Confused? Subliminal Mind Control

Ever get confused while watching television, listening to the radio, reading books, articles, Googling data or just surfing the World Wide Web? Ever wonder why that is?

Consider this perpetual state of confusion and wide array of thoughts, philosophies and feelings as a method to keep you in a perpetual state of hypnotic trance. Your thoughts and perception of life, what is real and what is not, is determined by the thoughts planted in your subconscious in an effort to control what you believe, to cause dissention and polarization among the masses making you conclude that you are capable of independent thought.

confused subliminal messages mind control subliminal advertising subconscious mind

Is it any surprise when you realize that you are confused because you are a victim of mind control and have been since birth, as were your parents and their parents before. You have inherited the disillusionment of our forefathers, which – in reality – is a sleight of hand shell game, where the people who are running the show convince us they have nothing up their sleeves.

The power of your subconscious mind controls every thought, or succession of thoughts, determining your emotions, perceiving and interpreting your experiences as you make your way though this life, trying to make sense of it all.

In my work with businesspeople, I see the efforts of promotional departments and advertisers involved in the most painstaking efforts of pouring over the miniscule details of particular campaigns to illicit a particular response from those who have access to the product, story or advertisement.

Color, placement, font styles, shapes, sounds, backgrounds, words, phrases, punctuation, voice inflection, stimulating thoughts and concepts perceived by both our conscious and unconscious minds that could be interpreted independently of each other… and we fall for it every time. This power is wielded by manufacturers, retailers, promoters, public relations and the media.

Do you think the most powerful forces might have access to even more mind control techniques than advertisers?

Subliminal messages and overt polarizing events establishing preconceived popular thought patterns, all carried out with premeditated forethought, careful scripting, acting and played out with pinpoint accuracy, to assure you are kept in a state of confusion and fear, questioning your own relevance or existence.
Your concept of reality may very well be a figment of your imagination as there is no limit to the power of the subconscious mind to take precedence over the conscious mind.

In an effort to make sense of it all, independent thought patterns are emerging and breaking free from the mind control machine as we begin to embrace our individuality no longer shackled by the disillusion that imprisoned the minds of previous generations.

It’s enough to make you feel like you want nothing more than to get away from all the mind control, to establish your own individual mind power in hopes of possibly making sense of all this crazy stuff that we are constantly barraged with.

Your constant confusion is due to the full frontal attack of subliminal messages we all are subject to 24 hours a day (yes, even while you sleep) and it’s not just subliminal advertising that you are falling prey to. No, your subconscious mind is a victim of hidden messages filtered by your subliminal perception to cause you to be content enough with your life so as not to question authority or search for any real meaning in this life.

Your unconscious mind may be exhausted from all the continual exploitation, so it’s easier not to fight it; just to give in and let the forces that control us take over, because it’s easier that way.

Or, you might be part of the awakening underground, who are beginning to make their own independent stand against the crazy world, determined to reclaim their own power of the mind, as they begin to think independently finding truth, when what is represented as the real world just doesn’t make sense.