Personal Adventurers

Do you see things in your life that ended up being less than what you had hoped for?

Are you okay with the idea that things are fine the way they are and might lead to something even better than you’d expected from your previous ideas?

Are you okay with others doing the best they can with what they have and it is not up to you to try to manage or change their life, in a sense allowing them to find their own way?

Do you love the person you are without having to seek approval or validation from others?

When your life is disrupted by an unexpected life circumstance are you apt to quickly adapt and look for the better thing that is coming to you?

If these questions resonate with you as ideas that you are embracing as you are moving through life, then like me, you are on a path of the personal adventurer. Personal adventurers are able to find value, the lesson, even reverent levity or happiness in even the worst of circumstances. When other people might self-destruct become defensive, strike out in fear, anger, or sink into a deep depression, you are looking to experience the situation from an alternative perspective, you find yourself looking for the treasure in every tragedy or challenge.

Let’s say you lost your job, found yourself in hard times and unable regain your balance. This might be a condition that would throw someone into the depths of depression, but you feel something good is headed your way. Then while taking a stroll down the street in the early evening someone approached you on the street with a stocking cap covering his face and a gun pointed at you asking you for your purse or wallet. There is any number of ways to respond to such a challenge, but you’re likely to smile and with uncomfortable levity, you might respond with, “Really? Did you pick the wrong person tonight, I should be holding you up,” and end up striking up a conversation with the would-be thief.

What would have been a life-threatening event in someone else’s life was an opportunity for you to reach out to another human being without losing the grip on your own life and/or emotions even in a personally difficult situation.

When faced with the most challenging of life circumstances, you are looking for ways to uncover goodness, mercy, understanding and value in the experience which empowers you to move into the futures with knowledge and power which would ether elude others, or may have been obtained via master level training. You benefit from every experience and continue to move ahead with your new found training locked in as a new tool in your tool belt for whatever lies ahead.

It is here that you find a sense of inner peace in all things.

No one can tell you how to think about or process the data presented to you on your life’s journey. Sure, you can be open to insight from others, but only you can apply the learning or appreciate the beauty and elegance of the uncovered treasure no matter how great or how small.

Philosophers and religious leaders present us with their view of a particular concept or ideal and there may be instances where you feel a common resonance with someone else who is on their own individual path and for a while (possibly for a long while) you may find yourself walking in lock step along similar paths at the same time. These times are precious as they foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie which is comforting, though for most of us, that tug from our heart to move forward begins to lead us into a different direction.

If this is you, you have an adventurous soul which seeks to find its own way and experience things that may not be available to others who travel in groups for long periods of time, and that’s okay. Not only is it okay, but really it’s the only way you will find peace, fulfillment and happiness; by making your own way. And who knows? You might be clearing a path for others as you grab your compass and machete and forge your own path. Certainly, you will have access to data that may not be available to others following the well-worn path.

Even though most of us like to feel a part of the greater whole, only the individual is able to see that his or her adventurous propensity is actually a part of the hugely greater whole that others may not be able to see or even consider from their vantage point on their path. We have a sense of taking the high road, one that may be more challenging, but the rewards are so worth it. We long for enormous views of aerial vistas that can only be imagined from below.

Society and the media try to designate who we should be, how we should act and think. This promotes a herd mentality which causes us to divide and to devise brother against brother, to judge other people for conducting themselves in a manner which you have been programmed to accept, “is not acceptable.”

But you have an inner sense of knowingness that you cannot change, control or take responsibility for another person’s actions, you are keenly aware that you are only responsible for you, your thoughts, ideas, behaviors and manifestations.

You are becoming more accepting or tolerant of people and things being what they are. While others are more apt to focus on the tragedies and injustices, you find yourself focusing on the beauty and elegance of all the good things that are taking place simultaneously. To maintain a positive perspective, even in the worst of times, is a blessing and the lever which releases real joy and happiness.

After a while, don’t be surprised if you find humor – even possibly giving way to laughter – in even the most tragic circumstances. While others might think your response is disrespectful and contemplate calling someone to have you sent to a loony bin, don’t take it personal. They have been programmed to have this sense of belief system, and that’s okay. They’re only doing the best they can with what they have. Maybe they will find their own way in the future, maybe not. Don’t take it personal, just give it a shrug and say, “Oh well,” and keep it moving. There is no need to defend your position, just allow everyone to have their own opinion and perspective and bless them as you walk by.

You live in a world where you are surrounded by others who do not have your best interests at heart, and only you can determine what is best for you, so don’t allow these individuals to threaten you or beat you into submission, unless of course, you have come to the conclusion that submitting (or feigning submission) may actually allow you the freedom to move on.

Perception + Purpose = Prosperity

A simple equation: Perception + Purpose = Prosperity.

At the risk of being over-simplified (though I like to reduce everything to its simplest form) the idea of taking a complicated, broad concept, like the law of attraction and to reduce it down to a basic three-step formula, was an idea that piqued my interest.

In my work as a consultant and coach, I often find myself dealing with these three components: perception, purpose and prosperity and an quite impressed as I realize how connected they always appear to be, so reducing them to this simple formula, seemed a natural.

perception purpose prosperity empower attraction lightning strikes awakening


This is where one must start. This is what separates my clients from the clients of other coaches or consultants. The people that I work with already have had a major shift in their perception (how one sees the world or one’s self in the world) already, or they have reached a point in their life’s journey where they are beginning the process of changing their perception of life and their pursuit of happiness and fulfillment on planet earth.

As your perceptions begins to shift you will be able to see things as they really are in the world and beyond, realizing that everything is energy… and that you – the real empowered you – can access all energies as your outdated programming begins to dissolve and fade away, you see the things you previously believed about your world, yourself and your limitations were not true.

Self perception

Changing how you see yourself and how you are related to and interact with the rest of the world is an important step in the process. When it occurs to you (and this occurrence of consciousness is on a rapid incline) that you are not just a worker bee, but a divine being who is beginning to lack congruency with the way society and the media would like you to perceive yourself, your awakening has sparked.

As your awareness grows and permeates your being and thought processes, you realize that there is more to this life and you know that you were meant for something more… and so much more than you could have previously even imagined is waiting for you on the other side of this equation.

There is no guidebook and there are no rules in changing your perception, as everyone’s perspective in individually unique. What is important is that you start to question social mores and blaze your own trail with one caveat: Be discrete about your shift in perception. Not everyone will be comfortable with the change that is taking place within you, so try to keep it to yourself. This is a private affair.

Maybe seek a coach, or therapist versed in this target area to encourage your personal growth and path to enlightenment, otherwise do not encourage others to jump on board, because where you are going – though it is the next step in our evolution – is not encouraged by the powers that be, nor the society they control.


The next step (or this could have been the first step, there are no hard and fast rules, here) is to find your sense of purpose. I believe every person that comes to this planet has a specific purpose and/or mission – a reason for being – that left squelched leaves one having a sense of dissatisfaction, or a feeling of emptiness. My clients either already have a strong sense of what their purpose in life is, or they are just coming to realize that it’s time to match their life, including not only what they do but how they live, is precisely aligned with their purpose.

Again, even though we all come here with a purpose, the knowledge of it is suppressed by elitists and outside forces in an effort to keep us from evolving (for our own good?).

Once the spark of perception lights the fire of purpose, the resulting blaze (you determine the quantity and pace to stoke the fire – there is no right way [or wrong way] to do this. You go at the pace that is just right for you – fuels barn-burning prosperity.

Brace yourself…


Call it prosperity, abundance, dream catching, being rich and able to bless others and the world with the fruits of your faithfulness, whatever you call it, it has always been here for you, waiting for you.

Once you change your perspective, you can live your life on purpose and enjoy all this life has to offer you – not only from a financial perspective, but also – in love, happiness, good health, quality of life and increased longevity.

Be aware that the P+P=P process is ongoing, constant and never ending. Once you’ve engaged in the process, you will never have a desire to live a life that does not empower you to live out your highest and best. There is virtually no limit to the rewards of allowing yourself to evolve and continue to grow.

Confused? Subliminal Mind Control

Ever get confused while watching television, listening to the radio, reading books, articles, Googling data or just surfing the World Wide Web? Ever wonder why that is?

Consider this perpetual state of confusion and wide array of thoughts, philosophies and feelings as a method to keep you in a perpetual state of hypnotic trance. Your thoughts and perception of life, what is real and what is not, is determined by the thoughts planted in your subconscious in an effort to control what you believe, to cause dissention and polarization among the masses making you conclude that you are capable of independent thought.

confused subliminal messages mind control subliminal advertising subconscious mind

Is it any surprise when you realize that you are confused because you are a victim of mind control and have been since birth, as were your parents and their parents before. You have inherited the disillusionment of our forefathers, which – in reality – is a sleight of hand shell game, where the people who are running the show convince us they have nothing up their sleeves.

The power of your subconscious mind controls every thought, or succession of thoughts, determining your emotions, perceiving and interpreting your experiences as you make your way though this life, trying to make sense of it all.

In my work with businesspeople, I see the efforts of promotional departments and advertisers involved in the most painstaking efforts of pouring over the miniscule details of particular campaigns to illicit a particular response from those who have access to the product, story or advertisement.

Color, placement, font styles, shapes, sounds, backgrounds, words, phrases, punctuation, voice inflection, stimulating thoughts and concepts perceived by both our conscious and unconscious minds that could be interpreted independently of each other… and we fall for it every time. This power is wielded by manufacturers, retailers, promoters, public relations and the media.

Do you think the most powerful forces might have access to even more mind control techniques than advertisers?

Subliminal messages and overt polarizing events establishing preconceived popular thought patterns, all carried out with premeditated forethought, careful scripting, acting and played out with pinpoint accuracy, to assure you are kept in a state of confusion and fear, questioning your own relevance or existence.
Your concept of reality may very well be a figment of your imagination as there is no limit to the power of the subconscious mind to take precedence over the conscious mind.

In an effort to make sense of it all, independent thought patterns are emerging and breaking free from the mind control machine as we begin to embrace our individuality no longer shackled by the disillusion that imprisoned the minds of previous generations.

It’s enough to make you feel like you want nothing more than to get away from all the mind control, to establish your own individual mind power in hopes of possibly making sense of all this crazy stuff that we are constantly barraged with.

Your constant confusion is due to the full frontal attack of subliminal messages we all are subject to 24 hours a day (yes, even while you sleep) and it’s not just subliminal advertising that you are falling prey to. No, your subconscious mind is a victim of hidden messages filtered by your subliminal perception to cause you to be content enough with your life so as not to question authority or search for any real meaning in this life.

Your unconscious mind may be exhausted from all the continual exploitation, so it’s easier not to fight it; just to give in and let the forces that control us take over, because it’s easier that way.

Or, you might be part of the awakening underground, who are beginning to make their own independent stand against the crazy world, determined to reclaim their own power of the mind, as they begin to think independently finding truth, when what is represented as the real world just doesn’t make sense.

Be or Do Anything You Want

I’ve been in the business of helping others achieve their highest and best most of my life, it’s my life’s mission and it permeates everything that I do or say; it is who I am. I am so thankful that I was raised in an environment at a time when everything was questioned and I was given carte blanche for personal freedom and expression… and I reveled in it.

Momma always told me I could be or do anything I want (as long as I didn’t terrorize my younger brother or burn the house down).

Early on, I knew that I was a more sensitive, loving and caring person and I preferred the company of others who shared and contrasted my personal views, keeping an open mind, maintaining a certain set of beliefs while allowing others to share their views without ridicule and encouraging them to continue to share their ideas with all who can hear them. (Even at an early age, I knew that it would be a waste of time to share ideas with someone who could not understand what you were trying to say.)

you can be or do anything you wantLater in life, people referred to me as a “manifestor” for my ability to make any idea or passion come to life. People think that I am a fearless and masterful creator, when in reality, I am just like anyone else – maybe more inhibited, self-conscious and/or frightened – but refuse to let anything get in between me and my desires. So, I find the wherewithal to man-up and do what I have to do to make a thought (or dream) a reality.

People are drawn to me in search of their “reason for being” on this planet, like I would know the answer. Truth is, if you’re like me (and you are), you are accomplishing your life’s mission every day, though you may not realize it. All you have to do is to look back at your life and review (amongst other things):

• What kinds of people are attracted to me?
• What kinds of assistance do I offer others?
• What activities have brought me the greatest sense of pleasure?
• What do I love to dream or fantasize about?

This will give you an idea about what your purpose is (you can’t help but do it, even if suppressed).

In this moment it is occurring to you that you are not completely in-tune with your specific calling, certainly you could do better, and you can. You have all the skills necessary to perform at a higher level of effectiveness as you were born with the ability to be your highest and best.

You may be feeling the social twinge related to the idea, “but I have bills to pay…” Not a problem; nobody’s asking you to quit the life that you’ve built for yourself ‘til now. This is not the time for reckless abandon. But it is the time to start performing your divine function (I refer to it as my ministry) at a higher level, moonlighting part-time, and you will notice something amazing to begin to take place.

The things that you thought were only far away, distant dreams, without the possibility of being realized for you, will begin to appear, first as possibilities, then as you continue to do your work… will become more and more attracted to your current circumstance.

Then before you know it, your dream (the first of many) has come true as you realize the you can be or do anything you want. This is true self-empowerment, becoming the creator you were meant to be. After a while people will begin to call you a manifestor, and you can help others to do likewise.

Becoming your highest and best… Making all your dreams come true… Will prove to others that they can do the same… even better. That’s a gift only you can give.

Help others to believe that anything is possible.