Stuff Happens (consequences)

Stuff happens. When you do stuff, stuff happens to you. Sometimes directly or indirectly, but pretty much it’s true, what goes around comes around. It’s all a process of watching, evaluating, finding a relation to things that have happened in the past, calculating and projecting variations of how this might look in the future, and basically trying to learn from your wins and/or mistakes.

You try different things, and when you discover a method that gets you what you want, it’s a keeper. It might not be politically correct, maybe a little inappropriate, but it works. In this way, you are the result of what works for you.

When people try to get you to do something that you don’t want to do, there is an initial natural resistance because, of course, you don’t want to do whatever it is. Something happens when you do stuff that is resistant, this “something” is called consequences (you might have heard of them).

This energy is the substance of the stuff which happens to us. Sometimes consequences are imposed upon us by those bigger, tougher, and meaner than us or in authority over us (parents, teachers, bosses, law enforcement, and the government).

In other times, natural consequences are just a “natural” energetic response to the decisions we make and the action we take. The hope is that we might learn from our experience with consequences, natural consequences, at least.

Imposed consequences appear to not be as effective method of training as we might like to think, as the spare-the-rod-and-spoil-the-child model of punishment doesn’t seem to be working very well in our modern society, or else our prisons would not be overflowing with those who insist in noncompliance regardless of any imposed consequences.

Punishment eases your mind if you’re witnessing someone being punished for doing something you don’t like. It makes you feel vindicated and is like a reward to your ego for taking the high road. It’s like, you’re not awarded any recognition for doing the right thing, but it feels good to see others punished for doing the wrong thing. This is punishment’s reward for you, seeing others suffer.

But does it work? No.

Whenever you tell someone, “Don’t,” (fill in the blank), it doesn’t work very well. If you tell a young child, “Don’t touch the burner. It’s hot and it will hurt you!” The child will obsess over the burner for the rest of his or her life, unless he or she tests it out to see if there truly is any natural consequence. If the natural consequence is severe enough, learning happens naturally. If burned from touching the burner, the child will probably never touch a burner again.

Punishment, or discipline, is not a natural consequence, they are unnatural consequences imposed by you or someone else, and the imposition of them does not foster learning. Instead, resentment is the more likely result, which causes the offender to see any imposer of unnatural consequences as a threat who must be defended against, or even punished for bullying the offender who sees him- or herself now as the victim.

Even if you or some arm of the system have obtained compliance via threat of unnatural consequence, the people who have complied will harbor resentment which may be suppressed. On the surface, this may look like a huge success for the imposer, but the truth is, there is little or no respect or love, only resentment and fear.

Repressed resentment will eventually explode into some manifestation of rebellion unless so much fear is imposed that the offender sees his or her self-submission to a life of slavery as an acceptable means of survival.

There are people who either naturally or unnaturally found their own sense of inner balance. They do not need to be told what is right or wrong or lorded over to force them to behave a certain way. They just have a knowingness within and an innate desire to do the right thing.

We would like to see more of them.

Unfortunately, our society has become so obsessed with crime and punishment that even these otherwise self-governing good people are caught up in the punishment-for-compliance system and find themselves being punished, not for doing something bad, but for being in the wrong place at the right time, or inadvertently crossing a law that was put in place to catch criminals, when no crime was committed.

We have so many laws on the books now, who could possibly keep track of them all?

Once you have broken the spirit of one of the good ones, they, too, become one of the other ones, as they give up and surrender to the system of the herd.

I think there should be only one law: Do whatever makes you happy, unless it interferes with someone else’s right to their happiness. That’s all.

Otherwise, let reaction, anxiety, fear, and panic run the show and see where that gets you.

Make Time for Fun

You are awakening and you’re in the process of forging your new path through the world which is emerging before your very eyes and every day is an uncharted adventure. It’s easy to get so focused and enthusiastic about learning, growing, changing, seeing, and getting to know more and more about things that you barely could have imagined before (if you dared), that sometimes you can forget to make time for fun.

Then, every once and a while, you ask yourself,

“Is this supposed to be fun?”

And the answer is, “Yes!”

Make Time for Fun

It’s like all areas of life, you can achieve much greater heights of fulfillment if you find ways to take breaks and make time for fun, having more joy in life, balancing work and play. For what is the point of this life, if you’re so focused on your mission that you’re not taking the time to enjoy all this life has to offer?

Becoming spiritually enlightened is not just about moving from thinking with your head to getting in touch with your heart’s central nervous system, expanding your consciousness, and creating a greater connection to God. It should include having more love and fun in your life.

Sometimes, you get so wrapped up in doing the work of solving your personal equation of Perception + Purpose = Prosperity, that you forget to PLAY.

Joy and love are the chief components that raise your vibration to masterful levels. The journey of the spiritually enlightened is not one that can be conducted by pure force of will. You can review all the statistics, do the research, understand all the quantum sciences, and have all the knowledge of the secrets of the universe, but without joy and love your quality of life is lost in the pursuit of evolutionary expansion.

Your evolutionary expansion includes balance. To achieve your highest and best, make time for fun to enjoy the good things this life has to offer. Take time to smell the roses, to love more, and to have fun.

Find ways to actively progress spiritually while creating opportunities to have fun for increased happiness and joy.

When I do energy work with clients, to seal the work I infuse energy for love, health, wealth, freedom, and fun (among other energetic infusions, depending on the client’s needs). For what is life, if it is not fun? It is empty.

Besides the work that we do to continue our spiritual awakening, growth, and expansion, there are other forms of work which may be necessary for our survival. We may have day jobs, the highest form of which would be doing what you love so much that it doesn’t even seem like work at all.

Whatever you do, make time to play and have fun. Make time every day (or at least 2 or 3 times a week) to have some fun.

Remember, as being a full human (including the latest evolutionary version) you are a multifaceted composite being comprised of body, mind, and spirit. It is your responsibility to care for yourself in a holistic manner paying attention to all three areas of life.

Neglecting any of these areas will diminish your quality of life, ‘ere the need for balance in all things.

Even me. Sometimes I get so caught up in the work, that I forget to make playtime for myself. So grateful that I have friends looking out for me ensuring that I make time for fun.

What are the Chances? Serendipity

Whoa, what a crazy world we live in! Over 7 billion people and there’s only one you in the whole world. Then, out of nowhere, the craziest thing happens. It’s as if the planets aligned in perfect harmony to deliver to you the most amazing experiential gift. And you ask, “What are the chances?” Serendipity is at it again.

This is how the phenomenon referred to as the Law of Attraction works with the science of Quantum Physics which reveals an advanced system of the universe which is highly intelligent, systematic, and connected.

How you view the Law of Attraction in action varies according to your family upbringing, social training, experience and point of view. If you go back in time many years you might have thought of this serendipitous science as magic but as the scientific method grows and evolves, those things which were inexplicable become clearer.

And now we know that the things which may have once appeared random, chaotic, pure happenstance, are far more divine in nature than anyone may have suspected. Call it what you may, we have scientific proof that, “All things work together for good to those who love God.” (St. Paul, Romans 8:28).

As we become more aware of Quantum Mechanics, and the spiritual sciences of the world(s) all around us, a sacred divinity in all things appears, and it’s not just destiny which we serve because every thought you have, every word you speak, and every action you take influences the universe exponentially. In a sense, every breath you take shuffles the deck of life once again.

The more you understand the divinity of all things and nestle yourself into the power of love which permeates and fuels all things, you can learn to stack the deck of life in your favor.

Fully engulfed in the flow of the spirit of love’s energy, the most serendipitous things start to happen, and life unfurls before you. You meet the right person at just the right time, you hear and understand a word spoken (which you may have heard many times before) which reveals a previously misunderstood concept or changes your view of the whole world.

You are randomly searching the Internet and run across a book, add it to your Amazon cart, and while it turns out the book was interesting enough, one word, sentence, or idea from the book changes everything.

When you have questions about life, and you are in the flow of the power of love and life, the answers find ways to reveal themselves to you in the most simple and amazing ways.

Even though they may not have known about Quantum Physics, the greatest minds of our time knew that they were drawing ideas and concepts from without their own talents and abilities, from beyond known science and method.

You can’t help but think that all of this sounds so airy-fairy, superstitions, or woo-woo. But as the scientific expansion explorers of our day continue to drill down and out, the mysteriousness of it all becomes increasingly matter of fact.

It is not witchcraft and the religious sages were far closer to the true meaning of life than scientists gave them credit for.

Which means, our heroes, your heroes, the men, and women who paved the way to a better world for you, for all of us, were not as “special” as you might have previously thought. For all this potential and exponentially more exists within you right now.

As you learn to calm your physical attention and allow your heart to connect to the vastness of all knowledge and unlimited power, everything changes.

You can no longer be a victim of life on planet earth, you become a student of the force.

When the student becomes the master, everything falls into place easily and effortlessly and you see the divinity in what you may have previously considered being chaos, coincidence, or serendipity.

So, the next time you are thinking what are the chances? Serendipity honors the sacredness of all things, both positive and negative as for your highest and best.

You have everything you need inside of you, and don’t worry, all things working together for you.

Feeling Bad About Negative Feelings

It’s okay to feel bad. Sometimes, the motivation to be positive or to consistently be a good influence on those around you can make you feel like you cannot allow your positive persona to be interrupted by feeling negative. If you do have negative feelings, you might like to cover it up or push it down, and for god’s sake don’t let anyone see your emotional falter because you wouldn’t want anyone to misinterpret any upset in your powerful baseline as weakness.

Are you a human being? Don’t you think others might be able to feel closer to you if you occasionally allow your humanity to show through? You are not a deity. You are a man or a woman making your own way through this life, just like anyone else. Yes, you want to remain positive, but you don’t want to separate yourself from the rest of humanity so much that you are no longer a member of the human race.

There are few cases in history where the attempt to do so wasn’t met with severe emotional conflict. A mentor of mine used to say, “Don’t become so spiritually-minded that you’re no earthly good.” Be in the world but not of the world. In essence being here but also maintaining a residence elsewhere simultaneously.

Here, amidst humanity, we all express a wide range of emotions, and you must find a way (or ways) to express these emotions. To not do so is a denial of the human condition, and your psychology and physiology will deteriorate, health will decline, and you may put yourself at risk of disease, psychotic breakdown, rapid aging, or a premature exit from the human condition altogether.

Yes, being positive and maintaining high vibrational states is preferred. St. Paul encourages us to fix our thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. To think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8) which is integral to the maintenance of higher vibrations of the power of love.

You must also allow for the natural ebb and flow of life, especially if you intend to grow because the greatest growth spurts take place in the time of struggle, when things appear to not be going so well. You need both the good and the bad to move to the next level, sometimes more than others.

This complexity in life gives us the ability to enjoy all the richness this life has to offer. This contrast, as Esther Hicks says, “knowing what you don’t want helps you to know what you do want.” This is the balance of life, enabling you to know what it is that you want less of and what you desire more of in your life. You, then, can make the necessary adjustments in your life accordingly.

Your intention to remain so positive can keep you from seeing potential obstacles or danger. It is prudent to keep one foot on the ground, aware of your surroundings in the “real world” to avoid finding yourself in an undesirable predicament, or to find yourself falling into complacency.

Adversity leads you into growth, allowing you to come to increased clarity about what you want, empowering you to delineate specific goal for further advancement and achievement. In essence, being able to squeeze all the best juiciness out of all this life has to offer, all thanks to those less than desirable moments in this life.

A natural emotional response to not feeling right, or having negative emotions, might be to reject these feeling or to push them away but they are really an attention-getting pique to your awareness if instead, you start to look within, rather than to become defensive.

Since these feelings are in contrast to what you want, it is an exciting opportunity to break your positive flow, which is just comfortable enough that you can glide unaware of your surroundings, in a kind of sacred trance. This interruption can break your state or being just enough to look for new opportunities for potential alternative exploration, growth, or expansion.

The more you push against a thought with your consciousness, the more it expands in your unconscious mind, where the lower vibration undermines your ability to remain in higher vibrations in the background. This is why the Law of Attraction doesn’t care whether you want a thing or don’t want a thing. It is attracted to you whether you want it or not.

It’s like telling yourself not to think of a lemon. The more you resist a thought, the more apparent it becomes either consciously or unconsciously. This is also the nature of nightmares, where your unconscious mind runs rampant, unbridled by your conscious mind’s ability to squash your thoughts.

There is wisdom in inviting and allowing the negativity to flow over you, even to allow yourself to be fully engulfed by negative emotion for a predetermined period of time. In a sense surrendering to it in an effort to fully feel it. After fully expressed, you can examine the source, or look around for new opportunities which may be trying to expose themselves to your awareness.

In some cases, just letting it out and letting it go is all that is necessary.

Looking within yourself when your regular flow of life is interrupted by negative emotions might be the door through which you must pass to become aware of some lingering deep inner work longing to be addressed.

You might want to find or create a safe space or the company of another who will hold the sacred space for your expression of these negative emotions without fear of judgment.

Embrace the fullness of life, the good, the bad, and the potential for change, growth, exploration, and expansion.

An amazing journey lies ahead.

Disaster or Miracle Find the Blesson

Life is a crazy journey. It’s full of unexpected twists, turns, trials, and tribulations, with the occasional tragedy thrown in for flavor. What you get is a cocktail for disaster or the foundation for limitless miracles. The tipping point, the pivot which lays perfectly in the center of your life delicately balancing every situation and circumstance, is controlled by you. So, it’s up to you whether is is a disaster or miracle and to find the blesson

Every challenge you face comes with emotional weight on either side of life’s balance beam.

The slightest influence, what you feel, what you think, what you do, even the smallest bit of energy equivalent to the weight of a snowflake, is enough to upset the delicate balance, sending all that emotional weight tumbling on the side of either disaster or miracles.

No two life events are the same. Each has different degrees of emotional weight associated with it. Some have such little emotional weight, that whether it falls on the side of disaster or miracle the emotional impact is barely noticeable. In other cases, the emotional weight is so heavy that it could have life-threatening emotional impact if hurled on the side of disaster. On the other hand, if sent cascading on the side of miracles would be cause for incredible celebration.

In either case, the actual upsetting of the balance, the process of tipping it one way or the other, is shocking and unsettling. Even if very heavy emotional weight is sent crashing on the side of miracles, an uncomfortable period of adjustment may be necessary before the celebratory outcome can be felt or realized.

Curse or Blessing

It’s all up to you, whether every challenge you face feels like a curse or a blessing. You will feel the emotional outcome according to which side it falls on.

Turning Emotional Disasters into Miracles

What if all the weight shifted and crashed down on the negative side of disaster? Is there a way to convert negative emotional weight into positive, even miraculous, emotional weight?

The answer is, and will always be, unequivocally, “Yes.”

You can turn bad emotional weight into positive emotional weight, but it will take some inspired, attentive, and focused work to be done by you if you are interested in engaging this transformative process.

This is the work that my colleagues and I do every day when helping people overcome the emotional trauma experienced by individuals just like you who bear the burden of carrying a high-level degree of heavy negative emotional weight.

The very carrying of such emotional weight takes a toll on your body, mind, and soul. You feel the negative impact of it and carry it around with you wherever you go. Sure, you can find ways to mitigate the damages or stave off the effects for a while, but when the smoke clears from whatever method you’ve used to stop the pain, all that weight is safely stored and remains.

To move it from one side to the other will take some work on your part.

Whether it looks like medical intervention, therapy, counseling, consulting, coaching, or private personal or spiritual growth, there are many resources available for you to achieve the process of metamorphosis, turning your tragedy into priceless treasure.

Find the Blesson

The starting point is to find the blesson; the blessing and the lesson that was hidden amongst the pile of negative emotional weight which was represented by the specific event, situation or circumstance to which it is associated.

In this way, you can start the cleanup process. Some of the negative weight can be eliminated, destroyed, demolished and swept away or discarded, if necessary, while the rest (all the good, valuable and blessed weight) can be transmitted to the positive side of miracles. Following the period of adjustment, not only will you feel the relief from there being significantly less weight on the negative side (never having to carry it again), but you will also feel the positive attributes associated with moving weight to the positive side, which makes you feel better, satisfied, fulfilled, even joyous and blessed.

And your efforts of doing the work necessary to diligently execute this process are forever accompanied by a sense of pride in the knowledge of the fact that you did this deep and meaningful work on your own.

Be an Inspiration

Having gone through this process of personal discovery, healing and transmutation of negative emotional weight into positive, you have become an expert, like only you could be, regarding the challenges which you have overcome.

There was a divine purpose for your enduring both the challenge and the overcoming of it, and that is to offer hope to others who without your encouraging story of having been there, done that, and not only survived but thrived from having come out on the other side.

You have become the lighthouse, saving others from the potential dangers of encountering similar plights.

You are the lighthouse beaming your beacon of hope to the world; a world facing little hope of a positive outcome when facing unbearable odds and having little hope, if any.