It’s Hard to Talk to People

Being among the evolving awakened can make it more difficult to engage in a positively conducive conversation with someone who is not privy to your enlightened perspective. It’s hard to talk to people as if you’re a stranger in a strange land and only visiting this planet.

You may have a rudimentary recollection, understanding those around you, but they have no idea who you are becoming. You might look the same but you’re quite different, now. You are evolving and your level of understanding is quite different from the standard Earth’s inhabitant at present.

It occurs to you that you might like it if some of your contemporaries could join you on this evolutionary journey, but it’s not the kind of thing you can simply talk someone into because they have no frame of reference and find it extremely difficult to understand the mysteries you have discovered by unlocking them with the secret codes within your evolving DNA.

There is no feasible way to communicate your discoveries in a way the unenlightened can correctly perceive them. Understanding is just not possible unless the divine spark within them begins to energize their own evolutionary process, even then, their growth and expansion will take place in completely different ways than yours, for each awakening and the path which follows is individually unique.

As your life becomes more heart-centric, it becomes easier to see how ego-centric others are, and you can have compassion for them, because that’s how you were, too, prior to your evolutionary awakening. You understand what is happening when you sit amongst a group of people who can talk for hours about all the things wrong with other people and this life.

The ego sees itself as the center of the universe and sees everything outside of itself as being of less value and significance, putting down anything else it can find to make itself (feel) even more superior.

You can observe them asserting their superiority over everything going on around them, the people and things within their circle of influence and those with no connection to them whatsoever. You understand this as the ego, in a sense, trying to justify their lives as being separate from other beings and all things. An effective method of social engineering which has proven to be effective over time. Until awakening, the idea of everyone and everything being part of one and the same (extension of God), and seeing nothing as broken, wrong, bad, or evil in this world, is not likely possible.

Conversationally, your interaction with others will take on a different flavor. You realize that you are but a reflection to others of themselves, for if they find fault with you, are accusatory, or are disrespectful toward you, you understand it has nothing to do with you in the “real world.” They are only responding to seeing the reflection of their own shortcomings, inadequacies, and hidden secrets within themselves. Who could blame them?

They are doing the best they can with what they have, besides they are also part of God, to be loved and honored by you while also being an extension of you, so you can have compassion, empathy, and respect for we are all one.

You have grown and expanded onto the version of who you’ve become so far, and see the universe with a renewed sense of wonder. You can continue to grow, expand, and coexist on a world that may be difficult to relate to at times, without being confused or perplexed by the vast differences in the perceptions of its inhabitants.

This evolutionary process of the human being is in its early stages, and you are blessed to be a part of it. At some point, in the near future when this continued expansion reaches critical mass, the entire world will fall into sacred sync. Until then, you are part of the chosen minority, yet also part of the emerging evolutionary wave of advanced humanity.

You have the ability to compassionately carry on a conversation without judgment because you love, honor, and respect your fellow human beings, who are a pre-evolutionary part of you.

Your Deepest Darkest Secrets

What is the most important secret in your life? That secret that you would protect from others at any cost? There are basically two types of secrets, those which are of light and life, and those which would be more associated with darkness and death. Of which substance is your most tightly held secret?

You most tightly held secret influences and is reflected upon and permeates your life, determining how you will navigate and interact with the rest of the world.

By holding onto a deeply held negative secret, your natural abilities to thrive deteriorate and your mind exerts a great deal of energy to discover and implement processes which can be deployed to help overcome the loss of your natural ability to thrive.

These schemes employ a wide variety of methods and have varying degrees of efficacy in producing the quality of life you feel you are (and you are) entitled to.

Through trickery and sleight of hand you are able to manifest things and circumstances which will provide for you the life you want, or at least a version of it which is pleasing enough to you. No one knows more than you, how much your life is built on illusion. You can become a master of illusion, in a sense, becoming the master illusionist of your own life.

Or, if you do not have a propensity to engage in the magic of illusion, you may sink into a dark despair and depression, while your mind and your body devolve into desperation, disease and death. Of course, these are two ends of the spectrum experienced by those who harbor deep and dark negative secrets inside themselves.

Keeping negatively-charged secrets, the avoidance of the, the pushing down and locking away of them can keep them

If you struggle with harboring these deep dark secrets, there is hope. You can, by accessing the multitude of endless possibilities, set yourself free of you hidden past, by embracing your true divine nature.

If you go beyond the depths of your dark past, you will discover underneath all the trauma of your past is a sacred being who is who you really are. You came to this earth holy and flawless. Since then you have accumulated a lifetime of experiences which have separated you from who you really are.

You have built a fortress of impenetrable ideals which have served to protect you from the damage incurred by your past. The pushing down and covering up of these hidden traumas has served you for a moment, in a sense giving you ways and means to isolate you from the pain, so that you can make it through life with some sense of sanity, but this is only an illusionary therapeutic approach.

These experiences have left you with festering wounds that will poison you, your soul, as you keep these things buried deep within your psyche.

The more you connect with your divinity, the more you can begin to see the things that have hurt you in the past from a higher perspective.

If you could see the darkest parts of you from God’s perspective, you can begin to see the sacredness in all things for suffering does not come without blessing. That is the divine nature of all life. The hardest turmoil leads to the most incredible blessings, if you will allow the sacred fruit to be born from your trials and tribulation.

You can do this by exploring your past by studying your past with your higher self, in a sense, looking through the eyes of God.

As you become more aware of and connected to your higher self, you can begin to take divine action influencing all areas of your life with goodness and mercy. You find ways to influence the world for good by basking in your own sacredness and spread love by being more gracious.

True love starts with gratitude for all things and leads to inspired action of doing good deeds and random acts of kindness. These inspired acts help you to imagine your unlimited potential, and the more you explore your infinite sacred self, you expand and evolve.

As you evolve your life moves from being centered around your mind (which as you now know does not really serve your highest and best potential) and your life gets more based on the central nervous system which originates and emanates from your heart.

Opening your heart and connecting it to the source of all life really does open you up to unlimited possibilities in your life for increased health, wellness, quality of life and longevity. Your body starts to rebuild, regenerate and heal itself of anything that does not serve your highest and best.

The more spiritual you become the more your divinity permeates all that you are even on a cellular level and throughout your DNA.

Your heart’s sacred connection to the source of all life imbues you with the same power that creates worlds and things that you thought were impossible before are now imaginable, and if you can imagine it, you have the ability to manifest your dreams, right here, in 3D.

When your deepest darkest secrets are illuminated by the light of true love, your life becomes a reflection of your love light which greatly affects not your world but the whole world around you.

He’s So Successful He Sucks

When you see someone being successful or enormously happy, it’s common for jealousy to rise up inside you and you’re likely to voice your disapproval by uttering something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” This is learned behavior. It is your ego revving up to justify your lot in life, so you don’t feel so bad about where you are in your struggle to get by.

We all do the same thing when we feel threatened by someone else’s success or happiness in our less-evolved state because the ego runs the show and has been trained to keep us small (which it thinks means “safe”) to protect us.

Your ego is threatened by anything which may result in the death of you, but let’s face it, it gets a little out of balance. For of us, the ego is just as threatened of embarrassment or failure as it is of being held at gunpoint.

If you’re in the process of awakening, the struggle between your ego and your heart becomes more apparent as your inclination to lead with your heart increases. The ego insists that the chasm between people or thought processes be as wide as possible to keep us increasingly separated from one another.

For instance, the ego looks at all religions (thought processes) as being in conflict with each other, so it focusses on all the intricacies that make them different from each other. This negative attention widens the gap, so much that participants will argue, fight, even kill each other over these differences, separating themselves even more.

Then, there is the perspective of the heart, which varies vastly from the perspective of the ego. The heart sees all religion (and even non-religion) as one and the same. We are all varied parts of the same whole which make us healthfully complete in a world otherwise gone wild.

Interestingly, this dichotomy exists also among people. The ego says, “He looks different,” focusses on the differences, is threatened by them, amplifies them, and finds ways to convince you that you are better than that person because of the way you look, plus any other supporting data which may be spun in your direction to make you feel superior (more separated).

While the heart looks at that person noticing the differences, honors and blesses them as another part of the same whole. The heart does not see anything as superior or inferior, it is not frightened or fearful. The heart knows only love. Anything which is not love, does not originate from the central nervous system inside the heart.

We see the same thing happening among the social stations in life. The wildly successful people are assumed to be a threat, dangerous, or evil. If your station in life is far enough removed from someone your attention is focused on, you might say something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” or some variation thereof, or otherwise, demonize them.

Your ego might think you’re more deserving of those resources than he (or she) is and may even plot to find ways to cause the fall of such an evil person, imprison, or kill him or her.

The heart, on the other hand, blesses them and loves you through this noticing that someone is doing better than you are, right now. Instead of finding ways to put them down, might whisper to your conscious that if he or she could accomplish such feats, you could too, if you so desired.

This is the truth, you can do, be, and have anything your heart desires.

Led by your overactive ego you can devastate others and your environment to take what you want from others.

Or, led by your heart, you can bless those that went before, use them for inspiration, and find ways to manifest your desire from the most powerful force in the universe, pure love.

Some people are more led by the ego than others. In fact, the majority of people on the planet are more egocentric, but the heart is awakening, and this evolutionary expansion of the human race is growing and changing the world as we know it.

You are a part of that change.

You Are the Result of What Works for You

Life is a series of learnings from trial and error. You are the result of what works for you. It starts from birth. If, as a baby, you cried and got what you wanted, you learned that’s what works for you. If you cried and that did not work for you, maybe you discovered that being unusually quiet worked better for you.

On and on it goes, as you discover how to get what you want. Left to itself, this trial and error system of discovery molds you into the person that you are as you enter adulthood. Without some sort of intervention or personal exploration, you will be forever hardwired as this version of yourself.

So it is with each and every one of us, we are all a product of the lives we live. It is not unreasonable for you to expect others to respect this about you. It’s not much of a stretch from the idea that who you are is the result of a lifetime of learning how to get what you want, to respecting others as being the result of how they have learned what works for them.

If you can keep this in mind as you encounter individuals with their different personality traits, you can become more tolerant of everyone’s right to approach situations, circumstances, and relationships with others in way that can be highly varied to the way you might respond or operate.

This is the primary aspect of tolerance, accepting people for who they are, honoring each individual’s journey they have traveled, allowing them to be who they are, without judgment or expectation that they be like you. For no one can be like you. Let’s face it, you’re one of a kind. Beyond that, not only is each of us unique one from the other, we are also extremely connected, and ultimately one, individual yet all comprising the sum of all the parts.

Not unlike the human body.

Our bodies are all comprised of billions of individual components. The body is a whole, yet is the sum of many individual cells all working for the common good, to serve the body. Each cell is individual and replicates itself throughout the system.

Every once and a while, a cell gets out of control and exerts its right to dominate the other cells in the body and will thrive at the expense of all the other cells, throwing the cellular synchronization of the body out of balance as it fights for dominance. This is cancer.

Just as in the body, our society is full of individuals who seek to dominate others at any expense, without regard for others’ right to life. This is social cancer.

Unbeknownst to us, your trial and error life’s learning process may have turned you into a cancerous cell in society. If you, or someone you know, has been hardwired to be societal cancer, there is still hope.

All cancers need not be all-consuming or fatal forever.

Eradicating social cancer is an option, but we cannot just kill off all the cancerous individuals in our world. We can, however, love and support them, which could be hugely beneficial (chances are, they have little capacity for love because it was not a part of their lifetime of learning).

Love is the most powerful healing energy in the world and there is no doubt it has the ability to reverse the effects of any cancer, even to transform a malignant cancerous cell into a healthy cell, or at the very least, a benign cancer cell. But, the societal cancer cell must be willing to participate because each of us has free will, which once initiated can block any positive potential to change.

There are other societal mechanisms in place which may intervene in the hopes of reprogramming social cancers of particular types. While they are temporarily effective at relieving the negative pressure imposed by someone who is out of control, there is a very high rate of recidivism which means that following intervention, it is very likely that they will return to their cancerous lifestyle.

Though there are many kinds of interventions. In my experience, a hugely impactful religious experience can have a significant transformative effect on an otherwise cancerous individual turning them into a healthy reproductive cell benefiting the community and the whole of humanity.

This love-powered spiritual transformation has the lowest degree of recidivism known to man, statistically at present. Regardless of how you feel about structured religion, it’s effects on the metamorphosis of otherwise negatively-charged human beings is undeniable.

You may, as an individual expansion explorer, be able to have an equally impactful influence on such an individual but you must have their permission and blessing to do so, or else they would not be receptive to any efforts you may exert on their behalf in the long term.

Another transformative scenario includes the awakening of an individual who could be (or potentially be) a cancerous individual. On their own accord, without the influence of others, this person seeks out their own transformation, growth, and expansion, based on their own personal exploration.

The statistics are not in, yet, on this new area of awakening, self-growth, and expansion, but the anecdotal evidence is impressive, and it is an active process of human evolution.

So, if you’re feeling like you are the result of what works for you, you are. But your story does not end there. In fact, this is where the most exciting part of your evolutionary story begins.

Alienation by Intimidation

One of the dangers of being a part of the evolving human race is that you isolate yourself from others while actively involved in your personal expansion. You want to avoid alienation by intimidation. Back in the day, we used phrases, like, “Don’t become so spiritually-minded that you’re no earthly good.”

Or encouraging particular believers to put forth one’s best efforts to be “in the world but not of the world.” Which basically means, you play along with those who don’t get it. The old (barbarian) approach to winning others over to your particular thought process at any cost is falling by the wayside. Plus, no one was ever saved via debate. It’s a perfect waste of otherwise positive energy, which turns negative far too much of the time.

As you’re evolving, you are growing and changing. You’re seeing things that people who are not part of the evolutionary process are unable to conceive of or see.

You are cautioned not to let your flag fly in such a way as to be insensitive, appear to be arrogant, unintentionally appear to be narcissistic, or insinuate that you are better than anyone else.

Let’s face it, you are a more powerful being in the world than ever before, yet you want to remain humble, else you face potential alienation by intimidation.

Honoring others and being tolerant of their right(s) and ability to do the best they can with what they have at any point in time, much the way that you might desire them to respect you for where you are in your life’s journey.

What you can do, is to be aware of key areas of your personality which might intimidate others, characteristics which may be pushing people away. This may not be your intention.

For instance, the “Woe is me,” attitude which is shared by the unevolved is fading from your consciousness. When you are faced with a problem, you have the skills to asses the problem and apply solutions that you may not have been inclined to do before out of fear. Also, any potential fear of failure is dissipating as you are building your confidence and competence.

People in your circle of influence cannot help but notice this change in you, and it’s intimidating to them because they have not come to this place. So, when you’re in a position to demonstrate your new skillset(s) take others into consideration.

Don’t assert that you are better than anyone else or put others down for not being able to stop whining and just get things done. Rather, consider giving them an opportunity to lend a hand in the situation. If you’ve come up with a great idea to solve a problem, why not say to your neighboring worrier, “Let’s work on this together,” instead of just doing it all yourself without saying a word?

“But then I won’t get all the credit,” says that old egoic voice from the past. As you become more a part of the new human evolution it becomes so much less about you and so much more about things getting done, edifying others, and empowering them to shine.

Other characteristics which will be showing up that may lead to alienation by intimidation include being more honest and open without being intimidated by the concerns of others. This can appear to be disrespectful and rude.

Just take a few seconds and consider how your words might be affecting your audience. You can speak your truth without being frank or rude, just temper your words with kindness. Then people will be more likely to listen to what you have to say, rather than just cut you off for being insensitive.

You are experiencing a new passion for about everything in life, the things you enjoy are more fun, your relationships are more meaningful, your perspective on life is more positive, you feel better about yourself and your place in the world. Your senses are heightened as everything to see, taste, smell, hear, and touch is more intense than before.

When you are engaged in activities which you are passionate about this may frighten onlookers. Again, try to tone it down a bit. You can let people watch you do your thing without having to share too much about what you are doing. Let those who are taking interest in your activities watch (or peek) and let those who are curious ask questions. Try to answer without going into too much detail, because that can be intimidating. Just answer their questions briefly and move on, unless they ask more questions. (smiley face)

Speaking of curiosity, now that you’re expanding, you are more curious than ever. You will find yourself talking to people and questioning them about everything because you want access to the raw data to make comparisons about who you are and what that means to the world around you.

Most people build walls around themselves and are afraid of exposing who they really are to anyone else because they’ve been hurt in the past. Of course, you can relate to that, but it’s easy to forget once you’ve moved beyond having to live in fear any longer. Now, you can be more open and honest about yourself, essentially with nothing to hide, and sometimes you just expect everyone to be on the same page as you are.

You are a visionary and it’s easy to see in your mind’s eye what you want, and you have the ability to create a map to get from where you are to where you want to be. Things are coming to you more effortlessly. You are content, happier, and moving into abundance, enabling you to live a better life.

This freaks out your neighbors as they see you becoming more prosperous. The “have nots” tend to become haters of the “haves.” Do continue to prosper, just try to retain some humility about, so as not to threaten others who have not come to realize that they, too, could be enjoying life as much as you in their own evolutionary process.

Your mind is completely wide open because you are no longer in fear of having your beliefs challenged. The thought or idea that “everything is true” or exists within the truth continuum is a scary proposition for those who live in lives of fear. Continue to be open to all the endless possibilities but keep in mind and honor the limited perspective of others as you do so.

Remember that no one is wrong, and support everyone’s right to their own point of view regardless of how limited or expansive it might be.

Your relationships have evolved along with you and this can cause people to freak out, especially those who are (or were) close to you. You’ve probably moved some people outside your inner circle for a variety of reasons.

You are no longer content to waste the hours away, laughing, joking, talking behind others’ backs, or waiting for a group mindset in meeting after meeting to come to single-mindedness (which could take forever or never happen at all) before moving ahead. You gravitate more toward people who are more decisive and proactive, the movers and shakers.

Relationships which have little value, waste time and tend to keep you from achieving your highest and best have little interest for you anymore, and you are finding yourself annoyed by people who talk, talk, talk, but never do anything, and less tolerant of those who have little or no integrity or are deceitful.

You no longer fear opening yourself up intimately with others. You no longer live in a world of fear because your life is increasingly becoming dominated by true love, unconditional love, and this includes allowing everyone to be who they are, without judgment or fear. Letting people be who they are, loving and blessing them as they find their own way.

You can continue to evolve without having a negative impact on the surrounding community, reducing potential alienation by intimidation by honoring those around you as you do so while being mindful of where they are on their life’s journey.

For, after all, we’re doing the best we can with what we have. Right?

You’re Awakening Not Going Crazy

People generally do not begin the process of awakening which is the precursor to the ebbing evolutionary tide of humanity. While it is a wave, it hits us all at different times and frequencies. When we are initially impacted with an awakening it can instantaneous, abrupt, and shocking to recognize for the first time that things are not as they appear. You could easily begin to lose your mind, and that is exactly what you need.

You may panic. This is the first line of defense of your ego which has been running the show since you were born. Now your heart consciousness explodes and even if only for a moment you get a glimpse of real life and all its possibilities, it can be overwhelming.

If you’re not ready or caught off guard, you could wake up in a hospital or jail, as your ego fights with every mental, physiological, biological, and emotional tool it has access to in an effort to preserve itself and its host: You. For it knows, if the heart consciousness is to emerge in all its glory, the ego must die.

Chaos can ensue in the bloom of your awakening. The contrast between light and dark is ever apparent and up to this moment, the very fabric of your being was convinced that dark is all there ever was. It was comfortable. You exerted great effort to find ways to make it feel like home. Prior to awakening, your world was everything.

Until that moment you are blinded by the burst of brightest light imaginable in a shocking blast. Frightening, to say the least, for anyone. Not to worry,

You’re awakening
Not going crazy

At this point, you basically have two choices; to embrace the awakening and try to find ways to deal with your expansion and evolution, or to reject it. Shut it down. Cover it up. Pretend it didn’t happen and find ways to snuggle back into the life society and your ego built for you. A little denial and self-medication might get you from here to there.

No enlightened being would judge you for making either choice.

Those who have witnessed your struggle in this moment may judge you, especially if they are unenlightened. Those who live in the darkness would certainly criticize you and try every means possible to bring you back into the fold. They might disrespect you, call you names, punish you, diagnose you with mental disorders, and drug you back into your life in the shadows, using force, if necessary.


Maybe you’re not ready to evolve. Maybe you are. Maybe it’s just too much to ask anyone at this time, or any time, for that matter. Maybe you just want to be “normal.” If now is not the time for you, another time will come. Maybe you’ll be better prepared in your next moment of momentary clarity. Maybe not. This is your journey, you are writing your story.

This evolutionary process of awakening and heart-centered conscious expansion is happening every day. “Normal” is shifting as more and more people awaken. When human evolution reaches critical mass, that shift will permeate every living being.

At that point, the world we live in will be a very different place.

Today, you can choose to be a part of the evolution, or not. There is no judgment here. We celebrate you and your story however it unfolds.

Hope your first glimpse of the truth as not too shocking for you. At least you can rest assured that you’re awakening, not going crazy.

Love and peace to you and yours.

Terrestrial Angels Are You One?

There are many types of angels. Commonly recognized are angels in heaven (celestial angels), fallen angels who may include demons or spirit beings of malicious nature, and then (among others) there are the terrestrial angels. Are you one?

Terrestrial angels are natural born human beings who are of both human and angelic decent. These hybrid beings are coming into our world at an ever-increasing rate. They are assisting in the expansion and evolution of us into the next generation of humans who will populate our world in the future.

In this most exciting of all times of human existence, this evolutionary transformation will take place as new generations are born who are more evolved, or the metamorphosis from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 can take place amidst any human’s lifetime.

The growing influence of terrestrial angels is more prevalent these days and we can see the changes taking place before our very eyes as we notice the vast difference between the primitive contemporary humans who dominate our world’s population, and the emerging more advanced, heart-centered individuals who naturally embrace a higher consciousness.

You can easily tell the difference between the less evolved human and a human who possesses angelic DNA (so to speak). They are fully human but are fairly awkward at trying to fit in as society exerts all its efforts to force them to conform to Human 2.0 standards.

All the efforts of our planet’s social engineers are focused on the dumbing down of naturally-born Human 3.0’s and no expense is spared in the prevention of this evolutionary process. Nonetheless, terrestrial angels, the evolution and expansion of the human race continues.

The evolution of the human race cannot be stopped by human beings.

Terrestrial Angels
Are You One?

Terrestrial angles and those who share their genetic expanded consciousness and spiritual nature are coming into the world at a more rapid rate and we are seeing them appear as some of them are labeled as Indigo or Crystal children. They are categorically and naturally less interested in all the social programming and drama associated with it and are resistant to being controlled by intimidation and fear tactics, unlike Human 2.0.

You can easily recognize them, not only by their inability to fit in, but their natural tendency to be attracted to more spiritual ideals. They are often attracted to the arts and have natural abilities to express themselves in the arts, which is driven by the expanded love-capacity of their hearts.

Their more highly-evolved capacity for love and heart-centered intuition helps to defend themselves against being manipulated or controlled by social engineers. This expanded awareness allows them to see the inconsistencies in what others have come to accept and believe as, “The way it is.” They have an inner knowingness that what has been presented to them is not the way it is, nor is it the “way it’s supposed to be.”

They cannot be easily fooled and are likely to voice their noticing that things are not as they appear.

You will feel like you’re from another planet, because… well, you really are. Even so, you are not an alien. You are more human with a greater degree of the divine in you genetic and spiritual makeup. You are more connected with your higher self.

If you have terrestrial angelic blood running in your veins, you have an aversion to any act of violence. Due to feeling as though you just don’t fit in, even though you’re trying, you find yourself apologizing a lot to those around you.

You are likely to trust most every other human you encounter, and you will be very surprised to discover that any human could be untrustworthy, as you learn to make your own way through the maze of this earthly life.

Your increased capacity for love may have you finding yourself in awkward romantic relationships due to your ability to accept others and love unconditionally.

You are not perfect. That’s for sure. But you’re making progress as you try to maintain balance between your humanity and your divine nature. It is awkward, to say the least, but you have a conscious confidence that you know you can do this, and that your existence is necessary (even in the smallest way) for the further evolution of those who inhabit this planet.

You are highly sensitive, probably don’t like being in crowds or be the focus of attention but will often find ways to rise to the occasion if for the betterment of others.

Those who are terrestrial angels or their descendants who carry the evolutionary structure are probably heavier in weight than those who are lesser-evolved and highly influenced by society’s dictating of what should a beautiful (skinny) body should look like.

You will find them gravitating toward occupations which are nurturing and supportive in nature, such as nursing, teachers, coaches, counselors, consultants, and are often interested in natural health alternatives and healing practices. They are compelled to offer help to  others who are struggling with life’s issues.

They want to encourage others to embrace the best things in life, find peace and joy, let go of life’s entrapments and chains of the past, and live a better life in more freedom and love.

Onthe other hand, terrestrial angels often have a dark, difficult, or traumatic past, which causes them anxiety that needs to be tended to, so they do not suffer needlessly from past wounds. Left to themselves, these wounds could fester and spread disease throughout their body, causing them to degenerate, devolve into Human 2.0, or die prematurely.

To all the terrestrial angels and their descendants:

You are love
You are loved
You are welcome here

And we are grateful for your participation in the evolution of our people and this planet.

Making Our Own Way to Love

Love is the doorway which leads to your best life and beyond.

It’s hard to imagine what is on the other side of the unknown.

As much as you might like to fantasize or think you have a full understanding of love, what love is, what love is not, you will never really know until you’ve basked in the fullness of true, authentic, unconditional love in all its power and glory.

Everyone’s journey to love and beyond is individual and unique to each person who seeks to discover the fullness and veracity of love.

When I run into people along my path to love and beyond, we might share a great many things in common, are able to communicate more deeply with an understanding about love and what love is and share many experiences which have commonalities. Even so, our journeys have been so incredibly different in so many ways.

It never ceases to amaze me how we all support, encourage, and nudge each other along, and end up crossing paths along the way. We all find our way to particular places, events, and thought patterns in time but have all arrived by completely different roadmaps.

I enjoy interacting with people who have found their way to similar mindsets who can share their stories and takeaways from their journey and see how it shares commonality and individual uniqueness in comparison to mine.

I am in awe at how the universe brings people together or helps them attain a similar conclusion via completely different paths.

The power of love is the common denominator. It overcomes all geographic distance, personality differences, economic histories, and places all people, places, things, events, and circumstances on a level playing field if your heart is open, and your soul is evolving.

I can feel when I have veered off-track when I feel bad. If I am afraid, feel oppressed, disrespected, or feel as though I have been victimized. If I feel like someone has abused or manipulated me, I know I am in need of a love adjustment.

Once fully repositioned in the power of love, I am impervious, can only see the love in those around me, and can find compassion for their position, even support them, wherever they are in their own evolution, or the lack thereof.

Only love has the power to overcome anything standing between you and the desires of your heart.

Unlike other venues in life, we who are on the path of personal evolution, do not have a hierarchy of control. No one is greater than another, yet together we all are evolving into that higher version of ourselves, and we’re all doing it in ways that are highly individualized and unique.

Each of us is making our own way to love. There is no right way to do it. There is no wrong way to evolve in love. There are infinite ways to evolve in love, and the one that is right for you, even though you may share similarities with others who are also in the process of love’s evolution, is vastly different and perfectly aligned with you and your journey.

While Human v424 has served us well (and especially the “powers that be,” if you can even continue to refer to them as such) in the past, this new, more highly evolved human, whose evolution we are a part of, is less likely to submit to being controlled and manipulated, like our more primitive peers.

All of this makes this critical stage of human evolution a bit more complicated. Much of the evolutionary process is very personal and private, hidden away from those who would dissuade us from allowing or encourage anyone to participate in such a nonsensical preoccupation.

Even though we are discouraged from making our own way to love, we persist, and more and more love abounds in our society, and as this power of love continues to grow, the system, by which we were controlled and manipulated by, becomes less and less sustainable.

The day is coming when the world we live in will no longer be able to exist. The power of love will continue to grow, and we will evolve into a world where fear and separation will no longer be the status quo, and we will be free to grow and expand individually and collectively.

So, keep on keeping on, and please feel free to reach out to me, and others, as we all encourage each other to take that next step into the new world which is anxiously awaiting our arrival.

We are all making our own way to love, and beyond…

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Growth Amidst Chaos

When you’re trying to stay focused on your balancing and maintenance of personal, professional, and spiritual growth, many distractions abound to break your stride, interrupting your maturation and expansion.

As you turn your attention toward maintaining your love vibration and protect your sacred space, circumstances, challenges, and situations crash into your otherwise upwardly mobile progress by any means possible, using the manmade distractors such as “the news,” TV, media, personal communication devices, Google, social media, books, magazines, celebrity gossip, money hardship, relationships with others, or other emotional stressors.

The crux of your growth and expansion is to focus your attention within, yet there are so many methods which society and the “powers that be” utilize to keep you so distracted that staying in the zone for any amount of time is difficult at best.

Taking time to center yourself in quiet repose can give you the pause necessary to adequately review the events of your life in the recent past (yesterday, last week, last month) to give you a good idea about which distractions have the greatest distractibility quotient over you. This recognition sheds light on the areas in your life that may need tending to.

“Everything was going along great, then all of a sudden…”

Whatever comes after that helps to identify particular weaknesses or chinks in your armor. With a little attention to these areas you can repair the damage, or eliminate altogether, any future risk of penetration.

And if that weren’t enough, there’s enough discord among the faith systems of the world to keep you utterly confused about which way to go, as you’re trying to make your own way while staying true to your own purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Everyone has their own idea of how you should approach your spiritual relationship with the ultimate power of the universe, but others are not aware enough to know that while their path may be a perfect match for where they are in their own journey, it may not be perfect for you. In fact, someone else’s path may actually be counterproductive for your continued growth and expansion; another distraction.

The perfect clue to help you identify that someone else’s faith-system is not for you and does not support your highest and best will be the degree of pressure they impose upon you to convert or conform to their point of view. If their insistence is unfailing, threatening, borderline abusive, or destructive, common sense dictates this is not the path of love’s growth and expansion.

Love’s growth and expansion includes the divinity of all forms of life in all their various styles and perspectives, all in various stages of awakening. Even though some may be stagnant, immature, against the flow, or even considered to be controlling, predatory, or evil, all are perfectly divine in their own way.

Separateness keeps us divided, does not support expansive growth, makes humanity stagnate, and is unsustainable, while allowing other people and their ideas simply “to be” while finding more ways to grow and expand one’s self, understanding that we are individuals, yet “one” in love, is the current evolutionary process of the human race.

How we interact with others reveals the nature of our emotional/spiritual condition. If your approach is to either accept like-minded people and reject those who present different approaches to life, you could do better. A fully engaged love vibration will have you seeing the sacredness in all life. The contrast actually helps to promote the evolution of humanity.

At some point, when the evolution hits critical mass, only love will be sustainable, and that which is not love will simply deteriorate and fade away. Until then, the best we can do is to love everyone and everything with all we’ve got, doing the best we can with what we have to move this expansive evolutionary process forward.

Don’t take things personally, find opportunities to accept what is, love and bless everyone and everything as you discover new methods of staying focused within yourself, tending to your own life and growth, while allowing others the same courtesy.

The distractions and interactions with others actually support your continued growth, if you increasingly approach all these things in love, and training your attention to focus on the sacred divinity of all things, while focusing on that which is good, beautiful, and loving.

Do It Right and Face Opposition

You’re going along in life, gathering like-minded friends and supporters along the way, and invariably, you will encounter the occasional individual who may not have your best interests at heart.

These are the relationships which cause you to grow, change, and encourages you to do the deep inner work necessary for your further expansion and exploration of the unlimited possibilities which are availing themselves to you.

You will encounter the occasional Judas, Benedict, psychopath, or horde of haters who will seek to betray, attack, knock you down, or cause you to stumble or second-guess yourself. All of this is uncomfortable, potentially unbearable, and if you face it in strength and honor, you will grow.

Being attacked and opposed means you’re probably doing it right. So, continue to do it right and face opposition. Acknowledge it, but don’t let is keep you from living a better life, your best life, and making the world a better place.

You may align yourself with people whom you love, trust and support who will sneak around to do dirt behind your back, and while the trust betrayal hurts, cuts like a knife, don’t give up.

And remember this; he or she is not your enemy. If you are dealing with a psychopath (or some other predator on the Antisocial Personality Disorder Spectrum) this person may hope to be labeled as your enemy, he or she is not.

Do your best not to engage in battle with someone whose intent is to stop your work or ministry, to keep you from achieving your highest and best. Ignore them. You are better than that.

You never have to respond to someone’s rude comments or false accusations. To do so would only be a distraction. Haters are gonna hate, and you will be challenged, betrayed, or threatened along the way in an attempt to keep you from accomplishing your mission.

There will be those who will try to knock you down and others may join in the kicking you while you are down. It’s an unfortunate display of our barbarian human nature to revel in the weakened condition of someone who weild(ed) great potential otherwise. These attacks are usually accompanied with a resounding, “Not so cocky now, are you?”

Even those whom you regard as your closest friend, confidant, partner, or lover may not be as supportive as you might think. You will encounter the occasional individual who has only his or her best interests at heart, and you will find them exiting your paradigm at the worst possible time, leaving you to wonder what happened?

Some people will just be playing along to get everything that they can, just to take what they can and run off to hide it away or promote their own agenda, sometimes at your expense.

A good partner is hard to find, and you will find yourself in these challenges because the work you are doing, the life you are leading, your mission is progressively leading edge love-technology which is approaching the tipping point between where the human race is today and where it will be tomorrow.

There are a great many people, including the most powerful and influential people on this planet, who desire nothing more than to see you falter, question yourself, throw you off balance, even destroy you, if you cannot easily be distracted, angered, or otherwise compromised.

You are in the process of metamorphosis. You are expanding into the greatest version of yourself, and the “powers that be” want to quash your efforts at every opportunity. People with low self-esteem will seek to make themselves feel a little better by attacking you, while minions will attempt to profit from your efforts.

Bless those who try to stand in your way because they are only doing the best they can with what they have. Continue to progress and grow in love, in the realization that if you were that person, having lived the life that he or she has lived up to that point, you would have said or done the very same thing.

It’s not about you, it’s about them. So, don’t take it personally, no matter how personal it feels.

You are the champion of the burgeoning evolution of humanity. The day will come when all of this will change, and you are part of the change.

Keep moving forward with dignity and grace. This is your highest and best work, be your highest and best you.

Don’t let them get to you and keep doing the good work.

The world needs you, now more than ever.

For more information, see: Trust Betrayal dot com.