Five Years

It took you five years to get to where you are right now. If you look back over the last five years, you can see how everything unfolded to have you arrive where you are today. You may, or may not, have exerted a great amount of planning and effort to come to where you are now, or just let it unfold on its own. Nonetheless, it’s been five years, and here you are.

In just the same way, you could be living a completely different life, the life you’ve always dreamed of, in the next five years, and you can do it yourself. You don’t have to break any laws, compromise your morals, or deceive anyone in order to live the life you’ve dreamed of.

I’ve known of and helped many people do just that, create the life of their dreams with extremely humble beginnings (some the humblest imaginable) and all it takes is creating a vision and mapping a path from here to there, with a little movement along the path every day, you will arrive at your destination.

Now, making a commitment for five years might sound like a long time at the outset, but think about the other commitments you make for five years, like for school, relationships, buying a car, or leasing an apartment. We all make five-year commitments to all kinds of things, why not something that can dramatically change your life for the better?

It may take a year, or ten years to get there, but you can do it if you do a little something-something every day to move you closer to your best life ever.

The basic process is simple enough, first to visualize your life in five years, then to break the progress necessary into chunks of manageable size to get you from here to there.

This works for anyone, unemployed, underemployed, over-employed, artists, inventors, novelists, organizations and businesses, no matter where you are or what stage of life you are at in this moment.

To visualize all you need is a good imagination and a way to document the results. Close your eyes, and see in your mind’s eye the life that you want in five years, with as much detail as possible. Use all five senses and write it down while being very descriptive. The more detail, the better.

Next up, develop your map. Start from where you are by evaluating all the resources you have available at present, in essence, packing your bags for the journey, and it will be a journey, not a vacation.

A vacation, you start and it is paid for and budgeted (normally) in advance. A journey, on the other hand, you embark upon with what you have, and you pay for it, and make adjustments, as you go along the way.

No journey is ever taken without starting or taking the first step followed by many successive steps.

By reducing your journey into sections, it allows you to stop and reevaluate your progress along the way. Think of these as landmarks. It’s like charting a nationwide trek with key points or destinations to acknowledge along the way. You might stop at the Grand Canyon along the way, only for you, your Grand Canyon might be buying a house, horse, or bus to rent or building a website, investing in a certain amount of stock, or bitcoin, etc..

Whatever it is, you have these milestones, or goals marked out on your map in succession, so that your five-year plan will have you at your Grand Canyon at the specified time, say in six months. If you’ve accomplished your goal, you can feel rest assured you are well on your way and your map is accurate.

If you’ve made it to the Grand Canyon ahead of schedule, then you might want to revise your map, or at least the timeline, because if you keep it up, it looks like you’ll be living the life of your dreams a lot sooner than you expected.

If the date has come for you to be at the Grand Canyon and you can see that it is still a way off, then this is an indication you need to revisit your method(s) of progress. You may well be moving toward your goal a little every day, but it might be time to step up your pace or to readjust your expectations.

In any case, your best life, the life you could have only imagined before, is waiting for you only five years away, maybe sooner.

New Year New You

Join the evolution and celebrate the new you by adopting attributes of the next generation of evolving sui generis earthlings. You don’t need to jump all in, simply try adding one or more of the following states to your awareness. Try ‘em on for size and see how they fit.


Are aware of who they are— strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, etc. They know that the most important (and interesting) thing to know about is “self.”

Past Master

Reflect on and learn from past experiences, finding out what works and what doesn’t, and then adjusts their course of action as needed. They think about things before jumping in, and also take the time after-the-fact to actively reflect to fully understand what happened or didn’t happen.


Listen to and follow their intuition. They know how intuitions and insights come to them and are tuned-in internally to make wise decisions.

Think Outside the Box

Are open to different perspectives and see possibilities where most people don’t. They are comfortable with paradoxes and can relate to numerous sides of an issue or opinion.


Can easily entertain innovative ideas, thoughts, and ways of doing things. They long for progressive and forward thinking information, concepts, and people. They often come up with new and radical ideas on a regular basis.


The evolutionary individual practices tolerance, marches to his/her own beat and allows others to march to theirs, without judgment or competition. Simply being and allowing others to be, find and make their own way.

Take Action

Recognize and respond quickly to opportunities and people. They act and react fast, and take care of what needs to be taken care-of, well ahead of schedule. These are the doers.


Don’t have to know it all, but they do know where to go to get whatever information, resources, training, education that they need. They are well networked and have people to call on for resource referrals.


Think for themselves. They do not blindly believe things so-called “experts” say, in fact, they ask deep questions to discover their own truth.

Lifelong Learner

Are committed to being a lifelong learner. They continuously learn new things, and stay current with their skills, attitudes, and beliefs.

Embrace Change

The sui generis being is ever changing, expanding and growing in all ways possible, including mind, body and spiritual growth in an evolutionary metamorphosis.

High Aspirations

They are not satisfied with mediocrity or the status quo. They aspire to continue their evolution in all areas of life including abundance and prosperity to increase their ability to give, contribute and enjoy the best this life has to offer.

Sense of Humor

Do not take themselves or life too seriously. They recognize the importance of finding the fun in the irony and the comedy of everyday life.

Contribute to a Better World

They not only desire to see the world be a better place but offer their strengths, abilities, talents and resources to help make the world a better place for us and future generations.

… Just to name a few.

Hop on board, take the New Year by the reigns and make today the first day of the best of your life.

10 Questions for a Better Life

Are you ready for a better life?

If you are ready for a living a better life, you may find yourself asking yourself questions, like these:

1. What do I want?

When you’re reviewing your life, you may discover that you’re somewhat disappointed and you may think back to a time when you knew what you wanted, but have been overcome and overburdened by life to give it much thought lately.

Still, the day comes when you look around and realize that the life you are living does not represent what you want. So, what do you do?

Recall, record and get in tune with what you want. There is still time to get what you want, if you are willing to take action to line up your desires with your reality.

2. Should I change?

Am I the person I wanted to be? At the risk of being accused of morbidity, think about what your obituary might say about the kind of person you are today. Is that how you want to be remembered?

Oftentimes we hide the real identity of who we are deep inside ourselves, not allowing others to fully see us out of fear. Fear of not being accepted or honored for who we are. Fear of abuse or rejection.

Growth necessitates change. Maybe now is the time to readjust your life, how you live your life, integrate with others and offer value to the greater community.

With a pure heart, think about practices you can add to your life, the things you can do, that will impact the way others see you.

3. What’s the hidden treasure?

With hindsight being 20/20, looking back at your life can be an amazing adventure. If you’re able to look back at life’s situations and circumstance – especially the most difficult ones – you can find the hidden treasures buried beneath the surface of any negative experience.

No difficulty in life is experienced where there is not some hidden message or learning to be gained from the experience. Though it may not seem true in the moment, from a future vantage point you may have the wherewithal to see the data clearly enough to extrapolate the precious hidden treasure.

4. Do I love what I’m doing?

Living a passionate life in congruency with doing what you love to do is where life’s greatest satisfaction is found.

If you desire to live your best life, then you need to start doing the things you love and continue to do more and more of the things you love and less and less of the things that do not bring you joy.

Find ways to increase the doing of the things that bring you the greatest amount of pleasure, and outsource the things you’d rather not be doing, exponentially increasing your quality of life.

5. Do I love my life?

If you love your life, you often find yourself in a state of happiness and joy. You find yourself optimistically waking up each day with anticipation of what each new day will bring.

The more you find the best things in life permeating each and every day, the more goodness and things to be grateful for are attracted to the various moments of each day.

You get to set the tone for the day, so start each day with a smile on your face and say out loud, “I love my life!” and make it so.

6. Am I loved?

Love covers so many aspects of your life and (whether you’re willing to admit it or not) you desire to be loved. Do you feel loved?

Do your family, friends and peers love you? What about your significant other, or your children? Do you feel as though they really love you?

If you’re single, are you attracting the love you want?

The best way to have the love you want is to love others, like you would like to be loved. It sounds risky because you may have to be vulnerable and you might get hurt (yes, you may) but it will be worth it as you begin to receive the love you bestow upon others.

7. When is it my turn?

You may have found yourself always in the service of others, willing you sacrifice your own wants, needs and desires for the greater good.

Begrudgingly making your way through life self-sacrificially, as benevolent as it may be, is not your highest and best. You know you work and attention to others has been a worthy effort. Consider you are worthy of your reward.

Ask yourself, if now is the right time to start focusing more on the things that bring you happiness?

8. Do I want more?

Invariably, we find ourselves disappointed with our station in life, regardless of whether you live modestly or extravagantly, dissatisfaction is common, leaving us wanting more.

In many cases we find ourselves feeling as though we are undeserving, or unable to afford the things we desire, but nothing is further from the truth.

You can have whatever you want. Others are doing it who have fewer resources than you at this very moment.

That doesn’t mean to be irresponsible about it, taking out a second mortgage or pawning your wedding rings. No. Instead investigate and consider using the Law of Attraction to bring the things that you desire into your life without the sociological or financial trappings of debt accumulation.

Find ways to have all that you want out of your life’s abundance.

9. What turns me on?

What are those things by which you are enthusiastically motivated?

Make more time for the things that thrill and excite you. No need to rush off and try to do everything at once, just find or make opportunities to engage in those things that light your fire of enthusiasm.

10. What is my secret desire?

If you’re like me (and the rest of us on paths to live better lives) you have a secret desire, one that has been tucked away in the deepest recesses of your heart for some time, if not for your whole life.

You may have thought it not possible, you may have felt unworthy, but if you are reading these words and have the breath of life within you, there is still time.

Your secret desire is begging you to be realized and it’s up to you to bring it to life.

You’re asking the questions

You know the answers

Take action

And let today be the first day of the best of your life

Live a Better Life Your Best Life

Many of my clients, friends, and followers have been asking about when my next book is coming out. Well, finally, here it is.


It is based on the number one question I get asked on the street. It may come in many forms, but is basically, “How do you live such an amazing life?” followed by, “How can I do that?” Though the second half of the question is more often than not misstated as “I wish I could do that,” or, “I could never live a life like yours.”

The truth is, you can – anyone can – if you follow the basic ideas contained within this book.

Of course, I could not afford to sit down with each person individually and work with them on their life’s journey, but thanks to your queries and encouragement, I’ve collected these ideas, which I would share with you in person if we had the opportunity and time to spend together.

My clients are spoiled because they get unfiltered access to me and enjoy the benefits thereof and now you can, too.

If you’d like to live a more amazing life, without having to spend a lot of time and money on professional coaching, this is a great way to get started. So, run out and get a copy from Amazon or your local bookstore, and let me know what you think.

Also, be aware that I am in the process of expanding my service arena to better serve a larger audience, so keep in touch with me and I will let you know what new programs you can participate in as they become available.

Get ready to start living your best life ever as we spend time together via this printed word, which I have filled with my intention and purpose. We will see and feel each other’s presence as you read these words and begin to see your new life eagerly waiting to join you.

We are going to have a blast!

Love and light,

~ David

Here’s the scoop on the book:

Live a Better Life, Your Best Life and Make the World a Better Place

live-a-better-life-your-best-life-and-make-the-world-a-better-placeBy David M Masters

Price: $20.00


In this book, you will find the tools, tips, techniques, and thought patterns that will enable anyone who desires to live not only a better life but one’s best life ever.

The story of your best life starts now, no matter what your stage and circumstance in life is, you are at the right time and the right place to start living your most amazing life.

According to author David M Masters, we all have come to this planet with a unique mission and message to share with the world which is buried deep within at a very early age. When you become realigned with your purpose in life, your life explodes into the best life ever.

Even if you think you’re not worthy, or unqualified, it doesn’t matter; and if you’re feeling bad, like you’ve lost everything, or have no reason to go on…

You’re in the right place at the right time

To reinvent and live a better life and launch your best life full of abundance and happiness that you might have never believed possible.

live-a-better-life-your-best-life-david-m-masters-usa-book“The best stories start like that.”

Masters says his life-long mission has been to help others achieve their highest and best.

Now is your time to live a better life – your best life – and make the world a better place as you discover your mission and share your message.

About the Author:

David M Masters is a motivational speaker, author, and life coach. His focus seems to be on personal development, self-improvement, and achieving success in various aspects of life. He offers guidance and support to individuals seeking to improve their lives, find their purpose, and overcome challenges.

The basis of David M Masters’ philosophy seems to revolve around empowering individuals to take control of their lives and create positive changes. He emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-reflection, and transforming limiting beliefs into empowering ones. Masters believes in the potential for individuals to shape their reality, achieve their goals, and find fulfillment.

People who might be attracted to David M Masters for assistance are likely individuals who are seeking personal transformation, motivation, and guidance in various areas of their lives. This could include individuals looking to improve their relationships, careers, finances, or overall well-being. People attracted to his philosophy may be interested in personal development, self-discovery, and unlocking their full potential.