This is Happening Now

This is happening now, and you are here. Every day is a new day, and we are evolving and expanding, individually and collectively, what an incredible time to be alive.

So, you’re just minding your own business, staying true to what you know, then someone with a similar resonance crosses your path on their way to pursue the fullness of their journey, and in that moment, the two become one.

Granted, this moment will not last for long, for our individual journeys are so, well, highly individualized, but how blessed are we to share a similar vibration with someone else along the way.

Here we are, in one of the most exciting times on our little blue planet, and if you are aware, you can see, witness, and possibly play an influential part in the current evolution of humanity.

What a fascinating time to be alive two see two worlds occupying the same space at the same time, each struggling for survival in their own ways.

I don’t know if there are any of us who have completely evolved, or that any of us ever could be from this point forward. Its as if the process, once you get fully open and in allowance of it, maybe there is no evolutionary destination, per se.

I have been so blessed to witness so many things amidst this evolutionary process, things I might have thought previously were a little crazy, or even not possible at all.

Being open to this process has left my consciousness open enough to see (and have some understanding of) things which were beyond my ability to experience, as I was limited to the 3D experience.

Now, I am feeling like there is so much more, and here I am in the thick of it, watching it all happen all around me. To anyone else, this might be overwhelming or appear as utter chaos, if you could see it all at once…

And here I sit, watching it all unfold, and see the sacred harmony of this moment in time. There is nothing more incredible to behold. Rarely, does a day go by, where I am not in awe of the utter magnificence of it all.

Then, there are the people, the very special people in my life, who I love and care for deeply, who have no idea about what is happening, or the potential they have in this place and time in our world. For the process is happening, but it requires the allowance of the host (you and me) for it to activate and let it take us to the next level.

There are so many of us frightened of what becoming a higher being might look like, then there are others who will stop at nothing (that means they’re likely to do or say anything) to stop this from happening at all.

Nonetheless, this is our destiny, to evolve and expand. What lies ahead? Who knows?

But if you’re like me… you are loving this so much, and I am blessed to have shared this moment from a shared perspective with you.

Keep the faith, stay the course, and let all that is happening to unfold in whatever way it must to accomplish this most amazing feat.

And all of this, and none of this, would have been possible without you and the part that you are playing, right now.

God bless you as you journey forth, and thank you for sharing this moment with me.

We are not alone, we are one.

And we are here.

Are You a Shaman?

A Shaman is a spiritually evolved individual who bridges the gap between humans and the course of all life. They possess spiritually advanced sensitivities are often considered to have psychic abilities and are referred to as seers and healers who access the energetic source of all life (God).

A Shaman serves the local and greater community to see life as it is, not as it is presented by social or governing bodies. They possess a higher divine perspective on all things of the earth, the cosmos and are multi-disciplinary explorers of consciousness.

Depending on where the Shaman is located on the earth, he or she may be referred to as a minister, priest or priestess, healer, psychic, medicine man/medicine woman, conjurer, sorcerer, and the like.

Commonly they practice their faith-based spiritual and healing arts outside the realm of academia and outside legal or governmental control as serving a higher authority (God) embracing the separation of church and state.

Natural abilities are inherited or handed down generation to generation and the current spiritual evolution of the human being is seeing these gifts as more accessible by the masses who, if so inclined, may expand their own potential shamanism via study and practice.

Shamanism espouses a greater connection to source with the ability to offer instruction, counseling, transfer insight, messages, or healing via energetic dissemination or exchange with others.

Shamanism is no respecter of sex as women or men can be equally empowered to embrace their shamanistic abilities and to answer their individual calling to such a spiritual mission.

Traditional shamans spend many years as an apprentice with commensurate training in a wide spectrum of religious, spiritual, and esoteric influences along their shamanistic journey, which often include a series of uncommon initiations, rituals, and experiences.

Many a student of shamanism does progress to the stage of being a full shaman but seek only to study shamanistic ways in an effort to expand their own consciousness and connection with source (God).

The study of shamanism is not without risk, as some who have aggressively sought out the ultimate shamanistic experience have crossed-over to the other side leaving their lifeless body in the wake.

Shamans have a special ability to look at things differently, to foresee potential obstacles, and have the ability to pre-navigate to circumvent things that would otherwise be problematic, so they often function in society as advisors, coaches, counselors, consultants, and therapists.

You also see them active in traditional healing arts using their gifts and abilities to augment the healing of their patients, either secretly or openly, depending on their circumstances and local religious, social, legal, or governmental constraints.

Shamans are also able to channel source energy to create individualistic works of art.

They may find their home among any of the arts, including public performance, or more private expressions of art. They may be artists, singers, songwriters, dancers, painters, digital artists, filmmakers, actors, actresses, documentarians, writers, etc.

You may also see them successfully thriving amidst the sciences as researchers, forensics, psychologists, physicists (quantum and otherwise), professors, as well as amidst the therapeutic sciences.

They are highly intelligent, intuitive, sensitive and connected to nature, drawing information and may be in communication with the spiritual world, earth’s elements, flora, and fauna.

What do you think?

Are you a shaman?

You Are Evolution

As the world and its inhabitants continue to evolve and expand in consciousness (as science is now recognizing that all matter is energetically connected, alive and conscious) perceptions of human are starting to make a grand shift from believing what we’ve been told and obediently following the rules to having independent thought and being open to the expansiveness of infinite possibility.

You Are Evolution

As you awaken you become aware of the great lengths society and its social programmers will go through in a powerful and determined effort to control you, how you think, what you believe, what you do, and what you are afraid of. Fear is their most powerful weapon, and it’s worked superbly, until now.

Fear is losing its power to control us, for there is a far more powerful energy which dissolves any fear in any of its many forms to meaningless nothingness. The most powerful energy is love, and it is love that is disarming those who seek to control your mind (where your thoughts are easily manipulated by fear).

Contemporary society, as well as its barbarian ancestors, have thrived in a state of fear, but the evolution of an emerging awakened human being is only now beginning to see that things may not be as they appear. Once the veil has been lifted, you start to see things as they really are. You are evolution.

Due to medical advances in the world, a growing number of individuals are dying… and coming back from death. Their reported near-death experiences (NDE) are vastly contrasting the reports of our lesser-evolved ancestors. They are discovering, and science is confirming, there is far more taking place within, without, and throughout all existence.

The awakening of humanity is exposing the concept of infinite possibility which exists all around us and we are able to increase our interaction with it.

Fear among the living is fading as the energy of love continues to expand, rendering fearful energies impotent. The fearful social constructs used to manage and control us are losing their grip. The power of the organized methods created to imprison the minds of humanity are failing to force efficacy in the brainwashing of you and me, and love is breaking through the barriers of fear among our peers all over the planet.

And for those among the awakening are expanding, the understanding of infinite possibility offers growing empowerment to create new opportunities for an expansive stress-free lifestyle without the constraints of fear. Life and the living of it become your superpower.

There is an energetic consciousness all around us where anything is possible. All the limitations which have been imposed on you are little more than sleight of hand tricks to make you believe that you are not divinely empowered to have access to the unrestrained power of God and the universe, enabling you to imagine first, then do, be, or have anything your heart desires.

Unconditional love, the ability to deeply connect with others, a unique purpose, a powerful reason for being, joy, prosperity, and abundance are among the concepts which are being bestowed upon those who are awakening.

While the process of awakening is simply the raising of your vibrational frequency from fear-based to love-inspired, it is difficult to overcome a lifetime of social programming. It requires what appears on the surface to be illogical. Logic relies on evaluating data which is known while expanding in consciousness relies on being open to what is not known.

Even so, as science progresses, they are discovering new data amidst the unknown. God bless those who dare to explore these new uncharted expanses which are challenging the constraints of primitive data.

Drop Out Plug In

Increasingly there are those, just like you, who are dropping out of the primitive life system and plugging-in to the vastness of all that is, being open to all the infinite possibility, growing, expanding, and continuing to evolve.

And the powers that be are taking notice. They are ramping up their efforts to dominate us exercising their management of the educational system, media, electronic communication, data overload, crisis creation and management, mental health and legal systems, and any other methods they can utilize to garner greater control of our youth, in an effort to build up reserves for the future. They are convinced their control will quash and outlive the current evolution, but it will not.

You are dropping out of the systems organized to control you. You can no longer relate to these systems any longer because you can see the fear-based “truth” they claim is eternally powerful to have authority over you is neutralized by the power of unconditional love.

Have you noticed, as you exit these systems, that the members will exert various fear-based methods to force you to return to their conformist standards to return to the fold?

They have been deeply programmed to do the bidding of the powers that be to see your departure as something dangerous, even life-threatening, and they might do anything to see you return to the organization, exerting fear-based tactics such as intimidation, threats of consequences, excommunication, or even eternal damnation.

Plugging-in to the infinite power of unconditional love gives you the fortitude to be strong enough to walk away from the barbarian drama without judgment because you know they are only victims of a larger system, as you once were.

You can love and bless them as they make their own way in life, as you continue to find your own way.

You are no longer blinded nor controlled by “the system.”

You are among the awakening. You are courageous and powerful. Your evolutionary process will yield to you everything you need to grow, expand, and be more than you could have ever imagined.

Bless you, for having the courage to drop out and plug-in.

Stop! Prison Bars

You’re having a perfectly communicative conversation progressing without limits, your energy soars as you interact with someone sharing a similar vibration then it happens: The palm of the hand goes up, and they shout,


Prison bars shoot up from the ground surrounding the person you’re talking to. They grasp the bars tightly and speak between the bars, “Oh, no. I can’t believe that.” Seriously inhibiting any potential conversation which might follow.

“I’m sorry. I… I just can’t.”

Bam! The flow is broken, the vibrational frequency drops, and the intimate heart-connection communion is vacated in an immediate knee-jerk reaction prompted by the sudden realization that one was outside the comfort zone, and your sense of self, safe within the steel cage of belief was at risk.

With our unbridled egos exerting energy 24/7 to protect us, keep us safe, ever limiting our scope and vision… as complex as the world is, with all its attempts to control us, keep us small, separated, and easily manageable, it’s a wonder two people can communicate at all.

It was amazing for as long as it lasted.

It’s easy to imagine unlimited possibilities, that is, until you actually start moving in the direction of the vastness of what unlimited encompasses. It contradicts the safety and security of what we know to be true, trust, or believe on. The things we swaddle ourselves in so tightly that we fear anything that may be outside.

Every once and a while our mind dares to explore what’s out there, only to find infinity to be too frightening to imagine, as we shrink down into ourselves, our human cocoons, refusing the metamorphosis which potentially awaits us.

In my ministry, my default setting is open to unlimited possibility. Not that I maintain that level of openness all the time, I am just like any other human being. Sometimes I get shocked or frightened out there, but it doesn’t take long, and I find my way back out into the wild openness again.

It is an integral part of my life’s work, to be out in the uncharted territory to add increased efficacy in the work that I do, and this brings a great deal of humble satisfaction and personal sense of achievement in all that I do.

There is no doubt that there is so much more to this life than we can see, perceive, or prove by scientific method. In fact, the more science strives to quantify and define all there is to know, the more scientists drill down to the minute details, the more vast and confusing it becomes.

For those of us who are “out there” in the expansiveness of all there is, there is not one of us who will be able to fathom it. The only hope is that by our universal connectivity, that as a group of one, we all will be able to enjoy the oneness of being a part of everything that ever has been, could be, or ever will be.

In the meantime, we honor and cherish those moments we share with other beings who get the idea.

Grok what I mean?

He’s So Successful He Sucks

When you see someone being successful or enormously happy, it’s common for jealousy to rise up inside you and you’re likely to voice your disapproval by uttering something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” This is learned behavior. It is your ego revving up to justify your lot in life, so you don’t feel so bad about where you are in your struggle to get by.

We all do the same thing when we feel threatened by someone else’s success or happiness in our less-evolved state because the ego runs the show and has been trained to keep us small (which it thinks means “safe”) to protect us.

Your ego is threatened by anything which may result in the death of you, but let’s face it, it gets a little out of balance. For of us, the ego is just as threatened of embarrassment or failure as it is of being held at gunpoint.

If you’re in the process of awakening, the struggle between your ego and your heart becomes more apparent as your inclination to lead with your heart increases. The ego insists that the chasm between people or thought processes be as wide as possible to keep us increasingly separated from one another.

For instance, the ego looks at all religions (thought processes) as being in conflict with each other, so it focusses on all the intricacies that make them different from each other. This negative attention widens the gap, so much that participants will argue, fight, even kill each other over these differences, separating themselves even more.

Then, there is the perspective of the heart, which varies vastly from the perspective of the ego. The heart sees all religion (and even non-religion) as one and the same. We are all varied parts of the same whole which make us healthfully complete in a world otherwise gone wild.

Interestingly, this dichotomy exists also among people. The ego says, “He looks different,” focusses on the differences, is threatened by them, amplifies them, and finds ways to convince you that you are better than that person because of the way you look, plus any other supporting data which may be spun in your direction to make you feel superior (more separated).

While the heart looks at that person noticing the differences, honors and blesses them as another part of the same whole. The heart does not see anything as superior or inferior, it is not frightened or fearful. The heart knows only love. Anything which is not love, does not originate from the central nervous system inside the heart.

We see the same thing happening among the social stations in life. The wildly successful people are assumed to be a threat, dangerous, or evil. If your station in life is far enough removed from someone your attention is focused on, you might say something like, “He’s so successful he sucks!” or some variation thereof, or otherwise, demonize them.

Your ego might think you’re more deserving of those resources than he (or she) is and may even plot to find ways to cause the fall of such an evil person, imprison, or kill him or her.

The heart, on the other hand, blesses them and loves you through this noticing that someone is doing better than you are, right now. Instead of finding ways to put them down, might whisper to your conscious that if he or she could accomplish such feats, you could too, if you so desired.

This is the truth, you can do, be, and have anything your heart desires.

Led by your overactive ego you can devastate others and your environment to take what you want from others.

Or, led by your heart, you can bless those that went before, use them for inspiration, and find ways to manifest your desire from the most powerful force in the universe, pure love.

Some people are more led by the ego than others. In fact, the majority of people on the planet are more egocentric, but the heart is awakening, and this evolutionary expansion of the human race is growing and changing the world as we know it.

You are a part of that change.

Growth Amidst Chaos

When you’re trying to stay focused on your balancing and maintenance of personal, professional, and spiritual growth, many distractions abound to break your stride, interrupting your maturation and expansion.

As you turn your attention toward maintaining your love vibration and protect your sacred space, circumstances, challenges, and situations crash into your otherwise upwardly mobile progress by any means possible, using the manmade distractors such as “the news,” TV, media, personal communication devices, Google, social media, books, magazines, celebrity gossip, money hardship, relationships with others, or other emotional stressors.

The crux of your growth and expansion is to focus your attention within, yet there are so many methods which society and the “powers that be” utilize to keep you so distracted that staying in the zone for any amount of time is difficult at best.

Taking time to center yourself in quiet repose can give you the pause necessary to adequately review the events of your life in the recent past (yesterday, last week, last month) to give you a good idea about which distractions have the greatest distractibility quotient over you. This recognition sheds light on the areas in your life that may need tending to.

“Everything was going along great, then all of a sudden…”

Whatever comes after that helps to identify particular weaknesses or chinks in your armor. With a little attention to these areas you can repair the damage, or eliminate altogether, any future risk of penetration.

And if that weren’t enough, there’s enough discord among the faith systems of the world to keep you utterly confused about which way to go, as you’re trying to make your own way while staying true to your own purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Everyone has their own idea of how you should approach your spiritual relationship with the ultimate power of the universe, but others are not aware enough to know that while their path may be a perfect match for where they are in their own journey, it may not be perfect for you. In fact, someone else’s path may actually be counterproductive for your continued growth and expansion; another distraction.

The perfect clue to help you identify that someone else’s faith-system is not for you and does not support your highest and best will be the degree of pressure they impose upon you to convert or conform to their point of view. If their insistence is unfailing, threatening, borderline abusive, or destructive, common sense dictates this is not the path of love’s growth and expansion.

Love’s growth and expansion includes the divinity of all forms of life in all their various styles and perspectives, all in various stages of awakening. Even though some may be stagnant, immature, against the flow, or even considered to be controlling, predatory, or evil, all are perfectly divine in their own way.

Separateness keeps us divided, does not support expansive growth, makes humanity stagnate, and is unsustainable, while allowing other people and their ideas simply “to be” while finding more ways to grow and expand one’s self, understanding that we are individuals, yet “one” in love, is the current evolutionary process of the human race.

How we interact with others reveals the nature of our emotional/spiritual condition. If your approach is to either accept like-minded people and reject those who present different approaches to life, you could do better. A fully engaged love vibration will have you seeing the sacredness in all life. The contrast actually helps to promote the evolution of humanity.

At some point, when the evolution hits critical mass, only love will be sustainable, and that which is not love will simply deteriorate and fade away. Until then, the best we can do is to love everyone and everything with all we’ve got, doing the best we can with what we have to move this expansive evolutionary process forward.

Don’t take things personally, find opportunities to accept what is, love and bless everyone and everything as you discover new methods of staying focused within yourself, tending to your own life and growth, while allowing others the same courtesy.

The distractions and interactions with others actually support your continued growth, if you increasingly approach all these things in love, and training your attention to focus on the sacred divinity of all things, while focusing on that which is good, beautiful, and loving.

Outside the Box

Waking up to the idea that everything you’ve been taught, everything you believe, and everything you know, is a lie, can be just too much for the average person to imagine. No one would judge you if you got a chance to get a glimpse behind the curtain, or look outside the box, if you disregarded it as folly, a dream, or a nightmare.

So much of what we know about this life, as we know it, was beat into us, the result of being reared by parents, taught by teachers, and supported by our peers and the media, which keeps us in a manageable state of mind, safely inside the box, easy to control by the factions on the planet with the authority to do so.

Yet, there remains a part of us which cries out from deep within, it’s been so stifled that it can barely be heard above the noise of society, that something’s not right. It doesn’t sound right, look right, fell right, when we’re restricted to life inside the box. Most of the time, when our inner voice breaks through, we disregard looking outside the box as a silly thought. If you’re foolish enough to raise the idea to a friend, he or she will laugh at you, as if it were meant to be a joke. For if they thought you might actually be thinking outside the box seriously, your friends would be very worried about your sanity.

Let’s say you have a dream of doing something significant, maybe owning your own business, or teaching others about an insight you have, which you think will benefit the greater community. You are likely to disregard this dream as a silly passing thought because you are not worthy of undertaking such a project.

You talk yourself out of it very quickly so as not to entertain the thought too long because you are not wealthy enough, unqualified or not educated enough, or lack the credibility to engage in such an activity. Not to mention the impending doom brought on by fear of failure from within the box.

Even though the thought or the dream may be an indication of your calling. Had you not been programmed not to dream, you would be able to imagine or realize that even the thought of your dream was actually a premonition, a scene from your future outside the box if you only had the ability to imagine it and step into the dream.

But your ability to use your imagination and dream (as it pertains to you and your life, as dreaming and imagining works of fiction are often encouraged) has been squashed early in life and reinforced throughout your life inside the box.

Imagination is the most powerful weapon you have against the machine of programmed life inside the box. Dreaming and visualization are keys to new life, new possibilities, and you’re having the ability to have an impact and make the world a better place.

You have been programmed with a sort of self-restraint which keeps you moderated, afraid or inhibited about embracing the idea that your life has purpose, that you have a divine assignment or mission in life outside the box.

We live in a constant state of fear which prevents us from daring to think or reach outside the box. Having the courage to take the risk of engaging in thoughts or activities which are socially acceptable helps to break the chains of the fear and restraints which have been imposed on us by the controllers.

Outside the box is where all the adventure and truth can be found, allowing you to grow and expand beyond what would have ever been possible from inside the box.

When you start thinking or moving outside the box, your world starts to change as you become more self-empowered, willing to go places and do things which you may have felt were not possible before. The real you start to emerge from your cocoon.

From this expanded point of view, you can see others who remain inside their boxes, and you do not pity or judge them. You realize that at this time in space we are all just doing the best we can with what we have. You feel fortunate to have found your way outside the box, but do not judge others for doing the best they can with what they have. You have compassion for them and you love them, no matter what.

As the numbers of us who venture outside the box increases, the day will come when the box is irrelevant and lose its effectiveness to control any of us, and the whole world will be free, but for now, you are but an explorer exploring the vastness of life which few could relate to from inside the box.

Once you step outside the box, it’s easy to become focused on the initial concept which garners your attention. Keep looking, exploring, and expanding your horizons. There is always something else waiting to reveal itself to you. Retain the ideas which resonate with you and your calling, and file away those which might not appeal to you. These concepts are waiting for the explorers to whim they are a match.

You will cross paths with people you will meet outside the box. Exchange ideas, and learn from one another, but be cautious not to be overwhelmed by someone else’s mission, if it is not in harmony with your mission. There is a tendency to be distracted by the fanfare of someone else’s momentum. Seek your own energetic vibration, and be true to that.

The more you grow and expand, the smaller the world appears to be. When you might have resigned yourself to live in a particular part of the world because it was within your box of safety, you will become more apt to want to move about the planet freely as part of your exploration and expansion.

Will you dare to look outside the box?

You Are Always Right

Everything you believe to be true is true until that moment that you decide to believe something else to be true. You are truth, and truth is always changing and evolving, as you are exposed to new, or emerging information, which causes the truth continuum to shift and adapt to new paradigms. No matter where you are in the truth continuum, you are always in the continuum of truth, therefore you are always right.

Everything is truth which exists in the matrix of truth, so no matter what you think or believe, you are always right. You have nothing to defend. You never have to apologize for being in a different subsection of the truth continuum from anyone else. You are never believing in a non-truth, only in a truth location that is differentiated from another in the truth matrix possibly quite different than a previous truth coordinate where your attention may have been focused previously.

The truth continuum is always evolving and infinitely ever-expanding. It is not a stagnant, definitive, or limited set of data, as much as we would love it to be. There’s a comfort in having the fantasy that you can understand all there is about any given thing. This is impossible in the continuum of truth because every time you discover a new truth, a hundred thousand other truths are born in the expansion.

It can be somewhat confusing when you realize that other people, every other person, is at a different location inside the continuum of truth, and no two people can be at the same location in the truth continuum at the same time.

Truths represent specific coordinates inside the truth continuum. The truth continuum is not limited to 2D coordinates, such as longitude and latitude. Each truth includes a specific address with at least a 4D, WXYZ coordinate.

When you become aware of the truth continuum, it doesn’t make any sense to wrap your head around the concept of having any need to demand that anyone have a similar collection of truth addresses compiled to match yours.

Yet, there are the societal designers who exert a great deal of energy to keep us from understanding the vastness of the truth continuum and seek to use specific truths to keep us separated from each other.

You have been programmed from birth to believe in specific truths and defend them with a high degree of enthusiasm. You have been taught to challenge the beliefs or truths highly held by others and exert a great deal of emotional effort to persuade those who are not in agreement with you to change their truth to match yours.

The psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists seem to dominate the positions of the persuaders who are the most effective converters of others by lording over or bullying others to subject themselves to their particular ideas, beliefs, or limited collection of truths. The idea of letting you think for yourself will send a persuader into a rage, and he or she might even be willing to exert berating, shame, disrespect, intimidation, restraint, or force, even lethal force, to punish others for not adhering to their set of truths.

It’s as if the designers of our social matrix would do anything to keep us as oppositely polarized as possible. Why might they want to keep us divided in any, and as many, way(s) possible? Because we are easier to manage either individually or in groups. These groups are often separated by specific compilations of truths or beliefs.

Easy to manage (control). Not so easy to control: seven-and-a-half-billion enlightened, empowered individuals.

The barbarian tactics of the predatory persuaders are unsustainable amidst the expansive light of growing evolutionary consciousness.

Everything you believe in the continuum of truth is truth and you are always right. Just as you have the right to resonate with the truth you’ve discovered, so should any other person have the right to hold their own truths they have discovered elsewhere in the continuum.

Nothing is more-or-less true, except in your own compilation of truth as you recognize and sort your discoveries for yourself, and your allowance and honoring of anyone else to discover their truth for themselves without judgment is the essence of true love.

Nonetheless, more and more of us are awakening every second of every day, and fewer and fewer of us are falling for the magic tricks of the social designers.

People, just like you and me, are beginning to ask questions, find their own answers, and explore the continuum of truth.

You Are More Space

I know, it’s easy to get all wrapped up in what’s real and what’s not, then that trickles down to what’s right or wrong, good or evil, and if you’re frustrated in knowing that the universe is expanding at an alarming rate, and when you look at our tiny galaxy floating in perfect harmony among all the other galaxies, that can leave you feeling quite small. And if that wasn’t enough, try throwing on, “You are more space than matter,” for size.

You Are More Space Than Matter

You are less than 1% matter, the rest is space. I don’t know about you but this literally blows me away and it a glimmering testament to the magnificence of life on planet earth and our privilege of being able to participate in this amazing journey called life.

We are made up of atoms with a nucleus at its center. Quantum physicists maintain that if the nucleus were the size of a peanut, the atom would be the size of a football stadium and what’s inside? Space. Lots of space.

But what holds us (and everything we believe to be a solid, to have shape or form) together? For quantum physicists, there is a whole lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo going on, which reduced to its simplest form, represents energy.

This is not the energy that you think of when you think about putting batteries into a flashlight or plugging your toaster into the wall, this is energy which mills around in the space in and between the atoms holding them in perfect balance resulting in our ability to interact with the world around us in all its forms.

Your body, if you were to remove the space, would be the size of a dust particle.

The energetic space which accounts for the vastly greater part of you is conscious and consciously connected to all the other space in all the other dimensions, in all the other galaxies in the universe, past, present, and future.

You can start to imagine the possibilities of being connected to an infinite network of consciousness, opening a whole new area of independent and scientific study. Independent researchers who are more sensitive to the energies which surround us, are considered as outside-the-box thinkers but are making discoveries, expanding their consciousness, and are growing by leaps and bounds, even though the fields of independent study of these expansion explorers may not yet be embraced the majority.

It’s like being in the same room with the most advanced technology network which holds the answers to everything, seeing the lights blinking and feeling the surge of the energy underneath your feet, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand at attention, and not being able to figure out how to interface, or access any of this infinite information, yet there it is, and there you are in its midst.

Many believe the increase of this conscious connection and the ability to communicate with this infinite energy network is the next step in human evolution.

What do you think?

It Takes All Kinds

Take a walk down any metropolitan street in America today, you will clearly see a wide variety of peoples represented. There is no doubt that it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around and in order not to get in the way of progress, we are better off if we can practice tolerance. And these differences are only apparent from outside appearances. What about what’s happening on the inside?

It Takes All Kinds

It takes all kinds of people who vary massively on the inside to make the world go around. As much as you might like everyone to think just like you do, the chances of you finding anyone anywhere who thinks like you is highly unlikely, if not impossible.

Personal Isolation

Now, you can ostracize yourself in an effort to isolate yourself, only surrounding yourself with like-minded people. The less tolerant you are of others, the fewer people you will enjoy in your social circle. You might like existing as a solitary power of one. For some, there is safety in being alone and not a part of society at all, and that’s perfectly fine because it does take all kinds.

If you do not live a solitary life and you have an open mind, it is likely you can learn extremely valuable information from someone who is extremely secluded from modern society.

Evolutionary Expansion

The practice of tolerance may not be necessary for some anti-social types of individuals, but for the rest of us, tolerance is the key to the successful future liberating all human beings to share in all the benefits offered the human race, including our eventual progressive evolution.

While society would like to separate us and keep us opposed to each other either based on what we look like, how and where we live, how many financial resources you control, or how much royal blood runs through your veins, the trend among ever expanding and evolving peoples are becoming increasingly more tolerant embracing all peoples unconditionally in peace and harmony.

Think about it, when we are intolerant and judge others as being right or wrong, what is the outcome? Dissention, disrespect, separation, wars, and rumors of wars, to say the least. Do you really want to be a promoter of separation?

Something inside you (that higher part of you) knows there’s something about disrespecting or hating your neighbor that does not sound or feel right. And the bases resonance of maintaining separation is not hate, it is the frequency of “fear” which is the polar opposite of love.

Love is the resonate frequency which evolution is moving toward; toward love and away from fear. For years, ever since humankind can emotionally recall, which is a part of our biological makeup, fear has kept us alive and prevented us from being devoured by beasts who might think of us as a nutritious meal.

At this point in our history, human beings are evolving from a fear-based life to a love-based life, and this looks very different from the way we approached living in the past, or even in the now, nonetheless this evolution is taking place and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You can choose to opt out of the evolution, but your refusal to participate will fade generationally.

Science substantiates the benefits of practicing tolerance as an extremely healthy exercise. Every minute you live in the vibratory state of unconditional love, you reap the biological benefits of boosting your immune system exponentially and adding many times to your healthful longevity. Imagine what the possibilities which may be at your fingertips if you could maintain healthful tolerant loving vibratory state. This promotes your evolutionary process, and you can feel the difference.

This further evolved human being enjoys an incredibly fascinating, happy, and healthy prolonged life, with more prosperity and abundance than their lesser-evolved peers, and everything becomes possible.

As we evolve, not only do we resist the tendency to judge others, but we are less likely to judge ourselves, and silence your negative inner voice as well as any hidden demons which may haunt us from our past. Living life on planet earth has never been so free, and if you’ve achieved this level of conscious evolution, you are truly free indeed.