You Are the Result of What Works for You

Life is a series of learnings from trial and error. You are the result of what works for you. It starts from birth. If, as a baby, you cried and got what you wanted, you learned that’s what works for you. If you cried and that did not work for you, maybe you discovered that being unusually quiet worked better for you.

On and on it goes, as you discover how to get what you want. Left to itself, this trial and error system of discovery molds you into the person that you are as you enter adulthood. Without some sort of intervention or personal exploration, you will be forever hardwired as this version of yourself.

So it is with each and every one of us, we are all a product of the lives we live. It is not unreasonable for you to expect others to respect this about you. It’s not much of a stretch from the idea that who you are is the result of a lifetime of learning how to get what you want, to respecting others as being the result of how they have learned what works for them.

If you can keep this in mind as you encounter individuals with their different personality traits, you can become more tolerant of everyone’s right to approach situations, circumstances, and relationships with others in way that can be highly varied to the way you might respond or operate.

This is the primary aspect of tolerance, accepting people for who they are, honoring each individual’s journey they have traveled, allowing them to be who they are, without judgment or expectation that they be like you. For no one can be like you. Let’s face it, you’re one of a kind. Beyond that, not only is each of us unique one from the other, we are also extremely connected, and ultimately one, individual yet all comprising the sum of all the parts.

Not unlike the human body.

Our bodies are all comprised of billions of individual components. The body is a whole, yet is the sum of many individual cells all working for the common good, to serve the body. Each cell is individual and replicates itself throughout the system.

Every once and a while, a cell gets out of control and exerts its right to dominate the other cells in the body and will thrive at the expense of all the other cells, throwing the cellular synchronization of the body out of balance as it fights for dominance. This is cancer.

Just as in the body, our society is full of individuals who seek to dominate others at any expense, without regard for others’ right to life. This is social cancer.

Unbeknownst to us, your trial and error life’s learning process may have turned you into a cancerous cell in society. If you, or someone you know, has been hardwired to be societal cancer, there is still hope.

All cancers need not be all-consuming or fatal forever.

Eradicating social cancer is an option, but we cannot just kill off all the cancerous individuals in our world. We can, however, love and support them, which could be hugely beneficial (chances are, they have little capacity for love because it was not a part of their lifetime of learning).

Love is the most powerful healing energy in the world and there is no doubt it has the ability to reverse the effects of any cancer, even to transform a malignant cancerous cell into a healthy cell, or at the very least, a benign cancer cell. But, the societal cancer cell must be willing to participate because each of us has free will, which once initiated can block any positive potential to change.

There are other societal mechanisms in place which may intervene in the hopes of reprogramming social cancers of particular types. While they are temporarily effective at relieving the negative pressure imposed by someone who is out of control, there is a very high rate of recidivism which means that following intervention, it is very likely that they will return to their cancerous lifestyle.

Though there are many kinds of interventions. In my experience, a hugely impactful religious experience can have a significant transformative effect on an otherwise cancerous individual turning them into a healthy reproductive cell benefiting the community and the whole of humanity.

This love-powered spiritual transformation has the lowest degree of recidivism known to man, statistically at present. Regardless of how you feel about structured religion, it’s effects on the metamorphosis of otherwise negatively-charged human beings is undeniable.

You may, as an individual expansion explorer, be able to have an equally impactful influence on such an individual but you must have their permission and blessing to do so, or else they would not be receptive to any efforts you may exert on their behalf in the long term.

Another transformative scenario includes the awakening of an individual who could be (or potentially be) a cancerous individual. On their own accord, without the influence of others, this person seeks out their own transformation, growth, and expansion, based on their own personal exploration.

The statistics are not in, yet, on this new area of awakening, self-growth, and expansion, but the anecdotal evidence is impressive, and it is an active process of human evolution.

So, if you’re feeling like you are the result of what works for you, you are. But your story does not end there. In fact, this is where the most exciting part of your evolutionary story begins.