Be A Game Changer

I work with movers and shakers, people who have an intention to make a contribution to the world. They don’t just talk about it. They are willing to take massive action and do things that make a difference. If you’re one of these people you can be a game changer and make the world a better place.

People who engage and execute an intention to make a contribution leave a mark on the landscape of the world we live in and some of them have names that ring a bell in our conscious mind. There is a familiarity when we hear their names and we feel good about them when we hear them, names like Marie Curie, Johannes Gutenberg, Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, Albert Schweitzer, Leonardo da Vinci, Oskar Schindler, Maria Montessori, Tenzin Gyatso – the 14th Dalai Lama and Henry Dunant.

These are the kinds of people who don’t just talk about making the world a better place, they take action to make the world a better place. Sure, they each thought about making a difference, maybe even talked about it, but at some point they found the reason to move to action (even if it was outside the constraints of their personality type or style).

Your reason – why you want to see something happen or change – can motivate you enough to take action, even if it is counter-intuitive to your base personality type. If your why is strong enough, you are more motivated to do something about it.

Think about the names of people who had such a powerful why, that they would let nothing stand in their way or prevent them from taking action, even if against the odds. Names that come to mind are Thomas Edison, Diana, Princess of Wales, Paul the Apostle, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Jefferson, Mahatma Gandhi, Nikola Tesla, Helen Keller, Benjamin Franklin, and Alexander the Great.

Criminal Game Changing

Making a significant impact, being willing to make a stand and passionately do whatever it takes to see your results come to life, is criminal. Though it may not be a crime, you will need the basic components necessary to be found guilty of committing a crime: means, motive, and opportunity.

Means: You have the ability to do it.

Motive: You have the desire to do it (why).

Opportunity: There is a chance (circumstances that allow you to take action) you could do it.

People who have had the means, motive, and opportunity and actually take action are not necessarily successful, but they have taken the chance. They seized the opportunity, regardless of what obstacles were in the way. Did they risk failure? Certainly; and many of them did fail on their first (and/or subsequent) attempts, but their why (motive) was strong enough to push them through the tough times.

There has never been more opportunity for you to take action on that thing that you want to see come to fruition. Every day, we see someone with a computer or cell phone impact the world by taking a chance when the opportunity presents itself. People take action every day, but only the chance taken at the right time ad place goes viral. Even so, it would have never happened had someone not taken the chance.

If you can take action when you have the means, motive, and opportunity, you could be among the people who have become the heroes who inspire us to also make a difference.

You can be a game changer, like Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Louis Pasteur, Martin Luther King, Jr., Eleanor Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, Oprah Winfrey, or (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE).

Isn’t now the time for you to take action?

You can do it. You want it.

You can do it. Do it.

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