Growth Amidst Chaos

When you’re trying to stay focused on your balancing and maintenance of personal, professional, and spiritual growth, many distractions abound to break your stride, interrupting your maturation and expansion.

As you turn your attention toward maintaining your love vibration and protect your sacred space, circumstances, challenges, and situations crash into your otherwise upwardly mobile progress by any means possible, using the manmade distractors such as “the news,” TV, media, personal communication devices, Google, social media, books, magazines, celebrity gossip, money hardship, relationships with others, or other emotional stressors.

The crux of your growth and expansion is to focus your attention within, yet there are so many methods which society and the “powers that be” utilize to keep you so distracted that staying in the zone for any amount of time is difficult at best.

Taking time to center yourself in quiet repose can give you the pause necessary to adequately review the events of your life in the recent past (yesterday, last week, last month) to give you a good idea about which distractions have the greatest distractibility quotient over you. This recognition sheds light on the areas in your life that may need tending to.

“Everything was going along great, then all of a sudden…”

Whatever comes after that helps to identify particular weaknesses or chinks in your armor. With a little attention to these areas you can repair the damage, or eliminate altogether, any future risk of penetration.

And if that weren’t enough, there’s enough discord among the faith systems of the world to keep you utterly confused about which way to go, as you’re trying to make your own way while staying true to your own purpose, message, passion, and mission.

Everyone has their own idea of how you should approach your spiritual relationship with the ultimate power of the universe, but others are not aware enough to know that while their path may be a perfect match for where they are in their own journey, it may not be perfect for you. In fact, someone else’s path may actually be counterproductive for your continued growth and expansion; another distraction.

The perfect clue to help you identify that someone else’s faith-system is not for you and does not support your highest and best will be the degree of pressure they impose upon you to convert or conform to their point of view. If their insistence is unfailing, threatening, borderline abusive, or destructive, common sense dictates this is not the path of love’s growth and expansion.

Love’s growth and expansion includes the divinity of all forms of life in all their various styles and perspectives, all in various stages of awakening. Even though some may be stagnant, immature, against the flow, or even considered to be controlling, predatory, or evil, all are perfectly divine in their own way.

Separateness keeps us divided, does not support expansive growth, makes humanity stagnate, and is unsustainable, while allowing other people and their ideas simply “to be” while finding more ways to grow and expand one’s self, understanding that we are individuals, yet “one” in love, is the current evolutionary process of the human race.

How we interact with others reveals the nature of our emotional/spiritual condition. If your approach is to either accept like-minded people and reject those who present different approaches to life, you could do better. A fully engaged love vibration will have you seeing the sacredness in all life. The contrast actually helps to promote the evolution of humanity.

At some point, when the evolution hits critical mass, only love will be sustainable, and that which is not love will simply deteriorate and fade away. Until then, the best we can do is to love everyone and everything with all we’ve got, doing the best we can with what we have to move this expansive evolutionary process forward.

Don’t take things personally, find opportunities to accept what is, love and bless everyone and everything as you discover new methods of staying focused within yourself, tending to your own life and growth, while allowing others the same courtesy.

The distractions and interactions with others actually support your continued growth, if you increasingly approach all these things in love, and training your attention to focus on the sacred divinity of all things, while focusing on that which is good, beautiful, and loving.

What are the Chances? Serendipity

Whoa, what a crazy world we live in! Over 7 billion people and there’s only one you in the whole world. Then, out of nowhere, the craziest thing happens. It’s as if the planets aligned in perfect harmony to deliver to you the most amazing experiential gift. And you ask, “What are the chances?” Serendipity is at it again.

This is how the phenomenon referred to as the Law of Attraction works with the science of Quantum Physics which reveals an advanced system of the universe which is highly intelligent, systematic, and connected.

How you view the Law of Attraction in action varies according to your family upbringing, social training, experience and point of view. If you go back in time many years you might have thought of this serendipitous science as magic but as the scientific method grows and evolves, those things which were inexplicable become clearer.

And now we know that the things which may have once appeared random, chaotic, pure happenstance, are far more divine in nature than anyone may have suspected. Call it what you may, we have scientific proof that, “All things work together for good to those who love God.” (St. Paul, Romans 8:28).

As we become more aware of Quantum Mechanics, and the spiritual sciences of the world(s) all around us, a sacred divinity in all things appears, and it’s not just destiny which we serve because every thought you have, every word you speak, and every action you take influences the universe exponentially. In a sense, every breath you take shuffles the deck of life once again.

The more you understand the divinity of all things and nestle yourself into the power of love which permeates and fuels all things, you can learn to stack the deck of life in your favor.

Fully engulfed in the flow of the spirit of love’s energy, the most serendipitous things start to happen, and life unfurls before you. You meet the right person at just the right time, you hear and understand a word spoken (which you may have heard many times before) which reveals a previously misunderstood concept or changes your view of the whole world.

You are randomly searching the Internet and run across a book, add it to your Amazon cart, and while it turns out the book was interesting enough, one word, sentence, or idea from the book changes everything.

When you have questions about life, and you are in the flow of the power of love and life, the answers find ways to reveal themselves to you in the most simple and amazing ways.

Even though they may not have known about Quantum Physics, the greatest minds of our time knew that they were drawing ideas and concepts from without their own talents and abilities, from beyond known science and method.

You can’t help but think that all of this sounds so airy-fairy, superstitions, or woo-woo. But as the scientific expansion explorers of our day continue to drill down and out, the mysteriousness of it all becomes increasingly matter of fact.

It is not witchcraft and the religious sages were far closer to the true meaning of life than scientists gave them credit for.

Which means, our heroes, your heroes, the men, and women who paved the way to a better world for you, for all of us, were not as “special” as you might have previously thought. For all this potential and exponentially more exists within you right now.

As you learn to calm your physical attention and allow your heart to connect to the vastness of all knowledge and unlimited power, everything changes.

You can no longer be a victim of life on planet earth, you become a student of the force.

When the student becomes the master, everything falls into place easily and effortlessly and you see the divinity in what you may have previously considered being chaos, coincidence, or serendipity.

So, the next time you are thinking what are the chances? Serendipity honors the sacredness of all things, both positive and negative as for your highest and best.

You have everything you need inside of you, and don’t worry, all things working together for you.