Demon Hunters and Ghostbusters

Having been exposed to (and worked with) professionals in the paranormal, I am convinced now, more than ever, that all things are possible. Things that (I thought) defy logic, rational explanation and scientific qualification or verification (to varying degrees) exist all around us.

All the stuff of fanciful or science fiction and horror stories appear to be true though exaggerated for print and screen for our amusement. So true, in fact, that the government spends millions of dollars researching and weaponizing it.

demon hunters and ghostbusters

Meanwhile, in the private sector, there are individuals whose calling in life includes mitigating the damages of this paranormal activity surrounding any of us, or all of us, at any given moment.

You might say, “That can’t be true. If all that stuff was existed, I would know about it,” like I did.

I applaud this perfect state of ignorance that I once held tight to with my naïveté in full regalia. Take my advice: stay there.

To hear these individuals tell their story, few of them sought out the awareness of the paranormal. In most cases, the paranormal activity in which they currently specialize sought them out against their better judgment or will.

This one thing remains true:

Seek and you will find

This is to say that those who decided to specialize in specific paranormal activity our of pure curiosity and succumbing to the burgeoning researcher and scientist within, discovered and found themselves embroiled with the very thing they were investigating.

Their stories led me to conclude that not only

All things are possible


Everything is

It appears that “anything that you look for, you will find,” is the truest of all truisms.

If you look for ghosts, you will find them. This proves true for anything from aliens and multidimensional travel to demons and Bigfoot.

It’s as if nothing exists until you look for it, then once you do – if your intentions are focused on finding it – it (whatever it is) enthusiastically appears for you to experience fully. Likewise, if you seek to disprove the existence of any or all of these things, the data comes bubbling up to support that which you seek.

That said, your attention is better spent elsewhere – anywhere – rather than to explore the paranormal yourself.

Paranormal activity aside, the same is true in real life within and around the interactivity of our human interactions and communication, one with another.

If you’ve been hurt or abused and hold within our heart the pain of said abuse, you will find abusers wherever you look. This is a different kind of demon hunter, but not quite as dissimilar as you might think at first blush.

I run into this type of demon hunter all the time, and they come in all ages, shapes and sizes, so you may not be able to determine one until you see them discovering the things they are afraid of everywhere, all around them, in everyone they meet. It’s as if they are being haunted by their own ghosts.

They continually find themselves being victimized asking, “Why is everyone out to get me?”

Certainly, you could demonize anyone from politicians to saints; ergo if you look for it, it will appear and be real to you – possibly even more real to you than anything you’ve witnessed – now, more than ever.

The question remains:

Is it better to seek and find?


Is it better to look away and remain naïve?

I find it’s better for me to choose when to look and when to look away; for some things can be so complicated and compelling so as to become an obsession leaving me wanting even more, thereby distracting me from my calling of helping others achieve their highest and best.

In this respect

‘tis better to correctly discern when and where to look

Because if you do, you will surely find it.

Why is Everyone Always Bugging Me?

There are some people (usually people close to us, within our inner circle) who just seem to keep attacking us, talking about us behind our back, disrespecting us and getting on our last nerve. It’s just so frustrating.

In my work with people, it is not uncommon for me to meet someone who seems to be attracting a person (or more often numerous people) who are “always” mistreating them unjustly, setting up traps and making snide comments just to gaslight them; “It just makes me so mad.” Or if they’ve been betrayed, they assert, “I can’t trust anyone.”

I cant trust anyone

What I find most interesting is that if I am able to work with this person, more often than not, the person has accepted the role of the victim. Something has happened in this person’s past that has made them feel as though people are looking for opportunities to victimize them.

Whatsoever you seek, you will find

This applies to everything. You will find whatever it is that you are looking for. If you’re looking for someone to victimize you, you will find what you are looking for.

Even if it’s not true

In most cases (unless you’re involved with a psychopath) things are not always as they seem, and they appear the way do because we project our perception onto the situation or circumstance.

Paradigm Shift

For example, let’s say I’ve worked very hard to raise my children to be respectful and controlled in public. I’ve expended a lot of effort and commitment and my children are always well-behaved in public.

One day, following an intense day, I just wanted to go to a restaurant and enjoy a peaceful meeting on the patio, relax and watch the sunset; an effective method of centering and getting in tune with myself.

In walks this man with three kids that are totally uncontrolled, the kids are running wild, chasing each other crawling around under the tables, invading other peoples’ space, being noisy and disrespectful. With each passing moment, I am getting more and more agitated.

I decide I am going to confront the man and suggest that he learn how to manage his madhouse because he’s disrespecting me and everyone else out here, which I can see are also very annoyed.

“So,” I say, “That’s an active bunch of kids you have there…”

“Oh,” he responds as if he was just awakened from trance, “Yes. I suppose we’re all a little out of sorts at the moment.”

“I’d say so,” I say, as I’m trying to find the words to get him to take charge of his unbridled circus act, he continues…

“We just came from the hospital. Their mother – my wife – just died, and I suppose we’re all just a bit out of sorts and we just don’t know how to act, or deal with it all, at the moment.”*

What I thought was a personal attack on my right to a peaceful, relaxing afternoon could instantly reframe if I allow myself to be open to what is actually happening; if I allow enough space for more information.

If I have been in an abusive relationship, future relationships may suffer from my being on the lookout for any indication that I might be being set-up to be abused again. This can make us superbly sensitive to the slightest body language, voice inflection or gesture because we are on the lookout for these clues. Because we are seeking them, we find them (whether they are correctly interpreted, or not).

What a waste of effort, concern and potentially hurt feelings we put ourselves through in order to protect us from demons that may not exist.

If you go to a car lot and find a car that you like; you think, “Oh, what a wonderful car. This is so nice and unique, a great fit for me.” From that point on – though you’ve never seen one before – now you see people driving these cars all over town. This recognition triggers what is known as the reticular activating system or RAS and causes you to notice that thing that has been brought to your attention.

So if you’ve been with a controlling person – and have sworn off every being controlled again – the slightest gesture could be interpreted as an assault on your individual rights and you fight to defend yourself against your assailant.

When would now be a good time to be looking for the beauty in all things?

If you seek it – you will find it.

* = inspired by a Stephen Covey paradigm shift