Your Deepest Darkest Secrets

What is the most important secret in your life? That secret that you would protect from others at any cost? There are basically two types of secrets, those which are of light and life, and those which would be more associated with darkness and death. Of which substance is your most tightly held secret?

You most tightly held secret influences and is reflected upon and permeates your life, determining how you will navigate and interact with the rest of the world.

By holding onto a deeply held negative secret, your natural abilities to thrive deteriorate and your mind exerts a great deal of energy to discover and implement processes which can be deployed to help overcome the loss of your natural ability to thrive.

These schemes employ a wide variety of methods and have varying degrees of efficacy in producing the quality of life you feel you are (and you are) entitled to.

Through trickery and sleight of hand you are able to manifest things and circumstances which will provide for you the life you want, or at least a version of it which is pleasing enough to you. No one knows more than you, how much your life is built on illusion. You can become a master of illusion, in a sense, becoming the master illusionist of your own life.

Or, if you do not have a propensity to engage in the magic of illusion, you may sink into a dark despair and depression, while your mind and your body devolve into desperation, disease and death. Of course, these are two ends of the spectrum experienced by those who harbor deep and dark negative secrets inside themselves.

Keeping negatively-charged secrets, the avoidance of the, the pushing down and locking away of them can keep them

If you struggle with harboring these deep dark secrets, there is hope. You can, by accessing the multitude of endless possibilities, set yourself free of you hidden past, by embracing your true divine nature.

If you go beyond the depths of your dark past, you will discover underneath all the trauma of your past is a sacred being who is who you really are. You came to this earth holy and flawless. Since then you have accumulated a lifetime of experiences which have separated you from who you really are.

You have built a fortress of impenetrable ideals which have served to protect you from the damage incurred by your past. The pushing down and covering up of these hidden traumas has served you for a moment, in a sense giving you ways and means to isolate you from the pain, so that you can make it through life with some sense of sanity, but this is only an illusionary therapeutic approach.

These experiences have left you with festering wounds that will poison you, your soul, as you keep these things buried deep within your psyche.

The more you connect with your divinity, the more you can begin to see the things that have hurt you in the past from a higher perspective.

If you could see the darkest parts of you from God’s perspective, you can begin to see the sacredness in all things for suffering does not come without blessing. That is the divine nature of all life. The hardest turmoil leads to the most incredible blessings, if you will allow the sacred fruit to be born from your trials and tribulation.

You can do this by exploring your past by studying your past with your higher self, in a sense, looking through the eyes of God.

As you become more aware of and connected to your higher self, you can begin to take divine action influencing all areas of your life with goodness and mercy. You find ways to influence the world for good by basking in your own sacredness and spread love by being more gracious.

True love starts with gratitude for all things and leads to inspired action of doing good deeds and random acts of kindness. These inspired acts help you to imagine your unlimited potential, and the more you explore your infinite sacred self, you expand and evolve.

As you evolve your life moves from being centered around your mind (which as you now know does not really serve your highest and best potential) and your life gets more based on the central nervous system which originates and emanates from your heart.

Opening your heart and connecting it to the source of all life really does open you up to unlimited possibilities in your life for increased health, wellness, quality of life and longevity. Your body starts to rebuild, regenerate and heal itself of anything that does not serve your highest and best.

The more spiritual you become the more your divinity permeates all that you are even on a cellular level and throughout your DNA.

Your heart’s sacred connection to the source of all life imbues you with the same power that creates worlds and things that you thought were impossible before are now imaginable, and if you can imagine it, you have the ability to manifest your dreams, right here, in 3D.

When your deepest darkest secrets are illuminated by the light of true love, your life becomes a reflection of your love light which greatly affects not your world but the whole world around you.

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