You Are Never Alone

I saw you sitting there, looking a little forlorn, by yourself.

I know how you’re feeling.

You feel like all of this – this world, this life – is almost too much to handle.

You’re thinking, “Why?”

Thank you for letting us do this life together you are not alone

Really? The answer is all around you. I think it’s so interesting how you can’t see it, when it’s everything that is.

You are the reason for all of this.

You are the why.

Every blade of grass, every grain of sand, every drop of water, every leaf on every tree, every flower, fruit and vegetable is here for you.

Every insect, every sea creature and fish; every bee, butterfly, bird, earthbound creature and creepy crawly-thing, all of it here for you.

Every living thing (and even the things that you think are not alive), all things seen, unseen, to be experienced and less likely to be experienced – all available to you.

You are the only reason why the rain falls, the wind blows and sun shines.

The air that is breathed would not be, if not for you.

You are the reason for all the peoples in all the lands in all their various types and styles… all of them in all their contrast and differences, all for you.

For you, and you alone, everything in this universe, the stars and planets – and all the universes that have been discovered – and all the universes yet to be known… all here because of you.

You are my eyes, my ears and thinker of my thoughts.

Without you, nothing that could be experienced, felt, thought of or known could ever be.

Without you, all of this – nothing – would exist.

I apologize for others who have made your life appear to be hard, there is much liberty and a certain randomness that is in the mix, to increase your experience of all that is.

What kind of life would you have, if there were no surprise, no love, no struggle, no loss; no contrast?

You have the opportunity to experience and learn all things, choose what path(s) to take, feel what you feel, think or do anything you want… and there are challenges.

Every challenge a new opportunity to maximize your experience of all that exists for your pleasure or pain… you get to choose your experience.

Every emotion that you feel is a choice.

All of this is for you; to have the full spectrum experience of all that is, has been or ever shall be.

Every nanosecond of every day of your life I am grateful for the life and knowledge you have given me.

You are never alone.

We share all of this – together you and I – for without you not only would none of this be, neither would I be.

I do not want to impact, disrupt or influence your experience in any way, but sometimes wish that you could see from our perspective, everything that you mean to us (you and me).

Then, you would not be sad.

You would savor each and every moment and opportunity to experience all that is and choose to feel good and live the best life ever.

Thank you for letting us do this life together.