You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In

Every day we’re surrounded by people, all different kinds of people, and no matter how you try, you feel like you don’t fit in. The good news is: This is really a good sign.

If you think about what the majority of the greater community represents the mindless majority blindly following society’s sleight of hand manipulations to keep us all manageable as a herd of cattle. While it sounds simple, the methods utilized by the social engineers to control us all en masse is extremely complex.

So, if you feel like you don’t fit in, this is a very good sign that you are awakening and your heart is evolving. Something inside you knows that there are huge problems with whatever societal view has been imposed upon you since birth.

If you dared to be different and decide to let your freak flag fly, who’d blame you (if not applaud you)?

As much as life tries to corral you and manage you along with the rest of the herd, there’s something inside you which is screaming, “I am not cattle!” You felt it at school, in your neighborhood, at work, in churches and organizations.

Maybe at one point, you did feel more comfortable in your environment, but things change. Your friends change. There was a time when you trusted your best friend and you believed this most trusted friend would be your best friend forever. But he or she changed, and so did you, leading to your drifting apart. At some point you realize you’re so different from each other you have little left except common courtesy at best, sometimes not even that.

Everything changes, even you.

This growing and changing as you adapt to life which is always in a state of flux, makes you feel awkward. Especially if you are noticing inconsistencies in the state of affairs all around you and God forbid, are questioning what may or may not be actually trustworthy and true.

The secret is not to cut yourself off from others or society and become a total recluse. Isolation is unhealthy and can cause psychological and physiological deterioration. You might just toy with the idea of giving up, squelching the beckoning of your heart which is evolving in its connection to your brain, and nestling yourself back into the herd, where you can embrace your former sense of safety and security, as false as it might have been. Taking the easy way out, refusing to be a part of the next evolutionary step of mankind. Or you can find someone who resonates with you.

Just start to gently speak your questions to people you come in contact with. Most of the people you talk to will instantly reject your thoughts and concerns. Do not press the subject any more with that person. Bless them and move on. Keep gently speaking your piece (or peace) to someone else, and move on, until it finds a spark of interest.

Then share your thoughts until that person becomes resistant, then bless them and move on. Using this process of elimination method will keep you true to you and will identify people inside or outside your circle of influence who may share the same thoughts, concerns, or conscious frequency. Feel free to restructure your circle of influence accordingly. These are your people.

Note that your people will change, for each and every one of them are on their own individual journey of growth, expansion, and evolution. At times, you will find those who are keenly matched to you in vibration and frequency.

While you are in the process of expansion be aware of how you represent yourself with the remainder of society. Be careful not to fall into the egotistical trap of thinking that you are in any way better than anyone else. And for God’s sake, do not engage in hate speech, ever. Hate speech is the precursor to hate action and hate crime. Fear masquerades as hate and cannot exist in love.

Choose love. Be respectful. Honoring each person’s right to his or her individual journey, just as you would expect them to respect your right to evolve at this time.

Find security in the idea that everyone is doing the best they can with what they have at every moment, just the same as you. Bless and love them as they find their own way to their individual destiny. You needn’t separate yourself totally from the rest of society while you are finding your people.

Once you have found people to associate with whom you can be open and honest, by remaining among the herd, you can be a subtle light influencing those around you.

Your evolved heart/brain-connected energy is felt by people and the world around you at least three-and-a-half-feet in every direction around you. As you continue to evolve, this energy reaches farther and farther in every direction all around you. No need to speak, just your being there affects the lives of others and the word in a positive way.

You may speak as you let your light shine but do so with grace, dignity, and love, keeping in mind that people can only handle what they can handle, so give them a little something to think about without having to threaten the world they live in. If they start to question, they may seek you out.

You might be one of their people when they’re feeling like they don’t fit in. Let them be able to find you.

Making Our Own Way to Love

Love is the doorway which leads to your best life and beyond.

It’s hard to imagine what is on the other side of the unknown.

As much as you might like to fantasize or think you have a full understanding of love, what love is, what love is not, you will never really know until you’ve basked in the fullness of true, authentic, unconditional love in all its power and glory.

Everyone’s journey to love and beyond is individual and unique to each person who seeks to discover the fullness and veracity of love.

When I run into people along my path to love and beyond, we might share a great many things in common, are able to communicate more deeply with an understanding about love and what love is and share many experiences which have commonalities. Even so, our journeys have been so incredibly different in so many ways.

It never ceases to amaze me how we all support, encourage, and nudge each other along, and end up crossing paths along the way. We all find our way to particular places, events, and thought patterns in time but have all arrived by completely different roadmaps.

I enjoy interacting with people who have found their way to similar mindsets who can share their stories and takeaways from their journey and see how it shares commonality and individual uniqueness in comparison to mine.

I am in awe at how the universe brings people together or helps them attain a similar conclusion via completely different paths.

The power of love is the common denominator. It overcomes all geographic distance, personality differences, economic histories, and places all people, places, things, events, and circumstances on a level playing field if your heart is open, and your soul is evolving.

I can feel when I have veered off-track when I feel bad. If I am afraid, feel oppressed, disrespected, or feel as though I have been victimized. If I feel like someone has abused or manipulated me, I know I am in need of a love adjustment.

Once fully repositioned in the power of love, I am impervious, can only see the love in those around me, and can find compassion for their position, even support them, wherever they are in their own evolution, or the lack thereof.

Only love has the power to overcome anything standing between you and the desires of your heart.

Unlike other venues in life, we who are on the path of personal evolution, do not have a hierarchy of control. No one is greater than another, yet together we all are evolving into that higher version of ourselves, and we’re all doing it in ways that are highly individualized and unique.

Each of us is making our own way to love. There is no right way to do it. There is no wrong way to evolve in love. There are infinite ways to evolve in love, and the one that is right for you, even though you may share similarities with others who are also in the process of love’s evolution, is vastly different and perfectly aligned with you and your journey.

While Human v424 has served us well (and especially the “powers that be,” if you can even continue to refer to them as such) in the past, this new, more highly evolved human, whose evolution we are a part of, is less likely to submit to being controlled and manipulated, like our more primitive peers.

All of this makes this critical stage of human evolution a bit more complicated. Much of the evolutionary process is very personal and private, hidden away from those who would dissuade us from allowing or encourage anyone to participate in such a nonsensical preoccupation.

Even though we are discouraged from making our own way to love, we persist, and more and more love abounds in our society, and as this power of love continues to grow, the system, by which we were controlled and manipulated by, becomes less and less sustainable.

The day is coming when the world we live in will no longer be able to exist. The power of love will continue to grow, and we will evolve into a world where fear and separation will no longer be the status quo, and we will be free to grow and expand individually and collectively.

So, keep on keeping on, and please feel free to reach out to me, and others, as we all encourage each other to take that next step into the new world which is anxiously awaiting our arrival.

We are all making our own way to love, and beyond…

See you at the Soulmate Wizardry event.

Statistics Do Not Apply to Individuals

For those of us in service to others, statistics help us to serve a greater number of people in less time do to our understanding of statistics which represent generalities, symptoms, tendencies, and popular beliefs or opinions regarding just about anything but statistics do not apply to individuals.

Far be it from me, or anyone in service to assume that people would study up on the published reports to assure their symptoms or problems would be in accord with the statistical data. People are not robots or numbers because they are individuals, just as you and I are individuals.

Let’s say, for instance, that you are a psychologist, and someone asserts, “All psychologists are restricted by scientific method.” While this may be true for the majority of psychologists, which only need be defined by a group representing 51% of the entire group, it doesn’t mean if applies to you.

You might be one of the psychologists who does not approach people as part of the whole, but as individuals to whom the statistics may not be applicable, because every human being is unique.

No matter how honest, open, and intensely someone may try to express something to you in great detail, much of the internal data will never be expressed, because it’s impossible to know what’s really going on inside someone else’s head.

There is a complete life of information racked up inside the mind, body, and spirit of every person, some of it can be recalled easily, or by prompting, yet this only accounts for about five percent of a person’s life experience.

The other 95 percent of life experience is recorded by the unconscious mind, or physiologically by the musculoskeletal or nervous systems. Other information is either recorded or leaves wounds and scars amid the cells of the body and/or the DNA.

Not having access to all the information makes it impossible to reduce a human being to the limited conditions of scientific method, even though this is the basis of human psychology.

It is vastly helpful to have a good understanding of the general conditions or symptoms to make a general diagnosis. At the very least, this is a good place to start, but people are not statistics.

Generalization is a form of abuse

To assume that anyone, a patient, client, acquaintance, friend, or family member, can be generally defined by a categorical subset of symptoms, attributes, or belief systems, is abusive.

To assume anything about anyone without having walked a lifetime in that person’s shoes (and even then, it would only scratch the surface because you would be walking and observing from your perspective) is a disservice to that individual and it is a form of abuse.

It would be like saying, “All two-year-olds are brats.” While it may be generally accepted that generally, a two-year-old human will begin to assert his or her independence with a tendency to become defiant, to assume your two-year old child is a brat is not only assumptive, it is abusive. Every two-year old child is an individual.

How much more of an individual will you become over a lifetime of experience and the making of your own way along your own life’s journey?

No one is “normal.” There is no such thing as normal. You must be willing to let go of the fantasy that any two people could be considered to be alike. Even among identical twins, they are not exact replications of each other, even though they are identical. How could one assume that any other two people could also be alike?

Statistics do not apply to individuals

Statistics do not apply to you. Certainly, you can agree that a general set of data could apply to you, though not completely. There will always be some exceptions to the rule(s) as they are applied and compared to each individual.

You are not a statistic.

You are a magnificent one-of-a-kind work of art. You are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. You are just a little piece of God on a journey. A journey unlike any other journey. Find your own way to get the most out of this life the best way that you can.

My friends and I will be here to help you along the way, if you need us, and we understand you are not a statistic.