He’s So Successful He Sucks

When you see someone being successful or enormously happy, it’s common for jealousy to rise up inside you and you’re likely to voice your disapproval by uttering something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” This is learned behavior. It is your ego revving up to justify your lot in life, so you don’t feel so bad about where you are in your struggle to get by.

We all do the same thing when we feel threatened by someone else’s success or happiness in our less-evolved state because the ego runs the show and has been trained to keep us small (which it thinks means “safe”) to protect us.

Your ego is threatened by anything which may result in the death of you, but let’s face it, it gets a little out of balance. For of us, the ego is just as threatened of embarrassment or failure as it is of being held at gunpoint.

If you’re in the process of awakening, the struggle between your ego and your heart becomes more apparent as your inclination to lead with your heart increases. The ego insists that the chasm between people or thought processes be as wide as possible to keep us increasingly separated from one another.

For instance, the ego looks at all religions (thought processes) as being in conflict with each other, so it focusses on all the intricacies that make them different from each other. This negative attention widens the gap, so much that participants will argue, fight, even kill each other over these differences, separating themselves even more.

Then, there is the perspective of the heart, which varies vastly from the perspective of the ego. The heart sees all religion (and even non-religion) as one and the same. We are all varied parts of the same whole which make us healthfully complete in a world otherwise gone wild.

Interestingly, this dichotomy exists also among people. The ego says, “He looks different,” focusses on the differences, is threatened by them, amplifies them, and finds ways to convince you that you are better than that person because of the way you look, plus any other supporting data which may be spun in your direction to make you feel superior (more separated).

While the heart looks at that person noticing the differences, honors and blesses them as another part of the same whole. The heart does not see anything as superior or inferior, it is not frightened or fearful. The heart knows only love. Anything which is not love, does not originate from the central nervous system inside the heart.

We see the same thing happening among the social stations in life. The wildly successful people are assumed to be a threat, dangerous, or evil. If your station in life is far enough removed from someone your attention is focused on, you might say something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” or some variation thereof, or otherwise, demonize them.

Your ego might think you’re more deserving of those resources than he (or she) is and may even plot to find ways to cause the fall of such an evil person, imprison, or kill him or her.

The heart, on the other hand, blesses them and loves you through this noticing that someone is doing better than you are, right now. Instead of finding ways to put them down, might whisper to your conscious that if he or she could accomplish such feats, you could too, if you so desired.

This is the truth, you can do, be, and have anything your heart desires.

Led by your overactive ego you can devastate others and your environment to take what you want from others.

Or, led by your heart, you can bless those that went before, use them for inspiration, and find ways to manifest your desire from the most powerful force in the universe, pure love.

Some people are more led by the ego than others. In fact, the majority of people on the planet are more egocentric, but the heart is awakening, and this evolutionary expansion of the human race is growing and changing the world as we know it.

You are a part of that change.

You’re Awakening Not Going Crazy

People generally do not begin the process of awakening which is the precursor to the ebbing evolutionary tide of humanity. While it is a wave, it hits us all at different times and frequencies. When we are initially impacted with an awakening it can instantaneous, abrupt, and shocking to recognize for the first time that things are not as they appear. You could easily begin to lose your mind, and that is exactly what you need.

You may panic. This is the first line of defense of your ego which has been running the show since you were born. Now your heart consciousness explodes and even if only for a moment you get a glimpse of real life and all its possibilities, it can be overwhelming.

If you’re not ready or caught off guard, you could wake up in a hospital or jail, as your ego fights with every mental, physiological, biological, and emotional tool it has access to in an effort to preserve itself and its host: You. For it knows, if the heart consciousness is to emerge in all its glory, the ego must die.

Chaos can ensue in the bloom of your awakening. The contrast between light and dark is ever apparent and up to this moment, the very fabric of your being was convinced that dark is all there ever was. It was comfortable. You exerted great effort to find ways to make it feel like home. Prior to awakening, your world was everything.

Until that moment you are blinded by the burst of brightest light imaginable in a shocking blast. Frightening, to say the least, for anyone. Not to worry,

You’re awakening
Not going crazy

At this point, you basically have two choices; to embrace the awakening and try to find ways to deal with your expansion and evolution, or to reject it. Shut it down. Cover it up. Pretend it didn’t happen and find ways to snuggle back into the life society and your ego built for you. A little denial and self-medication might get you from here to there.

No enlightened being would judge you for making either choice.

Those who have witnessed your struggle in this moment may judge you, especially if they are unenlightened. Those who live in the darkness would certainly criticize you and try every means possible to bring you back into the fold. They might disrespect you, call you names, punish you, diagnose you with mental disorders, and drug you back into your life in the shadows, using force, if necessary.


Maybe you’re not ready to evolve. Maybe you are. Maybe it’s just too much to ask anyone at this time, or any time, for that matter. Maybe you just want to be “normal.” If now is not the time for you, another time will come. Maybe you’ll be better prepared in your next moment of momentary clarity. Maybe not. This is your journey, you are writing your story.

This evolutionary process of awakening and heart-centered conscious expansion is happening every day. “Normal” is shifting as more and more people awaken. When human evolution reaches critical mass, that shift will permeate every living being.

At that point, the world we live in will be a very different place.

Today, you can choose to be a part of the evolution, or not. There is no judgment here. We celebrate you and your story however it unfolds.

Hope your first glimpse of the truth as not too shocking for you. At least you can rest assured that you’re awakening, not going crazy.

Love and peace to you and yours.

Dying to Self

It’s common for people who are on the path of personal growth to discover the biggest thing that stands between them and where they want to be is themselves. That part of themselves which is for the most part hidden from their conscious mind but more powerful than anything seen with the eyes. We call this your ego.

To you, this part of you feels like the most important thing in your life, as though it should be protected, guarded, adhered to, and obeyed at every instance. Your ego creates fear and paranoia at every opportunity and has you on alert for any hint of being disrespected or threatened and it has you on high alert, ready to fight or flee at any moment.

But this part of you is not that higher version of yourself which seeks to bestow upon you all the good things in life. That higher part of you that wants the best for you, encouraging you to want more, desiring to see you do things the easy way, instead of the hard way. It harkens you to achieve your highest and best.

When you witness someone so close to having the best things in life, then see them lost in a sea of helplessness with their hopes for a better life thwarted once again, if you’re compelled to think that he or she is his or her worst enemy, there is likely a self-destructive battle of the ego and pride going on behind the scenes.

You may have even found yourself saying, “I am my worst enemy,” and if you have, there’s a good chance your ego is the tiger you must tame to fully enjoy the good life.

Your ego is such an ever-present part of you who knows everything about you, every word spoken or unspoken, every feeling that you’ve ignored or tried to hide, every tear that’s ever fallen, and the only presence who has never abandoned you. It’s no wonder you’ve become so dependent upon it.

Your ego has assured you that it is the only essence which cares for you and seeks to protect you from that which seeks to destroy you, the lions, tigers, bears, and unseen things which are just waiting to ruin your life, keeping you in a constant state of fear.

The letting go of this protective and prideful part of yourself is frightening even to consider.

How can I live a life increasing the potential for vulnerability or danger? Surely, nothing good could come from that.

These are the thoughts your ego has cloaked itself in, to protect you from seeing its true nature.

Though the process may be grueling and not unlike suffering the prolonged dying of a loved one, letting go of the ego, connecting instead your love and life to that greater part of you, is not easy.

In fact, it’s referred to as a dying to self, which as you can imagine, could be quite traumatic.

Dying to self is a key component in religious, spiritual, personal growth, and conscious expansion. It is part of the emerging evolution of the human condition.

Every time a part of the ego dies, love (that every powerful, unlimited force of life) fills the void, your life gets a little easier, you experience a growing peace as life gets lighter and you find it easy to be happier for longer periods of time.

It’s not easy, and it’s not something you should consider running into haphazardly. Dying to self is serious business, and as the ego dies, there will be a grieving process, and that’s okay.

No one can really tell you how to conduct this process of dying to self and letting go of your ego.

This is your journey.

You can watch and learn from others who have gone before, but this business of letting go of your self which represents that barbarian part of our ancestors is highly unique unto you.

You must make your own way to your new, more enlightened, and evolved self which is waiting for your arrival.

No Love? You’re Why

Why is it so hard to wrap your head around unconditional love? No doubt, you want unconditional love. You want someone to love you no matter what, but when it comes to your loving someone else, it immediately turns to conditional love, or, “I’ll love you if…”

It might surprise you to discover that if you have no love, you’re why.

You are the reason you are not able to engage in unconditional love because it takes two; your partner and you. The you that keeps all the love you’ve ever imagined just beyond your reach.

Some people refer to this you as “ego.”

Your ego looks at love as a means to an end, a method to get whatever it is that you want, and to provide you with the sense of safety and security that you longed for as a child but rarely, if ever, received from your parent(s).

Chances are, you’ve looked for love in the past and it didn’t turn out the way you thought it would. You may have suffered a few of love’s wounds along the way, and your ego will collect every possible indicator culled from your past to prevent you from falling victim to love’s evil again.

This results in your gathering many (oh, so many) red flags as a method to protect you.

In my Awakening to True Love seminars, we discuss that unconditional love, the only true love, is about the giving of love. It requires nothing from those to whom it is given. True love is a free gift, without expectation of receiving anything in return.

To love unconditionally is to love no matter what you do, no matter what you say.

“Oh, hell no!” your ego shouts out.

Therein is the proof of it.

You want unconditional love, but your ego will not allow you to give it, therefore you can never have true love.

The ego can dress up a romantic affair to make it look and feel like love in an effort to extract a feeling of love or safety and security, but this illusion is not sustainable for long.

As soon as your ego feels the threat of not being able to sustain this love feeling, it will initiate various and sundry irritations, inconsistencies, conspiracies, suspicions, and demons to threaten your sense of wellbeing.

Your ego does not see it as your failure to connect deeply with this person, instead, it will do everything possible to make your partner the focus of your irritation and will exaggerate circumstances and your feelings until you are rescued from this relationship.

The love that you felt previously turns to fear and angst.

True love, your true love, will never come from someone else, it is drawn from an endless well of love which emanates from your heart, which is filled in unlimited capacity by the God of the universe.

If you can get a grasp of this, your ego will post up to guard the gates of your heart against you, with thoughts of “this is preposterous” because “How could the love you’ve been looking for your whole life be inside of you?”

To engage in true love is to surrender your “self” (your ego) and all that is to unconditional love.

In this state of being, all you are is love. Love is all that you see and feel no matter what. Even in the most desperate of circumstances, you can rise above it, see it for what it is, allow all the situations and players simply to be without judgment or blame; and love them and what is.

You can tell if you are in true love by the way that you feel. If you feel uncomfortable, fearful, at risk, or exposed to potential peril, you are not in the true love state. Unconditional love transcends that which is presented to us as a “cover story” or impending doom and gloom.

As more of us surrender to unconditional true love, a shift happens which resonates throughout the universe. At some point, this unconditional love will envelop our planet, and those who do not surrender to unconditional love will no longer be able to thrive.

Non-lovers will lose their power, fear will no longer serve them as a weapon, and they will find meaning in surrendering to true love, or they will deteriorate, and we will love them unconditionally, however they decide to live out their days.

For me and my house, we will love unconditionally.

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Kill Them All

When a megalomaniac doesn’t like the idea of other groups of people possessing opposing views, he or she might insist the dissidents be silenced with little regard to innocent casualties. “Kill them all!” was a swift and effective command of the Catholic Church during the Crusades for cleansing a geographic area of heretics. Trying to ascertain who might be Catholic or not in a targeted area was simply too time consuming and inefficient, so when the Pope was questioned about whether fellow Catholics might be killed in the attacks, he added, some form of, “God knows who are his,” to the command to kill them all.

Later, the phrase and similar basic idea was adopted by United States military special forces as, “Kill them all and let God sort them out.”

Similarly, the royal charge to silence dissidence, “Off with his head,” represents the most effective way to silence someone who is resistant to compliance, especially if the dissident has anything to say about it. This phrase was adopted by popular culture and is demanded by the Queen of Hearts in Carrol’s Alice in Wonderland.

Ever since Cain and Abel, when the human ego feels as though it has been slighted, disrespected, or has suffered an injustice, a swift killing is the most effective method of making things right.

Instantaneous death is admittedly the most effective way to silence someone who doesn’t think or believe like you do.

Your ego (my ego, all of our egos) wants others to think, believe, and feel the way it does, and the unrestrained ego expects and demands compliance. In fact, the unrestricted ego believes sudden death is suitable punishment for anyone (or anything) that gets in its way.

How early in life does this appear in life? Hang out and listen to an active playfield in at any grade school in the USA and you will hear at least one child whose ego has been the victim of an assault utter, “I will kill you,” or alternatively, “I hope you die,” or wishing sudden death visits one or more of his/her classmate(s).

While this may appear to be barbarian and you might like to think that we are too civilized these days to adopt such philosophies, assuming we are far more likely to suggest something more civil, like, “Lock him up and throw away the key,” because that is a far more enlightened response than suggesting someone lop his head off.

Yet, all the assertions of, “I am right,” and, “You are wrong,” and holding onto the expectation that anyone could truly align with someone else’s way of thinking is simply too far from logic to be conceived of. To kill, imprison, brainwash, or otherwise punish someone into compliance is not sustainable.

For instance, we, as a society, are imprisoning Americans at an increasing rate every year. In fact, if things don’t change and we keep incarcerating people at current increasing rates, in the next forty years, you will either be in prison or working for a prison. Unsustainable.

The courts maintain (much like the Pope during the Crusades) spending too much time, money, and effort to sort out the details is far more ineffective than making more rules and erring on the side of punishing innocents. In effect, “Jailing them all,” and let God figure it out.

This more civilized method of keeping our streets clean, and removing the free-thinking, non-compliant, poor, mentally-challenged, or undesirables from society seems to be a solution we all can live with. Or can we?

As the current human evolution continues, the more evolved or enlightened individuals realize that punishing people for not thinking the way we do is not the answer.

What is the answer?

Meet Your Ego

Ego is that part of us that insists on being right, asserts our correctness over anyone else’s being wrong. The ego will persuade you to argue or fight for what is perceived to be “right” in order to defend or justify the ego’s position. It is the ego which is commonly in opposition to the “heart” or that more spiritual component that often lies dormant within.


As the heart begins to awaken, becomes empowered to expand and influence the host (our bodies) its energy field increases affecting not only ourselves but, others, the environment and the world around us. The heart honors you (the real, authentic soul being who you are), powers your yearning for growth, expansion, peace and harmony and accesses forces and data unattainable by logic or linear thinking.

All the attributes of the heart are often locked away deep inside you, but as you awaken it can permeate your whole being, including every cell of your body, if you could allow to release it and let it flow. The one thing that can thwart the heart’s efforts to expand is the ego, threatened by the idea of selflessness, and will stop at nothing to restrain the heart by any means to preserve itself.

When approached with ideas, methods and tools that could enhance the expansion of the heart or spiritual awareness, the ego steps in, asserting, “What a bunch of hooey!” or some similar thought, flooding your mind with ideologies, concepts and words that threaten you, make you fearful or susceptible to the ridicule of others.

While your heart is trying to break out of its locked box, not only your mind but the entire society which surrounds us will attempt to dissuade you from allowing this inner growth to take place, as this is the mentality of the herd of egos by which we are surrounded.

Deciding to go allow your individual expansion may make you the black sheep in the fold and even though you may feel more and more that you are less and less a sheep, it might be prudent to not draw attention to your burgeoning enlightenment.

And it is here, that the ego will attempt to pull a fast-one on you.

When the ego has felt that it has lost the war of itself to your insistence to allow the expansion of the greater part of you, the ego will begin a campaign to throw the entire process off-track by making you not only differentiated from the rest of the sheep (though it is true that you are becoming decisively “different” in deed) but “better” than anyone else.

If the ego can convince you that you are superior to others because of your enlightenment, then it has won. The ego is now back in the saddle and will do whatever it can to reduce your effectiveness to the greater community, while restricting your access to continued personal growth.

Enlightenment is allowing that loving, compassionate, selfless part of you to expand so greatly that there is very little (if any) self left for the ego to battle for.

If you are interested, there are ways to deal with the ego.