Living in 3D from 5D

There is a part of our population who are living in the 3D experience from the fifth-dimension perspective. They are interdimensional beings living in 3D from 5D.

They are experiencing this life, every part of it, from a perspective of a completely different dimension possessing multidimensional consciousness.

These people are quite different in how they approach living this life.

They feel somewhat disconnected from the human experience.

They look at life happening all around them, yet are not affected by the bad news and circumstances which take place every day around us. They watch the news and are not afraid. In fact, they are so unaffected by the news, that they might not have any interested in what is being reported in the media because they feel as though they are isolated from the emotional impact of the reporting, or feel that it might not resonate as truth to them.

When a normal inhabitant of the 3D living in the third-dimension becomes aware of something shocking or are frightened may respond with an emotional response connected to primal fight-or-flight instincts, someone living in 3D from 5D is more likely to respond with, “Interesting.”

They are definitely experiencing life in 3D, like the rest of us, but they are doing so from the conscious perspective of 5D awareness. For those living in 3D from 5D, their experience is more like watching a movie or playing a part on a movie set, with the full knowledge that their “real” life is waiting for them off stage.

Whether you are aware of it or not, the human race is being introduced to the interdimensional being within us which is in the process of emerging through the process of evolution.

While they might be quickly judged as suffering from dissociative disorders, such as dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue, depersonalization disorder and dissociative identity disorder, they are more likely to align themselves with the idea from philosophical masters.

Jesus is perceived as being a fifth dimensional being, and His quote is often cited, that He was not from this world, and His followers could also transcend the third dimension with Him to the fifth dimension by His statement, “They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world” (John 17:16).

Obviously, they inhabit the Earth in the third dimension in a three-dimensional body but their consciousness is aware of life from another vantage point.

Just as the physiological suffering which Jesus endured was very real and painful, He was able (for the most part) to view His own experience from the higher dimension (which could have been as high as the seventh-dimension, or possibly higher) where He and His Father resides.

Today, Jesus would have been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder, or messiah complex, savior complex, or Christ complex, among other mental health disorders, and while He might suffer the same rejection, His end might have been a bit more sanely attained. He might have been assassinated by a lone gunman, or fall victim to an early death from “natural causes.”

Nonetheless, there are a growing number of people who are adopting the “in the world but not of the world” perspective, and to them feeling as though the greater part of them exists outside the three-dimensional grid is a welcomed thought.

Maybe we all could learn a thing or two from the cross-dimensional beings who claim to be “only visiting this planet” from another dimension…

It certainly does empower one to be less affected by the hurdles we all face and the atrocities which we are presented with in the media every day.

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