Transformational Energy Drain

You’re growing, expanding, evolving, and you can feel every cell of your body alive for the first time, feeling as though you may be invincible and live forever. The last thing on your mind is a potential transformational energy drain. You’re on top of the world, then all of a sudden, without notice, BLAM! Every ounce of energy you had is gone. You feel as though the vital energy you felt just yesterday has been totally drained and you are overwhelmingly fatigued.

The energy necessary to transform from Human 2.0 to Human 3.0 is enormous and different phases of metamorphosis require more or less energy to complete the transformation of each phase, and your body’s energy storage capacity can be taxed heavily to get the job done. During these times, you can feel as though the bottom dropped out of your energy reserves.

Once you have embarked on your journey of evolutionary transformation, you need to settle into a new way of being, and if you’re a go-getter, like me, it can be hard to let go of some of your push-push-push-through to make things happen and pick up the gauntlet of let go and go with the flow.

Using your energy reserves for making things happen in the flesh, using only your brute strength will quickly deplete your energy reserves. So, when your evolutionary process needs to use your natural energy reserves to conduct a transformative process, it can leave little or no energy left for your daily routine maintenance.

If you’re in the process of awakening, you need to find better ways to manage your day to day life with less energy exerted, leaving your precious reserved for the sacred evolutionary transformation which you are allowing to take place.

You must move from living a life of force to living a life of love. You can do this by raising your vibration, which harkens back to the work of David R Hawkins’ Power vs. Force. I routinely refer to his work because it gave me a clear picture in my mind of what the various human energetic frequencies were and made it easier for me to manage raising my own vibration.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful,
you’re not doing it right.

If you are expending your energy on anything stressful, you’re not doing it right. You can feel it inside you. You know something’s wrong. Find a better way to get ‘er done, or let it be.

Find new ways to live your life, to charge up your personal energy reserves, to maintain your energy, gain a better knowledge of how and when to use energy.

Don’t waste your precious energy on things which are not likely to change, no matter how much energy you put into it, and relax into the okayness of letting things remain as they are, for if it weren’t for some higher purpose, it would have changed already. Settle into the knowingness that all things are in divine order.

Finding time for quieting yourself, in nature, or in another sacred place, for reflection and meditation can be helpful but this is not a cure-all for your energetic management requirements.

Spending time in nature, with your feet on the ground, can go a long way in raising your energy and your vibrational frequency. Different people respond differently to different natural interactions. Live water has a tremendous effect on my energy. What gets you going?

Doing the deep work of clearing the energetic blockages, or stores of toxic negative energy which may be deeply hidden inside of you can go a long way to greatly increase your capacity for building massively positive energy and filling those areas with love and peace.

All this to say, there is nothing wrong with you, occasional energetic fatigue is normal in the process of transformation.

Although, if you are pushing yourself and the energies all around you in the flesh, burning the candle at both ends, and not getting adequate sleep, you may be suffering from a physiological type of fatigue which could be diagnosed and treated by your doctor. If you’re doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, then you can rest assured that you are evolving.

Losing Your Energy Take It Back

You’re growing and changing, making radical progress, but you feel like you’re losing your edge, your momentum is slowing and you feel like you’re losing your grip. You know you’ve got to find the energy to keep going because you know if you let go, all your hard work will have been for not. It’s time to stop losing your energy take it back.

While you’ve tried to keep focused on your position and keep moving upward and onward, you may have found yourself letting others drain your energy, or maybe you have consciously given away your precious energy reserves. In either case, it’s alright. You can reclaim your lost energy, recharge and get going again.

Losing Your Energy

There are many ways to experience energy drain, one is to let others get to you. When you’re feeling uncomfortable, upset, angry, or disgusted about anyone or anything in your circle of influence, it not only distracts you from your mission, but it drains your precious energy reserves. It is important to acknowledge the situation, if you must, let it go, and move on. In a sense, saying, “Oh well… I care but not too much.”

If you let someone be responsible for negatively affecting your state of mind, you have given them control over you. Stop doing it; take full responsibility and control of your own state and preserve your energy.

If you’re needing support or compliments from others to make you feel good, attractive, or feel as though your life is worthwhile, then you become dependent on others for fuel which is fleeting. Your true power and energy comes from within, not from others. The trap, here, which potential can overdraw your energy account, is if you fall into the pleasing of others to make you feel better about yourself, you will not only be distracted, but you will also be watching your energy go down the drain.

Unforgiveness is a black hole that feeds on your energy. If you’re harboring bad feelings about someone or something that has mistreated or robbed you from feeling good about yourself, you must let it go, or else be a slave to that person or circumstance forever. Forgiveness is the only way to repair the damage.

Set boundaries to limit how people can have access to your feelings and your life. If someone is constantly dragging you down, holding you back, or leading you astray, establishing firm boundaries and enforcing them can protect you from letting these kinds of people drain your energy. You have the responsibility for creating and monitoring your own boundaries concerning other people and their access to your physical, mental and spiritual states.

Take It Back

While significant energy loss can be exhausting, constantly being aware of who you are and why you are here, will help you preserve your energy and keep you focused. Knowing and honoring your purpose, message, passion, and mission (PMPM) will help you discern when it’s time to limit someone’s access who may be draining your precious energies.

Even though you feel like you’re losing your grip, or losing ground, not to worry (worry is another energy drain) just survey your surroundings. Be objective as you evaluate your situation, while monitoring what is going on all around you, then make the changes you need to make to keep the energy you need to keep going on. Keep in mind increasing your passion can build up the additional energy necessary to move you further, faster, more productively and with even greater results.

See also: Reclaim Your Power.

This is your journey. It’s up to you to see that you stay faithful and true.