unlike the phases of personal growth which vary from dependence to independence.

Phase 3 is the gateway to enlightenment.

Phase 4: Cosmic Consciousness

Finding comfort in the balance of humility and being open to receiving blessings and abundance, the phase three progressing into phase 4 spirituality which becomes aware and is able to see that he or she is an active part, an extension of the cosmic consciousness.

Phase fours are part of the absolute, unchanging, and infinite greater whole, experiencing this life in tandem with the life not limited by earthly confines of physicality, time, and/or space.

Phase four brings with it a dichotomy of being one’s “self” observing life from one perspective and that of being aware of one’s unlimited higher self at the same time. This is the key perplexity which the phase 4 faces in this evolutionary process, as their enlightenment continues to grow and expand.

Phase 5: God Consciousness

Once the phase four has fully accepted his or her humanity and divinity simultaneously he or she evolves into God consciousness. Fully aware that God is everywhere and everything, in and through all things, is never-changing yet ever-expanding, eternal, and only the greatest goodness.

There is no longer any of the confusion of separateness which is felt by the phase 4, as the idea of the oneness of self and the source of all life is understood and embraced.

In phase 5 one can experience the full range of life on this planet as well as beyond, finding new ways to integrate with both ends of the spectrum of all life and all its unlimited possibilities.

Phase 6: Unity Consciousness

In the sixth phase of spiritual growth, you are aware that everything (EVERYTHING) including everyone, all things seen and unseen, possibly experienced and not yet experienced, past, present, and future, on the planet and unlimitedly beyond is all one and the same.

Everything is fully integrated. You are God experiencing life from a unique perspective and there is no disconnection from anyone of anything in this experience.

Phase 7: Ascension

This phase is the passing from this dimension to another which may, or may not, be accompanied by death. As the evolution of the human continues there may be the ability to move freely among all dimensions and worlds at will while still retaining your own unique consciousness.