Demons Among Us

As we approach Halloween, we see people dressed up as ghosts, goblins, witches and alternatively celebrities and super heroes. Donning their individual costumes running the gamut or possibilities, it only requires the most rudimentary observation skills to identify the character they represent.

If only we could so easily identify the people we interact with on a daily basis who do not adequately represent their true characteristics. Yet, all of us, in one way or another, use some method of cloaking or disguise to effectively integrate with others with whom we share a variety of circumstances.


Among the spectrum of social representations (or methods and motivation for disguise) on one end are those who do so for the benevolent benefit of mankind and on the other end of the spectrum are those who are motivated by ultimate power, domination and control of others.

Without judgment but for simplicity’s sake, let’s refer to these extremes as “good” and “evil.” Interestingly, those who are on the “evil” end of the spectrum often (narcissistically) think of themselves as being on the other end of the spectrum, as being beneficial to the advancement of others or in extreme, the world.

With the good and evil idea, on one end of the spectrum we might find Mother Teresa (on the right side of the spectrum), on the other, Adolph Hitler (on the left). While on opposite ends of the spectrum, they do share common characteristics, which one could write an entire book about, if someone so dared.

Discussing the extremes might be interesting, but for all intents and purposes, the middle-ground is the area we must deal with in terms of ourselves and our interactions with others.

So how can we fault someone using the same methods of representation that we also employ to safely and sanely navigate our way through our life’s journey? And trust me when I say, those on the evil end of the spectrum will use this in their defense.

You probably have an idea where you are at on the spectrum. You know what your key motivators and intentions are. You know when you will, “compromise,” deny the person you really are for the benefit of someone else. You also know when you are likely to, “assert,” exercise a level of intensity to stand your ground or move yourself forward.

Only a few degrees to the left of you on the spectrum is someone who will assert their intentions over you, and the further they are on the spectrum from where you are, the more likely they are to use more covert tactics, more provocative methods of disguise to achieve the results they desire.

For the sake of this installment – and just for fun – I will refer to them as demons among us. If you can spot the following characteristics, you may be able to more quickly identify them and take measures to protect yourself from their plans for you or others you might care about.

Demons are likely to disguise themselves as your best friend, only to draw out information about your weaknesses or insecurities. Then, when they feel the time is right, they will confront you and put you down in an effort to make them appear to be superior, or they will use it in a public forum to humiliate you to promote themselves.

Demons will use a bait-and-switch tactic by accusing you of feeling something, having thoughts or opinions they harbor within themselves, accuse and confuse you with their persuasive tactics until you begin to question your own intentions, and they will use this against you to further their agenda if they feel doing so is necessary.

Demons will exaggerate factual data, extrapolating a wildly intricate and complicated scenario that is empirically false but resonates as credible due to the inclusion of recognizably accepted facts.

Demons are kings and queens of separation. They separate themselves from others and separate others by strict categorizations. Everything is “us against them” or emphasizing differences between groups of people and promotes their separateness or depicts them at conflict or war with each other.

Demons have a certain degree of skill in persuasion that enables them to manipulate the thoughts and/or actions of other people.

Demons will use interpretations of specific words and phrases and spin them to their benefit, isolate you to make you feel as though something is wrong and build you up just to tear you down.

Demons create thought constructs and riddles based on imagination, morality, legalities or other belief systems that confuse you and left to themselves can create an inability to rationalize a solution, or may completely immobilize you.

Demons have an uncanny ability to navigate multiple paths simultaneously in stealth mode, concealed by a virtual cloak of invisibility while they collect data and plant data to be cultivated at a later date.

Paying attention to these attributes could be your early warning sign that you are within close proximity of a demon.

Keep in mind that although I have used a reference of good vs. evil and used the label “demon” in this presentation, it is in no way judging anyone and was only used for simplicity’s sake with a degree of entertainment value.

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